Monday, February 18, 2008

Dreams and Existence

Dreams regularly are apart of our human existence. They can function as motivation to enact righteous actions and they can be apart of a mission to achive our intentions. I certainly dream for a future reflecting the rights in the Bill of Rights and legitimate laws. Today is Presidents Day for us Americans. It's a holiday, so many of us don't have to work today. Unfortunately, some like Chicago Mayor Daley are exploitating the North Illinois University tradegy as an excuse to call for more gun control. Already hundreds of gun control laws exist in America. The murderer (named Steve Steve Kazmierczak)was known to have acquired antidepressants. Risk factors accompany these drugs like suicidal thoughts unto its users. Steve praticipated in the Army and was discharged for an unspecified reason. Much of the mainstream media (like Andrea Mitchell. She's the wife of CFR member/Bohemian Grove member ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan) is exaggerating this incident to promote extra anti-gun laws. Note that the area of the shooting was a gun free zone. In other words, the University prevented citizens from defending themselves if they desire to carry with themselves a firearm. There are occurences like the recent shooting in a Colorado church, where a woman used a gun to stop a murderer from killing more victims. All citizens have a right to own firearms as outlined in the Constitution (the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights mitigates this fact). Fundamentally, This right prevents the government to infringe on the people's freedoms. Crime done by a criminal using a gun ought to be punished not a law abiding citizen with a gun. It's a known fact that concealed carry laws don't increase violent crime in states. For example, Compared to the entire population, Texas CCW (or concealed carry holders) are about 7.6 times less likely to be arrested of a violent crime. Charles Barkley said some controversial statements days ago. He said that he loath Republicans and that conservatives are fake Christians. Barkley said that he believes that killing unborn babies is ok with him. Charles agrees with gay marriage (whether you agree or disagree with this, many who dissent with gay marriage don't hate homosexuals at all. Also, numerous liberals are bigoted against religious expression in the public square. No political philosophy has a monopoly on bigotry). Charles Barkley support Obama and yearns for a Democratic Presidency no matter what. He seems to forgot that the corporate elite funds all major Presidential candidate (This includes John McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton). Charles exhort that conservatives are judgmental in society and are hypocrites. Frankily, Charles doesn't know what he's talking about. We humans judge all of the time. We judge poisons as nothing to eat, we judge racism as immoral, and we judge killing as wrong. Therefore, the judging card doesn't work anymore. Even Jesus Christ (since Charles invokes religion) said judge righteous judgment in John 7:24. Now, he claim to acquire an ideal of tolerance, yet he unjustly paint a broad brush against all conservative as fake Christians. He;s acting judgmental in his perception of conservative people outlining his silly hypocrispy. Many conservative Christians were at the forefront ending slavery, fighting against abortion, and building up society before Charles was born on this Earth. I guess he's angry after being beaten by Michael Jordan so many times. I agree with Charles Barkely that some Republicans lost their way in promoting too much spending, suppressing civil liberties, and going out to agree with fear plus paranoia in this contrived war on terror. Some Republicans indeed have sold out like Michael Medved who endorses a psuedo-conservative like John McCain and denies a North American integration plan (that has been even admitted by ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox who wants a currency in North America similar to the European Union. He says that full North American Union status will be a long term goal. Fox was part of the signing of the original SPP agreement which tries to harmonize U.S., Canadian, and Mexican laws). Today, former President and Bonesman President George H. W. Bush lend his endorsement of John McCain. Therefore, the Republicans aren't innocent to the legitimate concerns and problems prevelant in the USA. reported on California planning to spray pesticides over urban areas. These urban areas include San Francisco, Marin County, and the East Bay. The California government seek to eliminate a potentially destructive moth. Many oppose this, because of the health risks resulting from the impact of the pesticide. This is wild since they plan to spray it unto people homes, even without their permission. Also, pesticides in contact of humans are known to have negative side effects. There should be other solutions to handle the moth population if they pose a threat to crops and the ecosystem. For decades governments globally (not just in America) secretly sprayed dangerous chemicals unto citizens. New information put Leo Zagami's credibility into question. He claims to be against the Jesuit Order, but is pictured uniting with the Jesuit Thomas Michel. He calls Alberto Rivera's view that the Vatican created Islam as "Vatican Zionist Disinformaiton." Leo offers no refutation, but outlines a blatant statement against Alberto. The truth is that Alberto is right to expose the Vatican and its relationship with Islam. Islam like the Vatican believes in the Rosary beads, accepts works as required to be saved, have a belief in Fatima, claim that each other worship the same God, each praise Mary on high levels (The Vatican call Mary the Queen of Heaven and the Koran praise Mary as the holiest of women), each have Babylonian Mystery Religion links, each have a history of hatred or presecution of Jewish people, etc. Leo Zagami justifies this act by commenting in support of interreligious dialogue. Yet, this deed signifies ecumencialism, which is influenced by the Vatican. Also, Freemasonry is something that I disagree with since it embrace pagan/Mystery religion doctrine (not to mention it teaches deception in its lower levels as admitted by Albert Pike from his Morals and Dogma book. The Mysteries worship the sun and other planets. For example, the Eagle in ancient cultures was an honor to the sun). Alberto sincerely exposed the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order for decades. He wasn't perfect, but he tried the best he could in letting the truth to be known. It's also important to help people and expose evil. There is Nothing wrong with exposing evil people, but this shouldn't be only important aim (i.e. we shouldn't be paranoid about alternative media "battles"). Brian Brady from The UK Independent at February 17, 2008 reported on the UK having body searches in schools to ban knives. Some want to plan more scanning to get into schools. This nonesense is not freedom-like or encorporate liberty. It's a strangehold on individual liberty. Solutions to this evil are important. We should do what we can to improve our communities and educate our people. There should be investments legitimately into education, health (not by stealing people's wages or allow the government to control it all as some suggest), and other fields to help people. A rigorous elimination of corruption and fraud should reign to make sure that government isn't corruption likewise to make sure that select corruption shouldn't rule government either.

