Money was apart of the agenda of the Nazis. After WWII, some of the Nazis covertly used tactics to promote world domination. There is the historian named Marc Masurovsky. He testified on June 25, 1997 to the U.S. House Banking Committee that in late 1946, the Allied commissions searching for the art that the Nazis had looted were closed down. August 1944 to July 1946 perhaps thousands of these looted items “found there way out of Europe and into North and South American collections.” He also asked: “Why did the State Department agree to downplay the verifiable amount of looted gold in Switzerland as a means of obtaining ratification of the Washington Accord?” One reason is that the Dulles brothers aided the Nazis before, during, and after World War II. Allen Dulles negoitated deals with the Nazis and the Saudis. FDR may not been aware of all of these things. It's interesting to note that Roosevelt wrote to the Saudi King on April 5, 1945 (dealing with the question of Jewish people in Palestine) that: "...Your Majesty will also doubtless recall that during our recent conversation I assured you that I would take no action in my capacity as Chief of the Executive Branch of this Government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.” Not long after this letter, FDR was succeeded as president by Harry Truman, who approved of various operations that brought Nazis to the U.S..." Alcoa hired Oscar Ewing as its attorney for $750,000 per year. In that time, Ewing was an official with the Democratic National Committee that promoted Truman for vice-President. In 1947, President Truman appointed Ewing as administratior of the Federal Security Agency. This incldue the Public Health Service. Soon, Ewing started a program to put fluoride in Americans' drinking water. He hired the propagandist Edward Bernays to develop a propaganda campaign to promote fluoridation of our water supplies. Bernays even admitted in his worked called "Propaganda" that "...those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country…. The technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented..." Alcoa's aluminum refining process caused fluorine/fluoride to be produced. Ewing develop fluroide agreements with the Nazis. There is an October 2, 1954 letter. It was between researcher Charles Eliot Perkins to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. The letter said that: "...In the 1930s Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by the Nazis' philosophy…. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population of whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in the women, and so on. In this scheme of mass control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place…. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty…. There is a small area of the brain tissue that is responsible for the individual’s power to resist domination. Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of the brain tissue and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him….” Some believe that the secret Nazi plan was developed by the German General Staff. DuPont adied the Nazis too. Even Irene du Pont admired Hitler in a September 7, 1926 speech to the American Chemical Society. He wanted to promote a race of supermen by injecting drugs in that speech. GM was controlled by the DuPont family. GM produced cars, tanks, and trucks for Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Charles Higham's "Trading with the Enemy" exposed this historical reality. Aaccording to Charles Higham in Tradiing With the Enemy, by “the mid-1930s General Motors was committed to full-scale production of trucks, armored cars, and tanks in Nazi Germany.” Higham also revealed that “on November 23, 1937 representatives of General Motors held a secret meeting in Boston with Baron Manfred von Killinger, who was… in charge of West Coast espionage [for the Nazis], and Baron von Tipplekirsch, Nazi Consul General and Gestapo leader in Boston. This group signed a joint agreement showing total commitment to the Nazi cause for the indefinite future.” Henry Ford worked with the Nazis and admired Hitler. So, Nazism didn't die in WWII. Nazi philosophies and tactics still occur today.
The Pope wants a new team to "re-evangelise" the West. Benedict XVI wants a new Vatican department to spread Catholicism in the world. He had concerns that staunch Catholic countries in Europe and North America need to embrace their creed. There are thousands of Catholic leaving Catholic over issues like clerical sex abuse and the ban married priests. That's a good thing that many Catholics are leaving the Catholic Church since it's based on false doctrines (including supertisions). The Pope said that he wants to have a new since of renewed evangelism. This new department is called The Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation, will try to reinvigorate belief among Catholics in rich, developed countries – or, in the pontiff's words, "find the right means to re-propose the perennial truth of the Gospel." The Italian archbishop Rino Fisichella might head up the new group. he is the Vatican's top bioethics official as head of the Pontifical Academy for Life. There are congregations in the West have decreased greatly. The Catholic Church have been hit by many high profile scandals involving sexual abuse of children by pedophile priests. The Vatican (with senior Church leaders in various nations) have been accused of ignoring or activetly covering up sex abuse cases. These cases are in in the United States, Australia, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Austria. The Pope himself has been accused of turning a blind eye to paedophile priest cases when he was Archbishop of Munich and then head of the Vatican's office for doctrinal enforcement. The Pope made an official visit to Portugal last month, but barely 20 per cent of the population in the formerly staunchly Catholic country regularly attends church and the average age of priests is 62. Austria wants a more liberal Catholic Church even when its was once a bulwark against the Protestant Reformation (and a stronghold of Catholicism in central Europe). The Austrian Church has estimated that up to 80,000 of the country's 5.5 million Catholics could leave the church this year a new record. Britain is about 6 million Catholic or 1/10 of the population. Only about 1 million say that they go to Mass every Sunday. Archbishop Vincent Nichols, the President of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, said he looked forward to co-operating with the new body. "This initiative identifies a challenge with which many in the Catholic Church, and many in other Christian communities, are familiar," he said. The turth is that the falsehoods of Catholicism are alllowing many people to leav in order to follow the real Gospel.
