Friday, February 15, 2008

Jesuit News in February 14, 2008

Is Jesuit Fr. John Dear Another Sly Fox in the Hen House?

He both castigates and praises the Order for the purpose of confusing people about the Jesuit Order's main historical purpose of infiltration, duplicity and political meddling.

By Greg Szymanski, JD
Feb. 14, 2008

They never stop their Hegelian dialectic nonsense and the black robed
Jesuits are at it again, this time spreading propaganda in a January
2008 article written by Jesuit priest, Fr. John Dear, in the National
Catholic Reporter.

The Hegelian dialectic method, used by Fr. Dear in this article, is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined conclusion.

At first glance, the article entitled "The Society of Jesus should
renounce all military ties", appears to be anti-Jesuit. But when you
read closely it's another Jesuit attempt to confuse people about the
real purpose and intent of the Society of Jesus.

The writer, sly as a Jesuit fox in the hen house, praises and castigates
the Jesuits in the same article, praising the works of founder Ignatius
Loyola and the Order's historical main purpose while, at the same time, denouncing so-called rogues or bad seeds in the Order that need to be weeded out.

The first question must be raised: Why would the Vatican hierarchy allow a Jesuit, who takes the strict vow of obedience, to denounce the Order unless it was approved for another motive?

Secondly, if Fr. Dear was true to his colors, he would leave the satanic Jesuit influence, understanding Loyola and the Jesuits have been rotten to the core from its initial foundation in the mid 1500's.

So, what is Fr. Dear trying to do by both slamming some Jesuits but
praising the Order's main purpose and cause? The purpose is a simple tactic of throwing some bad apples to the wolves but laying the wrong premise and foundation in people's minds that the Jesuit Order is basically good.

In other words, it's a way of meeting and heading off growing criticism
in the U.S. that the Society of Jesus needs to change its evil ways.
It's another way of saying Jesuits are taking care of the problem
because basically our organization from its foundation is basically good and we will weed out the bad apples.

However, nothing could be farther from the truth. According to many
anti-Jesuit and Vatican researchers the Jesuits main purpose and its
foundation was also based on a deception, infiltration and political
meddling for the purpose of hiding and spreading the wealth and power of the Vatican.

Furthermore, it is hard to believe that Fr. Dear doesn't fully
comprehend the true evil history of the Jesuit role in the Protestant
Reformation as decreed in the Council of Trent. It is also hard to
believe that Fr. Dear hasn't read the Jesuit's 4th and evil vow as
reprinted in the U.S. Congressional Record.

And if Fr. Dear was not just another fox in the hen house, he would have left the Order a long time ago like Jesuit priest Fr. Alberto Rivero, who tried to tell the world about the truth of the Jesuit mission before being killed by them with their poison cup.

Here is Fr. Dear's article, which know can be read knowledge of the
article's real intent:

Issue Date: January 25, 2008

The Society of Jesus should renounce all ties to the military

By (Jesuit) JOHN DEAR

Last fall, when I stood trial for our Santa Fe antiwar witness, I was
asked about my mission as a Jesuit priest. I testified under oath that
our job was to “save souls, end wars, liberate the poor from poverty,
and welcome God’s reign of justice and peace as disciples, friends and companions of Jesus.” “Where does it say that?” the judge interrupted. “In the documents of the Society of Jesus, General Congregations 31, 32, 33 and 34,” I answered.

He looked at me with stunned disbelief. “I’m just trying to fulfill my
job description,” I explained.

In January, hundreds of Jesuit leaders from around the world are
gathering in Rome to convene the 35th General Congregation, the
international leadership meeting of the Society of Jesus. The purpose of this assembly is to elect a new superior general, as Fr. Peter-Hans
Kolvenbach, 80, steps down. Many speculate that the meeting, which will continue through March, may bring new statements about justice and the environment.

In India and Africa, the number of Jesuits is growing, and many serve
the poor and work for justice and peace. Here in the United States, with our 28 universities serving the well-to-do and our 71 secondary and pre-secondary schools, our numbers have dropped from 8,000 a few decades ago to under 3,000, with most members over 60 years old.

This past spring, the National Jesuit News, a U.S. newspaper reporting on the Society of Jesus, featured a glowing profile of a Jesuit priest who served as a chaplain in, of all places, Abu Ghraib, Iraq -- not to minister to the tortured, but to the torturers. Happily, he has left Iraq. Alas, he now teaches the morality of war at West Point, where, incidentally, the police have banned me for life.

