A pro-Rove attendant UT shouts "police get here" in order to stifle a First Amendment exercise. There was the manhandling by at least 4 University of Texas Police Department officials against Aaron Dykes (who is an Infowars reporter). Several members of the audience encouraged the arrest of him. One person is even heard expressing his hope that Dykes would resist arrest (which he clearly did not do), saying: “Oh do it, please do it. Please do it, please please.” The Karl Rove followers wanted the police to arrest Aaron. This is wrong since free speech expressed in a meeting is not a violation of any law. Today, propaganda is common that free speech exercised by citizens is evil if its against the policies of the government or the establishment. The government acts as beast system. This beast system is abhorrent and evil. A lot of the young know about this situation. Some of the young believe in political correctness and are afraid of speaking out against this evil war on terror and this nefarious anti-free speech mentality. We're humans not slaves. It's been more than 15 years after the OKC bombing and the truth is coming out about it. The truth is the Timothy McVeigh was apart of the FBI-infiltrated Elohim City crowd that destroyed the Alfred P. Murray building. The bombing was an inside job. On July 20, 1997 Jane Graham, a ninth floor survivor of the Murrah federal building bombing in Oklahoma City, made a video affidavit after she watched the video “Cover-Up In Oklahoma.” In that video, she recognized seeing two men who were caught on camera walking hurriedly away from the building after the bombing holding walkie-talkies (and some of these men putting grey stick of butter with wires on it). Graham said that she had seen these men in the building before the bombing wearing General Services Administration maintenance uniforms and didn't recognized as GSA employees. The FBI didn't research Jane Graham's testimony or other facts that contradict the official story of the OKC Bombing (which is about McVeigh and Nichols alone did the bombing). They didn't care about John Doe 2 or witnesses seeing more men in the bombing running after the building exploded. Jane Graham is a 9th floor survivor. Many other survivors said the same story. The ATF had pull bomb gear near the time of the bombing. McVeigh even had U.S. military ties. The FBI didn't investigate this issue since the FBI was complicit in aided the Elohim City crowd involved in the bombing.
I don't agree with Eric Jon Phelps on every issue, but he's right to expose the Jesuit link to the history of Japan. It's easy to see that the leadership of the Jesuit order had links with the Communist USSR and the Japanese government in the WWII era. Even the Soviets and Japan signed the Soviet Japanese Neutrality Agreement in April 1941. This was between the Emperor of Japan Hirohito and Joseph Stalin. The Japanese and the Soviet Union military suppressed the religious liberty rights of people in those areas, especially Christians. Once the mostly Buddhist Japan would ban the Jesuits from living in their nation and then the Hiroshima bombings came bout in 1945. The U.S. built up the USSR via the Jesuit Georgetown University (and by FDR. He had the Lend-Lease program. FDR was right before he died in 1944 to oppose imperialism and make some legitimate economic reforms). Bretton Woods was used by FDR to oppose imperialism and promoting nationalism. Keynes was a banker and supported eugenics. I'm not supporting an eugenicist like Keynes or a extremist like von Hayek either. Keynes supported just spending money (abritarily even if its just sent to low wage jobs instead of making higher wage jobs more avaliable to the citizenry) without having concern with creativity and building the standard of living in society. There is nothing wrong with spending money in a recession, but that's not the only thing you do to escape a recession and control demand pull inflation. The Yalta Agreement dealt with the Soviet Union. The more imperialist Cold War policies were supported by CFR agents Harry Hopkins and W. Averell Harriman. Hitler and Stalin made a similar Pact in 1939. The Japanese people expelled the Jesuits in 1614. The person show did it was the Shogun Tokugawa Hidetada (he lived from 1605 to 1623) under the Christian Expulsion Act of 1614. The English Protestant sea captain William Adams was in service of the Protestant Dutch. He was a samurai and served as the retired shogun's confident from 1605-1616. William Adams and the Japanese people stopped an rebelled there to. After Pierce visit to Japan in 1854, Japan grew into an Imperial Empire. Emperor Komei resisted attempts to allow Western foreigners into Japan. Eric Jon Phelps writes that: "...In 1863 Komei issued his “Order to Expel All Barbarians” but was never enforced by the shogun—as the shogun (the defacto ruler of Japan) was secretly in the hands of Jesuit Superior General Peter Johannes Beckx (1853-1887). In 1865 the shogun permits the Jesuits to formally re-enter Japan: for this cooperation, Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinabo will not be killed by the Order but permitted to resign, never to advise the emperor again. Two years later, Emperor Komei is given “the poison cup,” dying at the age of 35...." The Jesuit have big influence in Japan after WWII. After Japan was destroyed in many locations, the West had an occupation from 1945 to 2010.