Dennis Kucinich wants a bill to allow the federal government to research cell phone for radiation research. He wants a warning label for mobile phones. There are research growing globally that indicates the potential links between long term use and cancer. The bill comes after the Post's report on Tuesday. This report describes the growing controversy over cellphones and health. San Franciscco is the first place in America to require retailers to disclose radiation levels of the phones they sell. “Some studies find links. Some don’t. But studies funded by the telecommunications industry are significantly less likely to find a link between cellphones and health effects. We need a first-class research program to give us answers,” Kucinich said in a statement. “Until we know for sure, a labeling law will ensure that cellphone users can decide for themselves the level of risk that they will accept” Kucinich said that much of the current research on cellphone radiation have been done overseas. He held a hearing on the topic in 2008. Federal regulations on how much radiation devices can emit (like the Specific Absorpotion Rate set by the Federal Communications Commissions) are outdated. His bill wants a new look at regulatory standards on how much radiation a cellphone can emit. The FCC's guidelines for SAR (or an absorption limit set at 1.6 watts per kilogram of tissue) were determined in 1997. They were designed around testing a male adult model. These standards don't deal with other affects of radiation on tissue. They don't take into account the fastest growing segment of cellphone users, which are children (according to some epidemiologists). Kucinich cited the 13 nation interphone study that found there is no conclusive link that long term cellphone users were more prone to cancer, but the heaviest users could be more vulnerable. The U.S. didn't participate in the study. “Consumers have a right to know whether they are buying the phone with the lowest – or the highest – level of exposure to cellphone radiation. They also deserve to have up-to-date standards, which are now decades old,” Kucinich said. Kucinich said in an interview that he will introduce his bill when Congress resumes session in two weeks. He said he has several co-sponsors. "There is a high degree of interest in this among my colleagues," he said.
Agitating for a war in Iran is not wise, especially when America is dealing with the job and oil crisis. We don't need a diversion to promote a war in Iran at all. An attack on Iran (with the Ayatollah ruling Iran's religious system) would bring an economic and political crisis in the world that could be worse than our crisis now. So, why are neo cons promoting this evil? It's all about them adhering to their views. Even some in Israel want a war in Iran to occur when Iran doesn't threaten America or even Israel immediately at all. Many U.S. and Israeli warships traveled in the Suez Canal and are heading into the Persian Gulf. There is the more evidence that the government worked with BP for a long time. There is the half hearted economic recovery and the weaker financial reform legislation (that freezes discretionary non-military spending). Even the Barack Obama administration is trying to create a commission to try to harm Social Security (the proponents of it are blatantly wealthy interests). Right now, U.S. forces aren't leaving Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Iraq anything soon. Today, there are almost 800 military bases in almost 60 countries. American forces aren't going to leave their military bases that they have established for decades.
Secret Societies exist all of the time. One of the most famous symbols of the elite and secret orders is the mysterious All Seeing Eye. To esoterics, spiritual knowledge is found in the eye to the body. The eye is seen as the finroamtion that is kept from the common man. It's like in Masonry, there are various degrees. Each degree has secret that regular people or even some Blue Degree Lodge Masons don't understand. It is only when you get into the highest degrees that you understand all of the secrets in the group. Yet, in Christianity, you are not withholden about its doctrines. Its transparent and anybody can join it. Jesus said in John 18:20, “I spake openly to the world ... in secret have I said nothing.” This is in sharp contrast to secret societies which operate in secrecy. The reason why occult groups, such as Freemasonry, must operate in secrecy is because their works are evil. You don't have death oaths, drinking wine out of a human skull, and praising false gods in rituals in trying to act "good." The All Seeing Eye, the Jachin & Boaz image, the Square and Compass, and other images are common in the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall in the "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" from pg. 20 admit that symbolism to the mysteries was a method for the occultists to preserve their "transcendental knowledge." Symbols reveal and concela ideals that only the initiate or the Adept sometimes can only understand. Freemasonry has been used as a conduit to spread revolutions, false religions (Mansy Masons were in Mormonism, Christian Science & its code words are found 7th Day Adventists. Masonic imagery is found in the Jehovah Witnesses too), and other New Age dogma in human socieities for centuries.
By Timothy
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