This report was shocking and scandalous to me and my Jesuit friends. I don’t understand how we claim to follow the nonviolent Jesus yet support someone who works in a torture center or an international war headquarters. Unfortunately, given our history of violence, it’s not surprising. The Jesuits owned slaves in Maryland up until the 1850s and did not liberate them. They justified slavery, sold these human beings and used the money to set Georgetown University on a firm financial ground.

Many Jesuits throughout history supported war or were part of war. A
U.S. battleship is named after a Jesuit. A Jesuit law school dean from Colombia currently serves on the board of directors of the notorious “School of the Americas,” now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Jesuit university presidents have awarded honorary degrees to Presidents Reagan and Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The leading Jesuit publication, America, features regular ads paid for by the Pentagon to recruit priests to join the military in support of their killing campaigns. Two Jesuits were involved in the development of the atomic bomb. Until recently, a Jesuit worked at Los Alamos, the U.S. nuclear weapons headquarters.

On top of this, most of our universities and high schools train young
people how to murder other people in an evil program called Reserve
Officer Training Corps, or ROTC. This work goes against everything Jesus gave his life for, everything we stand for. While I was in Central America in 1985, Salvadoran Jesuit Ignacio EllacurĂ­a talked about ROTC: “Tell the Jesuits of Georgetown that they are committing mortal sin because they are supporting the forces of death, which are killing our people.” He was assassinated in 1989.

These realities disturb and depress me. After the Second Vatican
Council, Pedro Arrupe, the massacre of the Salvadoran Jesuits, Sept. 11, the sex abuse scandals, the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, why haven’t Jesuits and Jesuit institutions moved forward with the task of disarmament, a prerequisite for any “faith that does justice”? I have spent years trying to end the Jesuits’ support of war, to no avail. But I’ll keep at it.

I keep at it because of the dozens of heroic Jesuits around the country who continue to inspire and amaze: saints like Daniel Berrigan, who will turn 87 this May; Steve Kelly, currently serving a prison sentence for an anti-torture witness; Greg Boyle and Mike Kennedy serving gang members in Los Angeles; and many others.

We Jesuits have a celebrated history of saints and martyrs -- from St.
Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier to Edmund Campion and Peter Claver, to Miguel Pro and Walter Cizek, to Alfred Delp and the 80 Jesuits targeted and killed by the Nazis. At the recent protest gathering at the U.S. Army’s Western Hemisphere Institute, Fort Benning, Ga., a list of Jesuits martyred since the 1970s was read out. Forty-six names were read, including Ignacio EllacurĂ­a and six other Jesuits of El Salvador. There was Richie Fernando, working in a refugee camp in Cambodia in 1996. Someone tossed a bomb into the camp in the middle of a youth
soccer game Richie had organized. Richie jumped on the bomb and saved the lives of dozens of kids. There was Martin Royackers working in a slum parish in Jamaica, preaching against violence, drugs and gangs, only to be assassinated on the church doorstep in 2000. And Thomas Anchanikal, an Indian Jesuit who defended the dalits (the “untouchables”) from unjust landlords; he was beheaded in 1997.

“What is it to be a Jesuit?” the 32nd General Congregation, under the
leadership of Pedro Arrupe, asked.

It is to know that one is a sinner, yet called to be a companion of
Jesus as Ignatius was. … Today the Jesuit is a man whose mission is to dedicate himself entirely to the service of faith and the promotion of justice, in a communion of life and work and sacrifice with the companions who have rallied round the same standard of the cross, for the building up of a world at once more human and more divine.

In his forthcoming book, They Come Back Singing: Finding God with the Refugees, published by Loyola Press, my Jesuit brother Gary Smith tells about a pamphlet that’s circulating in Uganda. Titled “The Secret Terrorists,” it accuses the Jesuits of fomenting terrorism. “Those damn Jesuits are plotting again,” it begins.

“I confess we are plotting,” Gary writes. “But there is nothing secret
in our plotting. It is this: to overthrow the world’s duplicity with the
truth of the Gospel; to confront injustice with Christ’s passion for the
poor; to replace violence with peace; to go anywhere, anytime, and by any means to places where we can confront the heart of darkness with the heart of God.”

I hope Gary is right. That nonviolent plotting for justice and peace in
the footsteps of Jesus drew me into the Jesuits 26 years ago and keeps me in.

