Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Papal Knights, the CIA, and Fear


Tackling the Tough Topics
By Darryl Eberhart, Editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics”

Papal Knights, the CIA, and Fear

May 5, 2006

Were you aware of the following?

At least five (5) directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been papal Knights of Malta: William “Wild Bill” Donovan, John McCone, William Casey, William Colby, and George Tenet.

The decades-long head of Counterintelligence at the CIA was a papal Knight of Malta named James Jesus Angleton. This man also headed both the Vatican Desk and the Israel Desk at the CIA. He was also the CIA liaison to the Warren [Whitewash] Commission. (By the way, the FBI liaison to the Warren [Whitewash] Commission was another papal Knight of Malta by the name of Cartha DeLoach.)
Did you know the following?

The Knights of Malta is a Roman Catholic military order co-located with, and under the command of, the Jesuit Superior General – the “Black Pope”.

The Knights of Malta inherited much of the great wealth of the Knights Templar.
Some very big names in the U.S. publishing business have come from the Knights of Malta: Henry Robinson Luce and William Randolph Hearst.

If at least five directors of the powerful CIA had come from the Austin, Texas Rotary Club, or the Austin, Texas Lions’ Club (or from our hometown Rotary Club or Lions’ Club), then wouldn’t we Americans be suspicious that there might be a “good old boys’ club” running the CIA? Shouldn’t such important “news” be of interest to the American people? Shouldn’t we expect that all of the “alternative media” would be reporting such “news” to us? Well, at least five directors of the powerful CIA came from a Roman Catholic military order, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – i.e., the Knights of Malta – an organization subordinate to the Jesuit Superior General. Isn’t that worthy of being reported by all of the “alternative media”? Doesn’t having so many of its men at the top of the CIA give the Vatican a whole lot of control over what transpires in the USA – especially in the arena of intelligence and “Black Ops”?

Yet we find a certain element within the “alternative media” that refuses to fully and openly discuss these powerful Knights of Malta, the Jesuit Order, and the immense wealth, power, and influence of the Vatican State/Papacy! Why? Is there a “FEAR” factor involved in their reluctance to openly and fully discuss the power and influence of the Vatican-Jesuits-Knights of Malta? Are they afraid of losing financial support, radio stations, etc.?

Here is a “challenge” to those elements within the so-called “alternative media” and “Patriot community” that promote the idea that “the Jews” and Israel run America: How about a DEBATE between one of your “champions”, such as Texe Marrs or Michael Collins Piper, AND Eric Jon Phelps, the author of Vatican Assassins? Surely inquiring minds would like to know whether the REAL CONTROLLERS “behind the scenes” are “the Jews & Israel” OR “The Vatican State & Jesuits & Knights of Malta & Opus Dei”. Somebody is at the top of the so-called New World Order – shouldn’t the alternative media have a full discussion of this matter? If you favorite “alternative media” broadcast host won’t openly and fully discuss the Vatican-Jesuit-papal knights’ topic, then write, fax, E-mail or call him or her, and ask “Why?”

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Anonymous said...

On my Journy for truth I have come to the fringes of an appearent connection between the Freemasons and the Vatican.

Timothy said...

I see. I have too, especially since the Jesuits wrote many of the rites of Freemasonry.