Philosophy is a key part of human thinking. Philosophy is a study of how the human mind thinks about issues such existence, reason, the mind, language, knowledge, values, etc. In other words, philosophy tries to answer questions about morality, how did man exist in the world, are moral absolutes in the universe, etc. Philosophy is sometimes not scientific and many interpretations of philosophy do exist. Usually, arguments and discussion readily forms specific types of philosophies. The word philosophy itself comes from the Greek word φιλοσοφία (philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom.” Philosophy has been popularized by the ancient Greek philosophers of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Zeno. Yet, philosophy has a history with the great ancient Chinese scholar Confucius as well. Confucius wanted a philosophy of the respect for the family, respect for government, and a sense of order among classes, so that balance (and especially harmony) will exist in the Universe. His precepts influence modern philosophy among the four corners of the Earth. His views were respected in the Zhou Dynasty and Chinese while the Chin dynasty hated the views of Confucius. The Chin dynasty loved the strict tenets of Legalism (or the belief that a harsh rule making people to experience fear was necessary for the government to be more stable in its composition).
The Roman Empire wasn’t the same when it was divided into its Western and Eastern Empires. The Emperor divided the empire in half as a means to try to easily govern the total Empire. Civil wars came about in the western half of the Empire. The Western Roman Empire was defeated by the Huns and other tribes by 476 A.D. Rome was sacked by invaders during that time. The Roman Empire fell because of economic, political, and social reasons. The Eastern Roman Empire evolved into the Byzantine Empire. The Eastern part of the Roman Empire was mostly stable. The Roman Empire decided later to formed a new capital in the former Greek city of Byzantium. He renamed it Constantinople. Constantinople is called Istanbul today. Istanbul is a mostly Islamic city with Islamic architecture, culture, etc. The Byzantine Empire was a famous Empire. Its contributions still influence world societies presently including the society of the United States of America. The capital of the Byzantine Empire is Constantinople. This city has great geographic significance. The reason is that it’s located between the Black Sea and it is near the Mediterranean Sea. A lot of trade between Asia, Europe, and Africa had to come through the Byzantine Empire. Since Constantinople experienced a great deal of trade, stability for a long time, and it was a strategic location, Constantinople was very wealthy (including the rest of the empire). Religiously, the leadership of this empire was Roman Catholic. This changed in 1054. In that year, there was a controversy over the worship of icons. Christian leaders in Byzantine didn’t want to worship icons. The Roman Catholic Church wanted the veneration of icons. This caused a split. The Byzantine Empire soon allowed the existence of the Greek Orthodox Church by 1054 A.D. and the Catholic Church continued to dominate Western Europe (until the Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s). The Byzantine Empire was important in history because it allowed the preservation of Roman & Greek culture and it allowed cultural diffusion.
People have mentioned about the Black Power Mixtape: 1967-1975 documentary movie. I’ve brought it recently and will look it at completely soon. The DVD was hanging from the story. Instinctively, I knew this documentary had great cultural and historical resonance. So, I’ve decided to buy it. The DVD is about Swedish filmmakers during the 1960’s and the 1970’s trying to film the Black Power movement. Many people from across the world in Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South America, Australia, etc. then and now are interesting in the civil rights movement among black Americans. The black Americans involved in this legitimate movement really changed the world. The reason is that it was a time of the people of color rebelling overtly against white supremacy in an unheard of level culturally. Our ancestors did the same thing centuries ago, but their acts caused the Black Power movement to rise too. We can discount the actions of our ancestors since many of our black ancestors fought tooth and nail against white supremacists seeking to dominate the whole world. The DVD has commentary from Dr. Martin Luther King, Kwame Ture, Angela Davis, Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and tons of other black people that desired liberation for humanity. Director Goran Hugo Olsson presents this mixtape. What’s interesting is that some of the footage that the Swedish film team recovered hasn’t been shown publicly before. So, this DVD is like a new frontier and a new look during the turbulent times of the 1960’s and the 1970’s. Many of the narrators in the film include artists like Talib Kweli, Erykah Badu, Abiodun Oyewole, John Forte, and Robin Kelley. This time period of 1967-1975 was one of the most important periods of African American history. The reason is that it set the stage of modern black life in the USA, but it signaled the end of overt colonialism against black Americans. The film describes the BPP or the Black Panther Party movement. The BPP was about black people to fight against police brutality and to develop a sense of cultural liberation for all black people. Community schools, health clinics, and a free breakfast for children program were created by the BPP to help people. The FBI warred with the BPP since they believed that they were a threat to America. Ironically, the FBI (headed by 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason J. Edgar Hover during most of the movie’s timeline) with COINTELPRO and other acts has been a threat to real liberators from labor activists, civil rights figures, the BPP, anti-war protesters, and other individuals. The film shows the neo-Garveyite Lewis Michaux (he’s nicknamed the “Professor”). He talked about black history and he has his Harlem based National Memorial African Bookstore. The documentary exposes how increasing drug addiction and violence have harmed much of the Black communities. The CIA and the elite’s agents promoted the War on Drugs not only to make huge corporate profits (in the prison industrial complex, etc.). It was used to stop reasonable revolution in America. If you keep a man addicted to drugs and distracted by mindless entertainment, he has little chance to promote a real Revolution in society. They use bread and circus to pacify humanity when we should not follow the status quo at all. We should be concerned with jobs, justice in the court system, ending the Drug War, have health care, promote decent education for human beings, and justice for all human beings.
