Syria is experiencing violence and turmoil. There are lies and double standards involved in the circumstances of Syria. Russia and China vetoed the Syrian Resolution to condemn the violence and call for Assad to be replaced as the governmental leader of Syria. The U.S. is angry that the U.N. Resolution didn’t come through. The Syrian opposition groups accused Assad’s forces of killing hundreds of people in Homs. This was the bloodiest night in the 11 months of upheaval in the pivotal Arab country. Reuters have reported on this story. Assad is being blamed for the Western-backed externally generated violence. While Assad is an authoritarian and should have no support, the West has done evil in the region as well. Hillary Clinton and others said that any government that brutalizes and massacres its people does not deserve to govern. Using her own words, it shows the US government as the hypocrite (since it killed millions of people via a lot of means since its inception). Since 1991, alone, both the Bush and Obama administrations (including the administrations of Bush Sr. plus Clinton) have been involved in the murder of millions of Iraqis, Serbians, Kosovars, Afghans, Libyans, Somalis, Yemenis, and many others ruthlessly and maliciously. President Barack Obama has supported the atrocities in Bahrain, Yemen, Somalia, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and other places. He has not exposed the apartheid policies in the Israel/Palestine conflict. The mainstream media ignore the real news. Some of them even support or cheer imperial U.S. wars like the recent genocide in Libya (that allowed the murder of not only Arabs, but innocent black African brothers and sisters). The mainstream media is guilty of censorship and obfuscation of the truth. We don’t need censorship when lives are being ruined via war. In their book titled, "Guardians of Power,” David Edwards and Cromwell explained why today's media are in crisis, putting free societies at risk. The book exposes the fact some news are filtered, dissent is eliminated, and wealth plus power are supported at the expense of accurate news. The news media talks about the blocking of the UN action by Russia and China. The Security Council voted 13 to 2 in favor of a resolution backing an Arab League peace plan for Syria. Russia and China blocked the resolution since they felt that it was a potential violation of Syria’ sovereignty. There are some people who want to use rogue partners and others as an excuse to promote a military intervention from the West in Syria. The Security Council has 5 permanent members (including nations like Azerbaijan, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, South Africa and Togo). Russia and Chinese believed that it isn’t their place to intervene in another country’s domestic affairs. They feel that the proposed resolution was against international law. Even Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said that: “…The co-sponsors of the resolution have not, in the wording of the draft, taken into account that the Syrian opposition must distance itself from extremist groups committing acts of violence or called on states with the ability to use their influence to prevent such acts." There is a Munich security conference; Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov diplomatically condemned the resolutions as taking sides in a civil war (and the resolution making false accusation). U.S. envoy Susan Rice doesn’t like the veto. French ambassador Gerard Araud said that history will judge Assad supporters harshly. Hillary Clinton supported wars for decades and said that to block this resolution is to be responsibility for the horrors in Syria. The imperial tools of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon were disappointed in the veto. Ban omitted other imperials crimes of other nations. Diplomacy is better than unjust aggression. In 1999, NATO authorization alone (without Security Council approval) approved of its war crimes in Serbia/Kosovo. The West wants regime change in Syria and Iran. A false flag incident could cause more wars in the Middle East. Bombs being dropped to kill people hopefully won't happen in Iran.
In Christian theology, Jesus is viewed as God. This is a controversial aspect of Christianity since many folks would disagree with that view. It is important to note that Jesus Christ isn’t the Father. Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God that preexisted 1 A.D. The apostle John in John 3:18, John 5:22-23, etc. wrote that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God. Jesus in the New Testament said that he had was the I AM before Abraham. The Pharisees in his day hated him for it, because they considered him just a man and presuming to be God. Those people knew that Jesus was claiming to be God when Jesus Christ said that before Abraham was I AM. The late Greek scholar A. T. Robertson wrote the following on this issue: “…{Before Abraham was} (prin abraam genesqai). Usual idiom with prin in positive sentence with infinitive (second aorist middle of ginomai) and the accusative of general reference, "before coming as to Abraham," "before Abraham came into existence or was born." {I am} (egw eimi). Undoubtedly here Jesus claims eternal existence with the absolute phrase used of God. The contrast between genesqai (entrance into existence of Abraham) and eimi (timeless being) is complete. See the same contrast between en in # 1:1 and egeneto in # 1:14. See the contrast also in # Ps 90:2 between God (ei, art) and the mountains (genhqhnai). See the same use of eimi in # John 6:20; 9:9; 8:24, 28; 18:6….” The idiom with prin in the positive sentence Even the Old Testament writers realized that God has a Divine Son who was equal with him in nature: “…Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?...” Luke 10:22 is clear that you can’t know the Father without knowing the Son. John 1:1 means something. That verses says that the Word was God or the Son of God is God. Even Hebrews 1:8-9 mentioned that the Father called Jesus Christ God and says that his throne or reign will last forever and ever. Jesus in the book of Revelation said that he is the Alpha and Omega or (first and the last). Almighty God is very personable with humanity. God is infinite and sovereign over human history. God is course a God of love, judgment, and justice. In other words, Almighty God believes in the right of a human being to fight for justice and fight for the compassion among all peoples. God loves everyone, but of course God hates evil and any form of bad conduct. God is definitely knowable as evidence in John 17:3, Jeremiah 9:23-24, and 11 Cor. 4:6.
