Friday, June 02, 2006

Resistance to Evil

Extra facts are readily avaliable in the world. I like to breath and live my life, but real evil must be exposed as well. Well, I think some folks in the media want to put people into "liberal" or "conservative" camps to divide people. The reality is that both of the parties' leadership are almost identical in their policies. That's why the total real truth isn't presented from people like Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity (who notoriously supports the biometrics agenda), or Michael Savage. Neo Cons talk about no civil liberty crisis in America, but Larisa Alexandrovna (writting for Raw Story on June 1st 2006) wrote that
librarians are just talking about their library records when they were gagged by the federal government. The USA Patriot Act even forbids librarians to tell which records that the federal government recieved from libraries without a formal court order. That's why we need to continue to have a resistance to evil. You won't see censorship or unnecessary bashing of people by me. You will see explosure of lies and the promotion of national sovereignty and opposition to the agenda of the globalist United Nations.
What is one of the reasons why some people still aren't waking up? One reason is distraction. Work, raising children, and other activities that people must achieve may live little time to allow us to focus on the truly important things in the planet. Another reason is the 24/7 propaganda shown by the media. The media now is talking about Haditha. If the soldiers are guilty, they are guilty. On the other hand, I don't witness the media execute bold criticism against the top chain of command, because it's highly probable that higher ups in the military may have covered up war crimes and atrociously deeds done by a few military officers.

I would blame popular culture for some of our plight as well. I'm not blaming popular culture for everything, but it does bear some responsibility in our plight. Tons of Americans take shows like "American Idol" a higher priority than the genocide in Darfur or the problems still occuring in New Orleans (or their own local communities). Now, many cable news channels have embrace the shock of entertianment. All of this is a plan to let themselves try to get more ratings. Some good news is that much of the American public reject mainstream outlets for information. They seek to get their news from the Internet and blogs plus the alternative press. I heard Bill O'Reilly talking about the Internet. It's ironic that he's trying to bash the Internet, because folks in the internet (like me) haved exposed Bill O'Reilly being a faux conservative. Also, the Internet have exposed
Bill O'Reilly possibly committing phone sex and acting like a pervert. This possible pervert has the nerve to call himself a traditionalist. He's a Neo Con fraud. He's not different than Pat Roberston promoting forced abortion and population control in China. Pat used the horned hand sign, the Lion's paw symbol, and agreed with Big Brother as a part of life. Bill & Hillary Clinton are very slick as well, so it's not a one party deal.

I'm still going to do my duty. Our duty is to create informaton, warn people, and to act. 2 news cases of bird flu are in Indonesia according to the WHO. I believe that this bird flu situation is causing a lot of fear mongering. It's interesting to note that there is a Bilderberg link to Tamiflu, the "drug" fighting against the bird flu. Also, it's important to expose other occult groups like Scientology and the OTO. Scientology is very prominent in Hollywood and the media. Tom Cruise and Catherine Bell are both members of Scientology. Freemasonry is another group that's very influential in the world.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


Anonymous said...

Hmm... well, if you are going to present the truth, please be sure to cite your sources... so we can benefit from your research.

Timothy said...

wow. I didn't know that mainstream news reports, a man's own words, and other evidence wasn't sources. Since I embrace reality, the truth is that in my work, I cite sources plenty of times in my hyperlinks and other times. You are badly mistaken.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.