Monday, April 26, 2010

Georgia NAACP Withdraws Support for Bill Stopping Abortions Based on Race


Georgia NAACP Withdraws Support for Bill Stopping Abortions Based on Race

by Steven Ertelt Editor
April 26, 2010

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Atlanta, GA ( -- The Georgia chapter of the NAACP has withdrawn its support for a bill advancing in the state legislature that would ban abortions done specifically because the child is African-American. Although the civil rights organization opposes racial discrimination, that apparently doesn't extend to abortions.
The Georgia NAACP had originally endorsed SB 529, which also targets abortions done because the unborn child is a girl.
The Georgia House Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 on Wednesday to support the bill and send it to the Rules Committee, but it now want have the support of the black group.
Edward DuBose, chapter president, issued a statement withdrawing the support, saying, "Earlier this month, the Georgia NAACP submitted a letter to support Senate Bill 529. We now fully understand the intention of this legislation and wish to retract our support for it."

"At the time, we were of the understanding that this bill would work to benefit the women in our community. However, after many conversations with membership and constituents, we now realize that this is nothing more than using women’s health as a political tool," he said, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper. "Women of color in Georgia need more than divisive messages and deserve better access to health care."
The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which also helps stop abortions in cases when women are forced or coerced into having one, has already received backing from Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The measure would apply to abortion "the same standards of nondiscrimination" that govern employment, education, government and housing, its sponsors say.
Catherine Davis, director of minority outreach at Georgia Right to Life, told previously that the bill is needed because abortions target black women."According to the CDC, of the 38 states that report, Georgia is currently leading the nation in abortions in the black community. African-Americans make up 30% of the population and 59% of the abortions," she said.

"In 2008, according to the Georgia Division of Health, 18,901 abortions were performed on black women. SB 529 seeks to protect these women and their children, from making decisions they did not want to make," Davis added.
Statistics from the federal government and the mainstream media appear to back up the point that abortions target black women.
Earlier, Georgia Right to Life worked with the Radiance Foundation to promote billboards across Atlanta with the message "Black Children Are An Endangered Species" featuring a picture of a black baby.
ACTION: Respond to the Georgia NAACP's decision to withdraw its support by going to
Related web sites:Georgia Right to Life -