Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Savant's Words in late August 2014

By the way, the cultural differences need not be insurmountable. A lot may depend on whether there is mutual respect, and also I guess whether the two people are able to compromise. My understanding is that most African families tend to be male dominant. You'd be surprised at how many AA women would ACCEPT that if they think you're reliable, committed to her, and capable of handling your BUSINESS. But other AA women no longer accept those traditional roles in which the man is supposed to be in charge. Some African men, at least the better educated and more "left" or "progressive " ones, may not put too much weight on those traditional role either. I notice that when reading Amilcar Cabral and other African revolutionaries there's a movement away from certain of those traditions. Hence some African men may find common ground with even the most "liberated " sisters. The important thing is what values you share in common despite cultural differences.



What I know is that BLACK PEOPLE--us brothers included--need to get our acts together --and SOON! It's later than you think. And brothers who are "hating on" sisters, or sisters who are "hating on" brothers, clearly DO NOT have their acts together. I warn you that our very EXISTENCE as a people is at stake. -Savant


Bravo! If there was more self-love, mutual respect between Black women and men, the energies we waste fighting each could be turned to the liberation and advancement of Black PEOPLE as a whole. Have you ever read Frantz Fanon's A DYING COLONIALISM? It's interesting how much energy the French colonizers put into trying to drive a wedge between native men and women. They believed that if they succeeded that would make Algeria easier to control. Same here. The more at odds are Black men and women the weaker is the community as a whole. You don't have to be a genius to see it.
