Monday, February 25, 2008

No Insecurities





What a difference a day makes. On one moment, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton cordially act as friends in an Austin, Texas debate. Now, the gloves are off. Hillary is expressing her disdain over Obama's policies and actions. Where did this start again with both candidates sparring with each other in an almost personal way? It began on Saturday when Hillary accused Obama of demonizing her on NAFTA and health care. She lost her temper and exclaimed that she's the only candidate with a plan of universal health care. What she meant is that she want the government to control everyone's health care whether they desire it or reject such a move. We all should have quality health care, but not at the barrel of a gun. Additionally, she commented that she is sick and tired of the speeches and the mantra of hope presented by Obama. With anticipation, Hillary yearns for a debate with Barack Obama. Emotionally, Hillary accuses him of utilizing the exact same tactics as Republicans. Now, Obama responds by saying he is not unfairly criticizing her and this controversy is all taken out of proportion. What's the truth? The truth is that Obama isn't perfect. Barack Obama agrees with gun control, he says that he wants a global tax costing billions of dollars, and he agrees with free trade (although condemning NAFTA, which I have problem with. John McCain is also a proponent of prepetual war in the Middle East, which I have a serious problem with). Obama (he even supports abortion for the unborn babies surviving abortion outside of the mother's womb) like Hillary is supportive of abortion wholeheartedly. On the other hand, he has no where near the corruption and compromise that Hillary acquires. Hillary is a supporter of Bill Clinton's crimes in the bombing of Serbia, the murder of Waco, the passing of the anti-civil liberty Crime Bill, and she was involved in many scandals. She pretends that she almost never supported NAFTA, but she praised NAFTA repeatedly (like in her 2004 appeareance on Meet the Press. There are other quotations of Hillary praising NAFTA in the 1990's). Hillary and some biographers claim that she had disagreements on NAFTA, but she never publicly denounced NAFTA in a hardcore way until the 21st century. NAFTA isn't just only against national sovereignity. NAFTA is a deal that mainly benefited multinational corporations at the expense of sending American jobs overseas. It lowered our U.S. dollar value (including crippling much of the Mexican economy. The French paper Liberation reported that during NAFTA's first decade, some 2.5 million Mexican farmers were driven from their land). According to Ralph Gomory, who is a scholar, When corporations intentionally move overseas and leave America to dry, US GDP goes down while foreign GDP increases.  We should give a lower tax rate for business that keep jobs in America (like Paul Craig Roberts advocates). Now, I don't believe in hating those from other nations (i.e. we should have trade with other nations plus display meekness to those from other countries). Although, we should promote legitimate nationalism and the basic development of our national interest. Gold is constantly increasing its value. Hillary mocked Obama's call for hope. Although, it would be a better nation if would get solutions accomphlished on things that we do agree on. Ralph Nader decided to run for the Presidency once again. Nader has a right to run since he's an American citizen, yet many Democrats are angry about this occurence. The reason is that Democrats do have a legitiamate charge that he took their votes away from their party. The solution would be having multiple parties (i.e. more than 2 major parties) having more access to elections. In other words, as many parties as possible should have major status in politics. Hence, more individuals will have a better choice in their vote. It would be hard to do even that because of the overt voting fraud among both major parties. All of the major candidates are infiltrated by not only corporate elites, but also the CFR, Bilderbergers, various foundations, etc. Another Democratic debate will occur which will be hosted by MSNBC on this week. Tavis Smiley took Barack Obama not coming to the 2008 State of the Black Union was a slap in the face to him and others. The Black State of the Union is when black leaders and intellectuals (mostly liberal) discuss about issues in the black community. My brother doesn't like it because it focuses to much on the negative aspect of the black community. Much of the speakers are right on some points. Howard Fischer from The Arizona Daily Star on February 22, 2008 reported on the House passing HB 2629 in Arizona. This bill allows immunity from prosecution of anyone using a defensive display of a firearm for self defense purpose (but you don't necessarily shoot a person). Critics say that it doesn't exempt gangs or it will cause a gun battle. Yet, Russel Pearce said that criminals will be intimidated by the measure. There is also a proposed Gardasil vaccine for boys in 2009. They want it to solve problems of genital warts, STDs, etc. Yet, Mike Adams have fully exposed Gardasil as a Big Pharma tool and that vaccine killed numerous girls. It's not even a cancer cure. Merck promotes Gardasil, Merck is the same ones who promoted Vioxx that has been proven to cause heart complications unto human beings. Merck is approved by Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry has acting in an anti-conservative by endorsing the TTC (or the Trans-Texas Corridor which consists of toll roads and the like), once supporting the pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani, and he is a participant in the Bilderberg Group. Some states want to make is mandatory unto people, but no where in the Constitution mandates such an act. On a side note, I've downloaded Google Earth, and Virtual Earth and they are incredible. You can see buildings and roads in 3-D. Also, I found where I live from the image of the globe of the spherical Earth. It makes old maps seem tame into comparison. I envision that the government has even more high-tech devices in their hands I suppose. In the Birds Eye View of Virtual earth, you can see homes and buildings with the exact charity of digital photos. That's wild. You got news in Kosovo where the Serbians have been stolen of their lands. The mainstream media is presently demonizing all of them for the errors of some Serbs rioting. Government-sponsored terrorism is also a reality. Even Lyndon Baines Johnson admitted on tape that he and U.S. officials organized a coup to murder Diem (since Diem was corrupt and was brutalizing the Buddhists in Southern Vietnam). Operation Gladio was a terrorist campaign by NATO.


