Monday, January 14, 2013

The Truth in 2013

The Chuck Hagel controversy is an interesting one to learn. Republicans and Democrats oppose him for different reasons. Hagel is a former Republican Nebraska Senator. He is being nominated for the Secretary of Defense. Some feel that Hagel is against the Israeli Lobby when he had made statements that are in league with Israel. The deal is that the Israel Lobby in many circles are so reactionary that they view even legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy as equivalent to anti-Semitism (which is wrong and silliness). The neoconservatives don't like Hagel, because he is wishing to not to immediately attack Iran at this moment. The reality is that Chuck Hagel is more of a paleoconservative like Alex Jones is  instead of a neoconservative. The neoconservatives want to remake the Middle East and the rest of the world in the image of the West and Israel. The paleoconservatives want noninterventionism even if it causes stability under authoritarian regimes. These ideologies aren't progressive, but palaeconservatives are so much better than the neoconservatives in terms of their ideas on foreign policy. Ironically, many progressives support Chuck Hagel like Mondo Weiss and Glenn Greenwald. J. Street or a left flank of the Israel lobby is supporting Hagel. Chuck Hagel is an old school conservative man. Hagel was criticized for saying quaint, accurate statements that he is a United States Senator and not an Israeli senator. This is hardly extreme. You know neocon Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard called Hagel an anti-Semite. A letter in favor or Hagel comes in the signature of former Senators and national security officials. They wrote to President Barack Obama in support of Hagel's nomination. The letter was signed by former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, and others. Chuck Hagel is in the Atlantic Council. This is an elite foreign policy think tank with a goal of influencing Washington's posture via NATO allies. Hagel is a close ally of Big Oil. In 2003, he voted against an amendment that would prevent the fast tracking of oil drilling in the ANWR or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In 2005, he voted against a bill to decrease oil dependence via such measures as increased Corporate Average Fuel Economy or CAFE standards. In 2006, he voted for the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, which would have opened up more areas of the Gulf to offshore drilling. On The Issues informs us that he also voted no on a measure that would have mandated unilateral US action on carbon emissions without waiting for similar action from India and China; voted no on removing oil and gas exploration subsidies; and voted no on a proposal to amend the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to make oil-producing and exporting cartels illegal. So, the big picture is that even some paleoconservatives are in league with the oil industry. That industry has been heavily influential in making a stable Middle East better for business. Some of the paleoconservative are either saying nothing or comfortable with oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf states. The neocons may try to appeal to pro democratic sentiment, but they want the world to be in America's image. Hagel comes in as Davis Petraeus is dethroned from the CIA. The paleoconservatives are a slicker contingent of the reactionaries. They are right to oppose Empire and wanting human civil liberties, but they are wrong in refusing to talk about social justice and true equality among humans of all backgrounds.




