Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Economics, Mel Gibson, etc.

Some financial brokers became bookies and turn markets into casinos. The Federal Reserve tried to have short term interest rates near zero. This was done in order to attempt to stimulate housing and credit markets. It made the federal debt to increase without increasing interest. U.S. debt increased almost 50% from 2006 to the end of 2009 (from about $8.5 trillion to $12.3 trillion). The interest bill on the debt actually dropped (from $406 billion to $383 billion), because of this reduction in interest rates. One bad consequence of this action was the bad derivatives bets in the nation. Many people were told by Wall Street advisers to buy credit swaps to protect their loans against interest rates going up. Later, the rates came done via the FED. Governments were told to pay massive sums to the banks and one bank in Montgomery, Alabama was bankrupt. Some people became speculators in these circumstances as derivatives are bets. Derivatives can bet on many things from tea to other items. The derivative trades in the global market is worth over a quadrillion dollars (or a thousand trillion). High frequency traders -- a field led by Goldman Sachs -- use computer algorithms to automatically bet huge sums of money on minor shifts in price. These bets send signals to the market which can themselves cause the price of assets to shoot up or tumble down. By placing high-volume trades, the largest speculative traders can thus intentionally “fix” prices in any direction they want. Davies observed that these betting exchanges, while clearly gambling forums, are little different from the trading done by financial firms such as JPMorgan. He said:“I used to trade bonds at JPMorgan, and I can tell you that what our customers do is exactly the same as what I used to do in my previous life, with the single exception that where I had to pore over balance sheets and income statements, they pore over form and team-sheets.” Mark Davies is the head of a sports betting exchange called Betfair. Carbon credit trading deals with derivatives too. Some believe that this plan will not have real oversight. It foucses on risky greenhouse gas mitigation projects. Cap and trade haven't been passed, yet companies are in the credit market business (like Morgan Stanley, Pilgrim-influenced Barclays Capital, etc.). These events are here in the light of the elite trying to destroy the social safety net in America. Some want a Tobin tax to slow down the evil derivatives market. I don't believe that such a tax should be forced globally though. Derivatives can gamble the wealth of retirement income among seniors. This is why then neo cons like Bill O'Reilly say that we can't afford more spending. But according to Richard Cook, who formerly served at the U.S. Treasury Department, the government could print and spend several trillion new dollars into the money supply without causing price inflation. Writing in Global Research in April 2007, he noted that the U.S. Gross Domestic Product in 2006 came to $12.98 trillion, while the total national income came to only $10.23 trillion; and at least 10 percent of that income was reinvested rather than spent on goods and services. If the government had replaced this bank-created money with debt-free government-created money, the total money supply would have remained unchanged. That means a whopping $3.77 trillion in new government-issued money could have been fed into the economy in 2006 without increasing the inflation rate. In a 1924 book called Social Credit, C. H. Douglas suggested that government-issued money could be used to pay a guaranteed basic income for all. Richard Cook proposes a national dividend of $10,000 per adult and $5,000 per dependent child annually. In 2007, that would have worked out to about $2.6 trillion to provide a basic security blanket for everyone. The Federal Reserve gave $4.6 trillion to Wall Street in bailout money. Most of was done by printing money and hyperinflation didn't occur. Writing in Global Research in April 2007, he noted that the U.S. Gross Domestic Product in 2006 came to $12.98 trillion, while the total national income came to only $10.23 trillion; and at least 10 percent of that income was reinvested rather than spent on goods and services. Yet, we have the threat of deflation. The reason is that the M3 money supply shrank in the last year by 5.5%. This rate is shrinking. This why some want debt free money sent to the public instead of debt filed money created as loans by private banks. The government has the sovereign right to create the national money supply.

A CNN Host said that the deadly terror bombings are helpful to the NWO agenda. His name is Rick Sanchez. His words are in response to the deadly bombings in Uganda. The threat of AFRICOM is real. AFRICOM is the Untied States African Command that wants to dominate Africa via the military industrial complex. Speaking with a former CIA agent, Sanchez stated, “You know what’s interesting about this, in a strange way the event is helpful to the cause of those of us who know how sadistic these fundamental radical Islamic terrorists are and if it helps get the message out there that these are not the good guys then so be it." These comments are sick of course. A real person would never want Africa to be occupied by imperialists. Any terror attack doesn't help anyone. The geopolitical agenda of the West certainly want this war on terror to continue. This is similar to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Lt. General Michael DeLong wanting a terror attack to get Americans to support the war on terror more. This conversation has been recorded in an audio that was released under the Freedom of Information Act. Rumsfeld admitted that more people aren't paranoid about terrorism. Neo-Con writer Stu Bykofsky wanted another 9/11 to allow America to develop outrage and national resolve (via hsi August 2007 column for the Philadephia Daily News). This is wrong. Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the war studies program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, told the Toronto Star in July 2007 that “The key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago.” Even in 2005, a GOP memo yearned for new attacks as a means to allow support for then President George W. Bush to continue. Dennis Milligan (or the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party) in June 2007 wanted more attacks in America to allow Bush to have popular approval again. The military industrial complex for decades planned and carried out terrorism before as apart of support a wide geo-political agenda. Operation Northwoods was a plan by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon to want to kill innocent people (and do terrorism in U.S. cities) in order to support a war with Cuba. James Bamford in his "Body of Secrets" book exposed this reality. The CIA admitted on their own website that Operation Ajax was a CIA program in using false flag terror to destroy Iran's first democratic government in the 1950's. It killed about 300 people. Operation Gladio was used by NATO and the CIA to do terrorism against percieved anti-NATO/anti-Communist forces in Europe. Some think that Operation Gladio had ties to the 1980 Bologna train station bombing that killed 85 people. That is why Islamic radicals have done evil, but many events have been done by Western/intelligence forces as well. Even David Headley (a Pakistan born American nation and a CIA agent) has been accused of being involved in the November 2008 Mumbai massacre. He has been protected by questioning by American authorities since the attack. The killing of 74 people in Uganda is a means to strengthen the elite's goal of integration of Africa and strengthen Africom. Africom is under the United States African Command. Some Westerners want to control the natural resources of Africa that is in contradiction to the sovereignities of people living in Africa. Al-Shabab has been accused of the bombing. It's a Somalian terrorist group with ties to the CIA-funded al-Qaeda group. Today, the World Bank and the IMF promote structural adjustment programs that have caused more poverty at the guise of trying to stop it. So, eugenics, sterliziation, and a big Brother control grid are wrong.