As Jesuit leaders gather in Rome to plot our work for the next few
decades, pray with me that we can reclaim our early historic Gospel
zeal, the spirit of our saints and martyrs; that we might individually
and corporately renounce violence and war once and for all; that we
might ban ROTC from every Jesuit campus; that we might have nothing to do with any military anywhere and instead defend the poor and marginalized from every injustice.

Jesuit Fr. John Dear writes a weekly Web column for NCR.




Eric Jon Phelps' views on the Jesuit/JBS/CNP connection. Most of this information is correct and accurate except his racial views and Calvinism.

By Timothy



Dear Brother Eric,

It’s been a couple of weeks since you replied to my inquiry about
Ron Paul. I was hoping we might pick up the thread... I studied
your responses, did a little more digging myself, and here’s where
I’m at just now. I follow the order of your earlier comments:

•My search came up dry for Ron Paul’s letter of praise to Rome and the
papacy; however, a search led to Arctic Beacon and a piece that
covers Paul’s habit of consistently side-stepping questions when the
Vatican or related subjects come up... I’m not sure this should
necessarily lead to any conclusions about motive just now.

Disagreed. The letter from Paul openly praises the Pope calling
him a man of God.

•Regarding to his association with Jesse Helms, by the same logic—that
being, his role as a politician—I again assume for the moment that he may
have had reasons for keeping the lines of communication open with Helms.

Helms is a 33rd Degree Freemason which Paul never reveals. Paul
has played the game in Washington for years which no honest man
would do. An honest man would openly expose it all
as in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

•The gold commission-I looked up Paul & Lehrman’s Gold Commission
Report of 7/1/82 and dowloaded it in .pdf format, but I don’t have the time to
wade into 230+ pages just now (I’m a slow reader). From the preface and
intro it seems that Dr. Paul is a staunch advocate for a gold standard, in which
I find no fault, but I will hazard a guess (from my one of your lectures) and
say your concern must be that he does not advocate a bi-metal standard?
Is it possible he simply has overlooked the value of bi-metallism?

No. I think he advocates the gold standard as a stepping stone to
restoring Gold and Silver coin. But he is addressing symptoms,
not the source of the disease---and he knows it. He has
lectured at the Jesuit Order's Georgetown University just
two days ago. He knows the Georgetown/CFR connection
yet remains mute.

•I visit Lew Rockwell’s site occasionally, and have not noted anything in
the articles there that struck me as questionable... Could you give me
an example of “disinfo” to help sharpen perceptions of this guy?

Rockwell addresses symptoms also. Never does he address
the power of the Vatican in political affairs, past or present. This
should be common knowledge to any legitimate investigative

•Could Ron Paul have been in the Reagan administration for benign
reasons? perhaps for a belief that it’s better to work from the inside?

Never. Reagan was surrounded by Knights of Malta in his
administration. Paul was there when Reagan acknowleged the
Sovereign State of Vatican City yet never made an outcry.
Paul knows the Vatican killed JFK, yet is silent on the topic.

•That he knows the CFR’s role in the U.S. is no surprise; I infer nothing
from his keeping quiet on this point other than what you said about
his silence being a political tactic...

Paul knows the CFR runs the US government. He also knows that
911 was an inside job. He also knows that CFR/Grover Newt
Gingrich has said that anybody who believes that 911 was an
inside job is "out of their mind." This would put Paul in the hot
seat---a place he does not wish to go.

•I see why you characterize him as a “political thermostat.” Perhaps,
as Rense suggested recently, he has a more ominous role as a “bird-dog,”
sent to draw out loyal supporters of the constitution?

Remembering that Rense is another Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor,
no doubt that the Paul campaign is an outing of real patriots
so they can be identified for the coming roundups for the
concentration camps now admitted to exist by the San
Francisco Chronicle.

To all these points I would add:

•A short YouTube clip shows Dr. Paul just as he is about to step into
a limo. Someone calls to him from off-camera; he glances up and
quickly flashes that 1st and 4th finger “horns” salute the NWO types use.
Now, it’s hard to imagine that if he’s a NWO stealth candidate that he
would ever allow himself to be caught by such a careless breach... so
might he have been reacting impulsively and without knowing the
meaning of that gesture?

He was sending a message, I'm sure. If Paul was really an enemy
of the Order's CFR controlled US government, he would have
received the Paul Wellstone or Larry McDonald treatment years ago.

