Friday, June 15, 2007

Jesuit information

Dear Brother Eric,

I submitted this post while you were away in Detroit. I trust you hada great time-wish I could have been there but I couldn't afford theairfare. Thank you brother for clarifying the fact that our Lord isnot the first cause or author of sin, but rather he allows and permitswhat the saved and lost do ultimately working them out for his glory.At the end of the post I address the possibility that Protestant(once it was diluted and corrupted through Freemasonry) andCounter-Reformations were the thesis and antithesis of the HegelianDialectic and that the synthesis is the new Dark age.I've read that Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian and though this is aninconvenient and sad notion, but it is difficult to argue against thepossibility based on the seal which is attributed to him called the"Luther Rose" seen here on the right


(I realize this isa quote from Masonic Manly P. Hall's book "The Secret Teachings of AllAges")"The presence of a hieroglyphic rose upon the escutcheon of MartinLuther has been the basis of much speculation as to whether anyconnection existed between his Reformation and the secret activitiesof the Rose Cross."This of course could be disinformation just like "Of the Jews andtheir Lies" which Luther never penned.I've been reading Texe Marrs' "Codex Magica." and there is a portraitof Luther with a Rosicrucian handsign as well as one of IgnatiusLoyola which I found interesting.Here are some examples two of Luther and two of Loyolaone with Freemason and confirmed Rosicrucian (according to BrotherAlberto Rivera) JPII (looks somewhat similar but difficult to tellfrom this angle and it looks like the hand is higher)If Luther was a Rosicrucian and we know Ignatius Loyola was anIlluminatus (Spanish Alumbrado) that would mean they were both membersof secret societies. I think it is something to look into.

There is noproof Luther converted to Rosicrucianism. (scroll down to the middle)Here is the cover of one of Luther's works with the occulticalchemical symbol of a serpent on a cross.I'm not denying at all the tremendous good Martin Luther did and howif it were not for him, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, and the otherProtestant reformers there would be no Western civilization.According to this article put out by Jesuit Boston College, the BaathParty expelled the Jesuits in 1969.

Here is what I posted on "The Unhived Mind." except I corrected typosand made a few additions."Bush, pope discuss war in Iraq" Skull and Bonesman and Mason (See the film Megiddo: TheMarch to Armageddon for footage from a Masonic Museum in Los Angeleswith a lifesize replica/image of George W. Bush) Came Bearing Giftsand the Pope awarded Bush with a medal of St. Peter's Basilica(mirrored by the U.S. Capitol ((Capitoline Hill)).According to the article "The pontiff presented the president with adrawing of St. Peter's Basillica, an official Vatican gold medal."My additions in [ ]According to this article from Yahoo:

"The president gave the pope arare first edition of an autobiography of [Jesuit] John Carroll, thefirst archbishop in the United States and founder of the RomanCatholic Church in America [and Georgetown University]. Bush also gavethe pope lithographs of documents from the National Archives and aMoses [in the occult Moses represents something different] walkingsticking, made by a former homeless man in Dallas, Texas, who engravedit with the Ten Commandments."I wonder what version of the Ten Commandments because in the Catholicbibles the commandment about not making and worshipping graven imagesis omitted.What this tells me is of course Bush is the abject slave of the Whiteand Black Pope. The photos on this thread tell us that especially thefirst one with Bush bowing his head-HOW DESPICABLE AND DISGUSTING!(Bush is an absolute traitor, he does not represent the Americanpeople and the atrocities committed in our name such as the ritualsacrifice of thousands on 9/11 of the two pillars Jachin and Boaz withthe all-seeing eye globe and circle left in preparation for therebuilding of the temple of Solomon, the mass sacrifices of men andwomen who are nothing but cannon fodder to the Jesuits and their manyPapal Knights in Iraq and Afghanistan to his god, the stagedritualistic beheadings committed by Masonic "Al CIA Qaeda" created bythe American intelligence apparatus in the service of Rome, all inaccordance with the Skull and Bones initiation ritual during which hekissed the slippered toe (placed on top of a human skull) of aBonesman dressed in papal vestments and knighted by Don Quixote akaIgnatius Loyola a Knight of Eulogia shows his allegiance to his secretsociety by exhibiting total obedience to the Black and White Papacyfirst and foremost under threat of the Charles bloody Fourth Vow ofExtreme Induction.

Since he gave his master the Papal Caesar a rareautobiography of Georgetown University founder-John Carroll- (whosebrother Charles, delegate from MARYLand to the Continental Congresswas the only reported Roman Catholic to sign the Declaration ofIndependence) the first powerful Jesuit in America this is mosttelling and significant. Bush is basically saying, "Thank you HolyFather for this medal and for blessing me in your crusade againstIslam. I carried out 9/11 for your predecessor after he ordered me tobefore he died now let this be a token of my allegiance and promisewhat I'll do for you. Now, your Holiness, what's the next move boss?"If Bush has not already signed a concordat with the Unholy See(honorary Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner, and SMOM Ronald Wilson Reaganpictured February 11, 1988 in the White House with several Masonicleaders two of whom had honorary Scottish Rite and Shrine certificatesin hand- .The traitorous Reagan reestablished diplomatic relations between theU.S. and the Vatican by recognizing Vatican City as a sovereign state.These ties were severed shortly after the assassination of AbrahamLincoln because everyone knew the Jesuits and their Roman CatholicChurch assassinated President Lincoln and that they were hiding JohnSurratt who was advised by Jesuit B.F. Wiget. So Reagan betrayed thememory of Lincoln by hooking up with his Jesuit assassins andd theirRoman whore.