The new second term of President Barack Obama is an interesting era of human history. It is a new era of America indeed in 2013. He sent the olive branch to the reactionaries of the Republican Party and they balled the olive branch up. This is typical of them since they view any federal government intervention as equivalent to socialism, which is silliness. History is a great teacher. What we see is that compromise or token measure never works as a means to need radical crises or injurious situations. One time, Abraham Lincoln tried to compromise with the slaveholding tyrants of the Confederacy under the guise of national unity. That didn't work since the evil Confederacy wanted to permanently advance slavery and inequality in their territories. It took a Civil War to preserve the Union and to end the monstrous system of overt human slavery. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt came along, he tried at first to have compromise with the extreme Dixiecrats. FDR even made an error by agreeing with the Dixiecrat’s support of creating internment camps against innocent Japanese American citizens. They or the Dixiecrats still opposed him at every step and hated FDR's progressive economic agenda. That is why FDR ended the Depression via strong governmental programs. He tried further to extend real economic rights to working people and the poor via a Second Bill of Rights. During the 1950's and the 1960's, Presidents and civil rights activists caused civil rights legislation to be a reality in the USA. There were hypocrites that opposed civil rights like the Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond. This is the trait of a reactionary in disagreeing with human rights. Even Friedman was wrong to support the dictator Pinochet in Chile and Suharto in Indonesia. This came about not via compromise, but by dedicated efforts of protests, opposition to oppression, and perseverance. Many reactionary Republicans and Dixiecrats opposed the agenda of civil rights and other real parts of the social contract. Even Ronald Reagan in the 1960's falsely called Medicare as a first step toward Stalinist America. The current President Barack Obama is an intellectual genius and has great political IQ. It is just for him to call for a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures as a means to stem our economic crisis. A real single payer health care must be instituted to include all those who lack sufficient, affordable health care for even the Affordable Care Act is not perfect (yet, it has some legitimate parts in it). Any reasonable human being wants change that we can believe in. Some of the changes in America over the years have been good and others have been very immoral. Pragmatic centrism will not defeat the excesses of corporate power. We must restore our beleaguered civil liberties. We have the right to establish single payer national health care. Real unions ought to have their collective bargaining position strengthened. An end to American militarism and imperialism ought to exist. Therefore, the United States of America can further work with other nations constructively and reasonably. The big lobbies should have no control over all of the political power in the world. The people ought to have the power to control the government and create solutions not corporate interests. "Dreams from My Father" is President Barack Obama's book that outlined his views and aspirations. His total legacy is unknown at this moment. We may never know about his true legacy until decades after 2017. What we do know is that the President has a chance to make a real progressive impact in the world stage or have the centrist status quo. The choice is up to the brother indeed.



Eugenics is one of the biggest threats in the world. The authoritarians who believe in eugenics want individual rights to be submerged under the interests of the corporate elite. The eugenicists regularly view humans not as valuable beings created in the image of God. They view humans as a human resource to be planned and manipulated inside of complete domination. Some of them outright have a hatred of humanity. The people not corporations have the right to own their own health care, employment, housing, food, and reproduction. UNESCO’s Science and Ethics Commission, researcher Gwen Terrenoire elaborates on the practice and philosophy of eugenics in France before 1945. The top eugenicist and pioneer researcher at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research was Alex Carrel. According to Terrenoire's research: "....Carrel expresses more clearly than other eugenicists the dream of a State governed by eugenics, what Muchielli calls a biocratic utopia, where public policy is inspired by the scientific elite, with medicine prevailing over all other disciplines. He believed that his scientific approach would enable social and moral problems to be solved, and with this aim he recommended not only measures relating to hygiene and the protection of childhood but also the elimination, occasionally directly by euthanasia, more often indirectly by the sterilization of thousands of individuals judged to be dangerous for the future of the human race and an obstacle to the success of so-called biologically superior people.” The evil of eugenics believes that there are superior and inferior beings of humans and even extermination of certain types of human beings is necessary in the world. This is a lie of course since all human beings are created equal of course. The eugenicists of old wanted incremental policies as a means to get their Utopia realized. There is a booklet from 1913 called "Ancient Eugenics" from the late scholar Allen G. Roper. He advanced the information that some eugenicists want to use the incremental goal as a means to get eugenics. Roper opposed adamantly eugenics. Roper exposed eugenics as similar to killing off the sick and even babies thousands of years ago. Infanticide was common in numerous ancient cultures. The Spartans did a form of eugenics thousands of years ago. This was before the Nazis or the philosophies of Galton. Even biocrat Plato wanted a state to have 8,000 human beings. The George Guidestones wanted only 500 million human beings to exist in the globe as making perpetual balance with Nature. There are new developments in the 21st century eugenics movement. Recently, Oxford philosophy professor Julian Savulescu moved his campaign for “moral enhancement” out of the ivory tower and into the mainstream. This month Reader’s Digest is carrying his article, “It’s Our Duty to Have Designer Babies,” in which he promotes the idea that “people have a moral obligation to select ethically better children.” By select he means to screen embryos genetically to determine which will have superior moral traits. This is similar to the eugenics movements in the early 20th century that wanted to use law to have artificial selection of humans and forbade certain human beings from reproducing in the USA if they had a physical or mental ailment. Savulescu is wrong to assume that we know that most psychological characteristics are significantly determined by certain genes. This claim has not been scientifically proven. Even if some behaviors are biological, they are influenced by many genes. The idea that we can produce more moral humans by choosing this particular gene and eliminating another is simplistic and does not do justice to the real science of genetics. The scientific dictatorship concept is about elite trying to dominate the whole actions of the human race and the human mind as a means to bash human initiative under the guise of Nature veneration. In reality, this extremism of eugenics is not for Nature. It is for control, albeit unjust control over humanity.


