Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is Christmas?

From: "Eric Jon Phelps" <>
Subject: Santa Equals Satan: Christmas; the Winter Pagan Roman Feast of Saturnalia | Vatican Assassins
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011

Posted by EJPon Dec 23rd, 2011


Santa Equals Satan: Christmas; the Winter Pagan Roman Sex-Feast of Saturnalia
No true, born-again, Reformation Bible believing Christian should ever observe “Christmas,” or rather, the “Merry Mass of Christ.”
The holiday is an utter blasphemy forbidden to be celebrated by the godly Puritans in their colony of Massachusetts. This wicked feast
of the devil first known as “Saturnalia” only began to be officially observed with the presidency of Episcopalian Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
President Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)­the man who used Commodore Perry to open up Japan in 1853 having been closed to the Jesuits
for over 200 years. Of Rome and her Christmas, the great Scottish minister Alexander Hislop wrote in 1858:


From Columbia Christians for Life:
Article above includes embedded YouTube Video: "SANTA = SATAN ? / Santa - Satan and Christmas." (6:18)
Views - 102,404

The pagan origins of santa clause and christmas.


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