Friday, December 30, 2016

DeBoraha Akin Townson

Irene Morgan Kirkaldy


Happy Birthday Sister Laila Ali.

Olympics | US Boxer Claressa Shields Discusses Rio Gold Medal

Claressa Shields 'Chasing History'

Legacies of colonialism in Africa

Blacks Still Fighting For Equal Rights In Pakistan

December 30, 2016 Information

This is a very important time in our age. The Hidden Figures movie accurately showed the sacrifice, the intellectual ingenuity, and the passion for STEM fields that the 3 Sisters have expressed. Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, and Mary Jackson are heroes who opposed racism and sexism to use their talents to benefit the world society. For thousands of years, black people have been inventors, scientists, engineers, and scholars. The movie showed how the research and calculations (involving geometry, calculus, trigonometry, etc.) of these 3 black women caused John Glen to successfully orbit the Earth (in the midst of the Cold War). Also, another great point should always be reiterated. We know what that point is. Girls and women have every right to pursue STEM fields and any endeavor in their lives. Black women's contributions for a long time have been ignored by many in mainstream society. That should end period. We ought to give great credit to the contributions of black women since black women are the mothers of the human race and it is the right thing to do. I was born from a black woman and honoring the greatness of black women is honoring our own humanity as human beings. Therefore, I do recommend anyone to watch the Hidden Figures film as it will motivate so many people to achieve their dreams. We still believe in the dream that our forebears dreamed of, that our ancestors fought for, and that we still are fighting for in this new century. Anyone, regardless of gender, should have human rights. We desire more people to love STEM fields and we desire human justice too.

We approach a new era of time. More and more visible voices of black people are being shown in film, television, and other forms of media. As many human beings has eloquently stated, the show Atlanta is not only popular among black people because of the characters and the scenery. It is popular, because it plainly shows realism and authenticity involving its depictions of poor and working class black Americans who live in Atlanta. Consequential, there are more shows that express stories that have a lot of black, talented actors and actresses in them like Insecure, Queen Sugar, etc. The truth is ubiquitous and we flourish with talent. Hopefully, our voices can expand more independently in 2017 and beyond. This goal of freedom has nothing to do with obstinate conformity. It has to do with us expressing ourselves as we see fit without tokenism and without unfair limitations. In the final analysis, what we want is not just power to express ourselves, but we desire the means to inspire others in following their own goals (so, they can find their own sense of joy and happiness). Our Blackness is Beautiful. More and more black people in our generation are forthrightly outlining the truth that Blackness is diverse. We live in different geographic areas and we have many stories. That signifies the reality that Blackness is never monolithic, but our experiences range from intellectual endeavors to other fields. Our stories are our own. We own them and we have the subsequent right to express them in a honest, enriching capacity. The Dream hasn't been fulfilled yet, but these new shows certainly show how we have that opportunity for the Dream to be realized. Also, Issa Rae from Insecure is a philanthropist who has helped black people in real life. So, many actors and actresses have utilized their platforms to legitimately give back to people. Interesting stories from the wide range of black people is a benefit for society.

I certainly believe in voting rights, social justice, and racial justice. Hardworking families and heroes like Dr. King, Rosa Parks, and Ella Baker have promoted these things for decades. The reactionary voter ID law in North Carolina has been opposed by heroic people. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. praised democratic socialism by his own words (that I can quote). Malcolm X promoted pan-African unity and rejected capitalism. Evil bigotry is anti-black, anti-family, and anti-liberation. What is being pro-black is standing up for the poor, respecting the African Diaspora, and expanding resources to help the black community. Being pro-black is about standing up for the freedom of black people (not sucking up to the views of far right white racists). Also, it is important to promote grassroots organizing and environmental justice (as the tragedy of Flint documents how important environment issues are). Carl Paladino is lower than low. He is the representation of the deplorables that many people who slander others are. Carl is not only a racist and a disgrace. He is a coward and not a real man. I have no respect for Carl. He being a Trump supporter is not shocking as many of Trump's supporters are notorious sexists, racists, and xenophobes. While Carl promotes bigotry and unjust hatred, we will promote love, justice, and human dignity.

Today is the Birthday of Brother Lebron James. He has made many accomplishments in the basketball arena and outside of it. He was born in Akron, Ohio and his life has been filled with obstacles and triumphs against those obstacles. He is the best NBA player today and one of the greatest basketball players in history. He is 32 years old now. He has 3 NBA Titles in 2012, 2013, and 2016. He has won multiple MVP awards. He is the Cleveland Cavaliers' all-time leading scorer. Ever since he was in high school, people have called him a legend. Many of his high school basketball games were shown on national TV. He is the youngest NBA player to score 25,000 points. He has great speed and great strength. His wife and his children support him everyday. Lebron James is very influential athlete and his charity work has helped children in many ways involving their education. He has spoken out about the Darfur crisis in Sudan, Trayvon Martin's tragic murder, Eric Garner's tragic death, and other important issues in our generation. He is a man who has worked in many economic endeavors. Lebron James is a legendary person not only on about what he does in basketball. He is a legend in helping tons of people in real life outside of the court too. I wish him a great birthday.

I always have great admiration for the Sister Miriam Makeba. She taught us more than about great music. She used words as a soundtrack to end apartheid in South Africa. She lived her life in promoting love and justice for love and justice go hand in hand. Filled with consciousness, she utilized her strength and her voice to help the poor, to help black people, and to help the human race in general. Her music certainly inspires me in my life to always oppose bigotry and tyranny. Today, we are near 2020. Her words have moved the world and we will continue to live for the intrepid goal of justice. One of the unsung, great heroes of our community is Janet Collins. She was born in Louisiana in March 17, 1917. She was a pioneer of black ballet dancing. She loved to dance and inspired humanity. She was raised in Los Angeles, and soon she developed her dancing skills. In her later life, Collins taught modern dance at Balanchine's School of American Ballet in New York City, and at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York. In 1951, she became the first African American to be hired full-time by the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Marian Anderson, the first to sing there, did not perform until 1955. She inspired many African Americans to perform in dance and ballet. She passed away in the year 2003 in Fort Worth, Texas. She has shined her talent for years and decades. Rest in Power Sister Janet Collins. Sister Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce is a young track and field legend. Today, she is 30 years old. For a number of years, she has expressed grace, power, and excellent skills in the track. Her accomplishments are lengthy and she gives back to her Jamaican community too. In 2008, she was the first Caribbean woman (at the age of 21) to win the 100m gold medal. She has won many gold medals and championships for years. She is one of the greatest female sprinters in human history. She was born in Kingston, Jamaica. Her mother, Maxine, was a former athlete herself. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce has graduated in college and has her own foundation to help many young human beings. She is a beautiful black woman who represents what excellence and philanthropy is all about.

By Timothy

Thursday, December 29, 2016

More News

Dorothy Dandridge

The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe


I Can't - Breezy Malone ( Official Video)

The Origins of Santa Claus(Satan Claws)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dallas, TX and Civil Rights.

John Amos

Wednesday News and Research.

