I almost had to laugh at this video, but it really isn't funny. It's cinematography is almost satirical of underground shock documentaries, but it's content is nothing more than typical black republican rhetoric, rhetoric that has yet to produce a substantive idea on how to successfully cure the ills of the black community. Let's delve into this teaser shall we.
Also, I should start by saying I am lack and personally have an extreme prejudice towards extreme right republicans.
1. It's historically inaccurate:
-They state that pre-nineteen sixty that most African Americans were republicans indicating that a substantive shift happened under Kennedy. This shift in fact happened under FDR, stemming from his executive orders that began systematic desegregation. Kennedy got black votes because his platform explicitly had promises to the black community, most famously dealing with equal housing (sen stroke of my pen campaign.)
It also references Kennedy freeing King from jail as the tipping point, completely neglecting landmark legislation in the form of voting and equal rights in addition to great society anti-poverty programs. Programs they spend the rest of the trailer lampooning without mentioning that they reduced poverty by large amount for every race and age group in America. They also don't mention Johnson at all.
2. Wellfare = slavery
-I'm inclined to call this video racist on the premise that it re-enforces the lazy black agenda propagated by the black right. It fails to mention that while a decent percent of black use these programs, white usage FAR out paces black usage. I sit in disbelief that people think that 33% of black (which is way too large an amount, get it together my proud people!) which make up around 13% of total US pop. is in fact larger than the roughly 20% of whites using these programs, a group that makes up 65% of the US pop.
They also fail to mention the strong impact these programs have on poor family and on our national soul. These programs are the holistic price we pay for a system designed to reward screwing workers and enforces a gulf of wealth. I’ll tell you right now that I’m a staunch capitalist, but that the immoral version of American brand capitalism is hardly a pure and fair capitalist system.
3. Blacks = dumb slaves
This video then goes on to its open your eyes motif, that blacks are dumb and kept perpetually dumb by democrats, and that they effectively need to break their chains and become free. They don’t ever offer any solutions, their ideology never has. They shout wake up to people, many of which are soundly educated, in an effort to stop them from voting for the party that has embraced them and fought on their behalf since the 1930’s (I don’t include or absolve Sothern democrats though).
That brings me to an important point: I’m in favor of a complete end to welfare.
But here’s the rub, I think it’ll end when we bring balance to a corrupt system and finally give every single American the education they deserve.
Now I’m inclined to support the view advocated by Geoffrey Canada that there are specific factors of black culture that perpetuate some of the ills that keep blacks down and out. This isn’t to hash on rappers or so on, but at the cerebral level of early child rearing. It’s the idea that sagging never kept me from getting a college degree and that Kanye didn’t stop me from getting into law school.
It’s a theory that states: if blacks and Hispanic and white underperforming students live in safe neighborhoods, have positive adult supervision, a strong support system for life, and good nutrition, that these kids will all succeed. The crux is that this has to start literally from day one of a kids life. If we do this, if we create a competent social system of education for all, they will give back to their communities, say no to drugs and drug dealers, say no to gangs and crime, and build strong communities with good jobs. They will build places to raise another generation, all in pursuit of the promise of the American dream.
It’s that simple. It isn’t about sweeping radical changes at the federal level that strips away benefits from the country’s most fragile people; it’s about all of us summoning the courage to start seriously tackling these problems. We need to look ourselves in the mirror and come to a twilight reckoning, a place where we refuse to put off fixing these communities, where we fight this fight the way it deserves to be fought, and a place where we in the black community start to fundamentally rethink some of the features of our culture that unrelentingly keep poor blacks from rising to the occasion.
This is a Race Baiting Video that divides people when Conservatives call all black liberals plantation slaves that's a Racist Stereotype this video is nothing but Right Wing Propaganda
You must be completely insane your saying that any person that doesn't believe in your conservative ideology must be a slave in chains.This is why i'm against Right Wingers like you people like you are ones dividing America you hate any person that's not conservative Glenn Beck calls all Liberals communists Rush Limbaugh calls all liberals Nazis.
Your completely brainwashed by Right Wing Hatred i feel sorry for hateful people like you.
To call any black person that's democrat a plantation slave is a Racist Stereotype its no different than liberals calling black conservatives Uncle Toms there both Racist Stereotypes.Hypocritical White Conservatives will defend Black Conservatives from being called Uncle Toms but then you turn around and call all Black Liberals plantation slaves you don't even realize your own Racist Hypocrisy.
Note by Me: I don't know the man CL Bryant like that, so I can't call the man a sellout, but I see where the sister is coming from.
By Timothy
White Power Rednecks in the Tea Party pay money to Fake Black sellouts like CL Bryant to defend the Tea Parties white racism.White Supremacists love using Token Sellouts blacks to do white man's dirty work that's why the Tea Party only likes blacks who hate their own black race but they hate any real black person who has black pride and defends the views of the black community.