Of course, we have a lot of health problems in America. We don’t have universal healthcare, because reactionaries love the status quo so much (along with other reasons). The Tea Party for the most part reject universal health care. Our health care is only the 37th best health care in the world according to the WHO. Many nations with better health care than us have universal coverage. We have rationing that occurs with our current system. The new health care law was very watered down from its true essence. With the water downed version of universal health care, the Republicans still feel that it goes too far. That’s how extreme the GOP has gone. Now, the law was created with the help of insurance CEOs and pharmaceutical executives. The law was made from the top. Every industrialized nation except America ensures its population to have access to basic healthcare. The United States is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t guarantee access to health care as a human right. People from both major parties like Democratic Senator Max Baucus, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell received thousands of insurance dollars in order for them to promote the status quo. At least 22,000 Americans die unnecessarily each year since millions of Americans lack any health coverage. It’s still taboo in America to call for singer payer, universal health care for all people. Now, the present new health care law is a mixed public/private health care system plan (it still leaves the current system to deny health services to workers and reap windfall profits for the healthcare insurance thugs). The mixed system has failed or has some problems in Washington, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Maine. That is why a pure universal health care system is needed. We have issues of administrative costs. There are good items in the new health care law signed by President Barack Obama like covering pre-existing conditions and so forth. A survey published in the April 2008 Annals of Internal Medicine showed that 59 percent of U.S. physicians support national health insurance. Polls prove that a majority of Americans favor some form of single payer healthcare system. It’s a disgrace that pro-Ron Paul extremists believe charity alone can help the sick. I respect charity, but charity isn’t the magic bullet. You need charity and more to help the sick. Many of the Democrats even reject a single payer system. The current healthcare law is very similar to the Massachusetts health care law. We have mover 300 million people in America. The elite view huge parts of the population as expendable. This is proven on how the elite use the prison industrial complex (causing big incarceration), the military industrial complex (forming never ending war), and the medical industrial complex (with its HMOs and Big Pharma) to harm the populace. We don’t need massive amount of peoples being locked in poverty, prison, and have huge pollution. Still, health care is a human right. We should oppose the current administration promoting anti-civil liberty laws and using covert efforts in attempting to overthrow Latin American/African/Asian leaders (especially the democratically elected countries). You can’t say I want health care reform and then you suppress discussions about a single payer system.
9/11 is an important event. The Ground Zero location was built on an old grave site. Back then, no one thought it was sacrilegious. Later, some people in NYC hate for a Mosque to be built near the Ground Zero location. It was hypocritical for the reactionaries to allow at least 2 strip clubs near the Ground Zero area, but not a mosque. I don’t agree with all in Islam, but even Muslim human beings have the right to build their own religious places and believe in their creed reasonably. The US hypocritically promotes this paranoia about Muslims, but the government regularly gives billions of dollars of aid to Saudi Arabia (even in the form of advanced aircraft not just cash). Saudi Arabia is America’s ally and it’s a mostly Sunni nation. Most of the accused 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia as well. Some hijackers accused by the FBI are either found to be alive or were victims of mistaken identity. One example is that the FBI named Abdul Rahman al-Omari (or a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines) as the pilot of Flight 11. It was quickly found that this person was alive. The FBI issued an apology to the man. Even the person with the name of Abdulaziz al-Omari turned up alive in Saudi Arabia. He said that his passport was stolen in the University of Denver back in 1995. The name, origin, birth date, and occupation were released by the FBI, but the picture was not of him. "I couldn't believe it when the FBI put me on their list", he said. "They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with this.” This individual was not the same person as the hijacker whose identity was later confirmed by Saudi government interviews with his family, according to the 9/11 Commission Report (we know the omissions and errors in that report indeed). The truth is that the al-Qaeda network existed from the CIA-cultivated terrorists from the late 1970’s. Using trillions of dollars to fight unjust was doesn’t make sense. The elite are fighting these wars for not only for money, oil resources, and control of Eurasia (as proven by Brzezinski’s book “The Grand Chessboard”). This war is about control over the entire world under a select group of oligarchs. It isn’t unusual to see that more than 60 percent of the world’s oil and natural gas reserves lie in Muslim lands. We should not only promote religious freedom. We should fight against ethnic profiling of Muslims, black people, and other human beings. Some of these reactionaries want to even repeal the 14th Amendment. The bootstraps argument is dead now. This argument says that literally a homeless man, an extremely poor man, and even a man living in a shelter should just get up by the own bootstraps (without any public assistance whatsoever) and just overcome their situation alone. This is foolishness, but people in real life actually believe in that nonsense. There needs to be a balance too. In other words, we should allow help to the poor and encourage individual & collective efforts to solve problems. For not everything done individually is evil and not everything done collectively is evil either. Far too often, the left forgets the power of the individual and the right often forgets the power of the public collective. Therefore, both the individual and the collective ought to be respected.