To learn about the human race, we will learn more about ourselves. As human beings, we have manual dexterity, use of tools, and complex development of creativity and other cognitive expressions. We have very complex brains too. Human beings existed first in the Motherland of Africa. Human beings migrated out of Africa to the rest of the world from about 200,000 years ago. Human beings are very unique since we have a large brain with a well-developed neocortex, prefrontal cortex, and temporal lobes. We can express a high level of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, sociability, and culture via social learning. We can use tool in a much higher degree than any animal on Earth. We can build fires, cook food, and use a diversity of technologies and arts. Sedentary agriculture developed into a higher level by 10,000 years ago. The Paleolithic era is known as the Early Stone Age. The Neolithic Era came later, which is the New Stone Age. Modern humans spread rapidly from Africa into the frost-free zones of Europe and Asia around 60,000 years ago. The rapid expansion of humankind to North America and Oceania took place at the climax of the most recent ice age, when temperate regions of today were extremely inhospitable. Yet, humans had colonized nearly all the ice-free parts of the globe by the end of the Ice Age, some 12,000 years ago. The Agricultural Revolution (in the Neolithic Age) spread from 8,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. especially in the Mesopotamia region. The Neolithic Age saw human beings inventing the wheel, the first planting of cereal crops, and the development of cursive script like cuneiform (which is the earliest known writing system). Later, human beings transited from a nomadic life to a more settled lifestyle as farmers in permanent settlements. There was nomadism, but the transition continued. Communication improved and transportation grew. The development of cities existed by the end of the Neolithic age too. Ancient civilizations were in Lower Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient Kush, other areas of Africa, the Harappan civilian in the Indus Valley, the Chinese civilization in the Yellow plus Yangtze River, and other civilizations. These societies developed a number of unifying characteristics, including a central government, a complex economy and social structure, sophisticated language and writing systems, and distinct cultures and religions. Writing was another pivotal development in human history, as it made the administration of cities and expression of ideas far easier. Modern religion developed with anthropomorphic deities, other forms of polytheism, and monotheism. Also, another point is to be made too. A team of scientists comparing the full genomes of the two species concluded that most Europeans and Asians have between 1 to 2 percent Neanderthal DNA.  The original, Indigenous sub-Saharan Africans have no Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors did not migrate through Eurasia. The genomes of all non-Africans include portions that are of Neanderthal origin, due to interbreeding between Neanderthals and the ancestors of Eurasians in Northern Africa or the Middle East prior to their spread. Recent findings suggest there may be even more Neanderthal genes in non-African humans than previously expected: approximately 20% of the Neanderthal gene pool was present in a broad sampling of non-African individuals, though each individual's genome was on average only 2% Neanderthal. Therefore, Neanderthals are not human beings. Also, many scientists research about the halpogroup. A haplotype is a group of genes in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent. A halpogroup is a made up of similar haplotypes. A haplogroup is a combination of alleles at different chromosomes regions that are closed linked and that tend to be inherited together. Haplogroups pertain to a single line of descent, usually dating back thousands of years. As such, membership of a haplogroup, by any individual, relies on a relatively small proportion of the genetic material possessed by that individual. In human genetics, the haplogroups most commonly studied are Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, both of which can be used to define genetic populations. Y-DNA is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while mtDNA is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material.

The struggle continues. After the Birmingham movement, more radical changes existed in America and in the world. The March on Washington existed which called for civil rights laws, decent housing, full and fair employment, and other progressive policies. The 16th Street Baptist church was bombed by a racist coward. Also, there was the evil assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November 22, 1963. The new President was Lyndon Baines Johnson who supported Kennedy’s legislative agenda. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. also worked in the St. Augustine movement. St. Augustine was a very old city and it is found in the northeast coast of Florida. It was founded by the Spanish in 1565. Dr. Robert B. Hayling was a black dentist and Air Force veteran (who had ties to the NAACP) who protested segregated local institutions since 1963 in the city. Many civil rights leaders like Dr. Hayling and three companions, James Jackson, Clyde Jenkins, and James Hauser, were brutally beaten at a Ku Klux Klan rally in the fall of that year of 1963. Nightriders shot in black homes constantly in St. Augustine. Many people were arrested for sit ins. Some were teenagers like Audrey Nell Edwards, JoeAnn Anderson, Samuel White, and Willie Carl Singleton (who came to be known as "The St. Augustine Four").  It took a special action of the governor and cabinet of Florida to release them after national protests by the Pittsburgh Courier, Jackie Robinson, and others. Many black people in St. Augustine used armed self-defense and nonviolent direct action to fight for justice. In June 1963, Dr. Hayling publicly stated that "I and the others have armed. We will shoot first and answer questions later. We are not going to die like Medgar Evers." The comment made national headlines. When Klan nightriders terrorized black neighborhoods in St. Augustine, Hayling's NAACP members often drove them off with gunfire, and in October, a Klansman was killed (in self-defense). By 1964, Dr. Hayling and the other activists urged the SCLC to come to St. Augustine. They did. They worked in the spring of 1964. People fought for freedom. Dr. King was arrested in Florida. He sent a “Letter from the St. Augustine Jail” to a northern supporter, Rabbi Israel Dresner of New Jersey, urging him to recruit others to participate in the movement. This resulted, a week later, in the largest mass arrest of rabbis in American history—while conducting a pray-in at the Monson. There was a settlement in St. Augustine. Later, the Freedom Summer event came in 1964, which promoted voting and social rights for black people in Mississippi. The Civil Rights Act was passed in July 4, 1964, there was the election of 1964 (including the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party with Ella Baker and others being disrespected by the Democratic Party establishment. Dr. King opposed Barry Goldwater), and Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in December 10, 1964. These events represent the transitional phrase of the movement from the early age to the later age of the modern civil rights movement. In January of 1965, black players of the American Football League boycotted New Orleans, because of discrimination. The AFL All-Star Game was moved into Jeppesen Stadium in Houston. By 1965, the Selma Rights movement came and the fight for voting rights persisted in America. Malcolm X continued to be revolutionary in his life by early 1965 too. So, the events of the past influence our current movement for justice in 2017 and beyond.

Archaeology is the study of human activity via the recovery and analysis of material culture. In archaeology, culture, history, and artifacts are discovered. It is a social science and a branch of the humanities. In North America, archaeology is considered a sub-field of anthropology. Archaeology is a field that is constantly changing as more discoveries of tombs, buildings, and sculptures exist in our time too. From stone tools found in East Africa to the modern finds, archaeology is here to stay. Many anthropologists know about history, art, ethnology, paleontology, statistics, and other fields. For centuries, people have evacuated ruins and buildings from the city of Pompeii to the megalithic monuments of England. William Cunnington of England modernized the research of archaeological excavation. He found Neolithic and Bronze Age barrows. Many researchers discovered the tomb of the 14th century B.C. pharaoh Tutankhamun.  The next major figure in the development of archaeology was Sir Mortimer Wheeler, whose highly disciplined approach to excavation and systematic coverage in the 1920's and 1930's brought the science on swiftly. Wheeler developed the grid system of excavation, which was further improved by his student Kathleen Kenyon. Archaeology is used to find out more about the cultural manifestations of the past. It also used to find the behaviors of humanity too. Surveys, DNA testing, computer 3D technology, and other methods are used to find objects and to make known much of our past. Therefore, archaeology is exciting and a crucial part of human civilization.

