Thursday, February 07, 2008

Updates and the Truth




Events surrounding Super Tuesday animated the political world. A dead heat is an apt description of the Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton race. Each acquired close results with Clinton having a slight edge of superdelegates and total delegates. Hillary earned coastal states like California and New York. Obama won states in the South (i.e. Georgia, Alabama, etc.) and the Midwest (in Minnesota, Missouri, and Illionis). It's a close race indeed. Pundits regularly admonish Obama to get more Hispanic voters to earn an effective edge or advantage in achieving victory for the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton loaned $5 million from her own money to fund her own campaign. As for the Republicans, John McCain gained a vareity of Northeastern states like Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. These states have Rockefeller Republicans and are more liberal than the South. Mike Huckabee achieved a significant amount of Southern states like Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana.  Mitt Romney achieved some Midwestern states and mostly Mountain Western states of Utah, North Dakota, Colorado, etc. Mitt Romney just stepped down, so he is no longer in the Presidential race. The Republican race now has only McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul. California earned by McCain and other various factors made McCain a huge victor from Super Tuesday. Some expect him to be the Republican nominee for Presidency. This race has been basically contrived with limited choices. Even Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity rightfully questioned John McCain's so-called conservative credentials. In truth, John McCain is a Eisenhower Republican, who's a conservative/moderate. In other words, he isn't a total conservative. One reason for that assumption is that he's anti-gun. He pushed the Congress to force citizens to lock their guns up via gunlocks after 2000. He apparently forgot the scenario if a criminal with a gun comes into the house and you have to unlock your gun to protect yourself. This delays your right for self defense that can result in risking innocent victim's lives. It's up to families to own or not own a gun, not mandates from the government forcing people to lock up weapons. There are other instances as well. McCain agrees with embryonic stem cell research and subscribes to the McCain Feingold law which stifles free speech. He's an ally of Joseph Liberman, who's a neo-liberal. Even the Supreme Court and the ACLU found fault with the Campaign Finance law. That should tell you something. Especially since John McCain is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, I don't trust the man. What's worse than him are the Rockefeller Republicans like Arlen Spector. Yet, this doesn't signal me to sell out my principles and propel me to advocate Hillary Clinton for the Presidency. Ann Coulter sold out and Glen Beck from CNN sold out by saying they prefer Hillary over McCain (who said we should be in Iraq for 100 years if necessary. He's just as neo-conservative on foreign policy issues as CFR member Dick Cheney is). Ann Coulter went as far as wanting to campaign for Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the nominee. I prefer neither. I knew both of them (Beck and Coulter) don't really care about true political independence, but expediency. It's selling out basically. These people (the political elite and other puppets) don't want real issues talked about like the new world order, eminent domain, the NAFTA Superhighway, biometrics, abortion, the Second Amendment, the North American Union, the Real ID Act, our national sovereignity, the prison industrial complex (where millions of dollars are recieved by some corporation locking up those for a long period of time even those who committed no violent crimes), the evil bioengineered GM foods, militarized police, health freedom, and other vital issues. Issues that both parties are discussing are about the economy, health care, terrorism, social issues, and immigration (Illegal Immigration is readily support many Vatican/Jesuit officals). All of those subjects are crucial in their scope and should be discussed and explained. Talk about the economy persist constantly. The proposed stimulus package includes a rebate, which I have no problem with. Yet, this rebate is a temporary solution for a complex problem. There has to be long term, fundamental tax reform if a real economic solution is avaliable for Americans. Yesterday, Bill O'Reilly commented that in 5 years he wants the federal government to ban certain sites that are objectionable. This is authoritarianism and censorship. I don't agree with censorship or any government interference with the Internet. Individuals and families with their own computer ought to have the basic responsbility to have devices to eliminate despicable content if they choose not the government at any format. The Internet should be acessible to all human beings (i.e. I agree with net neutrality). The Police arrested 60+ mobsters of the Gambino Mafia crime family. They are charged with murder, gambling, and other crimes. This is the largest round up of Mafia figures in America in over 20 years. The investigation came in at least 3 years. John Gotti Jr. isn't charged in this case. Recently, a member of the Gambino family talked with Greg Szymanski exposing the corruption in the leadership of the Vatican (this doesn't implicate all Roman Catholics, but the leadership of the Vatican. Just like much of the leadership of Protestants and Baptists have been infiltrated by Freemasons, the WCC, and the Jesuits). The Jesuits, OTO, Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians (famous ones were John Dee, who was the original OO7 agent for Queen Elizabeth since Papal agents plus others wanted the Queen dead for accepting some religious freedom in England. Dee claimed to have contacted spirits with the help of Edward Kelly, Dee rituals inspired the development of Enochian magic), and other occult Secret Societies embrace many symbolism present in movies, corporate logos, architecture and all over the place. I'm totally against the Big Brother agenda as well. That means I'm opposed to force students to thumbscan in just trying to get a lunch from a cafetaria (as done in Washington D.C. and across the nation). There should be no cameras in the bathroom or forcing individuals to implant an RFID chip in them as in some locations of Mexico. Although, many patriotic Mexicans are opposing this tradegy. Some folks say what do you have to hide, but the government had been hiding their intensions and mechanism for thousands of years. Many (not all) in the federal government want to control people's lives and that's why the Real ID Act is promoted (even to perform certain tasks like going into a plane, etc. they want the Real ID as a strict requirement to fully perform these duties). I like to thank the visits to this blog. You keep me on my toes and going. I like to thank the Patriots in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia. You may not agree with me on every issue, but I certainly respect your visits and inspiration.