This was made official January 10, 1984 which is thepre-requisite for a concordat or binding agreement in which the RomanCatholic Church gets the final say in all civil and ecclesiasticalmatters in the country which enters into such a covenant with deathand agreement with hell. Bush most likely will enter into a concordat(just as Germany did in 1933) before the Archbishop of New Yorkselects another slave (my guess would be CFR John McCain or RudyGuiliani) to publicly preside over the Black Pope's FourteenthAmendment Unholy Roman American empire while taking orders privatelyfrom Georgetown Jesuits, the Archbishop of New York and his Council onForeign Relations.Bush and "the Rat" "discussed" the war in Iraq and in the processundoubtedly received orders as to how to proceed with his master'scrusade in the Middle East. Georgetown alum General Peter Pace (who Isuspect is a member of Opus Dei given his and former Georgetownadjunct prof Chief Justice John G. Roberts' connection to MonsignorPeter Vaghi chaplain of the John Carroll Society and the fact that Peter McCloskey of Opus Dei has a relationship to John G. Roberts andAntonin Scalia who attend his Church of the Little Flower.

Here is a photo of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Pace and CFR member andSMOM Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a member ofthe Jesuit John Carroll Society who might resign if his Georgetownmasters and Cardinals Wuerl and Egan order him to. Masonic DonaldRumsfeld was a Georgetown Law drop-out and even the CFR media admitsPace and Rumsfeld have worked closely together. the honorary membership and medal recipients list photos from this year's annual dinner and the man of the hour-Knight of Columbus U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito whose alongwith his wife were awarded medals. I think Alito and Roberts werefrequent visitors of the Opus Dei house on the campus of HarvardUniversity. There is also a Masonic lodge on the campus.

See this photo: K of C Alito w/ his local master Donald Cardinal Wuerlas he points to a priest (most likely a Jesuit). I can just imaginehim saying "let me introduce you to one of my superiors fromGeorgetown."In order to succeed we must secede! It is high time to break from theJesuit-controlled American empire either that or move to Canada orEurope because this country's American Reich is coming to fullfruition. It's been working up to this point in earnest for at least74 years and where it is now was planned since the very founding ofthe U.S. corporation with Rome on the Potomac. The Jesuits and theirFreemasons/Illuminati (who have built this wicked empire) are preparedto place the capstone on the pyramid of their empire (a concordat withthe Papacy) in worship of their god of forces whom the little hornwill serve according to the Book of Daniel that being Satan/Lucifer.This would be the end of their Hegelian Dialectic having achievedsynthesis from the thesis and antithesis of the Protestant (co-optedand infiltrated by Freemasonry) and Counter-Reformations or theMasonic/Illuminist Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos) and that would bethe kiss of death for not only every American but the ProtestantReformation in general the dawning of a new DARK age of restored Papaluniversal spiritual and temporal power for a time, times, and half atime (last 3 1/2 years of Seventieth Week of Daniel).Lastly here are some links to photos of the White and Black Pope are 11 photos of the Black Pope here Black Pope in Lourdes at the center of the crowd collectivelyshaped as an all-seeing eye.

-Brother Nicholas (AVBibleBeliever on The Unhived Mind forum)

Dear Brother Nicholas,

Another profound post!Remember, Luther was never a Rosicrucian or member of any such secretsociety as he knew that all of them were controlled by the Pope---"hishellishness."What the Order has done to the history of Luther it has done the same withour beloved Baptist-Calvinist brother, George Washington.Abraham Lincoln was a Rosicrucian according to this Rosicrucian site. This explains his wife's consorting with mediums conducting séances.

Brother Eric


AntiSionist: Well, at least he gots Skolnick's name right. Last year when he and Eric outed wingtv in August, he said, "We got rid of Tom Flocco. He was a lying sack of crap. We got rid of Lenny Bloom and Slotnick. Well actually, he died."Skolnick hasn't accomplished anything? Is that so? This guy was the great American judge buster. He attacked the Vatican, and yes, he did also talk about the Rothschilds. He said they and the Yakuza had a hand in the Bank of America. Somewhere in his book, he also mentioned that they were the Vatican treasurers. He once asked if these Vatican treasurers had a hand in funding and promoting Roman Catholic Oliver Stone's film JFK and he got in trouble for it.Smith is either oblivious to the great work Skolnick and his group did in Illinois, without using stinking footnotes and citing references as so many critics, who produced nowhere near the results his group did by never divulging their sources, and perhaps also oblivious to all that cloakanddagger has done over the last few years, or he is indeed a coajutor working for Papal Knight Rupert Murdoch, who's son married Eric Hufschmid's half sister, whom Eric claims on his own website the last time he saw her was as a little kid, whose marriage apparently shocked Eric.Daryl, if you read this site, you have been exposed long ago. Your abuse of Barry Chamish was documented and your refusal to accept the logical inference of him talking about how Israeli politicians were controlled by the Vatican in that interview, and your ignoring the fact that Jerusalem was deeded to the Vatican, makes you an idiot or a shill. We are on to you.P.S. Look at how Skolnick has even run afoul of the Masonic Zionist Jewish establishment.

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