The abolition movement in London and the United Kingdom should be recognized for its heroic qualities and for its wide influence in world history in general. In its modern sphere, it lasted from the late 1700’s to the early 1800’s. This movement wanted to end the slave trade and all slavery worldwide. Many English Quakers opposed slavery. Black people were also leaders in the abolitionist movement too. Many rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment also opposed it for violating the rights of human rights. James Edward Oglethorpe of the Enlightenment expressed opposition to slavery. Granville Sharp and Hannah More wanted to oppose slavery too.  In a 1569 court case involving Cartwright, who had bought a slave from Russia, the court ruled that English law could not recognize slavery, as it was never established officially. This ruling was overshadowed by later developments. It was upheld in 1700 by Lord Chief Justice Sir John Holt when he ruled that a slave became free as soon as he arrived in England. There was the Somersett Case. It was about a fugitive putative slave James Somersett and people forced a decision by the courts. Somersett had escaped and his oppressor, Charles Steuart, had him captured and imprisoned on board a ship, intending to ship him to Jamaica to be resold into slavery. While in London, Somersett had been baptized and three godparents issued a writ of habeas corpus. As a result, Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice of the Court of the King's Bench, had to judge whether Somersett's abduction was lawful or not under English Common Law. No legislation had ever been passed to establish slavery in England. The case received national attention and five advocates supported the action on behalf of Somersett. In his judgment of June 22, 1772, Mansfield held that sense slavery didn’t exist under English common law, so it was banned in England. The decision did not apply to the British overseas territories; the American colonies had established slavery by positive laws. Somersett's case became a significant part of the common law of slavery in the English-speaking world and it helped to inspire people to fight to abolish slavery. Black scholars like Ignatius Sancho wrote about his experiences and he was a powerful abolitionist. In 1783, Dr. Beilby Porteus, Bishop of Chester, issued a call to the Church of England to cease its involvement in the slave trade and to formulate a policy to improve the conditions of Afro-Caribbean slaves. The exploration of the African continent by such British groups as the African Association (1788), promoted the abolitionists' cause. Africans played an important part in the abolition movement. In Britain, Olaudah Equiano (who was a victim of the evil slave trade), whose autobiography was published in nine editions in his lifetime, campaigned tirelessly against the slave trade. An aspect of the history of abolitionism during this period was the use of images such as the famous Wedgwood medallion of 1787 and the engraving showing the horrific layout of the infamous slave ship, the Brookes. The abolitionist movement grew. After the formation of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1787, William Wilberforce led the cause of abolition through the parliamentary campaign. It finally abolished the slave trade in the British Empire with the Slave Trade Act 1807. He continued to campaign for the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, which he lived to see in the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. Africans and Europeans fought to end slavery and the slave trade. In 1839, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society was formed.  This organization wanted to end slavery worldwide and it opposed American cotton shipment to England as slaves were forced to pick cotton in the U.S. South. It is in operation today as Anti-Slavery International, the world's oldest international human rights organization.

The Dallas civil rights movement is unsung in many quarters. There was the civil rights photographer Bob Adelman who recently passed away at 85 years old. The journalist and civil rights attorney Alia Malek received an award in Dallas too. The Dallas Civil Rights museum presented a program on Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a young child who was viciously murdered by racists in the Deep South. Recently, the pastor James Sumner Manning passed away at the age of 88. He was a Methodist minister in Oklahoma, North Texas, and Massachusetts. He was a lifelong advocate of civil rights. His wife is Betty Kemp Manning and she said that, “He was always speaking of making a better world for everybody.” He helped undocumented immigrants as well. Another great civil rights hero was the late Sister Kathlyn Joy Gilliam. She promoted childhood education in South Dallas too during the 1960’s and the 1970’s. She was in the Dallas school board for 23 years and she was the first black woman in the board in 1974. She was also the first black board President in 1980. She passed away in 2011. The civil rights movement back then in Dallas, Texas included clergymen, clergywomen, political leaders, social activists, and people among a wide spectrum of ages and backgrounds. Jody Furnish was a Dallas social workers in 1963 and she was active in the Dallas civil rights movement. People like Marilyn Clark, Mary Greene, Princella Hartman, Edward Harris, and so many other human beings fought for justice.

By Timothy

Monday, December 26, 2016

Charles Woods (The Professor) - Sidney Poitier & the Slap Heard 'Round t...

Lagos, Etc.

Lagos, Nigeria is one of the greatest cities in the world. It is found in Africa or the Motherland. It is the largest city in Nigeria in population. It is one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. It is a major financial center. It is a mega city with the highest GDP in the nation and has some of the largest and busiest ports in the continent. Lagos initially emerged as a port city which originated on a collection of islands, which are contained in the present day Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Lagos Island, Eti-Osa, Amuwo-Odofin and Apapa. The islands are separated by creeks. It has over 8 million people at least. Its metropolitan area has about 21 million people. Lagos is found in 2 major geographical areas of the island and the mainland. The island region is made up of many islands while the mainland has most industries there. It is known for its music and night life. The major areas of the mainland include areas like Ebute Metta, Yaba, Ajah and Ejigbo. Some rivers, like Badagry Creek, flow parallel to the coast for some distance before exiting through the sand bars to the sea. The city is near the equator, so its temperature remains constant with no major change year round. There is no single municipality in Lagos, so there is no overall city administration. There is the existence of 16 to 20 governmental local areas which together make up the Lagos State. The mainland beyond the Municipality of Lagos, on the other hand, comprised several separate towns and settlements such as Mushin, Ikeja and Agege. Lagos’ economy is very powerful. The Central business district is found in the island and its economy generates a major part of Nigeria’s GDP. Lagos’ economy is a 24 hour economy. Some residents have the highest standards of living in Nigeria and in Africa. There is still poverty in Lagos too. The Port of Lagos is Nigeria's leading port and one of the largest and busiest in Africa. It is administered by the Nigerian Ports Authority and it is split into three main sections: Lagos port, in the main channel next to Lagos Island, Apapa Port (site of the container terminal) and Tin Can Port, both located in Badagry Creek, which flows into Lagos Harbour from the west. The port features a railhead. The port has seen growing amounts of crude oil exported, with export figures rising between 1997 and 2000. Oil and petroleum products provide 14% of GDP and 90% of foreign exchange earnings in Nigeria as a whole. Lagos is known for its massive tourism too.

There is an oral history of the Lagos that says that in the period around 1300 to 1400, the Oba (King) of the Benin Empire heard from one of his traders complaints about being mistreated by the Awori who lived in the area of current day Lagos. The Oba of Benin then sent a trade expedition by sea to engage with the Awori people, who nonetheless declined to engage and attacked the mission sent by Benin. Upon hearing this as the mission returned to Benin City, the Oba of Benin commanded the assembling of a war expedition, led by Ado, a prince of Benin, which headed to the settlement of the Awori in current-day Lagos, then called Eko by the Benin people, and demanded an explanation. On getting there, Ado and his army were more than well received - the Awori from Lagos asked Benin Prince Ado to stay there and become their leader. Ado agreed, on the condition that they surrendered their sovereignty to the Oba of Benin, to which the Awori people of Lagos agreed.  Upon hearing this, the Oba of Benin gave his permission for Prince Ado and the expedition to remain in Eko with the Awori. The Oba of Benin later sent some of his chiefs, including the Eletu Odibo, Obanikoro and others, to assist Ado in the running of Eko. Lagos was inhabited at first by the Awori subgroup of the Yoruba people in the 15th century. They called it Oko. The leadership of Oloye Olofin existed back then and he caused the Awori to move into an island which is now called Iddo and then to the larger Lagos Island. In the 16th century, the Awori settlement was conquered by the Benin Empire  and the island became a Benin war-camp called "Eko" under Oba Orhogba, the Oba of Benin at the time. Eko is still the native name for Lagos. Lagos means “lakes.” It was a nme given to the settlement by the Portuguese. Today, the Lagos state has a high percentage of Awori, who migrated to the area from Isheri along the Ogun river. Throughout history, it was home to a number of warring ethnic groups who had settled in the area. Following its early settlement by the Awori nobility, and its conquest by the Bini warlords of Benin, the state first came to the attention of the Portuguese in the 15th century. Portuguese explorer Rui de Sequeira visited the area in 1472, naming the area around the city Lago de Curamo. Another explanation is that Lagos was named for Lagos, Portugal—a maritime town which, at the time, was the main center of Portuguese expeditions down the African coast.

