Friday, September 22, 2006

AOL by Luther77


I have been noticing a pattern of HUGE tele-communications companies being started and/or run by Jesuit-trained people.........while this doesn't "prove" anything, it says allot .

The Co-Founder , former CEO, and first Chairman of AOL was Jesuit-trained at Georegtown University current Vice Chairman of AOL is Jesuit-trained at Georgtown University co-founder and CEO of Weblogs, Inc. which he sold to AOL. FCC Chairman that pays attention already knows that AOL uses Illuminati symbolism in the logo (the pyramid and all-seeing eye). Then ,pronouncing AOL as a word , not as seperate letters, it sounds allot like owl (the owl is an all-seeing and WISE bird)...The Illuminati use that symbol. Just look on the front of the US one dollar-bill.Just look at the US Capitol building from above.

Then you see that AOL is headquartered in Dulles, Virginia. This town is named after the brother of former CIA chief Allen Dulles (Kennedy-Assassination co-conspirator and Vatican tool).The man that the town is named after is one, John Foster Dulles, former Secretary Of State under Eisenhower.His son is (Jesuit)Cardinal Avery Robert Dulles (a Vatican tool) who still teaches at FORDHAM UNIVERSITY.The CEO of Intel is Jesuit-trained at the University of San Francisco. man is also a director at GOOGLE.Oh, just one more coincidence!McAfee (the "firewall" company, "protecting" your info) is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. A Jesuit stonghold on the west coast (Jesuit-run Santa Clara University)I'm can't find it right now, but I'm pretty sure that the CEO or president of McAfee is Jesuit-trained too.

What's my point?These guys create and run the computer/software/telecommunications companies that we all use.Thay are all Jesuit-trained.Just a coincidence.

oh yeah , Langley , Virginia (location of CIA headquarters) is up the road fromAOL Headquarters.


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