The Prometheus Movie describes about issue revolving around aliens. Researchers have talked about this movie as presenting an alien gospel deception. That could be the case indeed. One movie poster of the movie Prometheus shows the image of a man with the All Seeing Eye. The film was directed by the famous director Ridley Scott. It will come out in the summer of 2012. The film is about a group of scientists and astronauts who go on top secret missions to contact an alien race. This film has been inspired from the alien Gospel or the ancient astronaut theory (or that aliens created the human race long ago. These aliens are responsible for advanced knowledge held by the ancients). That theory in my opinion is silly and lax in evidence (because it denies the power of people of color to create ancient civilizations by themselves). Many folks who embrace this ancient astronaut theory deny one Superior God and they are heavily New Age in their spiritual orientation. This alien obsession has been promoted in the movies and television for decades. Many conservative Christians believe that the alien deceptions relate to spiritual demons that rebel against God. Others disagree with this viewpoint. There is a book entitled, “Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and Aliens: What Does the Bible says?” by Dr. Cathy Burns. Dr. Burns in the book proves that the Nephilim refers to tyrants (or evil rulers not fallen angels or human/fallen angel hybrids). The movie shows 3 sections in a location. Ridley Scott loves science fiction movies, since he directed “Alien” and “Blade Runner.” These 2 films are considered by some circles as some of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. The film tries to make sense of the Universe and deal with one of biggest mysteries of life (which is that if there are life in the Universe like unto man). The New Age in some of its most dedicated followers believe that an advanced alien race came to Earth to create modern man (via human evolution too). The movie deals with the Engineers (or these aliens who created humanity) are discovered on Mars in 2085. One character is named Elizabeth Shaw (who plays a believer in God and the daughter of Christian missionary parents). She worked in Africa to try to look for evidence of God. She is recruited to help do a full scale archaeological dig. The humans look at ancient megaliths as they explore the Temple of the gods in the film. Shaw finds a star chart to see a map through space to the alien home of the gods. The crew takes 5 years to visit Mars. The crew finds ampulses or metal containers that have DNA to store thousands of different species. Ironically, Shaw loses her faith in Christ and believes in the alien Gospel (or alien being creating humans and all other species on Earth). Ridley Scott admitted that his film related to the book of Eric von Daniken called “Chariots of the Gods.” I heard about Erich von Daniken (he questions why Genesis mentions God creating man his image as us. This is easy to explain. First, us is plural to denote glory and the Elohim refers to the Godhead or the Trinity) for years way back in 2001. Erich von Daniken believes that highly intelligent aliens formed human life on Earth. Ridley Scott is open to the belief of other beings creating man since he says that it’s mathematically impossible for humans to be the only beings living in the Universe. Van Daniken popularized his views in 1968. There is no conclusive evidence that the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Mayan pyramids of Mexico, and other structures were created by aliens alone. Man is very intelligent. Human beings back then were smart enough to create such buildings indeed. The gospel of van Daniken ultimately leads into New Age philosophy and even atheism (or the belief of believing in no God). The men of renown or the Nephilim were destroyed by the Flood. The Prometheus in the film is a ship where the humans are in to visit Mars. Mars has the places of the gods’ location in the film. Ironically, Teotihuacan pyramids in Mexico are special places (the name of Teotihuacan means city of the gods. That means that the place and the Temple according to the ancients were the home of the gods while they existed on Earth. The ancient did sun worship, nature worship, and other forms of paganism in the Temples of the Old World plus New World). The OT and NT condemned worshipped idols and the creation of God as found in Deuteronomy 4:19, Jeremiah 10, and Galatians 4:8). People know about Prometheus. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was the son of Iapetus and Themis. He was a brother to Atlas. He stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind in order for man to develop their civilization. He was punished by Zeus by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. Prometheus is found as a rebel and his story is similar to the story of Lucifer (as he was punished by God for rebellion. He deceived Adam and Eve to eat the fruit. The fruit gave humanity death and imperfection not godhood as Lucifer lied). Prometheus was a son of a god in Greek mythology. Like Prometheus of mythology, a rebellious “fallen angel” steals hidden knowledge to take back to humanity for its liberation and evolution. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy and the inspiration for the modern New Age Movement, wrote:” The allegory of the fire of Prometheus is another version of the rebellion of the proud Lucifer [“light-bringer”].” (‘The Secret Doctrine’, 2:237). However the movie presents a rebel alien, who was specifically responsible for designing human DNA and thus created humanity, who helps the human crew from Earth (by providing special alien technology to assist them). This technology is the last hope of humanity surviving the “wrath of the gods.” Blavatsky wrote works in her Lucifer Magazine. The Ancient Aliens TV show’s production company is called Prometheus Entertainment. So, the movie believers in the myth that strange aliens not God created the Universe. The movie promotes the alien gospel and the movie mocks the advanced achievements of humanity. I don’t want some alien being to be my Savior. God is my Savior alone and his only begotten Son saved the sins of the world.
By Timothy
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