Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flying Dutch

From http://christianinfobomb.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18397

The Netherlands has always been a country of massive savings and reserves. not long ago we alos had giant gold reserves that almost exceeded any nation. A lot of Manhattan's Wealth is owned by Dutch companies that own about one fifth ( old figure i'm not updated) of Manhattan.( Old New Amsterdam ofcourse until we exchanged it with the British for Suriname and they changed the name in New York)

Like personal savings of consumers are very big, the Dutch have always been big savers. Yet we are rated highest with consumption debt, but that's due to the Dutch system of mortgages, the Dutch housing market is different than anywhere else in the world. It's double those are assets as debts at the same time. the Netherlands is also continually in the list of 5 biggest investors in the US and at times the number 3 or even number 2. It's been said that the Netherlans is the largest longterm invester overal in the US, i don't know by which measurement.

One thign is sure, there's a lot of money in the Netherlands and the pension funds are still around 100% of their coverage of before the crisis.The Netherlands also has a higher population growth as most Western countries for decades and in the city of Rotterdam there the population is increasingly getting younger on average, thanks to mass immigration....contrary to the trend in the Western World.
for now, like this development in Rotterdam, but that's locally, this should be beneficial for pensionfunds and their longterm strategy.

-Flying Dutch