Joseph Farah rightfully called for the repeal of the Johnson Amendment. This was created in 1954 where clergymen are banned from endosring or opposing a candidate for office. If a church endorses of opposes a candidate, then the IRS will eliminate their tax exempt status. Entered Enterprise Freemason Lyndon Johnson was a Senator in the 1950's. Johnson was the main figures who help create this since he faced fierce opposition from among Christians and anti-communists. This is ludicrious. Why? The reason is that the basic right of the First Amendment ought to be protected not only in public, but also in the pulpit. Religious liberty should reign in America and throughout the world as a strong wind. Wiley Drake is a pastor investigated by the IRS now for just endorsing Mike Huckabee for the Presidency. Now, his free speech rights are violated. Therefore, any religious leader has a right to support anyone they wish inside of the pulpit. There shouldn't be a prohibition of free speech in any arena, especially in a religious setting. Michael Huntsman from The Brussels Journal at Saturday, on February 23, 2008 discussed about the European Union's corruption. Chris Davies (a liberal member of the European Parliament) said that some MEPs are plundering money to benefit themselves. The wealth in Chris's view exceeds thousands of euros. Hans-Gert Pöttering (the EU Parliament's President) are finding ways to make a reform. The European Union was created after WWII as a background for a proposed unified European state (The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta supported the EU agenda). Syed Akbar Kamal from at Sunday, on February 24, 2008 reported that UN contributor and internaitonal observer Professor Hans Koechler says that 9/11 may have been an inside job. For a while now, more and more experts (whether they are good or bad) have spoken out on the impossibility of the official story about 9/11. To me, it's impossible for a little over of a dozen "terrorists" to hijack planes, escape NORAD, and destroy 3 buildings (including Building Number Seven, which wasn't hit by an aircraft, but collapsed symmetrically) without some involvement of the government (and intelligence agencies). Many witnesses heard explosives not only in the basement of the Twin Towers, but also in other locations. Many victims of 9/11 including firefighters have suffered through intense disease via the asbestos. The EPA was caught lying about it, but many good people are raising money to help those afflicted with problems via the horrific attacks during 9/11. The United Kingdom's government turns up the heat to promote their Big Brother anti-liberty policies. JASON LEWIS from the UK Daily Mail at Sunday, on February 24, 2008 reported that senior UK police officers want something. They desire that all British citizens submit their DNA to a huge database, which is fragantly against their fundamental right to privacy. Even the UK government said that an universal DNA base is impractical. The national DNA database, the biggest in the world, already files the genetic records of more than 4.5 million people including 560,000 never convicted of any offence. Judges still want this database of all Britians as an excuse to solve crimes and the like. Yet, coercion is a function of slavery. No human being ought to be forced to give up their rights for the "good" of any society. There is the new generation of technology that's pro-Big Brother. The UK Daily Mail from Sunday, on February 24, 2008 maintained that new cameras are trying to detect body fluid like blood in vehicles. It works by using an infrared beam through the windscreen of cars that can find blood and water content in human skin. The UK government wants to fine drivers who abuse car sharing lanes. It's more potent than CCTV cameras. This is unheard of technology even 5 years old. It makes science fiction come alive now. < FONT>The Associated Press on February 24, 2008 wrote about Pakistan banned Youtube. The reason is that Youtube has anti-Islamic videos in it. They also censor websites with degatory images of Muhammad, who is the founder of Islam. This tells me that dictatorship like Pakistan isn't the way to go. Most Muslims aren't terrorist extremists, but Musharraf is a Western-funded extremist dictator (who jailed even peaceful lawyers and journalists that the Shia Bhutto opposed. Bhutto advocated peace in the Middle East. In other words, she wanted the Israelis and Palestinians to seriously solve their problems. Bhutto and was Pro-Life and wasn't ashamed of it). Bhutto was a women of peace even though she made errors. Bhutto told reporter David Frost that Osama bin Laden was murdered by  Omar Sheikh, who had connections to the Pakistani intelligence and military elite. She was patriotic and wanted the best for her nation. It was ironic that Pakistan's Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's father Ali Bhutto wanted nuclear weapons to protect his nation. In Ali's words, Henry Kissinger threaten him for that goal. Ali was captured and killed on April 4, 1978.  December 27th, 2007 was the day of Benzair Bhutto's assassination and she will never be forgotten. Neo-Con Bill Kristol says that he Recommends The Politics Of Fear' to Hillary to go against Obama. Fear is never a way to get things done in the world. Kristol says this because he disagrees with a common sense solution of communicating with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I don't agree with all of Ahmadinejad's policies (he's an authoritarian. The Middle East has been carved up by Western powers for many decades. Also, in the Afghanistan war beginning in 2001 the opium trade have dramatically increased. Numerous Jesuit-trained Generals like Peter Pace lead the Iraq War with consent from the neo-conservatives), but talking with those that disagree with us is better than blowing the mess out of Iran. Iran is not direct threat to American shores. Also, we are spending too much in the war on terror in general increasing our debt and depleting our economic strength. There are many levels in the new world order, yet those in support of the new world order (found in the Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrims, the City of London, and elite bloodlines like the Merovingians and the Black Nobility) have the same goal. They want globalization, a new religious mindset of Ecumencialism, and monopoly system. You also witness the miliatarization society. Especially after 9/11, there is an upscale of military involvement in domestic affairs along with militarized police guarding large urban areas. Even in the 1990's, Operation Urban Warrior and other programs existed of the military performing exercises in communities. The Vision Plan of 2020 call for a merger of North American military to protect the continent of North America. The story of Atlantis and the wish to build up a new Atlantis (a story promoted by the Greek philosopher Plato of an antedeluvian civilization that was advanced of technology, etc.) is also embraced by numerous Secret Societies like the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. The elite are monopoly men or wanting a centralized control of wealth or power into the hands of the few. Its bigger than the international bankers since you need ideology or political intensions not just money to get a plan forward. The bankers are heavily composed of Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, and high level Freemasons. For example, Knight of Malta Bill Simon. He co-founded William E. Simon & Sons, which is a global merchant bank, with his father and brother. Simon managed the family business (which has over $3 billion dollars in assets). Knight of Malta Alfred E. Smith IV is the Managing Director of Bear Wagner Specialists LLC and the Chairman o/t Government Relations Committee for the New York Stock Exchange. News are going disturbing like the United Nations calling for denying foods to some nations or the US and Canadian militaries merging in times of emergencies. The good news is that tons of individuals are waking up. These people are in Virginia, California, Maryland, Florida, New York, and other states. They are from around the globe also in the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, African nations, Asia, etc. I like to thank those visiting my Myspace area and my personal blog. I have my strengths and weakenesses since I'm a human being. Yet, I have no insecurities about myself. I know who I am and where I come from.


By Timothy

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