IN our time, many music videos still have many messages in them. One such video is called Weeknds’ “Starboy.” The video has the Weeknd destroying his house using an “illuminated” cross. That scene shows a lot of meaning. There is occult imagery in the video too. The video deals with a collaboration with Daft Punk. The video seems to be about a boy who is a star in the entertainment business. Yet, the symbolism makes it more than about it. It has a ritualistic tone and outlines the principle of the death and rebirth narrative found in esoteric initiations. The 2 videos of “Cant’ Feel my Face”, "Tell your Friends”, and the Hills outline a trilogy too. When the videos are seen together, it shows a story about the Weeknd meeting a figure holding an apple, which is similar to the serpent story in the garden of Eden. In Can’t Feel My Face, the figure (which is similar to Lucifer) literally sets The Weeknd on fire and figuratively lights up his career. In Tell Your Friends, The Weeknd buries himself in the desert. It outlines the old Weeknd. In Starboy, The Weeknd kills his old self again by suffocating him. The Weeknd “Starboy” video starts with a masked man entering the Weeknd’s house. The Weeknd sits in a chair. The masked man then gets up and suffocates The Weeknd with a plastic bag. When the killer removes his mask, it shows that this person is the Weeknd. He shaved his hair and he looks different. So, symbolically, he is reborn with a new hairstyle. He is wearing a cross too. The Weeknd passes by a painting featuring Daft Punk. It shows a falling star in the background and the black panther. The Weekend sees the illuminated red cross hanging in his room. The cross literally catches his eye. The cross reflects inside a single eye, which the single eye has multiple meanings in the occult. Later, he takes the cross and breaks his gold records and the cover of his first album. In the song, he said that his P1 (a sports car) is cleaner than your church shoes (the rewards of the occult elite are greater than the life of a humble church going person). He also says that he makes a lot more money than you and that his girl (and the girl he cheats this girl with, which he calls his side B word. Many artists degrade women using that word) are better than yours. So, this has nothing to do with real Christian principles or fighting materialism. Later in the song, explains how he upgraded to a new table where his girl can snort cocaine from. So, he is boasting of what he has been given or has. The industry loves this as they love to make profit off of people rapping or singing about wordiness. Also, he is blatant about his intentions in his song by saying: “…We don’t pray for love, we just pray for cars…” He is destroying things to go into another level of his career not to destroy materialism. It is no secret that the corporate elites and the occult system runs Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment world. Also, many celebrities’ relatives have ties to the military industrial complex too. The cover of the Starboy single cover sums up the occult transformation that is happening. On the left are lightning bolts, in the middle are crosses (and a star) and on the right are more lightning bolts. There are six symbols in each column. In occult symbolism, the lightning bolt represents “descent” from the heavens to Earth. For this reason the symbol is sometimes used to represent Lucifer who is said to have descended from the Kingdom of God to mankind. Lucifer is also known as the Light Bringer. The same terms have been used since the dawn of time to describe the planet Venus. Venus is esoterically associated with the symbol of the 5-pointed star and the pentagram due to its “astronomical dance” in the skies. This symbolism is not new. The late David Bowie used Kabbalistic imagery and the lightning bolt image for decades. After destroying his things and burning down his clothes, The Weeknd leaves his house. A black cat follows him. The cat is bigger in the car and its eyes glow. The illuminated cross is no on the ground. The Weeknd is now a “starboy”, a person who was hand picked by the elite to become a “higher level” star. Because of this, he owns a bunch of material things that he brags about in his songs. To become a starboy, he has to kill his old self while wearing a cross and he must pledge his allegiance by ritualistically destroying his possessions using a cross. Using this Christian symbol to commit death and destruction is part of the soul-selling process. The industry is not peaches and cream. Tons of celebrities tell about orgies, abuse, materialism, violence, drug addiction, and other evils throughout the industry. Nothing is new under the sun which is why goodness is always good to promote and good in society.

The term of anthropology has a long evolution in human history. It current use was first found in Renasisasance Germany in the works of Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. It is a combination of two Greek words of  ánthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος, "human") and lógos (λόγος, "study"). (Its adjectival form appeared in the works of Aristotle.)  It began to be used in English, possibly via French anthropologie, by the early 18th century. In 1647, the Bartholins, founders of the University of Copenhagen, defined l'anthropologie as follows: “Anthropology, that is to say the science that treats of man, is divided ordinarily and with reason into Anatomy, which considers the body and the parts, and Psychology, which speaks of the soul.” There were later uses of the term like by  Étienne Serres in 1839 to describe the natural history, or paleontology, of man, based on comparative anatomy, and the creation of a chair in anthropology and ethnography in 1850 at the National Museum of Natural History (France) by Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau. Various short-lived organizations of anthropologists had already been formed. The Société Ethnologique de Paris, the first to use Ethnology, was formed in 1839. Its members were primarily anti-slavery activists. When slavery was abolished in France in 1848 the Société was abandoned. Meanwhile, the Ethnological Society of New York, currently the American Ethnological Society, was founded on its model in 1842, as well as the Ethnological Society of London in 1843, a break-away group of the Aborigines' Protection Society. These anthropologists of the times were liberal, anti-slavery, and pro-human-rights activists. They maintained international connections. Today, anthropology deals with diverse subjects like anatomy, linguistics, and ethnology. In essence, anthropology is the study of the actions of human kind in the world. Many modern anthropologists today study gender, multiculturalism, ethnography, race, and other issues. Cultural anthropology is more related to philosophy, literature and the arts (how one's culture affects experience for self and group, contributing to more complete understanding of the people's knowledge, customs, and institutions), while social anthropology is more related to sociology and history. To understand anthropology is to understand social structures of peoples in the world too. Ethnomusicology is an academic field encompassing various approaches to the study of music (broadly defined), that emphasize its cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, and other dimensions or contexts instead of or in addition to its isolated sound component or any particular repertoire. Therefore, anthropology is a very multifaceted field of study.

After the Russian Civil War, revolutions continued to exist worldwide. Later, revolutions grew in China and throughout Europe plus all over Africa. The Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War changed the world forever. War and revolutions caused many changes. The civil war devastated Russia for a time. Lenin and his Red Army won. Yet, the Russian economy suffered because of the destruction of the war. Trade was stagnant. Industrial production declined. Many people went into other countries in order to gained employed and many of these people were skilled workers too. Lenin had to do something. Therefore, in March of 1921, Lenin put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy at the moment. He created a small scale reform plan call;ed the New Economic Policy. This was called the NEP for short. The NEP allowed the peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government. The government still controlled major industries, banks, and means of communication. Yet, it let some small factories, businesses, and firms to operate under private ownership. The government also encouraged foreign investment. The country slowly recovered in part because of the peace and new policies. By 1928, Russian firms and factories were producing as much as they did before World War I. Bolshevik leaders obviously didn’t agree with nationalism since Marxism is internationalist by nature. They wanted party unity and loyalty. That is why they including Lenin organized the Soviet Union into many republics that were self governing but under the control of the central government. In 1922, the land was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the USSR. The Bolsheviks now renamed themselves the Communist Party. The Communist Party came from the literature of Karl Marx. Marx wanted communism to be a classless society where workers seized power to overthrow the capitalist elitists. In 1924, the Communists created a constitution based on socialist and democratic principles. It was very historic. The Communist Party held power. Lenin ruled the USSR. It is important to promote workers’ power, which Stalin didn’t really advocate, especially after Lenin passed away.

