Some people feel that downtown Toronto will turn into a locked down police state in the summer of 2010. There are massive preparations being done to prepare for the G20 summit in Toronto. There has been a huge, unprecedented level of security being undertake. There is a giant holding facility for "unruly protesters." The summit will occur in the weekend of June 26-27. Toronto law enforcement officials have announced that they are tapping social network sites to monitor the potential activities of protesters as they gear up for the event. “(Social media) allows people to communicate in a lot more different ways. It’s just another tool,” Const. Wendy Drummond told CP24 news. “The way we police our protests hasn’t changed.” Const. Ed Boltuc is from the Toronto Police Services officer and liaison with the RCMP-led Integrated Security Unit told the Toronto Star recently said that the winter Olympics in Vancouver saw the largest security event ever to take place in Canda. The G20/G8 surpasses that completely. Boltuc said that there is will a massive presence of police and security on the ground that has never been seen before. The Globe and Mail reported that up to 10,000 uniformed officers along with a 1,000 private security guards will be deployed including Canadian military forces. This security costs are expected to cost the Canadian government (and taxpayers) $179 million. The plans include 2 security perimeters, walled in with huge 3 meter high fences with the Toronto police in charge of the outer zone (and the RCMP in charge of the inner zone). If someone goes into the inner perimeter, then the Metro Convention Centre is located, they will processed via five levels of airport style security screening. Various checkpoints all over Toronto will have the "Magnetometers", "walk through metal detectors," “X-Ray belt driven scanners” and “hand-held metal detectors.” Registration will occur among residents and workers in the area to gain access to their homes and businesses during the meeting. This is fascism since human beings have the right to have access to their own homes without registration. The Canadian Forces plan to have air and land surveillance, underwater safety and security for the venues and some logistic and ceremonial functions. Support also includes drawing on the CF's ongoing partnership in the North American Aerospace Defence Command or NORAD. Protesters will experience designated free speech zones. If they breach these zones they will be forced to move or be arrested. This is a violation of the human right of the freedom of speech. The police say that they will use a massive movie studio as a temporary jail. The building is about 5 kilometres from the Convention Centre, which is outside the 2 security zones. The plan echoes tactics employed in the U.S. at recent DNC and RNC Conventions, where thousands of protesters were indisriminately rounded up and kept for up to several hours in temporary prisons. Sunday saw tactical officers take over part of the underground in the finanical district of downtown Toronto in an unannounced simulated hostage event. Police are working in tandem with private security guards and seen herding people through the building. The drill was caught on video by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth. Another training exercise on Sunday saw two military helicopters flying around the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and then landing at the nearby CN Tower. The heightened security will begin two weeks before the summit.
There are life news here. One candidate blasts Pro-Lifers at an Indiana Tea Party event. He loses an endorsement. This means that the Indiana Right to Life has withdrawn its endorsement of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Behney after he attacked pro life advocates at a tea party rally. The conservative so-called activist lost support from the pro-life groups' PAC after speaking to an Indianpolis Tea Party event for candidates. In the event, Behney made the wild accusation that top pro-life leaders are more concerned about themselves than stopping abortions. He's a liar a of course. "One of the things I'm most disappointed about in running for the United States Senate - I've met many people here - I've met many of these leaders - pro-life leaders - here in our state," Behney said. "And I'm convinced as sure as I'm standing here that they are more concerned with their egos and with their jobs than with saving lives."Behney didn't cite examples to back up his claims about pro-life leaders at all. Mike Fichter is the Charmian of the Indiana Right to Life PAC that took exception to Behney's statement. "Mr. Behney's comment reveals an uninformed and cynical view of what drives Indiana's pro-life leaders to invest their lives in the most selfless of causes by speaking on behalf of unborn children," he told "Indiana's pro-life leaders are mostly volunteers who give sacrificially of their time and money so that children they will never meet might be given a chance at life. This is the heartbeat of Indiana's pro-life movement," the IRTL leader added. Fichter said that he has never met Behney and is not aware of Behney ever meeting with any member of the Indian Right to Life board of directors of any President of one of Indiana Right to Life's 38 county affilates. Fichter said that Behney made an error of perception and judgement. Behney shouldn't stereotype pro-life people if he wants to fight for the unborn. Ficther said that the Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee is encouraging pro-life voters to thoroughly review the survey responses and voting records of its remaining endorsed candidates to the U.S. Senate Republican primary race before casting their votes primary election day. Behney is seeking the GOP nomination for Senate against pro-life former U.S. senator Dan Coats, pro-life former congressman John Hostettler, pro-life former state legislator Marlin Stutzman and Republican bank branch manager Don Bates. The winner will face Democratic candidate Brad Ellsworth, who says he is pro-life but voted for the controversial health care bill.
