Wednesday, February 08, 2012

New Times in February of 2012

There has been wild news in the political arena presently. Rick Santorum won the Republican primaries in Minnesota, Colorado, and Missouri. Each of the states has a strong conservative and populist base. Each state also harbors a large amount of real Patriots and real freedom fighters indeed. In those states represent a large portion of real American culture indeed. Even Ron Paul was 2nd place in Minnesota as well. Santorum stole the thunder of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Rick Santorum has strengthen his campaigning skills. He spoke to his audience about many issues. She told his audience that he is the only representative of a conservative that can go against President Barack Obama. He said that he adheres to religious liberty (this relates of course to the contraception controversy) and other traditional values. CPAC held meetings from Republicans and likeminded folks to promote their ideologies. There is nothing wrong with promoting traditional values, but far too often people exploit values as a means to promote prejudice and bigotry in society. Real traditional values are all about equality, fairness, justice for all human beings, assistance to the poor & suffering, tolerance, and love of family. Every single Republican candidate (except for Ron Paul) agrees with the neo-conservative foreign policy. This foreign policy means aggression against nations that's even preemptive (with unjustified reasons). It's a foreign policy that love paranoia about Islam as well. It's a foreign policy that deals with harming nations with sanctions (that has starved nations, because these sanctions don't just deal with military supplies. It deals with food and water too). So, the future of the Republican Primary is still up in the air. There can be even a brokered convention in Tampa. The Republican establishment would just to love to witness Mitt Romney to be the sole Republican candidate for President. The truth is that the Republican field is diverse, but some of their economic views are more pro-1% than pro-the rest of the people. There is nothing wrong with loving individual liberty, but if a man or a woman lacks a job or an income; then you have to do something about it (beyond just charity or privatization). You have to be a part of the hope business. Austerity isn't in the hope business, but it's a part of the oppression factor. Also, it's important to not worship this administration or any other administration for that matter. The status quo (of left gatekeepers) mentions that where were we when the Bush team committed their crimes. The reality is that people like me criticized the Bush administration in unprecedented levels. I've opposed the Iraq War in 2003 and people like me have talked about the nefarious errors of the previous administration in a great fashion. This new administration has grown some jobs and we acknowledge that not everything is bad. Yet, the superPAC money, the Patriot Act, drone attacks, and other real issues that relate to the current administration ought to be mentioned (without falsehoods or compromise). We will never compromise our core convictions regardless if the occupant of the White House is a Republican or a Democrat. As a man, I can't support war mongering, I can't get down with corportatism, I don't love sanctions that starve human beings in foreign countries, and I will not allly with President worship. The President is a man deserving of respect and legitimate criticism without worship. There should be a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures too. You can't be a progressive on foreign policy in my own opinion when you support a proxy war against Somalia (when they are suffering a record starvation crisis. The current administration cut food aid to Somalia) and Libya (with NATO war crimes ever abundant).
There is a new DHS report. It claims that if you love individual liberty and if you believe in conspiracy theories (or facts of history), then you are a potential terrorist. There is one thing with me. There are real conspiracies in history. Just because a person exposes real conspiracies throughout human history doesn’t mean that this person is an extremist. Real conspiracies like the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Manhattan Project, the 9/11 attacks (since more than one person was involved in the act anyway), the death of William Morgan, etc. have existed in human history. So, if you are against an one world economy and an one world government, some people in the DHS consider you to be extremists. This new Homeland Security report was released in January of 2012. Its titled is “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008.” It was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security. The report talks about the ideological motivations of potential terrorists in promoting the lie that it’s a sin for a man to reject governmental propaganda. A person loving their own country, but opposes the Big Brother System nowadays are considered potential terrorists. The DHS report manipulates the definition of terrorism into something so broad that the definition slanders sincere Americans that desire individual liberty for all people. A decade ago, the nation was paranoid about radical Muslims (and the state said that we were sending our people overseas to fight them). This new report doesn’t mention Islam at all. Not that Islam is to be blamed for this war on terrorism. Islam isn’t to be blamed for it, but a group of extremists. Instead, the report identifies patriots, conspiracy theorists, evangelical Christians, anti-abortion activists, survivalists and those that are against globalism as the real threats. The focus of the “war on terror” has fundamentally shifted. The “enemy” is now those that love freedom and those that love America. The report says that the following beliefs are the beliefs of Americans terrorists: those who are nationalistic, anti-global, don’t agree with centralized federal authority, love individual liberty, believe in conspiracy theories, a belief that one’s way of life is under attack, survivalism, pro-life, anti-nuclear, anti-Catholic. Some of these classifications describe me to a T. I am anti-globalism, I am a nationalist, and I love individual liberty. These words describe other people as well. So, the government considers people like me to be a potential terrorist when the state in many historical times has been the biggest terrorists in our modern age. Ironically, terrorism has described in the USA over the years. On page 13 of the new DHS report, you will find a chart that shows that the number of “terrorist attacks” in the United States has decreased steadily since 1970. And on page 18 of the report, we find that “extreme left-wing” groups such as radical communists were responsible for 5 times more terror attacks in the U.S. between 1970 and 2008 than all “extreme right-wing” groups and religious groups combined. Therefore, it is easy to see that most Americans are religious, patriots, very peaceful, believe in some conspiracy facts, and want the best for their own country. The mainstream media demonize anyone with a questioning eye on government as a potential terrorist. Now, the FBI is trying to ask local government officials to allow snitches to intimidate people who hold onto a specific belief system. The FBI’s broad definition of “suspicious activity” can include a wide spectrum of people indeed. Even in 2012, the FBI calls suspicious activity in the following parameters: paying with cash, acting nervous, traveling with a large amount of luggage, etc. (and the FBI wants people to call the feds right way if you see these signs). This is how silly the FBI has become. They violated the civil liberties of activities during the 1960’s and now they want to clean up their image by presenting themselves as some fair arbitrators of justice. The real arbitrators of justice are individuals with noble history fighting against illegal spying and fighting for pure liberty for all people. This McCarthyism by the feds won’t work. The war on terror has been exploited by some to create laws that violate freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, and other freedoms. The truth will live on forever. Liberty is stronger than scapegoating people with sincere moral convictions. Although, let’s not be naïve. There are many people who claim to be true conservatives, but they aren’t. They are extremists and some of these extremists hold to a prejudice, bigoted view of the world. They fail to witness the complexity of critical issues. These people ought to be opposed verbally and refuted verbally. So, it’s just to love good people in America. It is just to respect individual liberties. It’s fine to question the government as well. That is why I am always pro-religious freedom, I don’t believe in creating an one world government, and I believe in the government promoting the general welfare of the people (without violating the cherished liberties of the human race).