By Timothy

Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday News

During this time of the year, we relax, we celebrate with family, and we acknowledge the blessings that we have. This is one of my favorite times of the year since this month has my birthday and because of the joy and camaraderie we experience during this season. As we get older, we know lessons. We learn about sticking together as human beings, we learn about eliminating distractions, and embracing love for wisdom. I do greatly appreciate the friends sending me great messages (you know who you are). I respect the concepts of equality and justice. Our people have experienced a long journey in human history. From thousands of years ago in Africa to the American shores, we have invented, we have spoke up for freedom, and we have inspired the human family in glorious ways. We made progress in many ways, but we have so much more to go. 2017 is almost here, but our quintessential commitment to freedom remains in our souls forever. We believe in miracles too. It took a miracle for the Civil Rights Act to be passed. There are countless stories where many people survived diseases and other illnesses in miraculous fashions. We are inspired by the past. Likewise, we recognize the contributions of so many people in the present who love philanthropy, who are engaged in helping the youth, and who are expressing their ideals eloquently & with vigor.

Today is the Birthday of the late great Sister Madam CJ Walker. Her gifts were diverse and abundant. She is part and parcel of our African American history. She changed the world and changed the game in many ways from entrepreneurship to other aspects of human endeavors. She was born in 1867 near Delta, Louisiana. She lived to be a very successful African American businesswoman. Her original name is Sarah Breedlove. She lived in St. Louis and moved into Denver. She built a business involving beauty products and her production expanded into multiple cities across America. She hired thousands of women to sale her products globally. She worked in politics to speak up for social and racial justice. Her friends and associates included Booker T. Washington, Mary McLeod Bethune, and W. E. B. Du Bois, among others. She opposed lynching and worked with the NAACP to protest anti-black pogroms in America. Prior to her death in 1919, Walker pledged $5,000 (the equivalent of about $65,000 in 2012) to the NAACP's antilynching fund. At the time it was the largest gift from an individual that the NAACP had ever received. Walker bequeathed nearly $100,000 to orphanages, institutions, and individuals; her will directed two-thirds of future net profits of her estate to charity. In May 25, 1919, she passed away at the age of 51. Her daughter, A'Lelia Walker, became the president of the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company. A'Lelia Walker also worked in the historic, cultural Harlem Renaissance. Her legacy involved the promotion of entrepreneurship and philanthropy in the world society. She also represents one of the greatest black people of the early 20th century. Her spirit lives on, her courage is sacrosanct, and we humbly respect her graciousness plus her accomplishments.
Rest in Power Sister Madam C.J. Walker.

With all of the issues in the world, we believe in peace still. Believing in peace has nothing to do with having naivete. It has nothing to do with blatantly ignoring the problems of the day. It has to do with seeking peace as a long term goal that we are greatly devoted in achieving. We have the right to advocate for the same principles of excellence, justice, and human dignity. That precisely entails that we promote true education. Education doesn't deal with just random memorization of information. Education deals with analyzing information, applying facts to enable authentic, progressive social change. That is why we reject excessive militarism and a lust for the glamorization of the expansion of nuclear weaponry. This is why precisely we believe in compassion sent to the refugees (of any color), because of the just writ of treating our neighbors as ourselves. Creating this peace will not be easy. Still, we have the capability though to formulate cooperation, negotiations, and strong diplomacy with other countries in order for solutions to transpire. History has taught us about how negotiations can bring positive results. The practical nuclear test ban treaty of 1963 (during the time of the Cold War when debates raged on what to do) was instituted by negotiations. The Voting Rights Act was achieved by the acts of heroic men, women, and children who didn't wavered in their commitment to social justice. Therefore, we should not be naive in the world, but we should enact mutual tolerance, an end to evil enmities, and the focus on human improvement in our world society. So, we have faith. I remember hearing that faith can move mountains. A faith that can move mountains has certainly been true. For example, Harriet Tubman had faith and she saved so many lives in the Underground Railroad. The faith of so many heroes along with factions caused tons of progressive change in our land to help black people (as Black is Beautiful. I believe in black liberation), other minorities, women, immigrants, etc. We shouldn't underestimate the power of unsung heroes and the power of truth. We will keep on going and: Still, we wise.

Exercise is important too. There are a lot of great people here who promote exercise and are fitness gurus. You know who you are and I love those human beings like you were my own relatives. Also, it is important these heroes advancing fitness are honorable, selfless, and humble people. They have a great love in inspiring people and show how fitness can cause a manifold of blessings for individuals. Also, it is important to always reject prejudice based on physical appearance. We know that beauty is found in a diversity of sizes, colors, and other diverse ways in which humanity manifest themselves. We believe in the Golden Rule. Beauty is never monolithic. Many people go into the gym to exercise. One lesson that I have learned when going into a gym is to always ask questions. There is no shame in it. If you have difficulty in using a machine and you want help in using a device, ask for help. Also, you also don't need a gym to get healthier too. There are plenty of videos and other modes of information that show great techniques and exercises in how people can get more fit.  Also, another lesson that I have learned is that eating fruits with the colors of ROY G. BIV is just glorious. Fruits and Vegetables decrease the chance for diseases and can improve life expectancy. Even walking for an extended period of time can improve the heart, the mind, and the rest of the body too. So, we live in a new generation. I also find that this generation is much more progressive on exercise than 20-30 years ago. Also, we have tons of people who are younger or older having fun and enjoying life.

The movement in Standing Rock continues nationwide and worldwide. This is a fight against pollution and for human rights. Recently, over 1,000 people came into Washington, D.C. They came on December 10, 2016 to promote International Human Rights Day. That was a time to show solidarity with those of Standing Rock who are water protectors. This rally was called “Standing Rock and Beyond Rally and March.” People prayed there. People used drums to welcome residents form the D.C. area. There were banners which read, "Philly for Standing Rock," "West Virginia for Standing Rock" and "Veterans for Standing Rock" joined the growing rally that gathered just west of the Capitol Reflecting Pool. "Free Leonard Peltier!" shouted Gabrielle Tayac, of the Piscataway Nation, as she kicked off the roster of speakers. Washington was the center of a week of events--including conferences, meetings, press conferences and vigils--calling for the release of one of the longest serving political prisoners in the United States. People are uniting to fight for a just cause. That cause is to protect the human rights of the indigenous people and to maintain the protection of the environment. The environment is key to human life. With a strong environment, species flourish. We need to do all that we can to oppose corporate greed and to advanced egalitarianism and human justice.

By Timothy

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

1968 Humphrey EG Marshall

Wednesday News in late December 2016

Today, it is the birthday of the late great Sister Florence Griffith Joyner. She is also known as Flo-Jo. She is the fastest woman of all time and many of her records still exist to this very day. She was a woman who was a legend. Her elegant stride in the track, her fashion style, and her charismatic personality were readily known by a wide spectrum of human beings. She was born in Los Angeles, California. We know that many track and field greats were born from Southern California as we always love the great people of the West Coast. She was born in 1959. Her father inspired her to run. She set school records while she ran track in Jordan High School in LA. Griffith attended the California State University at Northridge, and she was on the track team coached by Bob Kersee. She won silver medals in the Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympics. In the Summer Olympics of Seoul, South Korea, she won multiple gold medals. In the 100-meter final, she ran a 10.54, beating her nearest rival Evelyn Ashford by 0.30 seconds. In the 200 meter semifinal, she set the world record of 21.56 seconds and then she broke this record again in winning in the final by 0.38 seconds with her time of 21.34 seconds. No other woman has beaten the 21.56, much less approached the 21.34. At the same Olympics, Griffith Joyner also ran with the 4 × 100 m relay and the 4 × 400 m relay teams. Her team won first place in the 4 × 100 m relay and second place in the 4 × 400 m relay. Their time is still the second fastest in history, following the winner of this race. Flo Jo is known for her gorgeous nails too. She retired from track and field in 1989. She continued to work in fashion, was in a TV show, and continued to raise her family. She married and has a child with her husband (Al Joyner). She passed away in September 21, 1998. Tons of track and field athletes and athletes in general are inspired by her legacy. Also, people not involved in athletes honor her memory too by advancing excellence, helping our neighbors, and loving truth. Her legacy is eternal.
Resist in Power Sister Florence Griffith Joyner.