Bill O'Relly mocked Willie Nelson for questioning the offical story of 911. It's part of free speech to question things and O'Reilly hasn't refuted Nelson's comments. No aircraft hit Building Number Seven yet fell symmetrically in its own place (Larry Silverstein said he "pulled it" which could mean he pulled the firefighters out or he allowed the building to collapse. Larry made much money afterwards). Rudy Giuliani was told of the Twin Towers going to collapse, but didn't reveal who told him or why he didn't warn other individuals of this occurence. We have conclusive evidence of government foreknowledge, witness afte witness hearing explosives going off in the Twin Towers, NORAD's standdown, the federal government training Muslim radicals, and other evidence of Osama bin Laden (a CIA agent who code name was Tim Osman) and al-Qaeda (a CIA/MI5/Saudi/Pakistaini creation) not creating all of 9/11. This is a fact irrespective of what O'Reilly assumes. There also has been recent revelations concerning the impartiality of the 9/11 Commission. So, the real 9/11 Truth Movement can never be extinguished or defeated. O'Reilly is just a Neo-Con distorter of the truth and is a fake conservative (accused of sexual harrasing his co-workers and having perverted phone sex to someone who isn't his wife possibly committing adultery). One SWAT Team member died in a standoff in Los Angeles. That's the first time a SWAT Team member died in its 40 year history. The person murdered 3 members of his immediate family. Because of that over 200 cops were in the home of the standoff. Typically, when someone kills a cop, you're a marked person dead or alive. Police will try to shoot you immediately if you resist arrest in the United States of America. Also, weather disasters in tornados and storms spread across the Deep South and the Midwest. Nick Farrell from The Inquirer at Thursday on  February 7, 2008 reported on some religious groups being a threat to the Real ID Act. That's a good thing since the Real ID Act is a federal government overreach on the privacy rights of American citizens. Farrell wrote that the Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that religious liberty outweighs the forced usage of photographs of all US citizens. Right now, no religious opt outs for the Real ID Act exist. I believe in religious liberty, so folks have a right to reject the Real ID Act if they so desire. Religious liberty is certainly a problem not only in America where simple religious speech is banned in some public places. It's globally where Christians are being murdered in India, Muslims getting bombed in the Middle East, Evangelicals arrested and harrased in Russia plus the Ukraine, Jewish people discriminated against in Syria, and non-Muslims can't fully express their religious beliefs in Saudia Arabia and other nations. So, a human being has a right to believe in what they want and freely express that belief in public and private. Hypocrites claim to love freedom but hate the religious liberty rights of Christians. CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS had an article at Thursday on February 7, 2008. It discussed about ironies. Danny Postel wrote that article. Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is a time in an University where neo-conservatives (not real conservatives like David Horowitz) promote paranoia in the war on terrorism. It's true that many Muslim radicals exist, but these people to me are not direct threat to American soil. We should respond to them by encouraging development in the Middle East and communicating with the Middle East without threatening to bomb the living daylights out of them. Well, Postel wrote that the neo-cons in that meeting like CFR members Max Boot and David Pipes support Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) a Foreign Terrorist Organization. They help overthrow the Shah in 1979 and they mix radical Islam with Stalinism. Why would they support the MEK when they supposedly are anti-radical Islam. Could it be that the MEK is advocated as a counterweight against the present government of Iran. Postel thinks so. I don't agree with isolationalism since we have a right to trade and communicate with nations. We should promote and encourage freedom in every nation of the Earth. I just don't agree with military interventionalism making our country into a Pax Americana similar to the ancient Roman Empire (who had thousands of square miles, forcing tribute to its colonies, and having military bases from Mesopotamia to ancient Great Britian 2,000 years ago). I disagree with Postel stereotyping the "Right" or conservatives agreeing with this acceptability to this war on terrorism and brutalizing Muslims. Many conservatives are patriotic and disagree with this extreme form of tactics. This is similar to Joy Behar lying and saying that conservatives in general agree to torture and have no health care plan. This is nothing wrong than increasing the Left/Right paradigm. The highest levels of the establishment Republicans and Democrats are funded and controlled by same interests. That's why I'm an independent and hold no alliegance to both major parties. As for the Drug War in the federal level, it should end since it caused more deficit, more folks going to jail (including giving harsh prison sentences to non-violent drug offenders), and other problems. We should allow those with drug addiction to have help and allow the states to find better solutions to drug problems. The purpose is since each state is different from each other. Philip Johnston from the London Telegraph at Thursday on February 7, 2008 enscribed information about wiretaps. Johnston wrote that MI5 and other secret intelligence agencies can veto their phone taps as evidence in court as explained by Bilderberg and new world order proponent Gordon Brown. Brown wanted to provide the information, but only if it didn't compromise national security. This is an issue similar to our wiretapping issue in America. Britian is one of the few countries that ban the use of evidence of phone calls, emails, letters, and faxes, as part of a prosecution case. Our human development isn't just physical. We have to develop our soul and spirit to be inspired to make a difference in the world. The purpose of good things in America was to make us feel have a thirst for improvement, curisousity, and building up our spiritual life. Sucess isn't just monetary wealth. It's how you conduct your life, to express adequate our emotions (there is nothing wrong with showing our emotions as long as it's done the right way), what's your relationship with your family and your community plus how we connect with God. I agree with national sovereignity, because nations have a right to preserve their national culture and heritage. The EU has crippled the economy of the UK (inlcuding other nations. The European Union overrides the rules of sovereign nations on many circumstances). The EU also promotes regulating supplements and vitamins, which aren't poisons but necessary nutrients needed for human beings. NAFTA has crippled jobs in the USA and Canada, so globalization is nothing more than a new world order deal to lower wages and get rid of many jobs. The truth is that I believe in being Pro-Life, loving individual rights, a limited government, the right to self defense (i.e. Second Amendment), I reject vote fraud (there should be independent investigations and radical reforms of this), and other freedom loving ideals.


By Timothy


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