The HBO movie on assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian premiers on Saturday. It stars Al Pacino. Much of the Hollywood crowd believes in abortion and assisted suicide like the establishment does. It glorifies Jack's life in a sick way. The biopic is called "You Don't Know Jack." Jack Kevorkian was imprisoned for killing a disabled patient on national television. People have criticized the film already. Kevorkian wrote a book during his life in prison and the manuscript has been turned into an upcoming HBO movie entitled "You Don't Know Jack." Pacino plays Kevorkian in a role he said that he appreciated. He said that it's an honor and he looks exactly like him. The attorney and author Wesley J. Smith said that the movie offers a revisionist history. The truth is that Kevorkian killed more than 120 people in assisted suicides. "The revisionist project to create a fictional Jack Kevorkian as merely a lovable, if sometimes tactless, man of compassion–rather the misanthropic and ghoulish nut that he really is–continues," he says. Smith believes that the media is playing a willing accomplice by ingoring Kevorkian's exploits in its coverage of the movie. The movie portrays Jack Kevorkian as a sympathetic, idiosyncratic figure. The move doesn't know Jack for real. Smith believed that Kevorkian began his career going where executions are conducted asking to experiment on condemned prisoners. Kevorkian was so deprived that he took the kidneys from one assisted suicide victim (a man with quadriplegia) and held a press conference offering them "first come, first served." Smith said that Kevorkian he killed people with terminal illness and those who were disabled. 5 of Kevorkian's patients were not sick upon autopsy. John Goodman and Susan Sarandon (who plays the role of euthanasia activist Janet Good) appear in the film. Smith say that Good conspired with Kevorkian in his reign of lawlessness (even planning to kill a patient and then with Kevorkian, rush the cadaver into a hospital, so organs could be procured). They never carried out the plan. She committed assisted suicide and her autopsy showed that her pancreatic cancer was not near the terminal stage. Though Pacino never knew Kevorkian personally before doing the film, he reportedly spent countless hours studying him and spoke with Kevorkian over the phone to understand more about what drove the eccentric former pathologist. Pacino said that he liked real zealots and their commitment. Pacino falsely viewed Kevorkian of being a revolutionary. Kevorkian told the New York Daily News he is happy with the film. "Al is a terrific guy," he said. "The film is superb. There were times when tears came into my eyes — even after all the experience I have ... " Kevorkian said the film showed why he never got married. He feared a bad divorce and he once was engaged. He didn't want to have children since he said that he will kim a son like him. He's a sicko. In an odd twist, Kevorkian also bashed his former attorney, Geoffrey Fieger. "Of course he was there," says Kevorkian. "He uses any opportunity for publicity. To him, this film is about him. But I don't use him. I don't think he's a competent lawyer." The 2 reportedly had a falling out when Feiger ran for Governor in 1998. Kevorkian called Feiger a phony and a flip flopper. But Feiger responded to the News: "I don't know what Jack didn't like about the eight acquittals I got him. For 10 years, I put up with his mood swings. He fired me more times than I remember. I finally said, 'I can't fight you anymore.'" Ultimately, Smith hopes the public will learn about the real Jack Kevorkian. "Kevorkian did not care much about alleviating the suffering of patients, (he once said he couldn't remember their names) but rather called it 'a first step, an early distasteful professional obligation' toward obtaining a license to engage in human experimentation, writing further," he said. "It is a disturbing sign of the times that a man who is so clearly disturbed and a social outlaw, could be depicted as a hero," he concluded. Kevorkian is a murderer and not a hero at all.
