If Black women are demeaned, Black men will be demeaned as well. But I'm beginning to wonder whether this back-and-forth vilification of each other by Black men and women (assuming some of you aren't non-Black trolls) is merely coincidence? Maybe there's an element of design here. What better way to prevent Black unity, Black solidarity, maybe even a new and revolutionary Black Movement, than to foment discord between Black men and women? Notice you're NOT talking about the virtual destruction of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court which could lead the way to the return of DISFRANCHISEMENT of Black people (a happened after Reconstruction). NOtice you're not talking about the New Jim Crow which Michelle Alexander has been trying to warn us about, and which may prove to be a nail in the coffin of the Black family and the Black community. Notice you are NOT talking about perhaps one half our Black children living in poverty. Notice that you are NOT talk about mass unemployment and massive poverty even among the employed-----And research shows that ECONOMIC troubles are the primary sources of domestic discord leading to the dissolution of marriages and families, or one's incapacity to even establish such. Notice that you are NOT talking about the increasing wave of police repression and brutality, the militarization of local police forces which may be a step toward FASCISM in the USA. (There was another oppressed minority in Germany in the 1930s & 40s that did not survive Fascism, and often didn't see its danger until it was too late). And notice that in all this empty chatter about Black men and women there's no serious talk or thinking about how to HEAL ourselves, each other or our relationships and community. Only read meat ranting designed to throw salt on wounds, to fight and fragment rather than to reconcile and unite. If you're not working for the FBI & CIA in some COINTELPRO-type program you may as well do so. For you're doing the enemy's work without being paid. I'm sure that at least Gene Roberts and other scum bag traitors were at getting paid. Many Black males and females are actually doing the enemy's work for free. You're even too dumb to be agents. (Ashleigh probably couldn't even pass the aptitude test).
Are these conversations and threads relevant? AMERICA MOVES towards FASCISM, and Kanye and Kim are the hottest topic. Martin, Malcolm & Fannie Lou Hamar must be turning in their graves.
I doubt that. We're 13% of the population, and IR marriage is still the exception rather than the norm. But the white demographic seems to be slipping. Only last year I heard a report which stated that for the first time on the records more whites DIED than were born. But even when whites are no longer a numerical majority they will probably be a large minority. But if whites were to become endangered? Hmmmmm....well, I have friends of European descent whom I would not want to disappear. And while I wouldn't miss the likes of "Trayjuan ", the total disappearance of whites (as of any other human group) would mean the loss of the good as well as the bad...LIke the 94 year old lady who is a Holocaust survivor, and who got arrested (I believe today) in a solidarity march with Black citizens of Ferguson.
Unlike many other PEOPLE, I don't consider Kanye West and most other celebrities worth all the attention. I'm more concerned about the attacks on our civil rights such as we saw with the Supine Court's gutting of the Voting Rights Act. I'm concerned more about the increasing numbers of our children growing up in poverty rather than the stupid antics of rich negro celebrities. I'm more concerned about the disintegration of our families AND COMMUNITIES. I'm more concerned about the New Jim Crow and the rapidly expanding prison industrial complex. I'm concerned about the growing police state tendencies of which Ferguson is really only the tip of the iceberg. Why aren't people starting threads about and discussing these matters? The shallow personal lives of the rich and foolish has been talked to death. Concern yourselves with real issues.
Let me give YOU a piece of advice: Learn to think rationally rather than relying on cheap school boy insults. Also, the fact that YOU do not believe in Black Love and solidarity doesn't mean that other Black people can't still believe in such. And if Black unity had been a total myth we could have had no civil RIGHTS movement---which began, by he way, when 80% or more of Black families were two parent homes. And while conditions of life were never ideal, there have been times when communities were more cohesive than they are now. Again, the negative judgments you make of Black women fall back on you, just as their negative judgments fall back on them. Furthermore, you need more knowledge than you have of the history of Black people and the Black family, including what happened after (or during) the great Movement both to allow certain progress, and to result in such setbacks and regressions. Part of it has to do with the electronic revolution. Part of it has to do with deliberate class divides imposed by the powers that be. And I could go on and on. But the very EXISTENCE of Black America is at stake, more than just your petty quarrels with Black women--the origins of which you do not comprehend. And if you're not going to enlighten yourself, then you ought to listen to people who have and are taking the trouble to do so.