Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Advice from Mark Brewer


Organizing nations by race, language and culture would not necessarily do any good. The behavior of people is not determined by their race. Did not Jesus say that there was a path to destruction and a path to righteousness? He never conditioned that statement peoples' race. "Culture" has caused the world more problems than anything else. This is why political correctness and multiculturalism are being pushed so much today. Those ideologies teach people that one has to be tolerant of every belief system no matter how evil they are. Political correctness is actually the most evil of all ideologies because it unifies all belief systems together. Nations should have an official language to avoid chaos. This is not something I have any problems with.Repatriating so called "Arab Moslems" to other countries would not end the agitation between Arabs and Jews. Anyway, Arabs are not the problem, but Islam is. Not all Arabs are Muslims and forcing non Muslims to live under dictatorships ruled by Sharia law is exactly what the Vatican wants, as shown by the actions of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ronald Reagan, William Casey, Alexander Haig, Bill Clinton, Ahmed Chalabi, Alexandre de Marenches, Prince Turki al-Faisal and other people who are close to the Jesuits in some way or another.

-Mark Brewer


polaristar said...

This is not something I have any problems with.Repatriating so called "Arab Moslems" to other countries would not end the agitation between Arabs and Jews. Anyway, Arabs are not the problem, but Islam is.

The above excerpt is from your blog. What I'd like to say is the other way round.
Anyway, Islam is not the problem, but Arab is.
Thank you.

Timothy said...

I personally disagree polaristar. Arabs aren't the problem since many Arabic people are good people. Radical Islam is a problem since it's spread in the 4 corners of the Earth teaching violence, suicide, and other evils.