We know that the War on Drugs have been a huge detriment to our society. It is a war on humanity, because lives have been ruined by the War on Drugs. Even folks like Mike Ruppert, Cynthia McKinney, and the late Gary Webb have exposed the truth that the CIA has been instrumental in the drug trade. California Congresswoman Maxine Water took trips into nations like Nicaragua to investigate the situation. She found and document how some in the CIA are involved in drug trafficking. For example, the CIA provided covert funds for the Kuomintang or the KMT forces that were loyal to General Chiang Kai-shek. The KMT were fighting the Chinese communists under Mao Zedong. Since the CIA wanted to support the KMT, the CIA helped the KMT to smuggle opium from China and Burma to Bangkok, Thailand. The CIA provided airplanes owned by one of the front businesses called Air America. The Kerry Committee report was released on April 13, 1989. It concluded that members of the U.S. State Department provided support for the Contras were involved in drug trafficking. The elements of the Contras themselves knowingly got financial and material assistance from drug traffickers according to the Kerry Committee report. The Drug War was declared by President Richard Nixon back in June 17, 1971. Even before that time, we had alcohol prohibition. It was a failure since violent crime and the murder rate rose 50% between 1919 and 1933, peaking at 9.7 murders per 100,000 populations in 1933, when the country finally decided enough was enough. Alcohol prohibition was gone before the end of WWII. Now, we know that Ron Paul's Austrian libertarianism is nothing more than a repackaging of the neo-Milton Friedman Chicago School of Economics neo-feudalism. So, just because I disagree strongly with the Drug War, doesn't mean that I am a libertarian like Ron Paul. I am an economic progressive. It is a historical fact that USA economy grew greatly when there was a progressive economy. The oligarchs have sponsored libertarian/neo-liberal economic views for centuries. The robber barons and the slaveholders followed massive free trade philosophies indeed. For profit prisons is corporate corruption at its finest. The War on Drugs is directly linked to the prison industrial complex, because the prison system is reliant on criminals to be placed into them for a profit basically. More folks in prison will cause more money sent into the prison industrial complex. This is fully exposed in the 2002 book entitled, "Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation." Draconian drug laws like the Rockefeller laws in NYC are just as harsh as the three strikes laws of California. Some Rockefeller laws can potentially cause a person to experience 25 or even 40 years to life for just selling cocaine. There are those with 10 years for mere possession of cocaine as well. A minority of crime is violence relates while most crime is done by either drug offenses or other forms of criminal activities. It is unfair to allow nonviolent offenders to be in jail in the same realm as rapists, murderers, and corporate crocks. The war on Drugs can cause fathers to be absent from their families and neighborhoods and including mothers too. More mothers are in prisons in increasingly shocking numbers. For mere marijuana possession, individual lives have been ruined with felonies in real life. This is not some fantasy. This is real. We need drug treatment and healing for those who are experience drug addiction. It is wrong for federal agencies to make it difficult for farmers to grow and market industrial hemp. Hemp that is industrialized ought to be made legal. As for the Second Amendment, I believe in civil liberties. I believe that innocent, law abiding citizens should never be restricted of the right to bear arms at any circumstance. That is my view and I will not back down from it at all. It is very hypocritical for anyone to lecture about gun disarmament when they ignore the government's role in using weapons to kill men, women, and children in Vietnam, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, places in Africa, and throughout the Earth. What we need is to end the war on terror and not scapegoat innocent humanity for massive, evil massacres in America. The fake liberals talk about guns, but they want the First Amendment to be violated with the Fairness Doctrine and some of them agree with the NATO war crimes in Libya. I am opposed to military war crimes and police brutality too when they use guns in an inappropriate way. Even the vast majority of Americans favor medical marijuana. We don't jail those with alcohol addiction or those with cigarette addiction. Therefore, those with drug addiction of any drug who is nonviolent ought not to be jailed at all.


