Thursday, May 15, 2008

Challenge to the Power Hour on the Jesuits

Dear Joyce,

The secret and veiled activities and successes of the Jesuits and the Vatican are vast topics stretching over 500 years and have been detailed in volumes of books. Even a cursory examination of the facts and historical data that are not discussed or presented in traditional education and the corporate and alternative media, compels any open hearted and minded investigator to take notice.

During the 500 year history of the Jesuits, they have been expelled from over 30 countries including France and Japan for their attempts and successes at infiltrating, influencing, interfering and manipulating in the political arenas of the sovereign nations. This reality is not a conspiracy theory but a fact. The Jesuits founding documents and policy papers states the goals of the Jesuits are to crush the protestant reformation and put all humans on Earth under the rule of the Vatican Pope.

You and Dave keep saying the world’s problems are based in the lust for power and money. But who truly has the power and creates the money?

Why do you and Dave address the issue of Israel’s influence on United States but do not address the far more powerful influence of the Jesuits and Vatican on the United States? A book or volumes of books could be or have been written on the topics briefly addressed below and related to the crimes committed by the Jesuits and the Vatican.

I start my facts with the action taken by the Vatican in the year 1778. Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible.

The 1778 Vatican Edict has never been withdrawn, apologized for or modified.

Why is this fact not taught in private and public schools?

Eighty-nine years after the condemning Edict was released, the United States government broke all diplomatic ties with the Vatican in 1867 because the Vatican had blatantly interfered with the political process within our country for nearly nine decades.

Why was the Monroe Doctrine of non-interference drafted and declared? As a follow-up to the 1778 Edict, the Vatican put on a conclave that specifically addressed and planned for a response to the threat posed by the Constitutional Republic of the United States.

The Vatican conclave concluded that one way to counter the Constitutional Republic was to infiltrate and influence all other countries in North, Central and South America. When American political leaders were informed of the Vatican goals, Thomas Jefferson, whose private papers are full of references to the threat posed by the Jesuits, and others wrote the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was a direct response to the conclusions and goals stated in the Vatican conclave.

The Vatican, with the Jesuits functioning as its enforcers, turned their attention to taking over the money supply of American by creating a central bank that was vehemently opposed by Andrew Jackson.

An assassin, whose two guns both misfired while aimed at President Andrew Jackson, had undisputable ties and connections to the Jesuits.

President Buchannan was convinced that President’s Taylor and Harrison were murdered by the Jesuits slyly administrating lethal doses of arsenic. Taylor and Harrison were pro-freedom, against a central bank and very anti-Jesuit/Vatican.

President Buchannan always kept an antidote for arsenic poisoning within close proximity. While attending a celebration for the birthday of George Washington, 38 persons plus Buchannan drank out of a punch bowl. Within 24 hours all 38 persons were dead due to a massive dose of arsenic poisoning. Buchannan survived because he directed his physicians on how to administer the emergency antidote.

The final straw for American politicians was all the blatant evidence for the involvement of the Jesuits in the Lincoln assassination therefore all diplomatic relations were severed with the Vatican. Did you know that private citizen and lawyer Abe Lincoln defended a person who was being persecuted by the Jesuits? The Jesuits were enraged by Abe’s actions. Did you know one of the key participants in the Lincoln assassination fled to and was protected by the Vatican because he was a Papal Guard?

Samuel Morse who created the Morse Code wrote numerous public papers on the threat of Jesuits to the United States. In the public and private papers of most of the founding fathers and business and political leaders before 1870, the threat posed by the Jesuits and Vatican to the United States are frequently addressed with alarm and concern.

Why are these facts with the supporting documents not taught in private and public schools?

The Jesuits were very involved with all the intrigue and manipulations related to the passing of the Federal Reserve Act and the establishment of the Internal Revenue Service. Again, countless facts could fill volumes of books on how the Jesuits stole America’s duty to print money.

There is so much overwhelming evidence for the involvement of the Vatican in the installations of Stalin, Hitler and the Rat Lines for the Nazis to escape to South America and their participation in the genocide that occurred in Croatia during the 1930s to 40s.

Did you know the Vatican owns one-third of the property in Jerusalem and the possession of the land was part of the original foundation and establishment of Israel? Will we see in our lifetime, the attempted transfer of the seat of the Catholic Church from Rome to Jerusalem where a massive new temple will be built?

