The media is still promoting a huge propaganda campaign in trying to make nations to fight Iran. The mainstream media in many quarters have promoted a Crusade-like hysteria in order for another war to transpire in the Middle East. CNN's Erin Burnet interviewed the neo-con extremist NY Republican House member Peter King. King said that Iran will unleash Hezbollah in America causing terrorism to be worse than an attack with ballistic missiles. King and even Burnet spewed disinformation and lies about the whole Iranian situation. They talked about the failed Iranian used car salesman plot to assassinate a Saudi Ambassador (which was exaggerated by the FBI and the DEA). They talked about the largely inept attacks on Israeli diplomats in India, Georgia, and Thailand. This reality doesn't justify the attacks, so I want to make that perfectly clear. Law enforcement in New York and Los Angeles are investigating if Iranian operatives or anyone with links to the country's proxy group called Hezbollah are trying to harm America according to FOX News. There could be more cops at both cities' airports, subways, and bus terminals. The cops typicaly dressed in all black with automatic weapons at those locations. The recent attacks have been attributed to Hezbollah. NYPD says that Iran is the number one threat in NYC. That's silly since Iran never attacked America in its history at all. LA has the largest Iranian communities outside of Iran. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail. Israel is using dire predictions about Iran. “Iran and Hezbollah are continuing to try to carry out other attacks on targets abroad,” an Israeli counterterrorism official said Friday, without offering specific details or bothering to provide evidence. “That means asking Israelis abroad to be vigilant.” William Hague said that Iran seeking a nuclear weapon is real. It isn't and this rhetoric from Britain's foreing secretary William Hague will increase the risk of a Cold War. The Mirror – no slouch when it comes to producing sensationalized pablum of the most lurid sort – posted a story today claiming Iran is training “Al-Qaeda terrorists in advanced explosives with a view to new 9/11-style attacks,” according to nameless experts, and the “2012 London Olympics is believed to be a prime target.” We can't follow lies or conjecture at all. The economy is in trouble and this is not the time to start another war. Our police state in America is more slick than in other nations. the reason is that we have all of this Big Brother system and it's presented as it's morally right (when it isn't). The mainstream media permitted a propaganda campaign that lead into the murderous Iraq War. The military, intelligence, banker complex is in control of our political system and now most people oppose the Iraq war. We need to keep our eyes wide open to oppose unjust wars where ever they come from.
There are new strategies that the cabal is using in order for them to harm society. We do know that big cartel-capitalists used methods to harm our American educational system (by turning people into compliant laborers instead of learners, true manufacturers, independent engineers, and true scholars of the world). They have seized control of the economic system in America by creating a private banking system called the Federal Reserve System. Banking institutions have influence on governments and can use debt filled policies to hold nation hostage. Today, private banks control the issuance of currency via this Federal Reserve operation. The Federal Reserve System has caused America to be more economically reactionary and militaristic. Since 1913, our economy system has been ruled by a group of private financiers. In 2007, the cabal caused the criminal attack on the American economy (via the prime mortgage swindle). Our taxpayer dollars were looted to bailout banks touted as "too big to fail." In the early 21st century, 9/11 came about. 9/11 was at a bare minimum consisted of strange occurrences (and it was exploited heavily by the global elite). The same internationalists used this attack as a means to promote the war on terror. In 2003, the elite used the CFR-dominated mainstream media to hoodwink a lot of Americans (with counterfeit or fraudulent evidence) to support the Iraq War. Saddam Hussein was killed and kill more military personnel are dying in Afghanistan for oil, political hegemony, and other reasons. Fascism is alive and well today. Today, we have reactionaries in our Congress, the youth is indoctrinated by propaganda, and people want the destruction of the American workers (like the elderly and the poor via austerity measures). Public Acts 4-9, also called The Emergency Financial Management bill, gives already existing 'Emergency Financial Managers' (EFMs) sweeping new powers, allowing them to literally suspend the entire elected bodies of municipalities they deem to be failing, and suspend collective bargaining agreements with unions for up to five years. Even in Michigan, the Governor allowed unelected EMFs to control the city of Benton Harbor and the public school system of Detroit. This is blatantly unconstitutional. In terms of education, fascists want private control of all U.S. educational systems (to fulfill their free market economics or dog eat dog capitalism). One method they have used to promote this privatization is to use the voucher system (which can be illegal since many vouchers deal with Catholic schools). Even the Cato Institute has admitted that they want all education to be privatized. Now, we have a Democrat as President in 2012. Yet, the cabal in the Democratic Party still agrees with militarism, imperialism, and neoliberal propaganda just like the Republicans do. This is why Barack Obama was promoted. People realized that Bush Jr. was an extremist and John McCain was definitely an extremist on foreign policy matters. So, President Barack Obama executed his policies under the cover left wing cover. Today, imperialism and fascism is shown in a friendly face. That is why even some so-called liberals supported the NATO war crimes in Libya and the current pro-oil puppet state in Libya in 2012. The elite pretend to play nice, but they are still the same wolves as yesteryear. This issue is better than the President, but the President isn't God either. Now, it's our job to promote peace, expose poverty, and oppose the trillions spend on unjust wars abroad. We should oppose mass black incarceration that relates to the so-called "tough on crime" evil policies.