For a long time, mystical structures have similar imagery throughout the Earth. The Egyptian ankh cross according to researcher Richard Cassaro isn't just found in ancient Egypt, but in the Aztecs temples as well. The Aztec ankh temple is greatly aligned with an Egyptian like stone pyramid at the same archaeological site. This means that humanity is definitely related to each other. Humankind came out of Africa and spread throughout the Earth. Influences of human creativity from Africa spread into the Americas via generations and generations. The ankh image throughout the Earth represents life. Such an Aztec Temple with the ankh cross is found in Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. Both the ancient Egyptians and the Aztec were on the opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Each civilization built pyramids, both had solar symbolism, and each civilization believed in life after death. The tau symbol is about the ancients trying to show the forces and the interplay between physical life (which was temporary or material) and spiritual life, which the ancients viewed as eternal or spiritual. The ankh looked like a cross and the tau cross looked similar to the letter T. The Mayans had Tau shaped icons and the Mayans were the forerunners of the Aztecs. The Egyptian Tau image was the sign of life to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that the spiritual part of human life never died, but it comes up to exist forever while the physical body dies. The soul to the ancients was the real self or the real consciousness. It is true that we shouldn't obsess with the material all of the time. We should follow the path of developing our soul by doing righteousness in society and among our neighbors. The Aztecs also believe that the spirit lives on during the afterlife while the physical body dies. They had ceremonies and chanted funeral prayers when someone died. The tree of life motif is found in the Aztec culture and the culture of ancient Egypt too not just the Kabbalah. To the Aztecs, the ancient tau cross was known as the tree of life. Now, we had known of the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff. In Masonic legends, Hiram Abiff is given a hammer in the form of a Tau by his ancestor Tubal-Cain. The tau cross is shown in modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square. The Mysteries used the Tau cross and other images to show that the higher nature is spiritual beyond the physical parameters of the Universe. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with spiritual growth, but spiritual growth can come with following the Creator not viewing Nature as God. Nature ought to be respected as a creation of God. It is not God. God is God. Also, we need to reject the selfish me oriented mentality. This mentality is common in many circles of the world not only in the West. Anarchy is when human beings can give in to the uninhibited pursuit of their selfish desires and carnal lusts. Likewise, in anarchy, the role of government is reduced to such a narrow scope that pollution, child labor, lax wages, and other evils can be common place Real government is meant to restrain evil and to promote the good in the world. You have to have justice and liberty not anarchy in order for society to be enriched. Now, we need to establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for the defense, and promote the general welfare of nations as a means to secure the blessings of liberty. There is nothing wrong with freedom, but we need social, cultural growth as well. Also, we need more altruism in society for the enemy regularly denigrates altruism. Altruism is a blessing in the world indeed. Greed ought to be rejected. Human generosity and compassion are great concepts for any human being to live by indeed. It is the global merchants that have provided an outlet wherefore materialism and corporate excess have been an epidemic inside of the world society. In other words, money is a tool. It is not god. Money can never be superior to the concerns, aspirations, and real principles of the people. The luxury and the constant, unmitigated pursuit of pleasure and gain is one common feature of mainstream American culture. When a man's desires exceed his needs, then you know that we have an issue here. Justice should not only be commutative, but it should be distributive as well. Justice on behalf of the poor is one of the greatest duties that we have as human beings in our lives.


By Timothy