The Syrian conflict is very complicated. The mainstream media puts all of the blame to Assad for the violence and chaos, which is greatly false. They desire some U.S. military intervention even. The truth is known about this situation. There is the Washington policy of trying to get regime change in Iran and Syria. The elite wants to replace independent nations to client, token nations (in order for the elite to have unchallenged control of valued Middle Eastern resources). Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice are continuing to support the color revolution model in the world. In February 4, Russia and China vetoed a largely one sided anti-Assad resolution. Assad is blamed for all of the externally generated violence. The events in Syria are similar to Libya. Like Libya, Syria is facing a Western-backed insurgency. If similar acts were in America, the local police, National Guard forces, and Pentagon troops would confront the situation much more violently than Syria is doing. Both sides have made mistakes. Yet, the NY Times call any response by the rebels as legitimate and any response by Assad as evil. The mainstream media for a long time has used deception, misinformation in order for them to promote their agenda. The West definitely wanted to control North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia (this leaves open the geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China). The neo-cons have regime change plans that target Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, and other nations. Possible NATO aggression could come about in Syria. Now, we know that heavily armed insurgents are coming into Syria from regional countries. Anti-government violence comes about. There are warring sides and civilians are being murdered. No immediate end to the conflict is in sight. On February 5, Israel's Mossad-connected DEBKA/file said Russia put "Rapid Reaction Force (aka Spetsnaz) units in Black Sea bases on (alert) to set out for Syria to defend Damascus." Russia doesn’t want a repeat of Libya. Russia, China, and Syria are allies. President Barack Obama said that Washington, Key NATO partners, and Gulf allies will redouble their efforts to unseat Bashar Assad. The White House wants Assad to stop the killing and crimes against his own people. Yet, America’s military industrial complex (not all Americans) since WWII had caused more slaughter, destruction, and human misery globally than Syria. The White House claimed that Assad should end his reign, because of brutality. Yet, international law bans interfering with the internal affairs of other nations (even determining the legitimacy of their leaders). Also, the brutality in Syria has been Western-backed. Many of the rebels are backed by the West. Many nations are supportive of the rebels like America, Saudi Arabia, key NATO partners, and Israel. Syria deserves freedom, but not outside agitating that promotes a client state agenda. On February 4, Global Research editor Michel Chossudovsky explained "armed opposition groups" operating in Syria. They include the Western-backed Syria Free Army (FSA) "involved in criminal and terrorist acts." They're killing civilians and security forces. They're reigning terror blamed on Assad. They're destroying state assets, including fuel pipelines, trains and vehicles carrying fuel, as well as buildings and other targets. The FSA doing these acts should have no respect at all from anybody. The FSA has al-Qaeda affiliated militants, Muslim Brotherhood members, and the Gulf States support. The same nations that supported the Syria draft resolution backed Resolution 1973 against Libya. Russia and China stood firm against them. Washington's UN envoy Susan Rice accused both countries of holding the Security Council "hostage." Responding, Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said: The Security Council decision "should be exactly such because some influential members of the international community, including those sitting at this table, from the very beginning of the crisis in Syria undermined the opportunity of political settlement calling for change of the regime and setting the opposition against the power without shunning provocation and forcing for armed means of fighting." So, the forces of the insurrection are from extremist forces. Democratic reforms should occur in Syria. I am not pro-Assad by any means, but I am not pro-NATO or pro-neo con. The West wants to intervene with our without Security Council cover (which is a violation of international law that you can’t interfere with other nation’s internal affairs except in self defense if attacked). Syria and Iran are no direct threat to the USA. There are other dictatorships worldwide, yet they aren’t targeted for regime change. They are targeted because the elite want a regime change in the Middle East. With Assad gone, you might have a power vacuum and a new civil war (among religious and ethnic groups). Syria isn’t Libya, since Syria has an overall stronger military than Libya.
In the occult tradition, the triptych image in paganism and other occult realms. Some people claim that Christianity stole this image. This isn’t so since Christian doctrine forbids using the image for the Godhead. It’s just that Nicene Christianity (as opposed to Afro-Asian true Christianity) stole a lot of the triptych image for their purposes. The tri-part triptych has existed in ancient times and was used by the Druids, the Merovingians, the Celts, the Trinacrians in Italy, the Germanic tribes, the Norse, etc. Now, Nicean Christianity manipulated pagan traditions to make their new “Christian” faith more acceptable to the masses. That’s a historical fact. The concept of the Godhead though existed long before the Council of Nicea came about in 325 A.D. (which was convened by the closet sun worshipper Roman Emperor Constantine). The Council wanted to handle heresies and doctrines in the early church. The concept of 3 in one is a part of history, true spirituality, and it’s a part of Nature (whose power is bounded under God or the Creator. The shamrock image has the 3 in one in its physical cosmology). This is 2012 and spirituality is being known more often beyond authoritarian philosophies and conventions. The value of the body, mind, and spirit (or soul) is key part of true spirituality. So, the Nicene Council’s covert purpose was to gain hegemony over the masses and to eliminate true spirituality from the common people (which is similar to the goals of some ancient Secret Societies thousands of years ago). Today, Freemasonry in its beliefs, architecture, and secret acts follow the triangular triptych physical image.

