Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Mark of The Beast II by the OwlMan



The Mark of The Beast II

When it comes to "The Mark of The Beast" I always keep an open mind about it.As I clearly stated in the first part of this article (That it COULD be a Stamp,Impress,Tattoo,or,The Microchip...etc) Having said that.THEY (The "New World Order") are not pushing a stamp,impress,or tattoo...They are however pushing "The Microchip"...The truth is that NOONE will really KNOW until THEY (NWO) give out a "Mark" that you cannot "Buy or Sell" without that will be imprinted or implanted in or on the right hand,or in the forehead(Revelations 13:16-18)

Then we will know beyond a shadow of any doubt,because that's never happened before in all of human history on such a WORLD-WIDE scale,but for the sake of argument,let's assume for a moment that "The Mark" is NOT "The Microchip".What harm could there be in getting a "chip" then?
If you will only do the research,you will see that there is GREAT harm (on MANY levels) in getting a "Microchip".First and foremost being your loss of FREEDOM...
The microchip will be able to track and trace your every movement no matter where you go anywhere on earth! From the top of Mt.Everest,to the depths of the sea,you are continually monitored...
Some might say "Well if you have nothing to hide,what harm is there"? I would counter in saying "Well,if YOU have NOTHING to hide.Then let me put a camera,or a microphone in your bedroom"! (I am NOT a "pervert",I am only trying to make a point here)
I mean your an adult,your legally married,whatever you do in your bedroom with your mate is perfectly legal even in God's eyes (If your a Man and a Woman) (Leviticus 20:13).There is absolutely nothing wrong with it,so why not let me put a camera along with some microphones in your bedroom,or even your bathroom! Most of you would have a problem with that (I would hope),because it's NOT about "Having anything to hide" or "Doing something wrong"...It's about THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY! Which is guaranteed to all of us in the Constitution...
As bad as that would be to be monitored at every waking moment.The worst is yet to come...Most of you are not aware of the brainwashing and mind control techniques done by The Nazi's (Or atleast how extensive they were),or that they were picked up by the CIA via "Project Paperclip",and PERFECTED by the CIA (and other lesser known "Three letter agencies" that I won't mention here) over the years since then.
There have been EXTENSIVE studies performed with animals in actually controlling their behavior by putting electrodes into their brains (I have video of THEM stopping a raging bull in mid charge,and turning a docile cat into a ferocious beast).By the mere "Flick of a switch" (Wireless remote control) they could make these animals go into insane fits of rage,or flick the switch again and make the animal docile again.You can actually see the confusion in the animals face as to why they reacted in the way that they did.They had absolutely no control over their emotions,or their behavior.(Click on the link below to watch the video)...

You may be saying "What in the hell does that have to do with implanting humans with microchips"? Well...As I stated...The CIA (and others) performed these (and other) experiments with animals the same reason they perform most all of their experiments with animals...So they someday (Wether it be drugs,shock treatment,or "Brain Implants") it would be used on HUMANS!
It is available on the net (if you'll only research what I am saying) that THEY plan on PUTTING MICROCHIPS INTO PEOPLES BRAINS TO CONTROL THEIR BEHAVIOR! And from my research it doesn't even have to be in your brain to control you.It can control you through manipulation of your brain waves remotely to control your behavior! (Meaning "The Microchip" can be ANYWHERE in your body and still CONTROL YOUR BRAIN!)
It's always...Yeah,but this is only for "Criminals",or "Terrorists",not innocent civilians...But that is what the NSA (National Security Agency) said about "Roving Wiretaps" and other "Spy" technologies,but who-WHO are they watching? Us!!! If this were a perfect world,and we weren't living in The Last Days (and I KNOW that we are),and we had a good,legitimate,elected government (ordained by God) in office...And "if" they weren't going to be used for CONTROLLING OUR MINDS! Then yeah... Microchips "might" sound like a good idea to protect our children,and guard us from terrorists...etc BUT,we don't have a good,legitimate,elected government! We have been infiltrated by criminal,elite,secret society,devil worshipping,evil scum-bags,that DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AND WELFARE IN MIND! THEY want to KILL you! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!?!?!?
(Go and watch Alex Jones' new film called "EndGame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement" on Google Video for FREE after you read this article,and you will see what I am talking about)...(Click on the link below)

I have far more to say,but I"ll leave you with this to ponder...(For now)...
Wether "The Microchip" is "The Mark of The Beast" or not...Would you still want one after all I've said? You would lose your FREEDOM,your PERSONALITY,the very essence of WHO YOU ARE...You would for lack of a better word become a freakin ZOMBIE! And I don't want to hear how you know of someone who has already been implanted with a microchip (Or have gotten one yourself),and they act just like they've always acted.Maybe THEY are waiting for more people to be implanted with the microchips before they "FLICK THE SWITCH" to make it DO THINGS TO YOU that THEY NEVER TOLD YOU IT COULD DO!
Now let's assume that I"am right in suspecting that "The Microchip" very well COULD potentially be "The Mark of The Beast"...
Then your very soul will be DAMNED FOR ALL OF ETERNITY IF YOU RECEIVE IT! (Revelation 14:11)
Mark of The Beast,or not,I will NEVER-EVER receive a microchip! You can torture me,you can kill me,WHATEVER! BRING IT ON!



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