•Less ambiguously and more ominously, his official website,,
recently announced Dr. Paul sponsors new legislation, of which he says:

“My legislation, entitled The Marque and Reprisal Act of 2007 (HR 3216),
makes the surgical strike option available to the President in our
mission to capture Bin Laden... it is high time ALL constitutional
tools were utilized in the hunt for this dangerous madman...”

Does this not expose Paul for the fake that he is?

•I do find this very troubling:

(1) He has been proclaimed from the start that we need to disengage from
our many foreign “entanglements” in line with the view of our founding
Fathers, yet now he egregiously contradicts himself. And by this new
measure he gives an already out of control Executive still more power
to “ramp-up” hostilities in the Middle East. Wouldn’t Pike be pleased?

By his statement quoted above, Paul believes that 911 was done by
Bin Laden; that Bin Laden is still alive and not dead; and that this
Crusade is justified which includes approval of surgical strikes
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Further, Paul is repeating the mantra of
the pope's preachers of this ungodly Crusade against the Shia.

(2) His act gives tacit approval to the War on Terror mythology, and
underscored his position by denouncing the idea that 9/11 truth could
be anything but the official version.


(3) Shortly before her recent assassination in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto
sat for an interview with David Frost—BBC I think.


While engaged in an
unrelated line of thought, she casually mentioned an operation in which
a certain man had taken part; then, (quite innocently I thought) she noted
that same man was the one who had killed Bin Laden in late 2001 or
early 2002 (can’t recall). I think it’s on YouTube.

Agreed. Bin Laden has been dead for years. Even Ann Coulter admits
to this fact.

•Then there’s this: In several of his speeches and debates, while decrying
the folly of our Iraq entanglement, Dr. Paul has noted pointedly, and with no
apparent reason given the context, that we are building an embassy in
Baghdad that’s “bigger than the Vatican.” That seemed calculated to go
over the heads of all but the most informed... But to whom? And what purpose?

Good question. He appeared to be anti-Vatican at that moment.
This was a calculated deception and gained popularity among the
anti-Vatican backers. Paul is playing politics as he has done for
the last twenty years.

For the moment, anyway, I can’t perceive a “smoking gun” yet that would
fully discredit him. To me he seems an enigma. I’m reluctant to form any
judgments just yet. It seems he’s either very evil, or remarkably shrewd.

He is both. No honest man is an enigma. Transparency is the key to
dectecting a man's honesty---who he really is. The honest man tells
the same story every time he opens his mouth no matter where he is.

Any further insight you might offer would be greatly appreciated, because
if he turns out to be bad, then for whom does one vote?

I vote for no one on a federal level. I participate in State government
and State issues. I advocate State secession and the resumption of
sovereignty for the once Great Protestant Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. Secession is the only political answer.


Meanwhile, I’ve been trying to gain a better grasp on another matter: My
earlier question about your VA III e-book was inspired by the idea that most
of the 500,000+ Ron Paul supporters, and all others, for that matter, need to better
understand what’s really going on.

Agreed. They know nothing and are being used to further the fascist agenda.
Notice that most of the Paul supporters are White, and will man
the pope's White fascist DHS and Blackwater once the next terrorist
event occurs.

My contact with many of them via the web-log suggests their enthusiasm is genuine, their will to give
and sacrifice is real, but they are still in may ways, child-like. Any statement,
any question you may ask better resonate with their “rah rah rah, go team go”
camaraderie, or your are likely to be excoriated and labeled a “troll,” which
I means a “subversive” or disinfo artist, near as i can tell.

Agreed. They almost have a nazi mentality. This is because they
are desperate and know this government cannot continue
on its present course much longer. This was the same political
atmosphere that brought Hitler to power after the wicked Versailles
Treaty and economic collapse in 1921.

All in all, it seems
many of them are far from understanding. I’ve been thinking about how to call
attention to your research in a way that piques interest rather than raises ire.

That will be difficult, but an honest goal.


Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric




Georgetown University Speech Wed Feb 13, 8:00PM





Guess who else appeared at Georgetown University WITHOUT INCIDENT?





Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Leo Lyon Zagami and Fra.Thomas Michel S J *articolo per il

> eric craig has highlighted this isn't great news

I know.

This is not great news.

He should never associate with the Jesuits----ever!

I have to question his motives or else he has made a
terrible mistake for which he should repent.

Brother Eric




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