Cardinal Spellman called the Americans fighting in South Vietnam – “God’s Soldiers.” The dictator regimes of South Vietnam were Catholics who conducted a brutal genocide against the Buddhists while using U.S. and South Vietnam troops and supplies. The Jesuit targets in the 1960s were Buddhists…the Jesuit targets for the first part of the 21st Century are Moslems sects who will most likely refuse to convert to the Catholic faith after the New World Order has been installed.

Stalin, who was educated and installed into power by the Jesuits, genocided millions of Russian Orthodox Christians whose descendants most likely would have refused to convert to the Catholic faith once the New World Order was installed in the 21st Century. Similar operations were conducted by Jesuit educated and installed Mao and Castro in their respective countries. Ninety-five percent of the notorious public and private political personalities and criminals over the past 300 years have been nurtured, educated and installed by the Jesuits.

Pedophile Jesuit priests who were exposed during the 1960s silently transferred and escaped to the state of Alaska where they continued their criminal abuses against children. Victims filed a class action lawsuit in 2000 and in 2006 the Jesuits settled for 600 million dollars. Not one-word of the record settlement was covered on the corporate or alternative media including GCN and the Power Hour. The humongous settlement is only a tip of the criminal abuse iceberg by the Jesuits against children.

Martin Quigley, mentor of Bill Clinton and numerous other elitists, who strongly promoted the foundations for one-world government was educated and taught at Jesuit Georgetown University. Quigley was a member of Office of Strategic Services and was a liaison between the U.S. Government and the Vatican during World War II.

What do Quigley, Clinton and countless elitists have in common with the Neo Cons in the Bush Administration, key leaders of all national and international intelligence agencies and the Knights of Malta that gave us the debacles of 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran? All of the individuals were educated and/or significantly influenced by or heavily connected in some manner to Jesuit Universities.

The Jesuits, Vatican and Catholics have direct influences in encouraging poor citizens of Mexico to illegally enter the United States.

The Patriot Act was written by a Vietnamese immigrant educated and employed by Georgetown University.

All the major telescopes around the world are owned by the Vatican and administrated by Jesuits. Is Planet X real or a Jesuit hoax? Is the 2012 paranoia a Jesuit hoax to herd the populace into a New World Order? The facts say the answer is hoax to both questions.

And then there is the whole issue of how the Jesuits have been in involved with and control powerful electromagnetic field (EMF) devices since their inception in the early 1900s. The Jesuit EMF devices provided to Russia and other nations are used to control weather, cause earthquakes and were the true source (not Uranium & Plutonium) for the massive detonations, destructions and mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How ground based electromagnetic detonations (EMDs) occurred in two Japanese cities dominated by the Jesuits for over 200 years is a truly fascinating string of facts and evidence. The radiation poisonings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were caused by conventional weapons covered in Uranium (dirty bombs) that were dropped by airplanes and exploded at high altitudes over the cities. The high altitude radioactive explosions were the signals for the non-radioactive ground based Jesuit EMDs to be ignited.

The Jesuit EMDs were used in an attempt to blast and build a lake canal for supertanker ships across the country of Nicaragua. Whenever there is a massive explosion with a mushroom cloud somewhere on Earth, the cause is a Jesuit EMD and not a dirty bomb with Uranium and Plutonium.

One month before the Challenger exploded, a small article appeared in the San Diego Union about a massive black cloud moving southwest (not natural) that was injected into the high atmosphere from Central America and drifted over the Galapagos Islands. There were no volcanoes erupting and no country or agency took official responsibility for the massive black cloud. Where the black cloud originated somewhere in Central America could have been seen by the crew during any NASA Space Shuttle mission.

Was the space shuttle Challenger sabotaged so the Jesuit EPDs could proceed with no interference by the teacher and reporter in space that were scheduled in the 1986? Space shuttle missions resumed after all Jesuit EPDs had either attempted to build or successfully built a lake canal for supertankers across Nicaragua. The Jesuit educated and installed Ortega brothers were in full compliance with the Jesuit EPD mission.