It isn't a secret that the Pentagon is promoting sharia law in Iraq. This contradict their overt stance of desiring real democracy in Iraq. Iraq has a long history as being apart of ancient Mesopotamia for thousands of years. Christians lived there centuries and today. Mostly Muslims live in Iraq with a big infusion of Islamic culture in the whole region in general. Sharia law has nothing to do with principles pertaining to liberty or freedom. It has to do with theocracy, violating religious liberties, and violating individual rights. This is what sharia law is all about and it causes strife in Nigeria not just Iraq. This when the Constitution, Republics, elections, etc. are cover ups or smokescreens that don't deal with why sharia law in in the Iraqi Constitution. Article 2 of the Constitution mentions that: "...First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation: A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established..." the reality is that any human has the right to believe in whatever creed they want to even if it isn't apart of the Islamic faith. The first countries to declare war on the newly independent United States were the Islamic Barbary States ironically. Saddam Hussein was a dictator and we should be glad that he isn't ruling Iraq now. Yet, even Saddam never had sharia law. Sharia law says a husband can have up to 4 wives. (Quran 4:3). Wives can be beaten and divorced at the whim of their husbands. Even the Pentagon tried to cause dissension in Iraq and Iran when before the Iranian Revolution, both nations had cordial relations with each other. That ended when a fanatical clerical regime, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini, ousted the Shah and took control of the country. The Khomeini regime was a fanatical clerical state based on Sharia law which denied women any kind of civil rights. Khomeini's real father was His father, Mustapha Musavi. He was the chief cleric of a town. In 1980, President Carter lost his chance for a 2nd term as President because of the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Reagan aided Iran and Iraq in the 1980's. Iran even in 2010 has its own anti-religious freedom policies. Voting is a sham in Iran like in the USA. The sharia law system exists in Iran against women, etc. That is why many people protested in the streets in Iran during 2009 and 2010. I submit to no sharia law, the iman, the Koran, or the Hadith. I submit to Almighty God alone.
Baphomet has a long history. It first appeared in a late 1100's Provencal poem, which is assumed as corruption of Muhammad. People accused the Knights Templar of worshipping a Baphomet like idol especially when the Inquisition existed in Europe. The poem talking about the defeat of the 7th Crusade called Austorc d'Aorlhac refers to Bafomet. The Knights Templars was suppressed by the order of Knight Philip IV of France on October 13, 1307. Many French templars were tortured into making confessions. The name of Baphomet existed in many of these confessions, which some believe was the title of an idol of some type that the Templars were alleged to have worshipped. The description of the object changed from confession to confession. Some Templars denied any knowledge of it. Others, under torture, described it as being either a severed head, a cat, or a head with three faces. Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856) associated a series of carved or engraved figures found on a number of supposed 13th century Templar artifacts (such as cups, bowls and coffers) with the Baphometic idol. Many charges were made against the Templars and many of them were proven false by historians. Some like scholars of Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber believe that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name of Muhammad. Eliphas Levi popularize the occult interpreation of the Baphomet image. Levi was a Freemason, an occultist, and he inspired the literature of Albert Pike. So, Levi was an expert on subjects pertaining to esoteric matters. In 1854, Levi depicted the Baphomet as a goated head winged being. He had a torch and has breasts. This image looked similar to the Devil in early tarot cards. Levi wanted his Baphomet depiction to outline various occult traditions. He called the image the Goat of Mendes (which is related to the god of Mendes or the Greek name for Djedet, Egypt). Yet, the Egyptian Mendes was accurately a ram deity called Banebdjed (literally Ba of the lord of djed, and titled "the Lord of Mendes"), who was the soul of Osiris. Levi combined the images of the Tarot of Marseilles Devil card and refigured the ram Banebdjed as a he-goat, further imagined by him as "copulator in Anep and inseminator in the district of Mendes." Aleister Crowely depicted the Baphomet as a androgyne being and the hieroglyph of arcane perfection. The mysterious history of Baphomet is strange, but the Baphomet is still found in satanic and witchcraft circles to this day. '
By Timothy