Friday, February 22, 2008

Jesuit news in February 22, 2008


Ansa agency (sorry, the rest of the article is only in Italian)

2008-02-21 12:45
Il segretario di Stato vaticano, il cardinale Tarcisio Bertone è arrivato oggi a L'Avana per una visita di sei giorni in occasione del decimo anniversario dello storico viaggio di Giovanni Paolo II. A dare il benvenuto al segretario di Stato Vaticano all'arrivo all'aeroporto dell'Avana il ministro degli esteri Felipe Perez Roque, il cardinale primate cubano Jaime Ortega, il capo dell'Ufficio per gli affari religiosi del Partito comunista Caridad Diego, e il nunzio apostolico Luigi Bonazzi.
L'agenda a Cuba del cardinale prevede la celebrazione di messe a L'Avana, Santa Clara e nella zona centrale dell'isola e Guantanamo. Bertone sarà anche a a Santiago de Cuba, nell' est del paese, per condividere con i giovani cattolici un rosario in onore della patrona nazionale presso il santuario della Madonna della Carità di El Cobre.

A Santa Clara il cardinale Bertone benedirà sabato un monumento in onore di Giovanni Paolo II. Si prevede che il Segretario di Stato della Santa Sede venga ricevuto da personalità del governo di Cuba e probabilmente da Raul Castro......


That sounds:
2008-02-21 12:45

The State secretary of Vatican, the Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, arrived today in Avana for a six days visit in occasion of the tenth anniversary of the historical trip of Johan Paul II. To welcome the state secretary of Vatican at Avana airport, the foreign minister Felipe Perez Roque, the Primate Cardinal of Cuba Jaime Ortega, the head of Religious affairs office of the Communist party Caridad Diego, and the nunzio apostolico Luigi Bonazzi.

The Bertone's agenda in Cuba contains the celebration of masses in Avana, Santa Clara and in the central zone of the island and Guantanamo. Bertone will go also in Santiago de Cuba, in the east of the country, to partecipate with the young Catholics in a rosary in honour to the national patroness at the charity Madonna sanctuary in El Cobre

In Saint Clara the Cardinal Bertone will bless - Saturday - the monument in honour of JOhan Paul II. It is foreseen that the state secretary of Holy See will be received by personalities of Cuba goverment and probably by Raul Castro.....

....etc. etc.

Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-catholic isolationist





The Vatican Shelters a War Criminal

By Ron Fraser
Friday, September 23, 2005

The United Nations chief prosecutor for war crimes claimed this week that the Vatican is sheltering Croatian war criminal Ante Gotovina. For those familiar with post-World War II history, the incident has shades of the Ratlines.

Students of Vatican history are familiar with the Vatican’s involvement with an organization known as Odessa that bankrolled the escape of many a Nazi from Europe following World War ii. They are also not unfamiliar with an underground network of safe houses and escape routes used by the Nazis in the closing stages of and years immediately following the war, known as the Ratlines.

Yet the general public remains basically ignorant of the high level of involvement of the Vatican hierarchy in the operation of the Ratlines that allowed safe haven in monasteries and other church facilities, and which used church manpower to facilitate the escape of countless thousands of Nazis to Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Canada, Australia and even the United States of America.

It may come as even more of a surprise to the average man in the street to hear that the current pope, Joseph Ratzinger, was connected to the operations of the Vatican Ratlines network of Nazi escape routes (check our Trumpet archive on this site for further information on this subject).

To anyone familiar with this sponsorship by the Vatican State of the Nazi escape routes, it will come as no surprise that Carla del Ponti, the United Nations’ chief prosecutor for war crimes, claimed this week that the Vatican is sheltering Croatian war criminal Ante Gotovina. Reuters news agency reported del Ponti as claiming, “I have information he is hiding in a Franciscan monastery and so the Catholic Church is protecting him. I have taken this up with the Vatican and the Vatican refuses totally to cooperate with us” (September 20).

Reuters further indicated that del Ponte claimed “Gotovina, a former general wanted for atrocities against Croatian Serb civilians by his troops in 1995, was being sheltered in one of 80 monasteries in Croatia and the Vatican could probably find out where ‘in a few days.’”

Del Ponti, a Roman Catholic herself, is in a prime position to make such a statement. Her office allows such high-level contacts that she is patently aware (as are all top-level officials involved in international politics, security and defense), that as she declared, “the Catholic Church has the most advanced intelligence services” (ibid.).

Gotovina is no petty criminal. As the bbc reported, “Forces under Mr. Gotovina’s command are accused of killing scores of Serbs and expelling up to 200,000 from the Krajina region, now part of Croatia. Many in Croatia regard him as a national hero” (September 20). Whereas Croatia is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, Serbs subscribe mainly to the Orthodox religion.

