Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rush Limbaugh being the bigot that Rush is (He disrespects a dead man like a coward)

gettingitright 7 hours ago (1:50 AM)
127 Fans
Not only was it unabashedly racist. It was such a random, unnecessary digression from the topic of Steinbrenner's demise.

Nonpartay 12:43 PM on 7/15/2010
364 Fans
None of the guys you mention are racists. And your comments, which showed up in my comments activity list, were pretty nasty to the president and these icons of the civil rights movement. Unfortunately, you seem to think that when someone complains about how a group of people are treated by the majority, that's some kind of racism. Racism is what happens when the minority is put upon by the majority, prevented from having equal rights because of skin color. You don't even realize what racism is to make such accusations. Not only that, there are no "extreme libs" here, as you so dismissively call them. There are your fellow American citizens commenting on a disgusting racist rant. If you want your posts to stay, try not using such extreme language yourself. IMHO, anyone who thinks Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or President Obama are racists is simply prejudiced, ignorant, and hateful.BTW, it is interesting that Steinbrenner's having left a legacy of all kinds of charitable projects is not what Rush chose to talk about. He used it as yet another excuse to make disparaging remarks about black people. I would ask what Rush has done with his millions that is so terrific and helpful for his fellow Americans, white or black? What will they say about him when he dies? That he helped to bring the country together? That he helped people to understand current events? That he contributed to the political discourse? I don't think so!

Peets101 11:38 AM on 7/15/2010
106 Fans
"Shocked"? Hardly. What would be shocking is if Limbaugh missed an opportunity to say something mean, racist or sexist.

owlbreath 05:47 PM on 7/13/2010
42 Fans
The man is obsessive about race; he can't control himself.

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