Dear Jxxxxx
Thank you for contacting me.Thank GOD that there are patiotic Puerto Ricans who want to reestablish their national sovereignty and disconnect from the Pope's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment American Empire established in 1868, which Jesuit Empire then later annexed Puerto Rico in 1898. It fits that the Jesuit Order's FBI would seek to stop any movement among any nationalists to be free. But I will send your requst to my email list and they can respond directly to you.
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
----- Original Message -----
From: Jxxxxxxxxxxx To:
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:43 PM
Subject: The Vatican, the FBI and Puerto RicoHi. I am a Puerto Rican who has your book The Vatican Assassins and I would like to know if you have any information about the connection between the Vatican, the FBI and the people who are fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico. And I would like to know if you have any knowledge about the attack of the FBI against the Puerto Rican press last Friday, February 10, 2006 when the FBI was looking for evidence that supposedly incriminates in terrorist acts the people who are fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico.
I've noticed Steve Van Nattan has changed his tone. He has stopped exposing the Pope as the Antichrist and has been focusing more on the EU's Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga. Van Nattan even had a section highlighting Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor ecumenical Constance Cumbey's research on Solana which is very thorough and well done her PowerPoint presentation which I have on a CD subtly shows her pro-Romanist and pro- Jesuits' Vatican leanings.
Back to Steve Van Nattan, more and more he comes across to me as an agent provocateur-I hope he isn't because he presents some great information. I agree with him that even Fundamental King James Bible churches have increasingly become politicized (prostituted) and pro-New Romanist Religious Right Republican Fascist party just as many institutionalized mainstream Lutherans were pro-Nazi party. I strongly believe that as Hitler appealed to and secured a mainstream Lutheran religious political base of loyal supporters which also included sodomites, drug addicts, and other riff raff whom he betrayed and murdered following his rise to power, the New Romanist/ K of C/Masonic/Skull and Bones/SMOM/ Religious Right Fascist Republican Fascist Party will betray its loyal followers once it rises to its pinnacle of power. I believe that pinnacle will be reached once the Fourteenth Amendment Unholy Roman American Empire enters into a concordat with the Jesuits' Vatican/Unholy See.
I believe it is possible this deal has already been made and that it was brokered secretly by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Bill Clinton or Luciferian Skull and Bonesman George W. Bush during one of his three private audiences with Papal Caesar former Antichrist Pope John Paul II before the Papal Middle East crusade was launched. When we consider the fact that George W. Bush was the first head of state to see JPII lying in state we begin to realize that Bush is a crypto-Roman Catholic. The media does not emphasize just how close Bush and JPII were and how close the Masonic Bush family is to the Jesuits' Vatican. The connections are undeniable. The Bush family poses as Protestant but they are clearly Luciferians and pro-Jesuit through and through. George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush kissed the slippered toe of a man dressed in Papal vestments and bowed before Don Quixote (symbolic of the Black Pope because the literary character of Don Quixote was based on Spanish Alumbrado Ignatius Loyola the founder of the Jesuit Order and first Jesuit General) during their initiation into the Order of Skull and BonesNeil Bush and then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger founded an Swiss ecumenical group.
Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: American French Alliance>
Dear Eric,> > No I meant the group which has supposedly been saving America from> staged events such as the Chicago subway event and the later New York> subway events where supposedly MI5 and MOSSAD agents were captured as> well as some deaths. MI5 apparantly were behind the Chicago and Mossad> New York.
French Intelligence is not an enemy of the Order or the Order's CIA, NSA, SIS-MI6, MI5/FBI or the Israeli CIA called "the Mossad." France has been completely in the hands of the Jesuits since Petain readmitted the Order into France in 1942. DeGaulle was trained by Jesuits and put in power by the French Jesuit General at that time, Jean-Baptiste Janssens. Anyone who states that the French of any stripe has saved America from terrorist events is a catagorical liar.
> > I had a very good conversation with someone locally yesterday who was> aware of the Jesuit control of planet Earth. I was shocked to actually> be able to find someone who knew this information. They weren't aware of> all the ins and outs but certainly knew the Jesuit order was the pinacle> controller of mother earths human population.
Excellent! Maybe he will start to talk; the more the better.
