Thursday, April 22, 2010

Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines


Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

by Steven Ertelt Editor
April 21, 2010

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Washington, DC ( -- A new study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency shows a correlation between the use of cells from babies in abortions in vaccines to an increase in autism rates. The study provides another problem from pro-life advocates who are already concerned about the abortion-vaccine tie.
The study, published in February in the publication Environmental Science & Technology, confirms 1988 as a “change point” in the rise of Autism Disorder rate.
"Although the debate about the nature of increasing autism continues, the potential for this increase to be real and involve exogenous environmental stressors exists," the study says.
The 1988 date is significant because, as pro-life blogger Jill Stanek notes, the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute indicates that's when the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices added a second dose of the MMR vaccine, containing fetal cells from aborted babies, to its recommendations.

The study found two other change point dates: 1981, two years after MMRII was approved in the United States with fetal cells, and 1995, when SCPI says the chickenpox vaccine using aborted cells was approved.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, said today that his group is joining SCPI in calling for a Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act to let people know of this link and the use of cells from babies victimized by abortion.
“For years the evidence has pointed toward the link between vaccines using DNA from aborted babies and the rise of Autism Disorder rates,” he said. “Parents need and deserve to know the risks associated with vaccinations made from lines derived from the bodies of aborted children.”
"While the pharmaceutical industry ignores the evidence and continues to put our children at risk," Sound Choice is conducting studies on the impact of residual human fetal DNA in vaccines on the brain development and autism in children, Sedlak continued.
Stanek also commented on the new developments.
"I've always read it was mercury in vaccines that was implicated in autism, although many studies state this isn't true," she said, noted SCPI debunks the idea.
"The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the same sort of ideological culprits we see covering up the abortion-breast cancer link are also involved here. This would be a huge, huge blow to embryonic stem cell experimentation, for instance. That, and/or big pharma sees huge class action lawsuits on the horizon if this is proven," Stanek added.

"That virus-laden DNA of aborted babies could be wreaking havoc on the DNA of healthy children is completely plausible," she said.
SCPI will present their studies at the International Society for Autism Research in May 2010.Related web sites:
Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute: and Environmental Protection Agency: Timing of Increased Autistic Disorder Cumulative Incidence (10 July 2009)

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