These types of discussions have existed in our communities for years and decades. Either, we believe in human rights for black people in total or we don't. It's as simple as that. As for me, I believe that black people (regardless of his or her background) are entitled to human rights. Black people have the right to live, to have health care, to have equality regardless of his or her background. There is no question that the media has shown negative stereotypes against black men and black women for a long time. Birth of a Nation, many movies, and many magazines readily degrade black people. I don't agree with any nefarious degradation of any black person. We know that black men and black women were raped, assaulted, and abused by white racist terrorists. This has to do with the evil of white racism. The deal is that many people talk about emasculation as a way to promote the myth that patriarchal supremacism is the essence of true black manhood, but black masculinity is not monolithic. There are many Hoteps who not only believe in a narrow interpretation of toxic masculinity, but they are advocates of misogynoir, which is evil. I'm not lying about this either, because I have looked at their websites desiring this. This is real. There are black men who are not just athletes and boxers. There are black painters, black sculptors, black teachers, black opera singers, black performing artists, etc. who are men. These men are not less of a man than a black boxer or a black football player. So, instead of believing in a monolithic view of the characteristics of what a real black man is, we should recognize the diversity of black manhood. I think that TI (who supported Iggy's bad agenda, which is wrong) should recognize that diversity. Black men and Black women shouldn't be degraded in an evil way period. Likewise, we should reject bigotry and we reject the lie that any black person who doesn't have a nuclear family or who doesn't act in a monolithic way is somehow inferior or part of some agenda to end the black population. We want black liberation at the end of the day. To make that a reality, we have to promote community development, resources to help people with HIV/AIDS, fight poverty, eradicate misogyny, grow our economics into the next level, promote STEM fields, and allow outlets for black people (with eclectic tastes or interests) to flourish. We are both diverse in our lives and we are unified in our history plus our heritage. We need to respect our differences and promote pan-African unity simultaneously.

The deplorable individuals (who voted for Trump) didn't care about social justice or racial justice. They cared about seeking to elect a person who is a documented misogynist, racist, and xenophobe. They have unconditional support for a demagogue and they lacked the true convictions to resist reactionary agendas. Therefore, they will live with that vote for the rest of their lives. Trump is the total confirmation of what we have been mentioning for years. Trump represents all of the things that are antithetical to democracy and black liberation. Many of his proposed cabinet members seek to privatize Medicare, one person seek to enact more militarism in the Middle East, and Trump doesn't care. The GOP supported voter ID laws not to advance the spreading of voting rights. They enacted such laws (that includes decreasing the times when individuals can vote and restricting the types of IDs that people can use to vote) to restrict the opportunities of those, who oppose their views, from voting. Putin and Trump are right wing nationalists. They are what they are. Also, it is important to acknowledge how the CIA have done corruption in foreign nations for decades. The date of November 8, 2016 is a date that shall live in infamy as millions of people voted for the bigot Donald Trump. International ramifications will exist as a product of this election too. Trump lacks massive foreign policy experience and many of his advisors are outright war hawks. We live in dangerous times and we have to have vigilance too to oppose Trump's evil aims.

First, it is always important to reiterate the accurate point that beauty is diverse. Beauty is found in a myriad of different hues, sizes, hairstyles, etc. Therefore, Danielle Brooks expressed clearly a legitimate point about the hypocrisy in ANTM. There is a plus sized judge, but they refuse to massively show plus size models. There are tons of gorgeous, intelligent, and very qualified plus sized models in the world. Hypocrisy is very much common place in American society and throughout the world. Many people unfortunately believe in the erroneous notion that human value is determined by weight or size. That is why tons of other people reject that bigoted lie. I'm differently glad that Danielle Brooks is a powerful voice to speak out about these issues. We want change and many young people of this generation desire progressive respect in our society. Danielle Brooks is completely right in her cogent assessment of the situation. Not to mention that it is evidently true that self determination is important. Our people have every right to create our own spaces where black people are honored and respected too.

Also, we know that everything in the world is not peaches and cream. A Russian Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey. The murderer was once a cop for Ankara. There has been an attack in Berlin. A mosque was attacked in Switzerland. Therefore, this situation is complex. This is a crisis in the world that deals with not only extremism. It deals with the spread of Islamophobia, the refugee crisis, and the lack of empathy among some for the plight of others in the world. If we want to get this thing right, then we need discussions, cooperation, and other progressive policies. Next year will include many anniversaries. One is the 50 year anniversary of the historic Riverside speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In that speech, Dr. King heroically opposed the Vietnam War with wit, logic, and eloquent arguments. He accurately stated that the war is a civil war and only a peaceful negotiated settlement could end the war. He opposed the war as unjust, brutal, and stripping away resources that could be used to build up American society. He also believed in international cooperation to combat poverty, racism, militarism, and other injustices. That speech in 1967 was ahead of its time and it was a great one.

By Timothy

Ethel Richardson, Etc.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Culture and History.

Today, we honor a legend and an icon. He was Steve Biko and yesterday was his 70th birthday. He lived from December 18, 1946 to September 12, 1977. He lived for 30 years on this Earth. Steve Biko was of Xhosa heritage. He was the founder of the Black Consciousness movement in South Africa, which was about black people growing their human consciousness to love their Blackness and to stand up for justice in the world. Sacrifice was always part of Biko's life as he heroically resisted the tyrannical system of apartheid. His words were powerful and Almighty God gave him a voice to unite people, to speak eloquently on the need for change in the world, and to organize progressive South Africans to end injustices. Young people are motivated by his legacy. People, among many ages and backgrounds, honor his legacy too by doing what is right and to adhere to the principles of altruism and courageousness. He was murdered by racist Afrikaner security forces, but his soul and his spirit live on. He lived through the Soweto massacre which was when apartheid forces brutalized black South African children during the year of 1976. The anti-apartheid movement was global as people used boycotts, protests, and other forms of activism in order for apartheid to finally be defeated by the 1990's. Steve Biko accurately taught that we must have both psychological liberation and physical liberation. In other words, we have to honor our being and respect our identity in order for us to be free physically. He was a man who stood up as a man for truth and for the liberation of South Africa. Steve Biko loved Africa with all of his heart, mind, and soul. His friends continue in the same work that he has made. Today, South Africa still experiences the injustices of poverty, neoliberalism, racism, corporate exploitation, etc. Nelson Mandela recently passed away years ago. The 1987 "Cry Freedom" film outlined the passion and strength of the late Brother Steve Biko. Yet it is important to emphasize that many progressive voices in South Africa are continuing unrelentingly to oppose evil and to advance goodness. So, the struggle continues and we certainly have great admiration for Brother Steve Biko.
Rest in Power Brother Steve Biko.