> > We just have to be wary of the 2007-2009 time lines due to Kolvenbach> leaving but I remember a long time ago that someone said 2006 would be> the year of the Terrorist. Now the Iran business is gearing up nicely> for the Order and thats just the start so what else is going to happen> this year alone.
Agreed. The Pope's Holy War is about to begin in dead earnest. But the American Empire must be united to wage that Crusade with the preset atomic detonations first. This will silence all resistors while instilling rage into the populace.
I've prepared somewhat with a mass of candles, toilet> rolls, soaps etc I hope you and others do too. I can see the energy> being seriously manipulated shortly so we need to address these things. > People should learn that they can go without food for a very long time> and start fasting regular and get used to it. Stock up on tinned foods> which dont contain crap haha.
> > Take Care>
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
Brother Kilkenny is right about the wickedness of Julius Caesar but wrong about the calendar.The Julian calendar was pagan, but its new year was on March 25 (written as 1/1) about the beginning of Spring. Protestant England and America celebrated New Year on March 25 until the early 1750s. Why the change to the Gregorian Calendar? The Jesuit Christopher Clavius (1538-1612) formulated the Gregorian Calendar for the papacy in 1582 in which year the Pope adopted that calendar. It was the same year the wicked Rheims-Douay English bible was put upon England. In 1751 the British Empire threw out the Julian Calendar and adopted the Jesuit Gregorian Calendar. In 1752 the American colonies did the same.Hence, happy Jesuit New Year---January 1!
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
Dear Brother Nicholas,
This was a nice note to Mrs. Cumbey evidenced by lots of documentation. However, she is most assuredly a Coadjutor evidenced by her simple statement that my book is "all lies." You may wish to check my site under "Coadjutor Cumbey."Thanks for the fact on Van Impe. What an apostate! I remember the days when that man could really preach.
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:52 PMSubject: FW: [Fwd: About Vatican Assassins]Here is the email I attached back in April (that you could not open-sorry about that.) that I sent to Temporal Coadjutor Ecumenical Constance Cumbey (who never took some of her "billable" time to reply to my email-all Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors are cowards! You know she never answered my questions and sent me a condescending message which you read and posted for all of the list to see so everyone could see her error and folly) in defense of you and VA.
I'm sending this just in case you wanted to read it. May the Lord bless you dear brother.
Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
-----Original Message-----From: Nicholas N RiveraSent: Wed 4/27/2005 6:05 PM
Cc: Nicholas N RiveraSubject: [Fwd: About Vatican Assassins]
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: About Vatican Assassins
From: nnriv@conncoll.eduDate: Tue, April 26, 2005 4:16 amTo: cumbey@gmail.comCc:
I wasn't to sure if i attached my email to Constance Cumbey correctly soI'm forwarding it to you and I hope you get it.Brother Nicholas N. RiveraDear Constance,Brother Eric Jon Phelps is currently finishing the third edition ofVatican Assassins and will not be replying to emails for the next twoweeks. Otherwise, he would have replied to your email promptly. I, a 20year old college sophomore am on his mailing list and he notified everyoneon it about the short hiatus.The fact that he was interviewed by the New Age The Spectrum magazine doesnot mean he is a New Ager himself-they were the only ones who would listento what he had to say and distribute it. "Christians" such as Jack VanImpe, Hal Lindsay, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, etc. and their"ministries" would NEVER support Brother Eric and his work because theyare ecumenicals. Do you believe as Jack and Rexella believe that JPII isin heaven?
