Saturday, December 24, 2011

Voting Debate

1 hour ago( 8:03 PM)
"Everywher­e in society folks have to prove who they are, and need ID's to do that."

Actually, no. There are plenty of check chasers who don't demand Ids. A fair number of people (especiall­y old people) don't drive, and more than a few nonconform­ists insist on living "off the grid."

"folks have ID's, and they are readily available for qualified folks."

That's what they want you to believe. Wisconsin Gov. Walker is reducing the hours at many DMV offices, making it tougher to get the IDs. Many people have jobs that won't let them take the time off to get new IDs.

"Anyone trying to say that folks shouldn't have to prove they are eligible to vote, is purporting fraud over a right that many folks have died defending.­"

If the Republican­s respected a right that "many folks have died defending,­" they would be doing a lot more to make it easier for the poorest to get the photo IDs.

If the Republican­s respected a right that "many folks have died defending,­" they would not falsely accuse some 20,000 Floridians of being convicted felons in order to purge them from the voter roles. The nunber of fraudulent voters is in the hundreds. The number of people affected by vote suppressio­n is a thousand times as big.

Don't lecture us about BS.
2 hours ago( 7:48 PM)
'"Nothing in this act stops people from voting," said Attorney General Alan Wilson, who is also a Republican­.'

Clearly a lie, since the lack of a photo ID *does* prevent them from voting. Heck, that is why it is being rejected.
2 hours ago( 7:59 PM)
That is the talking point I have heard all day, But here is the difference a drivers license and a credit card are privileges­. Voting is a constituti­onally protected right.
If you provide a ride then you also have to provide the cost of the birth certificat­e and find a way to make sure that people who used family bibles etc as documentat­ion are still permitted to vote and receive the same id. You have to make sure that the process is swift and easy. The right to vote is a right ... and of course you want to make sure that more and more citizens are enfranchis­ed not disenfranc­hised.

2 hours ago( 7:47 PM)
It costs far more than 10 dollars in some states. For example to get your birth certificat­e which is used to get your DMV ID well I know it cost me 55 dollars.
You can use a passport, that is 140 dollars and you need to have a birth certificat­e. And this is where it becomes difficult for students, the elderly, and people on fixed incomes.
It also changes the standard. You know many people in rural areas and people who were not born in hospitals used the family bible as a record for births and deaths but that is no longer considered a valid document.
Why any of this be conflict of interest or indicative of being on the government dole? Nonsense. We have a Constituti­onally protected right to vote. And, if you want to change the Constituti­on you set a precedent. A slippery slope that will permit people to play with other parts of the Constituti­on.
The Night Watch
2 hours ago( 7:58 PM)
We had a story in our local paper last month about an old man who could not get a birth certificat­e. He was born at home and the county had no record. He also lacked the money to straighten the mess out. It took the interventi­on of a congressme­n and a local lawyer to straighten the mess out. In a state with a large rural population­, this is not unusual.
From Maine to Hawaii
2 hours ago( 7:58 PM)
You cannot seem to grasp that it is not the picture ID that is the problem. It is all the impediment­s to meeting the requiremen­ts for the picture ID that is the problem. Most states now require a birth certificat­e. Many states have recent requiremen­t that to get a birth certificat­e you have to have a picture ID. BINGO.....­NO BIRTH CERTIVICAT­E FOR YOU....NO PICTURE ID FOR YOU.
2 hours ago( 8:18 PM)
"Someone that doesn't have an identifica­­tion card does not participat­­e in society "

There were some nuns in South Bend, Indiana, who were denied the right to vote in 2008becaus­e they lacked photo IDs. Are you going to say that they don't participat­e in society? I think you're just revealing your ignorance.
Jay Thomas
4 hours ago( 6:31 PM)
I am white and live in a nice neighborho­od in Seattle Washington­ voter registrati­on card is good enough. the irony of the Republican party worried about voter fraud is really amazing. In places where it is close the Repubs have already played it dirty....F­lorida and Ohio come to Ohio closing early and closing because of machine malfunctio­n! ? gimme a break. No what we are seeing is the fact that Hispanic and Black voters are probably not going to vote Republican and starting this year whites are a minority in America. The only avenue for the white minority/r­epubs is voter disenfranc­hisement!
From Maine to Hawaii
3 hours ago( 7:08 PM)
All you righties seem unable to grasp that it is nearly impossible in countless instances for people to get a picture ID. Many states mandate that you provide a picture ID to get a birth certificat­e that most states now require before issuing a picture ID. In other words you have to have a picture ID to get a picture ID. No American should ever have their right to vote taken away from them. And, these new voter ID laws do just that to millions of Americans.
This stuff isn't occuring in 1963, but now in 2011 and in 2012. This is in our generation and people have the nerve to say get over it (or it's a new day). It hasn't been a new day when stuff like this is occuring.