Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Economic Information (A Must Read. I have been writing about this for years).


gaudi says:
Go to a search engine and type “commnuities destroyed by gold mines”.
..and theres more.
So all you bleeding hearts that amount nothing more than mere words when you go on about such and such is poisoning the air, the land, the waterways, taking away peoples livelihoods in parts of the world and on and on….your true color are coming on becauase in dont give a d___ about ANY of it. You are selfish individuals and place you own desires, wants and needs before anything. Its all about the many aint it? You dont care about this world or what other people put up withj becasue its allllll about you.
You are heading dwon the same d_____ road of running over the little people of the world as long as……Their A return On Your Investment, and as long as you think you will safe & cozy..well to hell with eveybody else.
Like I said. If Ron Paul or any of these other people realy want to dismantle the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the Import / Export Bank, The World Bank, etc..then go for it and do it AND retrunn to the peoples of thid Globe what has been taken from them by bomb, by pen or by contracting with leaders that have nothing on their own peoples. Ya think Ron Paul can do that? Oh no.
What Ron Paul is gona play is demonize the things that already have stolen while at the same time penalizing the victims. Its the ‘we got it now so we’re gonna put a lock on our dealings cuz we aint sharin’. “. Come on Paul. Spread the Wealth that the US has plundered from peoples around the World or do you stick with the slogan of no more foreign aid now? Give it back to the people.


gaudi says:
I believe it is a very slippery slope to place any commodity that is traded in the world markets as a global currency. With gold as the global curency, which Ron Paul states that he wants see, it would be the so-called “new world order’s” dream come true.
“Abolishing the Federal Reserve”. How exactly step by step is this going to be? Have you every even seen the holdings on this global monstrosity? What? Is Ron Paul going to turn over the table of the money-changers and begin distributing all those global assets to the peopls of this world who have been robbed and plundered? H____ no. He and all those other poloiticians are talking ‘budget cuts’. Do any of you mentally retarded Amercan s____ for brains even know what a budget is and what a financial report is?
Have any of you ever seen the United States government’s list of holdings? Its global and in the trillions upon trillions of dollars, mixed with a basket of currencies.
And dont give me any of this what has been so comon here over the years that you’re in it for the people. Ive seen for years bleeding heart stories and comments about those oh so poor people in Iraq getting bombed, those p[oor people in Afghanista & Pakisatn getting bomber. Big oil going into other parts of the gloabe and destroying people, property and the environments. Aint that right? But when it comes to gold mining operation terorizing comunites, evey d____ one of you sorry a____ hypocritical windbags turn a blind eye. You are just as selfinsh as the idiots that support Obama.
What did they do? They went on and on about Bush & Cheney using lies to kill Iraqis and steal the oil. But when those same Obama supporters can obvioulsy see that Obama is murdering Paks & Afghans, and Libyans….they shut up about that and make excuses for their man. And you people do the same d____ thing by making excuses.
And here we have Ron Paul playing the derivates (going short) even though he gets up their with that whiney nasaly voice of his and speaks negatively about derivatives; just like that fraudster Gerald Celente who come to find out was playing right in there with the ‘white shoe boyz’. You people are dumber than a box of lugnuts.
Every politician, and yes that measn the global corporatist Ron Paul too, is supposed to list their investments.
Of course the gold bugs are going to throw their support behind Ron Paul. Even though they go on and on about how the Fed Reserve is responsible for the massive debt, theyll still support the Pauls even though the Pauls make no bones about all of you are going to have to pay off the trillions of debts. But heeeeey, lets just take away granny’s insulin or aunt Helen’s blod pressure meds. Yeah, that a d_____ good thing.
What should happen is that all these global asstes the government has and the Fed Reserve has, the IMF has, the World Bank has, the UN has ( and yes..the UN is setting on a s_____ of gold too ) should be given to the peoples of this world that have had to put up with al they trrannical fascits b____ led by the United States.
I recall Alex Jones just months ago bawling his eyes out on the media about ‘the dolar is the only thing we got.”. Well boo fk’n hoo. And here he is suppoedly supporting Ron Paul that wants to ushed in a new global currency. Carry on keyboard warriors and “truthers”.


gaudi says:
Actually small-minded one; I did not respond to you because some people have a job to go to.
Who says there is no wealth? And where exactly is it that has no wealth?
I could give you some links but I’d rather not bother because in your world you already state that you dont care about facts.
“..beloved establishment canidates..”. Really? I’ve never voted a day in my life and I never will. In one way, form or shape..they are all men and women of low character and lacking integrity. They cover thier own wrong-doings and point fingers. The USA is fascist right down to the bone and its been tyrannical since it’s earliest days of existence.
So no, I dont vote and I know that these layers of governments that are inside the United States of America are a long ways from being broke. Take a d_____ look at their Comprehensive Financial Reports and you tell me agin that they are broke. All these politicians claiming they are broke is nonsense
you tu


gaudi says:
Do you even know what true communism is? Have you ever talked with Russians in their own homes, or even Paks & Arabs for that matter.
What the Soviets had and what China has sure as hell aint no communism. The USSR had a system that was heavily on the scale of socialism but communism? Not even.
Communism would entail no markets, no banks, no currencies and no profits. And communism aint ever gonna happen because it would entail every single person working towards a goal for both themselves and for all others. But humans are incapable of that. My Russian acquaintences ( actually former Soviet ) get a kick out of it when they hear Americans use the communism term. They just shake their head at.
And something else interesting. They definitely see the American kids in school as so far behind the Russian educational programs its pathetic. The complete useless garbage that is in the educational curriculums in the US is so lacking in making the children think, especially in the math & sciences.
So before you use that term ‘communism’, understand first what it is, and it aint ever gonna happen cuz most humans are too d____ lazy and selfish. Even the peoples of the USSR knew it was a utopian idea