There has always been a strong African American culture in Dallas, Texas. It is important to cite the fact that Dallas has a long history of African American doctors including surgeons who made history and broke down barriers. St. Paul’s hospital was integrated in 1954 and it caused no furor. Antonio Maceo Smith was a black entrepreneur too in Dallas. William H. Wilson wrote a book entitled, “Hamilton Park: A Planned Black Community in Dallas.” The book described information about how many middle class black people lived in that community. The book also wanted to show how the community desired better bus service and they wanted better shopping needs as people traveled long distances to just to shop. Back in the late 1950’s, Hamilton Park formed many community organizations. One was the IOC or the Interorganizational Council. This group was heavily influenced by the Black Church as the black church then and now has a powerful influence in the black American experience in general. There was the secular Civil League. Both organizations worked in the community from the late 1950’s to the 1980’s. The Hamilton Park residents allied heavily with the Democratic Party as the IOC gave endorsement lists to residents. They wanted to ally with candidates who respect the concerns of human beings from the Hamilton Park area.   One of the greatest landmarks of African American Culture is Freedman’s Cemetery. It is a place of a graveyard for African Americans being created in 1869. At first, it was part of one acre of land purchased by trustee Sam Eakins. There was another 3 acres of land used for cemetery purposes in 1879 by many trustees including the Rev. A. R. Griggs (who was a former slave and later became a prominent local church leader and an advocate for early public education for the African American community). Today, Freedman’s Cemetery is a protected state Archaeological landmark. It is found on N. Central Expressway and Lemmon Avenue. Descendants of persons buried there and the City of Dallas agreed in 1965 to establish the Freedman's Memorial Park and Cemetery at its current site. There are statues, poems, and a plaque to show the purpose of the historic Freedman Memorial Park. We recognize the sacrifice of our ancestors and we honor the heroism also of our black ancestors too.

Dallas, Texas has a diverse, vibrant music cultural influence in the world. During the 1960’s, there were many entertainers like Trini Lopez and Stevie Ray Vaughn. The Deep Ellum area in Dallas is made up heavily of the arts and entertainment. It’s located near downtown in East Dallas. It is a very important neighborhood in the city. It was developed by the late 19th century. Back then, African Americans and European immigrants lived in the area. Its entertainment district is very famous with dozens of restaurants, bars, diverse retail shops, and more high rent residential loft space. During the 1920’s, the neighborhood was heavily a place where jazz and blues musicians performed. It hosted Blind Lemon Jefferson, Robert Johnson, Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter, and Bessie Smith in Deep Ellum clubs like The Harlem and The Palace. From 1920 to 1950, the number of nightclubs, cafes and domino parlors in Deep Ellum jumped from 12 to 20. Toadies and the Old 97’s are music groups either based in Dallas or Fort Worth, Texas. The famous singer Norah Jones went to the Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas. The famous singer Willie Hutch was raised in Dallas, Texas too. He was a songwriter and was known for his famous records. MetLoaf (or Michael Lee Aday) is also from Dallas. One of the most talented and well-known artists from the Dallas area is Erykah Badu. She is an African American singer, songwriter, record producer, disc jockey, activist, and actress. She has worked hard for decades to show inspiring music that deals with love, romance, consciousness, and a passion for developing the arts. Her friend is of course Janelle Monae, who is a human being with amazing talent too. Erykah Badu opened a show for D’Angelo in 1994. Her first album was Baduizm which was released on February 11, 1997. I remember when it came out. She performs neo soul, funk, soul, hip hop, R&B, and other genres of music. She can use keyboards, a guitar, drums, theremin, and the drum machine. Also, in real life, she has promoted fashion and education as she was at the Africa Care Academy 10th Annual Educational Awards Banquet in Dallas, Texas. In the Nation19 Magazine, Badu talked about why she set up her own charity organization, titled Beautiful Love Incorporated Non Profit Development (B.L.I.N.D. 501c3). The charity was established in 1997 and it aims to provide "community-driven development for inner-city youth" through the use of music, dance, theater and visual arts. The organization's first endeavor was to establish a base of operations. Erykah chose to renovate and reopen the Black Forest Theater in South Dallas. The Black Forest serves as a community center, bringing people together in order to celebrate the art and culture of south Dallas. The Black Forest’s stage has shows and performances. It has hosted both free and fundraising concerts from many artists from the late Prince to Talib Kweli plus Questlove from the Roots.

The Russian Civil War was one of the most important events of the 20th century. It lasted from November 1917 to October 1922. It was a brutal war and it was complex. The 2 major factions that fought in the War were the Red Army and the White Army. The Red Army were made up of Bolsheviks while the White Army was made up of a diverse amount of people (like pro-Tsarists, social democrats, other socialists, monarchists, and other opponents of the Bolshevik order). Also, there were the rival militant socialists and noniedological Green armies who fought against both the Bolsheviks and the White Army. There was the anarchist Black Army who fought the Bolsheviks and the White Army too. The war covered a wide spectrum of lands from Ukraine to Siberia. 8 foreign nations intervened to ally with the White Army as a way to try to defeat the Red Army. The Red Army defeated the White Armed Forces of South Russia in Ukraine and the army led by Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in Siberia in 1919. The remains of the White forces commanded by Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel were beaten in Crimea and evacuated in late 1920. Lesser battles of the war continued on the periphery for two more years, and minor skirmishes with the remnants of the White forces in the Far East continued well into 1923. Armed national resistance in Central Asia was not completely crushed until 1934. There were an estimated 7,000,000-12,000,000 casualties during the war, mostly civilians. The Russian Civil War has been described by some as the greatest national catastrophe that Europe had yet seen (before World War II). The Red Army was victorious. Also, new nations were formed in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland as there were independence movements during this time period. The Soviet Union would continue to exist for decades to come. The civil war started after the defeat of the Russian Provisional Government. After the October Revolution, the Red Guard was formed and the Cheka existed or the Bolshevik state security group. Leon Trotsky formed the Red Army made up of peasants and other workers. He used conscription since the army at first was very small. The problem was that Trotsky allowed the Red Army to use hostages and shooting at people to make sure people complied in the Red Army. These same actions were also done by the White Army officers too. 83% of the Red Army divisional and corps commanders were ex-Tsarist soldiers. The war was ultimately a battle between pro-Bolshevik forces and anti-Bolshevik forces. The war definitely was on when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk existed and the political ban formed. Anti-Bolshevik groups were diverse and were loosely confederated. They included landowners, republicans, conservatives, middle-class citizens, reactionaries, pro-monarchists, liberals, army generals, non-Bolshevik socialists who still had grievances and democratic reformists voluntarily united only in their opposition to Bolshevik rule. This group formed the White Army via forced conscriptions and terror. Another problem with the White Army was that it was supported by overt imperialists who wanted Russia to be a Western client state. Many leaders of the White Army were Gen. Yudenich, Adm. Kolchak and Gen. Denikin. An Ukrainian independence national movement existed. One leader of the Black Army was Nestor Makhno. Many Jewish people and Ukrainian peasants were in the Black Army. They played a role in halting General Denikin’s White Army offensive towards Moscow during 1919 while rejecting the White forces from Crimea. The European part of the Russian war was fought on three main fronts which were the eastern, the southern, and the northwestern front. There were three major periods of the war.

London has diverse demographics. The 2011 census recorded that London has 2,998,264 people or 36.7% of London’s population being foreign born. That means that London has the second largest immigrant population in terms of absolute numbers in the world (New York City is number one). The foreign born citizens from London are from India, Poland, Ireland, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, France, etc. Industrialization has caused London’s population to grow rapidly too during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Its metropolitan area is big too. According to the Office for National Statistics, based on the 2011 Census estimates, 59.8 per cent of the 8,173,941 inhabitants of London were White, with 44.9 per cent White British, 2.2 per cent White Irish, 0.1 per cent gypsy/Irish traveler and 12.1 per cent classified as Other White. 20.9 per cent of Londoners are of Asian and mixed-Asian descent. 19.7 per cent are of full Asian descent, with those of mixed-Asian heritage comprising 1.2 of the population. Indians account for 6.6 per cent of the population, followed by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis at 2.7 per cent each. Chinese peoples account for 1.5 per cent of the population, with Arabic people comprising 1.3 per cent. A further 4.9 per cent are classified as "Other Asian". 15.6 per cent of London's population are of Black and mixed-Black descent. 13.3 per cent are of full Black descent, with those of mixed-Black heritage comprising 2.3 per cent. Black Africans account for 7.0 per cent of London's population, with 4.2 per cent as Black Caribbean and 2.1 per cent as "Other Black". 5.0 per cent are of mixed race. In London, Black and Asian children outnumber white British children by about six to four in state schools. Almost 50 percent of the citizens of London are Christians, 20.7 percent have no religion, and Muslims make up 12.4 percent of the city. It is very common to witness large Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and Jewish communities. Muslim mosques, Sikh temples, and Hindu temples are commonplace in the city. It is a fact that London is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. By 2015, it has been ranked as the most visited city in the world with over 65 million visits. Tourism is a major industry in the city.