There is something called the Lesser Key of Solomon. It’s also called the Clavicula Salomins or the Key of Solomon. It’s a book that is an anonymous 17th century grimoire. A grimoire is a book that deals with demonology (or understanding demons). Books like these have been classified as the Lemegeton. The Lesser Key of Solomon therefore describe spirits and conjurations to evoke them. There are words in this book calling about invocations, how to do it, etc. The evocation involves the use of the circle and the triangle. People believe that rituals can evoke the 72 spirits of the Goetia. What is the Goetia? The Goetia is the practice of invoking spirits or demons (like Astaroth). Aleister Crowley loved the concept of the Goetia. A revised English edition of the Ars Goetia was published in 1904 by magician Aleister Crowley, as The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. It serves as a key component of his popular and highly influential system of magick. The Kabbalah relates to magic. The occultists believe that Asmodeus is the king of demons (from a succubus mating with King David, which I don’t believe at all). The Seal of Solomon is known to be used in similar rituals all of the time. Now, people like John Dee were involved in learning about occult beliefs like these. He was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He was an imperialist, who promoted the British Empire.
The Dark Knight Rises is film that will come out in 2012. A trailer is shown and some researchers believe that certain messages are found in the film. The film describes about the Batman series. Christopher Nolan is the director of the film. Bruce Wayne is played by Christian Bale. Bruce Wayne dances with a masked woman in a party. The woman says to Bruce that a storm is coming. The mask woman looks similar to the masked figures from the film “Eyes Wide Shut” (a movie talking about a man discovering a sick, secret society in underground elite society). The movie deals with criminals. The movie talks about the conclusion to the Dark Knight legend. It shows an apocalyptic theme where everything is falling apart in Gotham city. The masked woman is cat woman (played by actress Anne Hathaway). She said to Bruce that: “…There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches…’cause, when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.” The storm she is talking about deals with anarchy as caused by the sophisticated criminals in the movie. She seems to say that the criminals will target rich folks like Bruce since in the criminals’ minds they haven’t given wealth to the rest of the people. Violence, anarchy, and social unrest in an evil fashion are always satanic. The trailer seems that the old order of Gotham is crumbling by violence and anarchy. Some view America as decaying if America won’t get its act together. It’s easy to see that tons of movies have shown Illuminati/occult symbols, beliefs, and messages. All Seeing Eye images are found in Tomb Raider from 2001, the movie Hard Core Logo from 1996, and the Handmaid’s Tale from 1990. The establishment shows these images to promote not only globalization and the New Age (but chaotic themes as a method to get people to ally with the new world order system). Transformation via crisis has to form order has been promoted by Secret Societies for thousands of years. That is why one Masonic logo of the 33rd Degree in the Scottish Rite (its highest degree) is Ordo Ab Chao or Order out of chaos. Even Arthur Schlesinger Jr. wrote in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine (from July/August 1995) that: “...We are not going to achive a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money…” So, the film is about the Batman trying to stop Bane from destroying Gotham City. Some have found symbolism in the new Sherlock Holmes film as well. Even the J-Pop singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has her Tsukematsukeru video (which is similar to her previous PONPONPON video). It has an Alice in Wonderland theme to it. Yet, tons of occult symbolism is found in the video. There are 2 hands with each hand having one eye on the hand. There are black and white Masonic checkered board images in the video. There are animals and a lot list of images that are similar to MK programming. Yes are watching places and there are 2 pillars in the video.
By Timothy