Friday, December 23, 2011

Who was Christopher Hitchens?

Hitchens Proves Atheist 'Leftists' can also be White Supremacist

Chris Hedges wrote a piece called 'I Don't Believe in Atheists' where he called out New Age Atheists 'Gurus' Hitchens, Sam Harris [both of whom he had debated] & to a lesser extent Rich Dawkins [who he hadn't personally met]- & where his assessment of both Hitchens & Harris basically concurrs w everything that Sis Kimberley has outlined here.
If you google Chris Hedges vs Sam Harris debate, you'll see just how xenophobic / anti-Islamic Harris is. He completely distorts history vis-a-vis Jews & Christians / Jews & Muslims [especially pre 1900] to actually suggest that ALL Islam [IE: ALL Muslims] is & always was hopelessly backward / violent / fanatical - but that modern [IE: euro-centric] advances in [western] science-technology & learning has civilized the Judeo-Christian [IE: Euro-American westernized] World- Which ALL Islam now wants to destroy, For NO Reason [He would be challegend by people as diverse as Chris Hedges, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Mike Gravel, Sis Cynthia McKinney, to Ray McGovern, Ron Paul & Alex Jones- on that false claim]. He then suggested that Islam must be totally eradicated [FYI: There are at least 1.5billion+ Muslims in the World & the belt of Islam stretches almost continuously from NW Africa {Morocco} - to South East Asia {Indonesia- which has the largest Islamic Population} - Thus most Muslims aren't Arabs] & even hinted that the US & the West should be prepared to use nukes to do it! Hedges goes on to say that Hitchens expressed similar racist / Anti-Islamic notions - which he describes as just as dangerously racist as anything that so-called 'born-again' Bush Jr or 'Christian' Racist Jerry Falwell has expressed!
Hedges point is well taken because there is a false idea being circulated in many so-called 'enlightened liberal' circles that every evil in the World is all because most people have fundamental Spiritual beliefs / believe in God [generally referred to as religious folk], & that 'enlightened' [as in so-called science & logic based] Atheism is the True Path to 'Peace & Harmony' [IMO: sounds like they're replacing one Euro-Centric 'faith' / idea w another]! But Guys like Hitchens & Harris prove that this debate between so-called 'religious' folk [generally Euro-Christian in the US & EU ] & atheists Who ARE ALSO White Supremacists - IS A DISTRACTINGLY FALSE ARGUMENT for Folks of African &/or non-white Ancestory! Harris & Christopher Hitchens prove that an avowed atheist can be just as much rabidly pro-US / UK / Euro imperialist & white supremacist as that Catholic Christopher Columbus or that Protestant Christian slave owning George Washington!!!
I've said it before & I'll repeat- One can't find any significant Afro-centric scholar(s), institution, society prior to 1500ACE [the point that Europeans left Europe in droves to conquer / pillage / destroy non-Euro peoples, lands & cultures] that espoused Atheism [which is basically just another Euro-centric idea]! -&- One would be hard pressed to find any prior to 1900ACE! Thus atheism, just like slave-oriented Euro-Christianity, did NOT Originate w African / Afro-Asiatic people [historically we've always traditionally been a natural & a spiritual {NOT Spooky} people]- So atheism must be a relatively new YET never-the-less is Still a EURO-CENTRIC Concept!