The Great Seal is one image that’s mysterious and interesting. It represents the esoteric side of America or the New Atlantis completely. The Great Seal represents the ancient and modern esoteric network of groups indeed. The Great Seal may not have been totally Masonic, but the One Dollar bill is completely Masonic. The Great seal has the All Seeing Eye of Providence. The Great seal was placed on the One Dollar bill with the suggestion of Vice President Henry A. Wallace. Freemasons Wallace and Roosevelt looked at the colored reproduction of the Great seal. Again, Roosevelt believed that the All Seeing Eye on the Great seal represented the GAOTU (or the Great Architect of the Universe). The Great Seal during the late 18th century celebrated the 1776 Declaration of Independence among early America. Wallace loved Eastern religions indeed as he consulted the guru Nicholas Roerich. The Ancient Pyramid of Giza is shown in the Great Seal too. The Founding Fathers used icons and architectural great buildings from the ancient world in order for them to be inspired to create a system that would last or a very long time. The Pyramid represents power and a lasting foundation. Therefore, the Founders and the early Americans wanted the New Atlantis (America) to last for centuries and beyond. The eagle was originally a Phoenix. When the first great Seal was actually cut, the bird represented upon it was very different from the eagle which now appears. The original birds he neck was much longer and the tuft of feathers and at the upper back part of the head was quite noticeable. The beak bore little resemblance to that of the eagle and the entire bird was much thinner and its wings shorter. It requires very little imagination to trace in this first so-called eagle the mythological Phœnix of antiquity. What is more, there is every reason why a phœnix bird should be used to represent a new country rising out of an old. The Phoenix was a mythological image of Secret Societies. Later, American authorities used the eagle as the official bird of early America. History is more strange than fiction indeed.
By Timothy

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