It's been found that a Bilderberg corproate media mogul wrote Barack Obama's speech. Barack Obama is a puppet of the elite. People already know this. The agenda of Barack Obama is in league with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. The speech writer is named Mortimer Zuckerman. He voted for Barack Obama. He admitted this to FOX News' Neil Cavuto. He is listed as the 147th wealthiest American. He owns and publishes for the New York Dialy News. He's the current editor in chief of the U.S. News and World Report. He's a member of the CFR. It's been rumored that Barack Obama secretly meet with Hillary Clinton in a Bilderberg confab in June of 2008 (inside of Northern Virginia). He has been accused of being apart of the Israeli lobby (according to John Mearsheimer and Sephen Walt). John is the political science professor at the University of Chicago. Walt is the academic dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Zuckerman said that he's proud to be apart of the Israeli lobby. Mearsheimer and Walt said that this netwrok manipulated America to invade Iraq. The truth is that a globalist is helping Barack Obama write one of his political speeches. Barack Obama is allowing imperialism to get a face lift in the 21st century. Bill Ayes assisted him, but of course President Barack Obama rejects the Weathermen's extreme ideology. It's easy to see that Obama is a puppet. Our real focus should be at the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and other groups that try to harm American society.

Economic News are important to know. The trade deficit in America is widening as exports are decreasing. It was $36.40 billion in 2010. the drop in manufacturing has caused a drop in production and exports. The growth in consumerism doesn't make long term economic growth. There should be a growth in production, infrastructure building, etc. to make a foundation for future economic development. Yet, many Wall Street bankers aren't into that solution. They want the casino of derivatives to continues. Banks now aren't loaning money to local buinsesses. They outsource and offshore their powers, while they don't deal that much with manufacturing or local production. Even since 1968, U.S. consumers lost 2/3 of their purchasing power. The physical collapse of the economy started in the late 1960's or the early 1970's.
This is why people have to work more hours than in past decades to get ends meet in some cases. the Austrian/ Mises/ Chicago- and London School of Economics want austerity measures, but you can build up more infrastructure. The Austrian extremists in our time include people like John Stossel. He even wants the repeal of the section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that bans discrimination in public places. This is the end fruit of extreme libertarian. Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are other reactionaries that use deceptive language under the guise of populism. The anti-intellectualism is a common feature of popular culture in America. It's a disgrace. Some Tea Party members want to get rid of social services completely. And, yet, in light of what Bob Herbert calls "the most painful evidence imaginable of the failure of laissez-faire economics and the destructive force of the alliance of big business and government against the interests of ordinary Americans," One issue with much of the Tea Party Movement is that they embrace contradictions. They say big government is evil, but they want a Big Military, Medicare preserved, and big government prisons to flourish. They claim that they want to lower the deficit, but they want no cuts in the war on terror. They claim to not support Wall Street but they refuse to have even legitimate regulations toward the financial system (or a real stimulus to help working Americans). Social Darwinian or an extreme libertarian view of no social restraint were one of the many reasons ironically that created the economic recession in the first place. This anti-intellectualism is encouraged when Neo cons tell students to spy on their professor to see if they have liberal bias or not. Universities are more corporate and more groupthink in terms of thinking. In the mind of the neo-liberal, social protections are gone to allow people to fend for their ownselves. This is apart of social Darwinianism. .

Mel Gibson said offensive comments and that's typically of him. It's the fruit of his bigoted father. It's the fruit of the Vatican I religious creed. His father tries to diminish the Holocaust and he blame Jewish people collectively for evils in the world. Not to mention that Mel and Hutton Gibson follows a religion that teaches that if you're not Catholic, then you're basically going to Hell. Tapes proves that he spoke against African Americans, women, and Hispanic people in degatory language. He had to apologize for his anti-Semitic remarks before. This is his biggest controversy since he offended so many groups that some believe he may never have a great impact in Hollywood again. He claimed religious peity, but that was a farce. Many of his film expressed his fruit. His films from Mad Max to the Passion of the (anti) Christ displayed the themes of vegenance, hate, violence, strife, and agitation. These themes are not of God neither are they representative of the character of a real Christian. A real Christian goes through struggle, but consistently believes in peace, love, and justice for the whole human race. From one blood, God created all human beings. Every human have equal worth and equal value irrespective of what they look like. These truth expose the lies of bigotry and materialism. The lesson with Mel Gibson is that people should be honest. No one should sugarcoat their true feelings. Although, we should not hate another person in an unjustified way for any reason. If Mel wants to improve his life, he has to do it on his own accord. It can't be token measures or talk. He will have to do legitimate deeds and change his course of action if he wants a true change among his life.

By Timothy

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