When del Ponti raised the issue last July in Rome with Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Vatican's equivalent of foreign minister, the Vatican informed her that it had no obligation to assist the UN track war crimes suspects. Ordinarily such a stance would be regarded as simply obstructing the process of justice. However, as with Pope Benedict xvi’s stance on charges of the Vatican’s complicity in pedastry in the priesthood, he simply regards the church as being above at least U.S. civil law. As the Vatican State informed the nation of Israel when it complained about Ratzinger’s failure in a recent speech on terrorism to condemn Palestinian terrorist acts against that country, no power may dictate to the pope!

So it is that the Trumpet feels the shadow of the old Nazi ratlines rising to once again cloud the prospects of true justice being imposed in bringing Catholic fascists to book. We have consistently warned of this past repeating itself. Now we are not only witnessing an approach by the Vatican to the Gotovina case identical to that applied to the sheltering of Nazi war criminals 60 years ago, we see none other than the pope himself directly involved, once again, in frustrating the course of true justice. Such a stance by Benedict, so early in his papacy, bodes ill for the future of Europe, and indeed the rest of the world.


To the members

Most of you realise that I have been a bit uncomfortable about the PLA invading New Zealand and Australia,yes I have seen a documentary on the PLA of China in action and it doesn't look nice,according to Eric Jon Phelps the PLA is to invade New Zealand and Australia and also China has beginning teaching that Australia is part of China which is even more frightening,well I am beginning to think with Adolfo Nicolas becoming the Black Pope that WW3 is in fact getting close and this time no one is safe,I have also been suggested by Eric Jon Phelps to leave New Zealand as the PLA is very brutal and murderous well the PLA does make me freaked out when I see them


Well I am quite freaked about the PLA because they're brutal and I can see in the future when they invade New Zealand,they will be killing the locals in New Zealand and Australia because the main belief is PROTESTANT and Helen Clark is already doing her best to restrict guns



I'd say IF this invasion occurs, at that time there would be very few safe places left in the world and New Zealand + Australia offer huge amounts of space in which you could hide/build a new life etc. that very few other countries could supply.



Dear Alex,

PM Helen Clark has been a member of the Labour Party for over 30 years. The British Labour party was founded by the Jesuits via the Fabian Socialists. British Labour was key in the destruction of the British Empire while building up the USSR. Thus the Australian Labour Party is also controlled by the Order. No wonder she is conversing with the Chinese Communists and desires to disarm your people. It is all in preparation for the Chinese Invasion of both Australia and New Zealand in the destruction of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Western nations aided and abetted by Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric


Did some partial transscripts yesterday too while watching a somehow older video by Jordan Maxwell. This is probably old news for most of us, but maybe of value when arguing with people. Always good to have the statement of one of the godfathers of conspiracy research at your hands to refer to smile.gif

Best regards,


Jordan Maxwell – Secret Societies, Word Meanings, and Their Influence on World Events (video lecture)

26:09 – You will be surprised at how much the planet Saturn plays in world politics. Again when kids graduate from university – incidentially the word graduate comes from two words, „gradually” – „indoctrinate”, so consequently when you graduate you come out with a square mortarboard. The square mortarboard, what is a mortarboard? It’s a board... it’s a metal square with a handle, so you put cement on it when you’re building with bricks, and it’s called a mortarboard. You’re wearing the mortarboard when you graduate from university. The mortarboard is a symbol of masonry. This is why you go to college to get a „degree“. Consequently you need to understand that all universities and colleges in the Western world operate under the Vatican. All universities and colleges. So if you want to save your money to send your kids to college just remember you’re sending them to a Jesuit Catholic dominated ancient Roman Empire system. Whereby your children are to gradually be indoctrinated into a system of religion, politics and theology.

32:07 – I am of the opinion that one day somewhere along the line this country is going to wake up and find out that it had had been sucked in... suckered in to a New World Order which is directly traceable to the secret societies that were invented by the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church. I’m totally convinced that what we call the New World Order is a Jesuit Catholic work. It has always operated. Keep in mind that the Catholic Church – and I was born Catholic, my mother died a Catholic, my family is all Catholic, so I’m not complaining or talking about the Catholic people, I’m talking about a corporation, an ancient empire. Rome has dominated Europe for 1600 years, Rome dominated Europe. Europe has dominated the world, and the Pope dominates Rome. So consequently the Holy Father has dominated for 1600 years bloodshed, violence, anarchy. All of the most atrocious acts of inhumanity have been commited by the Roman Church, as far back as the 4th, 5th and 6th century. We know of the escapades of the Popes, many of them were homosexuals, most of them were murderes. They were all offspring of bankers. The entire Vatican system was a banking system. Todays Uniform Commercial Code’s based on the old Vatican Canon Law.




- Adolfo Nicolas -



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