I know he isn't and anyone who believes the Bible knows JPIIwas an idolater, false prophet, and a false christ who went to judgment was found guilty and received the degree of damnation and punishment inhell he deserved. Are you an ecumenical? Do you believe Roman Catholicsare Christians? They are according to the wicked Council of Trent but notthe inerrant and infallible absolute truth of the Holy Bible of theProtestant Reformation.I wonder if you are an ecumenical because I used to write emails aboutJavier Solana to you a year ago and in one of them I requested a copy ofyour PowerPoint presentation. What troubled me about it was the last twoslides that picture Roman Catholic churches-one was an actual photo andthe other was an illustration. The last slide depicts a Roman Catholicpriest holding his wafer god, his "Jesus"-the Eucharist up high performingthe witchcraft ritual that is the counterfeit of the Lord's Supper-thebloody non-Biblical Mass. The second to last slide had a Jesuit I.N.R.I.crucifix with an image of the "Jesus" of Roman Catholicism. The fact thatSolana rebuffed Pope John Paul II and his envoys really seemed to botheryou. You asked the question whether Solana would attack Jerusalem,Vatican, and Mecca next since he ordered a train bombing. The only one ofthose places that matters to me is Jerusalem. The destruction of theVatican is forthcoming and Mecca will most likely be destroyed during thiscurrent 21st century Papal crusade against the Muslim peoples.The Vatican is using their sword-the U.S. empire to kill as many Muslimsas possible so when the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosques are destroyedthe Zionist government of Israel won't be overrun by a jihad. Anotherthing that concerns me is the list of your favorite books. The first twoare writings by the eternally damned Roman Catholic amillennialistAugustine. City of God which says the Pope is the Sun and that he holdspower over heaven and the governments of the earth according to Alberto byChick Publications.
Your second favorite book was The Confessions of St.Augustine and your third was the Bible. Why would you list Roman Catholicpagan mythology before the word of God? Brother Eric needs your supportand that of Bro. Herb Peters to get the word out about the revival ofpolitical and religious Rome which Herb discussed in his commentary. Lastyear, I started to believe that Solana was the antichrist because heseemed to fulfill the prophecies of Daniel concerning the prince thatshall come but now I believe he is a forerunner, a John the Baptist typepreparing the kingdom the final Pope will take over. I believe the finalPope or next couple of Popes will rule the EU and 10 nation WEU militaryalliance. I believe the Papacy will assume the position of CFSP and allthe powers contained in Assembly Recommendation 666 someday. The UnholyRoman Empire will be revived with the Pope as emperor-the political andreligious leader of the EU and eventually the the rest of the world. Yousay Solana is not a devout Roman Catholic, why then is he a member of aCatholic knighthood the Order of St. Michael and St. George according toWikipedia? Strange for an anticleric to be a member of such an order isn'tit? I believe Solana might announce soon that he got "religion" just asConstantine did when he had that satanic vision during which he wastold-In this sign, conquer. Constantine never became a true Christian andthis is shown by the fact that he worshipped the sun god Sol until the dayhe died. Before he passed on to eternal hellfire he was "baptized"according to Romanism Baal religion-he was sprinkled with water whichcannot wash away and atone for sins.Constantine was the first Pope not Peter so Roman Catholicism is based onthe lie that Peter is the rock when it is in fact the Lord Jesus Christ-"this rock" when you unscramble it spells "Christ, ok?" accordng to GailRiplinger in her work "In Awe of Thy Word" The Bible clearly says Christis the head of the church and not some unsaved wineheaded bachelor inRome.
A Jesuit Fr. Fulco advised the making of the New Age movie "The Passion ofthe (Anti) Christ" in which Aramaic was predominantly employed because theAramaic renderinf of Matt. 16:18 agrees with the Romanist lie that thechurch is built upon Peter. Peter is rebuked in v.23 in the same chapter.Why would Peter be the rock when throughout the Old Testament and NewTestament-the rock and chief cornerstone is the Lord Jesus Christ? Rome isnot the eternal city as Romanists claim. The last place the Lord wouldbuild his church is Rome. Romans mocked and crucified Him. The center ofNew Testament Christianity was Antioch, Syria and before Acts 11:22 it wasJerusalem but never Rome. None of the Popes were saved. No man who claimsto be Christ on earth can ever be saved because he believes he is the HolyFather (the most reverent title for God that it is only found once in theentire Bible), the Pope believes he is the vicar of Christ-therepresentative of Christ and that title rightfully belongs to the thirdperson of the Godhead. The heretic claims to be infallible when he is amere man bound for hell. The Pope is an antichrist and part of the dynastyof the antichrist. Popes used to have coronations since they are kings butnow they are called inaugurations. They used to receive a crown with theinscription VICARVIUS FILLI DEI (vicar or substitute Son of God). When youadd the Roman numerals they add up to 666. (Rev. 13:18) Anti-not onlymeans against but in place of or substitute for. So for centuries thePopes have proudly proclaimed with their crowns that they are antichrists.Pope John Paul II carried a bent crucifix which stood for the mark of thebeast during the Dark Ages. The Jesuits produced the New Age Movement.Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was the father of the New Age Movement. Hiswritings are laced with occultism like his work about the "Sacred Heart ofJesus."The Jesuits have been expelled by almost every nation but this one. It istragic this once great God-fearing nation has been a victim of themachinations and subversive activity of this perfidious Papal army whowill do whatever it takes to enforce the false doctrine that the Pope hastemporal and spiritual power of all according to Summa Theologica.