Economic populism is in the wave of the future and I'm glad to embrace it. Bill Still (he produced "The Money Masters: How the International Bankers gained Control of America" and "The Secret of Oz" is right that it isn't what backs the currency necessary, but who controls the quantity. Stephen Zarlenga's "The Lost Science of Money" talks about this issue too. Certainly, we shouldn't agree with the private banking elite controlling the quanity, use inflation, use deflation, and etc. The net production of an economy is determined by the value of money. The net production of an economy can change constantly. Deflation will cause the net production of the economy grow faster than the supply of money. Deflation ought to stop since its transfers wealth from those who hold debt, investments, or commodities to those who hold monetary units. Deflation is prevented via monetary expansion or the creation of adding monetary units to the economy. Inflation is caused when the supply of money is expanding faster than the net production of the economy, which is one of the most important basic laws of economics. Both inflation and deflation are wrong since it can cause a unpredictable nature in the real interest rates of savings and debt (It can distort markets in savings and loans to). Inflation can destroy wealth and deflation can decrease wealth. Using gold as a currency will primarily benefit those who control the gold quantity. The Federal Reserve system use a debt currency and private banks form money by loaning money (the banks keep the interests, but money is depleted in its value). True economic reform would allow the public to control the quantity and banks should work in reasonable rates. There should be no government corruption (without a regressive tax system in payroll taxes) and public wealth exists as public wealth and private wealth exists as private wealth. There is the neo con/FOX News lie that the top 5% of wage earners pay 50% of the income taxes. So, they want the working class to pay higher income taxes and the rich should get more bailouts and tax cuts. The keyword is income taxes since the bottom 95% of wage earns pay most of the payroll taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes (indirect sales tax), and many other taxes, as well as a higher percentage of their earnings. It should also be noted that the wealthy pay taxes to themselves since they receive the interest on the national debt. It is also the wealthy who buy land as a store of wealth, driving up the cost of land, which drives up the cost of production for things the poor need and buy and drives up the cost of starting a business or buying a home. It is also the wealthy who consume a greater percentage of natural resources, which again drives up the cost of living for the poor. Some people want taxation on found wealth like land value and monetary expansion to prevent deflation (in government free interest).
Northcom backs out of the National Level Exercise 2010. It has withdrawn participation in the Naitonal Level Exercise or NLE with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Defense announced on April 26 that it was decoupling its Ardent Sentry exercise from the National Level Exercise. Ardent Sentry is a Joint Chiefs of Staff that directed and Northcom sponsored "homeland defense" exercise. It is one of the number of DoD and Homeland Security exercises that blur the boundaries between the Pentagon, the federal government, and state and local governments (under the guise of combating terrorism and responding to natural disasters). The Pentagon said that it decided against the exercise after Las Vegas, the planned site for a post-nuclear attack response exercise pulled out in November (fearing a negative impact on its struggling business environment) according to the Washington Times. Officials said a new site couldn't be found. “The official also said the Northern Command’s exercise plans for ‘cooping’ — continuity of operations, during which commanders go to off-site locations — also had been scratched,” writes Rowan Scarborough for the newspaper. The federal government claims that certain exercises are done to assess national emergency preparedness. Senator Harry Reid (D) from Nevada said that to simulate a nuclear detenation in Las Vegas is unacceptable to harm the Southern Nevadan economy. ON April 2, the Washington Post reported the federal government was considering whether to scale back NLE 10. "The decisions are playing into a quiet debate about the future of the large scale national exercises," the newspaper noted. On April 14, the Public Intelligence website posted a story indicating that it had received a message from FEMA requesting the removal of a document entitled "National Level Exercise 2010 or NLE 2010. This is apart of a document made up of about 20 Power Point slides. “The contents of the brief are basically a calender of potential dates for the exercise and very brief descriptions of some preliminary plans for the exercise,” notes Public Intelligence. “The document has already been seen by a large number of people and has been discussed on a variety of websites and forums, which include mirrors in some cases.” The Public Intelligence also published the National Level Exercise 2010 Training Manual. Some people warned that the NLE exercise may go live which is similar to went the drills on September 11, 2001 (like Tripod) went live. Other drills and exercises dealing with hijacked planes were also documented weeks and days prior to the attack. The alternative media and Reid criticized Northcom on their planned exercise. FEMA has sensitivity about the posting of the NLE 10 documents on the Public Intelligence site is indicative. We should reject a false flag attack being create to crack down on political activity that is opposed to the establishment.
The New Age Movement has much influence in the world today. Some in the New Age movement have been manipulated by elitists in trying to form an Utopian world state. People from James Warburg to David Rockefeller have spoke or wrote about wanting to desire world government or the new world order. The New Age Movement is one avenue out of many to desire that aim. The New Age Movement isn't new since it's been apart of human history for thousands of years. The modern New Age movement came in the world during the late 1800's with the Theosophical Society. This society believed in the brotherhood of all people, but believed that nearly all creeds were equivalent to each other. They believed in the occult as well. Helena P. Blavatsky formed it in NYC during 1875. She worked with Masons and recieved the Certificate of the "Rite of Adoption" from Mason John Yarker in 1877. Blavatsky followed the Gnostic view that via knowledge can man achieve enlightenment. Like Gnostics, she viewed Yahveh as corrupt and believed that the serpent or Satan was the good guy. She utilized a reversed hermeneutic. She blatantly wrote in praise of Satan, which is blasphemy against Almighty God. "Isis Unveiled" and her 3 volume "The Secret Doctrine" were her famous worked. Later, in the 1960's and the 1970's, the Hippie Movement followed the New Age's promotion of yoga, gurus, karma, etc. to promote these teachings in a high level in America. The spiritual teachings of the New Age movement in support of religious universalism, the occult, karma, etc. influenced the United Nations as well. Even Alice and 32nd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey supported the Theosophical Society and the New Age Movement (They promoted Lucifer Publishing Company that was changed into Lucis Trust). Alice Bailey falsely believed that the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul told her revelations about life in her trance state. Many New Agers believe that these beings or Ascended Masters come into the world to inspire the world to have Harmonic Convergence or create the new age (The Age of Aquarius or the New World Order where a global religious/political system comes about). Therefore, the New Age Movement is apart of the new world order agenda in a religious flavor. The good news is that more people are waking up about these goals. We don't need karma or repetitive prayer or beads to find spiritual help. We need God, prayer, and doing the right thing in life instead.
By Timothy