Friday, September 22, 2006

Intense Truth

A new day is upon us. Fall is arriving tomorrow offically. Everyone is talking about global warning. Although, scientists are talking about "global warming" in Pluto. So, temperatures are rising, yet this is part of the normal fluctations of climate. I do believe in using legitimate alternative energy. Now, there is controversy over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez. I don't sympthatize with both. Hugo Chavez has publiclly called for a new world order on many ocassions, yet some in the "alternative media" don't mention it. I do find it interesting that Chavez in his U.N. speech talked about CIA torture cells and the terrorist acts done by CIA-trained Cuban Luis Posada Carriles. He is open to view 9/11 as an U.S. government inside job many days ago. On 9/11, Knight of Malta George J. Tenet was the then Director of the CIA. I feel like Chavez is right on some issues (like Iraq, etc.), but he is just placed on the scene to formet anti-American agitation (causing many folks to not distinguish between the good American people and the corrupt policies of the CFR/CIA-influenced American government). Chavez met with Danny Glover and wants to send cheap oil to low-income minorities in Harlem. Ahmadinejad claimed in a CNN interview that he wants to investigate the Holocaust to see if it's true. Of course, Ahmadinejad is a liar since Jewish people and Gentiles were murdered in the Holocaust. At least 600,000 Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, etc. were murdered in WWII by the Roman Catholic (Fransciancian priest/Jesuit-led) Ustashis. I appreciate videos exposing the Jesuits.

As for the Pope Benedict XVI controversy, I find it very ironic. I find it that way, because both Romanism and Islam are very similar to each other. Both teach relics, both teach about Fatima, both use Rosary beads, both assign Mary with big reverence, both have a history of hatred for Jewish people, and both revere saints. The Pope has publiclly states that he respects Islam. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had a meeting with the CFR (one of the same groups harming the Middle East with their support of this murderous "war on terror.") Mahmoud said recently that he isn't anti-Semitic and loves all people. So, I assume that Mahmoud and Chavez are controlled "opposition." That's why they have free reign to say outlandish comments. If a real Patriot would go on TV and mention what's really going on, they might of been booted out of TV as soon as possible or demonized unfairly.

Reuters on September 21, 2006 reported on how Boeing was awarded a contract by Homeland Security. Their duty is to construct sensors and cameras across the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada. Secure Border Initiative or SBInet is the name of the program. I really don't witness a real wall being built or real border security immediately achieved by the past administrations. Michael Chertoff loves the SBInet idea. I never really commented on George Allen or James Webb that much. Allen said he recently found out about his Jewish heritage. His lineage is the Sephardic Lumbroso family line from Tunisia in North Africa. Allen's grandfather was taken by the Nazis during WWII when the intelligence military strategist Rommel controlled North Africa. Allen's mother feared retribution for not revealing his heritage for Allen's father was Catholics. Many Catholics have a hatred of Jewish people. My little brother tells me this all of the time. Just look at the Inquistion and Hutton Gibson for proof of that. I do believe that Allen's heritage is not relevant to the campaign. Jim Webb was active in the Navy and is running against Allen for a Virginia Senate seat. The lesson of Allen is to treat all men the same as we would want to be treated irrespective of our religious, political, or ethnic backgrounds.

There are shills and decieved individuals in the "alternative movement" that want to blame the Jewish people for everything. I'm not one of those people. Like my allies in Unhived Mind, I distinguish between God's beloved Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish people (who made great contributions in the world) today and the wicked pro-Talmud Masonic Jewish Zionists (philosophical descendants of the Frankist Sabbateans. They are indeed traitors to their own people like Jacob Frank, who was a convert to Romanism. I've also exposed the Masonic B'nai B'rith controlled-ADL [whose leader Abe Foxman continues to smear and lie about Religious conservatives] on many ocassions for years). That way I can see clearly of no collective blame of all Jewish people for all things. Those in the "alternative" media claim that we expose nothing about evil that many Jewish have done. This is false for I've exposed the evil for years how puppet Masonic Jews (as evidence by Shimon Peres submitting himself to Vatican Middle East protocol found in Olso, the Temple Mount, etc.) like Paul Warburg, Leon Trotsky (who was murdered in Mexico City), Chaim Weizmann, and others have done. I also expose wicked Muslims like the pro-Nazi al-Husseini (the man who worked with vicious Nazi to kill Serbs and Jewish people in SE Europe through Bosnian soldiers) and the many Kings of Saudi Arabia for colloborating with Western interests (i.e. The oligarchical House of Saud in union with the Bush Family) to deteriment to their own Arabic people. LIke always, I support the right of Israel to exist and I will bless the righteous Jews and righteous Arabs worldwide. Unlike some folks like Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Daryl Bradford Smith and WINGTV (made up of the Jew-baiting duo of Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani), I don't blame Jewish people for all of the problems of the globe.

I see more connections here. Why are these TV preachers (who aren't real conservative Christians, but ecumencial, pro-illegal wars, etc.) showing a lot of propaganda. Could it be that the people are using these ecumencials (many of them are connected to the Jesuits, Freemasonry, Knight of Columbus, Council on National Policy, and other groups that real Patriots have opposed for centuries), so real Bible believing Christians can be unfairly blamed for this "war on terror." I think so. Church history is vital to know to discover the roots of Christianity. CNN, Media Matters, and others in the CFR-dominated mainstream media hypocritically obsess with Pat Robertson (who has a right to dissent with Islam as I do. I don't agree with Pat that we must have a holy war with Islam), but won't expose their ex-leader Ted Turner calling Christians "boozos and losers" plus advocating a world population of 500 million people. Turner and his ilk support the wicked population control agenda.

For years, liars and bigots claim that Black people never made any advanced contribution to history. The truth is that from the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Nubia, West Africa, etc. (even to America plus globally today) you can witness the beauty of grace of Black history. I've learned of this real history since I was a teenager. Well, the good news is that strong black people still reign. The bad news is that much of the black community have been controlled by the Jesuits or high level Freemasonry. For example, 33rd Degree Freemason/CFR member Jesse Jackson, Prince Hall Freemason Al Sharpton (I saw him on Bill O'Reilly's show yesterday), and Freemason Julian Bond are prominent in the black community. Many of them have done legitimate good in the community, but that is overshadowed by their alliegance to their Lodges and some of their far-left politics. Some of the Lodges (until recently) are known to segregate by race as a matter of policy like the Scottish Rite (whom some of its degrees were authored by the Vatican's Jesuits proven by William O. Peterson and others). I'm still writing and I will never quit in promoting the beauty of truth life, yet have hatred for evil plus injustice. Poisioned spinach with e-coli is ever present. Did you know that Natural Selection Foods LLC of California is possibly the originator of the containmated spinach. It doesn't take rocket science to decipher that big corporations like Phillip Morris and General Mills driven ought small indepedent companies. Big Pharma and big corporations (filled with CFR members, high level Freemasons, and Knights of Malta) dominate our food industry. The revenue of National Selection Foods was almost $250,000.

As for me, I'm not a coward. I'm ready to defend my positions and opinions. I've refuted people badly before. I don't accept racism or unfair bigotry against any group of people. I do accept freedom of religion and conservative Christians ought not to be jailed for just peacefully expressing their own opinions. When you see the problems in Iraq, I believe that the Bush administration doesn't want to leave anytime soon. The reason is that the White House supporters like Newt Gingrich said that this "war" will last decades. Also, there are over a dozen permanent military bases constructed inside of Iraq. With the falsehoods of WMDs and the threat of Saddam, we need to rely 100% on God rather than human beings. Intense truth can inspire men and women to do right indeed.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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