TheJesuits unofficial motto is the end justifies the means. You judgedBrother Eric's book by it's cover and not it's substance. You are anattorney at law who values evidence and objectivity. Before you passjudgment on Brother Eric's book-please read it. I haven't read it myselfyet but a dear fellow Christian brother of mine is sending the secondedition CD-Rom to me as a gift. He told me the book talks about the secretconcordat Reagan signed with the Vatican in 1986. It is no secret Reaganrecognized Vatican City as a sovereign state, that he passed executiveorder REX-84 which called for the shutting down of military bases andconverting them to concentration camps to be used at a later date, and theattempted assassinations of Pope John Paul II and Reagan were staged sothey could have common ground and "end" Communism which they did not. Itis alive and well in Russia, China,EU, Cuba, and other parts of the world.I'm not attacking you Constance. I am seriously concerned that yousympathize with Rome and the Papal Caesar just like Jack Van Impe who Iheard is going to officially announce his conversion to RomanCatholicism, Pat Robertson who believes Mother Teresa and JPII were saved,Hal Lindsay who said the St. Malachy predictions were inspired accordingto an article on the site with Joseph Farah, etc. Please don't fall intothe trap like they did. I believe it's possible they were never truly bornagain but are Vatican enablers.
The Pope is not a born again Biblebelieving Christian and over 1 billion precious Roman Catholics aredeceived by a man who doesn't know where he is going when he dies, ispowerless to save, and a counterfeit of Jesus Christ. I know there aresaved Roman Catholics but they got saved by hearing and believing thegospel of the grace of God from a true Christian. Roman Catholics who getsaved will eventually be led by the Lord out of the Roman Catholic Mariancult and direct them to a Bible believing church where the Lord JesusChrist is preached and the Bible is the final authority.They will never hear the gospel from their priests who are lostthemselves. What a team you, Brother Eric, and Brother Herb would be inexposing the EU's Javier Solana. the Vatican's Papal Caesar, and theJesuit Order and its Black Pope, the Jesuit General-the most evil man onearth today who oversees and controls all of Freemasonry (the Jesuits andFreemasons have the Piazza del Gesu in common). The Illuminati, theInternational Terrorist Network including Al Qaeda and CIA asset and agentTim OSSman aka USAma bin Laden and the International IntelligenceNetwork-the CIA, FBI, SIS, MI6, KGB, etc.
Brother Eric shows that the linkthat ties all these groups is the Luciferian Black Pope the real head ofthe Vatican and his Jesuits who reign supreme over the Roman Catholichierarchy including the White Pope Benedict XVI who is their slave just asJPII was after they attempted to assassinate him for calling for theresignation of then Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe. The Jesuits truly are theVatican's assassins and you will see their hand in every major war,dictatorship, how they invented communism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc.They used Hitler who formed the SS after the Jesuit Order and said he sawin Heinrich Himmler the new Ignatius of Loyola, they trained Napoleon inCorsica then they betrayed him by putting him in exile, they trainedStalin, Castro, Mussolini restored the temporal power of the Pope inItaly, All of this highly researched and documented information is foundin Brother Eric's book. I have never read it myself but I know it it's inthere based on what I've read on his website The New Age Movement is just one part of the Roman CatholicCounter-Reformation during which the Company of Jesus-the Jesuits werefound. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the Spanish Alumbrados knowntoday as the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati onMay 1, 1776 (it is commemorated on the one dollar bill) and he was aJesuit. I hope you read Brother Eric's book. I sure can't wait to. You'lllearn a lot and be blessed.
Nicholas N. Rivera
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