The European Union charter states Catholic is the official religion of the EU with the Pope as the infallible leader. Tony Blair converted to the Catholic faith…a must requirement before running for President of the EU. The EU is a blueprint for the North American Union that is planned to become one functioning entity with the EU.

What is the common denominator of Caesar Chavez and George W. Bush? Both have kissed the ring of the Vatican Pope. According to Vatican tradition, kissing the ring of the Pope is recognition that the person is a servant of the Pope. Bush stated on the ETWN before Ratzinger’s first visit to the U.S. that when the Pope talked “God was speaking.” According to Vatican tradition, when the Pope kneels down on and/or kisses the ground of the country he is visiting, his kneel or kiss means he literally and figuratively owns and rules that country.

The Jesuits and the Vatican know and practice the adage: To have true and absolute power, one must completely control both the problem (Chavez) and the solution (Bush). And the Jesuits and the Vatican absolutely and deftly control ALL the TRUE problems and solutions of our reality on planet Earth.

My final fact presented in this letter is related to the Jesuit quest for money and possessions by the use of poisons. Last year I was in the Bay of De Los Angeles on the central east coast of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. The purpose of the trip to the middle of nowhere was to snorkel with whale sharks.

A small museum details the plight of a local native Indian tribe that had the misfortune of living on top of a goldmine in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Mysteriously the small tribe began dying from unknown causes. After the last member of extinct tribe died, all of the gold was removed by none other than the Jesuits who arrived five years before the Indians began dying of unknown causes. And this same scenario has been repeated countless times by the Jesuits all over the Earth for the past 500 plus years.

And as the potato crops mysteriously failed only in the country of Ireland (Jesuit chemical poisoning), massive numbers of Irish Catholics flooded the United States. The fleeing Jesuit poisoned immigrants became a significant voting block that also filled Jesuit Universities that are now the foundations for Neo Cons, Newt Gingrich, Bill O’Reilly, Pat Buchannan, Bill Clinton, criminal child sex abuse, the one and only Patriot Act and so forth and so on…

By the way Joyce, I am part Irish and attended Catholic school until the sixth grade.

As you can observe, the Jesuits favorite tool is poison but then a portion of the oath taken by a Jesuit mandates such actions

“I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage, relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them and exterminate them from the face of the earth.... That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons... whatsoever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by an agent of the Holy Father”

All the facts above are just a small portion of the extensive historic and present day situation related to the Jesuits and the Vatican. There is so much, much more.

The subjects related to the diabolical plans, intentions, history and crimes of the Jesuits are as vast and powerful as they are controversial, revolting and sickening.

Israel’s influences on the United States have taken place over the past 60 years but remember Israel would not exist without the support and cooperation of the Jesuits and Vatican. The Jesuit/Vatican issue has a 500 year plus history of blatant facts and evidence but veiled in secrecy and ignorance.

In his “monolithic conspiracy” speech of 1962, John F. Kenney was not addressing communists, corporations, royalty or the military industrial complex. JFK was addressing the Jesuits, the Vatican and their subsidiary organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Knights of Malta. JFK was one of them but he turned on them so he was deposed.

The Jesuit/Vatican issue is the big “monolithic conspiracy” white elephant and its gooey poop in the room that nobody wants to see, smell, touch, think or talk about. Your references and bibliography for the documentary Beyond Treason filled one CD. The references, evidence and bibliography for the Jesuit/Vatican issue would fill at least 50 of the highest density CDs.

Are these enough facts for you to begin the process of addressing the big white elephant and its gooey poop in the room during your radio show? If you choose to ignore the facts and not address this issue (all the poop and nothing but the poop) on your radio program, why am I out of line by believing and saying you and Dave support the Jesuits/Vatican New World Order by your silence? Addressing the Jesuit/Vatican issue on the Power Hour will take bravery and a plan. I am available to assist you any manner as consultant, researcher, guest or any other capacity you desire.

Time is short to expose the true and real roots and causes of the pending New World Order with the ultimate goal of establishing a police state as all citizens of all nations are forced to worship the Vatican Pope or be punished and/or be murdered as heretics. Did a company in China build thousands of guillotines that are now being secretly stored in America and other locations around the world by the Jesuit established and controlled Blackwater? Check-out the facts and evidence.

Look forward to your reply.