I want to say this. Steven Ertelt from Editor at February 18, 2008 talked about how the adulterer, liar and coward Bill Clinton confronted Pro-Life protestors. He said that Pro-Lifers want women jailed which is a lie since women are a victim in the abortion act. If Bill Clinton (a Rhodes Scholar, he was Jesuit trained in Georgetown, and he's a new world order puppet) was really pro-life, he wouldn't deny the humanity of the kufe if the unborn. Also, he decreased abortion in his term, but it was a low decrease. It's a drop in the bucket compared to total abortions here and abroad. He vetoed many Pro-Life legislation like the Partial birth abortion ban. William Jefferson Clinton supports forcing taxpayers to fund abortion (even if they disagree with it. Abortion destroys the unborn human being and Bill has the nerve to deny this fact). Bill omits the side effects of abortion and the destruction it causes unto women who experience it. Bill also omits Pro-Lifers' free speech being violated like Robert Roethlisberger Jr., of Clarkston, Georgia. He was arrested on February 15, 2008, for his peaceful protest against abortion. He claims that Pro-Life show hot air to divide people, which is another lie. Many Pro-Lifers outine articulate arguments for their positions, help people in crisis pregnancies, and show much into the debate by promoting life instead of advancing death (especially for profit like Planned Parenthood does). Pro-Lifers have made many contributions in America and around the world. Bill Clinton also debated a black Obama supporter. Fay Weldon from Daily Mail at February 15, 2008 reported that UK government minister Dawn Primarolo is proposing sterilizing teenage girls "short term." There is technology to do this with contraceptive jabs and implants. They want to decrease the pregnancy rate, yet the UK and Europe has some of the lowest birthrates in the world. It doesn't make any sense that they would promote this when their population isn't growing rapidly at all around Western Europe. In fact, worldwide, birthrates have declined by 50% in the last half-century. What would happen if the intention were to make the sterilization short term, but accidently permanently sterilize the women? They haven't thought about that. Dawn doesn't classify if this plan is forced or not. If it's forced, then it's blatantly immoral since the state has no right to force sterilization on anybody. There are many other options like adoption to compensate so-called "unwanted babies." Me personally, I believe no babies are unwarranted. Babies have a plan and purpose. Many great leaders throughout history were nearly aborted or demonized as "unwarranted." Technology advances vociferiously all of the time. Steve Connor from the London Independent at Sunday on February 17, 2008 wrote about computer power. Futurologist and computer guru Ray Kurzweil said that computer power will match the intelligence of human beings 20 years from now (or in the 2020s) technology is advancing at an accerelating speed. He spoke to the the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) about computers surpassing the human brain as they learn to communicate, teach, and replicate themselves. 3-D chips will come in the future in Ray Kurzweil's mind. I think it would be hard for computers to surpass mankind since mankind is bigger than a human brain. We have DNA that helps transport proteins and other chemicals, a circulatory system, etc.

Nick Langewis and David Edwards from Raw Story at February 16, 2008 reported on a new device promoted by the Department of Homeland Security (i.e. DHS). The DHS is developing a non-lethal man to make a human being incapacitated. By 2010, Intelligent Optical system wants to sell a high powered flashlight called the "LED Incapacitator." This instrument can blind people and overload his or her brain with varying colors and frequency. Headache, nausea, and disorientation can occur via the LED device. The LED is designed for LAPD, the Coast Guard, the Border patrol, the Secret Service, and air marshalls. This is similar to science fiction stories spanning decades. Russia Denounces Kosovo's Declaration of Independence. The Balkans region has a complex history. The Serbs existed in the region before the Croats. Muslims invaded the Balkans and to this day, they have foothold in the region. In WWII, the Catholic Croats and Muslims radicals worked with Hitler to kill Serbs, Jewish people, Gypsies, etc. After, WWII, a dictator Tito ruled that Balkan region until the end of the Cold War. After the Cold War, the Balkan region was divided. Croats invaded Serbia, then the Serbians responded. Both sides committed atrocities (like Slobodan Milosevic's Albanian suppression. He mysteriously died in prison), yet U.S./NATO forces attacked Serbia especially Belgrade with bombs and D.U. Now, Kosovo declares independence with American support. Russia opposes this since to them it represents a threat to Serbia's sovereignity. There is also a cultural connection since Russia and Serbia are full of Slavic peoples. It's part of a new Cold War that many globalists (found in the City of London, Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, etc.) are wanting to agitate. Neo-Con CFR member William Kristol claims that he's suprised that many lawmakers question policy makers, but this policy of the Protect America Act is in total contradiction to the Fourth Amendment. This eliminates any intrusion by the government in spying without the usage of a warrant. Other issues like ending poverty (we should be concerned and do what we can to fight against poverty in the USA, Africa, Europe, Central America, etc.), AIDS, and our civil liberties are vital in discussing. I believe in protecting our right of free speech and that the Iraq War ought to cease(Blackwater is a company committing much destruction in Iraq. One big leader in it is Knight of Malta and Opus Dei member Joseph Edward Schmitz. Papal agent Erik Prince is apart of it. This mercenary organization was in New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina devestation in 2005). Some lecture on the benefits of experience. Although, the Bush/Cheney team had all of the experience in the world. Look at the result. Therefore, experience isn't everything. We should dissent against all forms of evil. Dreams are strange at times. Yet, dreams and existence are apparent functions of our human existence.

By Timothy

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