Friday, July 16, 2010

Economic Information

Bill. A Brilliant documentary.

Any subject for documentary must needs be, be focused on set bounds. I have a couple of other thoughts:

1/ Gold has been replaced by oil as the commodity that can be manipulated......


2/ currency has been linked to energy.....

3/....and consider this Bill. J P Morgan once castigated N Tesla for having an energy device that couldn't have a meter on it. I believe the Establishment is suppressing alternative energy sources....and Bill, perhaps you might consider looking into this and possibly somewhere in the future factoring it into your worldview. Here then from an Englishman is a recommendation to you a great American to look at the work of another great American who is involved in this stuff !




The Bankster's mantra against debt-free money has always been that it creates massive inflation, when the contrary is true. Interest is the root cause of inflation, because we always need to borrow more to pay the interests and keep the Ponzi scheme going, otherwise everyone defaults and we go into depression.So obviously the Banksters tried to counterfeit the debt-free legal tender to prove their ridiculous point everytime it's been tried on a large scale. But through the Bank of North Dakota, we see that money issued by government without interest works fine.



Hey Bill,
I really enjoyed your film, and I think that your criticisms of Mr. Griffin are deserved. That being said, I don't think that G Edward holds his opinions with malicious intent; I think we are all aiming at a common goal here.

A common thread in all forums such as this is the idea that there is a silver bullet that can ameliorate all of our woes. We all know this not to be the case. I am quite fond of the Austrian economists, but too many participate in hagiography these days by, for example, looking back to the free-banking era between Jackson and Lincoln as some kind of golden age of American freedom and prosperity. In many ways that description is apt, however there was still an enormous amount of skullduggery, fraud, dishonesty and outright theft, especially in frontier banks (wildcats). I was a little dismayed to find that you hadn't fleshed that out in depth in Secrets of Oz. (Not a complaint, great film!)

In the end, I think we are all looking for a currency that is liquid, accessible to all, and protected from inflation and counterfeiting. If we need to step on the stone of government issued paper credits to get there, that would be a direction I could support.




Please see the article below and pass the word. The detail is stunning. If this doesn't galvanize people, nothing will.

Fractional reserve banking as it is now practiced needs to END.

Thank you, Bill, for all the work you do.

By now, you probably think your opinion of Goldman Sachs and its swarm of Wall Street allies has rock-bottomed at raw loathing. You're wrong. There's more. It turns out that the most destructive of all their recent acts has barely been discussed at all. Here's the rest. This is the story of how some of the richest people in the world – Goldman, Deutsche Bank, the traders at Merrill Lynch, and more – have caused the starvation of some of the poorest people in the world.


Great article!Thanks Vinessa.

-Bill Still

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