Monday, September 25, 2006

Swift and Cunning

Eruptions and political fights are ever common among American society. Bill Clinton was recently interviewed by FOX News Sunday Chris Wallace. Both people talked about terrorism and Rhodes Scholar William Jefferson Clinton's Global Initiative Project. Clinton said that he had done not all that he could, but he tried more than the Bush administration in trying to kill Osama bin Laden. Clinton obsessed with Somalia and whined about his persecution by "conservatives." It was very annoying to hear him whine. Clinton is obviously a highly intellectual man (who graduated from Jesuit Georgetown University), so he constantly described Somalia. He omitted to mention about Sudan and other mistakes in his administration especially is allowance of the evil murder of innocent men, women, and children at Waco. MANSOOR IJAZ and others writers though mention the failed attempts of Clinton getting Osama (a known CIA asset whose codename was Tim Osman) from Sudan. Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir offered Osama to Sadui Arabia.
Though the 911 Commission said that there is no "reliable" evidence of Sudan offering bin Laden to the U.S. for custody, it does mention that the U.S. knew about the Sudanese offering the Saudis Osama bin Laden. Richard Miniter's new book, "Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror" and other sources colloborates this fact. It seemed like Bill wanted to intimidate Chris since Chris has a reputation of not being overly aggressive toward people. Bill Clinton isn't to blame for all of the mistakes in the tracking down of terrorism, but Clinton was slick into omitting the real damage he has done to this nation (i.e. The Crime Act and the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act as exposed by Jennifer Van Bergen).

I'm not taking up for the views of O'Reilly or Hannity. Although, why doesn't Clinton come on to O'Reilly and Hannity's shows to speak with that same intensity. Clinton yells about "right wingers" and "conservatives." Historically it's been real conservatives and real liberatarians plus some real liberals that been some of the strongest Patriots, inventors, and heroes of this nation's history spanning centuries. Bill Clinton can never refute me at all. To be fair, the Bush administration made mistakes as well and their administration holds the responsibility especially after 9/11. I think this controversy is silly, because both Clinton and Bush are known friends.
Both leaderships of the Republicans and Democrats are run by the same people, so I wouldn't support specifically any of that 2-party system. ERIC MARGOLIS goes further is claiming that America is "Sovietized" by embracing secret prisons and the rendition program (with torture extremely likely, especially by foreign governments).

China's wicked dehumanization further continues.
Wan Manna from the Epoch Times on September 25, 2006 described how a birth control doctor killed a fetus 2 days before the baby was due. The truth is that multinational corporations (supported by numerous Presidencies) aided the Chinese government without massively inspiring the leadership to reform their human rights record. Death vans, forced abortion, organ harvesting, and sex-specific eugenics plans still exist in China (now in India) to this day. Hu Jintao is from the same mold as Mao. As for the U.S.A., I do believe it is fitting to defund Planned Parenthood (a pro-murder organization) when it has been given grants of nearly $1.5 billion. CIA expert Emile Nakhleh makes his opinion known that Bush's anti-terror policies is inspiring another generation of radicals. He taught Middle East politics for 25 years. Nakhleh further comments that there is no evidence of a firm Osama/Saddam Hussein axis.

Regardless of the bickering, I still maintain my indepedent thinking. Over the course of so many years, I'm awakened about more about what's real history and the real truth. Recently, the Saturianian influence in Secret Societies caught my eyes. Thousands of years ago, the ancient mystery religions (with its priests and leaders) governed much of the policies of large empires from the Maya, Egypt, Greece, and so forth. In their reign, they've embraced worship not only of innate objects, but of space (like the sun, stars, and planets like Saturn. Saturn is a known code word for Satan as explained by co-Mason Madame Blavatsky, who was one of the progenitors of the New Age Movement). These tenets manifest themselves in many occult Secret orders from the Rosicrucians, to the Masons, and to the Jesuit Order.

JOHN TROUP from the London Sun on September 25, 2006 confrimed the American Union agenda. Troup wrote that 10 Universities in Mexico, America, and Canada are trying to brainwash students into accept one North American nation (or the merging of Mexico, USA, and Canada into one). This is the essence of the CFR-supported American Union that they are creating as well speak. It seems like we Patriots were right after all in exposing this. The event of the student is sickenly called "Triumvirate." Raymond Chretien (the president of the Triumvirate and the former Canadian ambassador to both Mexico and the U.S.) further wants a North American Parliament. CFR member Robert A. Pastor is one of the biggest enemies fragantly wanting an one North American nation (outlined in his work entitled "Toward a North American Community") with one currency in North America in the years ahead. No one is exposing this from the mainstream media, except CNN's Lou Dobbs. Even Dobbs disagrees with this. This isn't freedom. This is one of the reasons why Bush is silent on real border enforcement, because he supports the American Union agenda. It's bigger with the construction of international superhighways.

Mos News on September 25, 2006 reported on how the Russians are selling Iran Missiles to Protect Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Reactor. One of missiles are 29 TOR-M1 short-range anti-aircraft systems to Iran in a deal valued at more than $700 million. Iran wants to recieves thses devices to protect themselves from a possible U.S. or Israeli strike against their own nation. There is another man talking about 9/11. His name is Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez . Chavez says that he has doubts about the offical story about 9/11. He claimed that the government performed unusual exercise of crashing planes into MacDill AFB, the world trade center, the Sears Towers, and other places. Time will tell is Chavez's testimonies are accurate or not. It is certain that much of the offical story of 9/11 has been descredited and easily refutable. "9-11 Myths: Demolition" is one out of many film coming out of the 911 Truth Movement that eloquently focuses upon the questions that the offical story fail to answer.

Gudrun Schultz wrote about a slick way of how the U.N. is promoting Global Taxes. The U.N. is trying to permit the program called UNITAID to try to fund cheaper anti-AIDS drugs plus others to "treat" malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases. I find it disgusting that the globalist U.N. want to do that, but this isn't uncommon.
Global taxes are against national sovereignity and other programs have been effective in helping the problems inside of Third World nations (like Uganda's abstinece program reducing infection rates from 18 percent down to 5-7 percent, an unprecedented success rate. Well, life is about being swift and cunning on some occasions. The same evil in the world in the persist whether from Jesuit-inspired Adam Weishaupt (who came was iniatated into the Masonic Lodge at 1777. He died in good graces with the Roman Catholic church) or Aliester Crowley (member of British Intelligence and inside of the O.T.O.).

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)