By Timothy

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Social Activism

Texas Board of Ed rejects racist textbook

Steve Biko speaks on The Black Consciousness Movement

Anti-apartheid activist Steve "Bantu" Biko would have turned 70 today

Black History


Friday, December 16, 2016

Corinne Bailey Rae - Enchantment

We Believe in Justice

Yesterday was a day where one murderer was convicted for many counts for his evil, heinous actions against the innocent human beings in the Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The church has a long history in Black America. These black church members just wanted to worship God in their fashion and in their own conscience. They wanted to worship the Lord and have blessings bestowed in their lives. One murderer killed 9 people and injured one human being. The men and the women who passed away are forever remembered by us. The victims are: Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, Depayne Middleton-Doctor, Clementa C. Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, and Myra Thompson. Felecia Sanders and 2 other people are survivors. I'm glad that the murderer has been convicted. What he did was a hate crime and his racism is abhorrent. In our time, the handwriting is on the wall. We want justice and that murderer will receive justice too. We will continue to honor the memories of the Charleston 9 and we will continue to stand up for our people.  Like always, it is important to help the poor, to promote social justice, to care for the environment, to develop our infrastructure in our communities, to advance problem solving, to show compassion to the poor and the oppressed, to care for the elderly, and to proclaim the need to fight for justice.

We always honor black women. All of humanity originated from a black woman. One great black woman was Sister Addie L. Wyatt. She was a leader in the civil rights and labor rights movements. There is an intesectionality between the civil rights and the labor rights movement. For example, Dr. King spoke in labor rallies to advocate for a living wage and to an end to racial discrimination. Even Malcolm X spoke at a labor rally too. She was born in in Brookhaven, Mississippi, on March 8, 1924. She moved into Chicago and worked with the union movement for years and decades. In the early 1950's, Wyatt joined the United Packinghouse Workers of America when discovering the union did not discriminate against its members. She was a black woman who was a leader in fighting against racial and gender based discrimination in the workforce. She worked in the Montgomery Improvement Association to raise funds to promote the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the 1950's. In the early 1960's, Eleanor Roosevelt recognized her leadership abilities and appointed her to a position on the Labor Legislation Committee of the United States Commission on the Status of Women. She worked hard to fight for the human rights of African Americans. She was a very spiritual woman and she loved to fight for labor rights. A lot of things that many of us take for granted have been won by the efforts of Addie L. Wyatt. She passed away in 2012.
Rest in Power Sister Addie L. Wyatt.

Brother Hal Williams is a great actor. His Birthday was 2 days ago and he is now 78 years old. He was born in Columbus, Ohio. In 1969, he begin his career in acting. He was in a diversity of shows from Moesha to Hill Street Blues. Dignity represented his roles as he always refuted the stereotypes that many people erroneously had of black actors. He was really famous for playing a husband and a father in the classic 227 show. I remember watching that show as a child. Marla Gibbs and a myriad of talented actors and actresses were on 227. The show was based in Washington, D.C. It lasted from 1985 to 1990. He has helped his neighbors for years and decades in the world. For example, Hal Williams is also the host of the annual Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation nationally-televised telethon. Sickle cell anemia is an illness that is common in our community too. Many African Americans and other human beings experience sickle cell anemia. Power, talent, and a sense of commitment to excellence characterize the personality of Hal Williams completely. I wish the best for the Brother. One of the goals for us as a community is to help educate the youth, from the poorest of our people onward, about STEM Technology and financial information. In that sense, enterprises can grow in our community and our generational wealth is passed down to our future descendants. With the growth of automation, we have to form strategies to fight poverty and the digital divide in our community. We want more black women and black men scholars, business leaders, authors, IT specialists, doctors, lawyers, educators, and other leaders.

The school did a disgraceful job. Chris Cobb should be fired. This story documents white privilege and how many students experience victimization by racist cowards. Cobb is a callous and wicked male (not man) who hides behind "political correctness" (like many conservatives do since many of them don't care about social justice or protecting the environment for real) as a way for him to game the system. He is not alone in his abhorrent hate speech. Other white racists and many Hoteps believe in sexism, xenophobia, and denigrating other people based on their background. Racism is always an affront to human decency and it is antithetical to common human brotherhood and common human sisterhood. I am opposed to Cobb being reinstated in the school. If a non-white teacher talked about Jewish people and other groups of people in a negative way in the classroom, that teacher would be fired ASAP. So, we are sick and tired of the double standards and the black parents have every right to be rightfully angry at this injustice. Black people are never inferior to any human on this Earth period. Cobb's lies ought to be opposed and repudiated. The School board members, who supported Cobb, should be named and recognized for their cowardice and their condoning of a white racist staff member in the classroom. We want black children and any child to learn the truth about the beauty of black history, about black inventors, and about how we should be judged on our character alone not on our skin color. Yes, we are here and we will still be here. The tactics of white racists prove that they are sick, they have inferiority complexes, and they are just plain hateful. If they aren't worried about us (or black people), they would just leave us alone. The fact that they troll sites geared to discussing about black issues and they are trying to create fake accounts shows the world how insecure and desperate they are. Racism is an evil disease. They hate facts too. It is a fact that black teen pregnancy rates are in record lows. It is a fact that the life expectancy rate in the black community is increasing and that heart disease deaths in the black community are declining. It is a fact that there is record growth of black businesses run by black women in America. So, these truths are what these white supremacists ignore. I'm glad that the white supremacist media accounts are being blocked by Twitter. Twitter is a private institution. Hate speech is repugnant. These sick people can be mad, but we go high when they go low. We want black liberation. We respect our black image and we won't worship whiteness. Black is Beautiful. That is why Black inspirational power is always glorious and beautiful.

A lot of people promote health wellness, exercise,and fitness in Facebook and we all honor them. We do this not to promote Lookism (or bigotry based on someone's physical appearance). I believe in the Golden Rule. We know that beauty is diverse and beauty is found in diverse sizes, colors, and personalities. We promote healthy living, because it leads into many benefits in humanity emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually. We also love people. One of the greatest forms of love is to inspire people to live their lives to the fullest. That is why I do believe in eating many fruits and vegetables, drinking water (as water cleanses the skin and cleanses the rest of the human body), and expressing a mentality of positivity. We should remember the story about Henrietta Lacks. Her story is a story of exploitation, of medicine, and of the history of America. Henrietta Lacks was a hard working black woman. By 1951, she experienced an illness. It was an adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Part of her body was removed without her permission. The cells from her cervix were given to Dr. George Otto Gey. These cells grew back then and they continue to exist today. These cells are called the HeLa immortal cell line. They have been used in biomedical research for decades. They are identical cells and they flourish today. Many people have used them to fight polio, HIV, measles, mumps, ebola, etc. Millions of patients have been helped with the HeLa cells without the family knowing about it until decades later by 1971. The family fought and in 2013, the family got the right to make the genome of Henrietta Lacks’ genome available only to scientists who apply as well as to serve on a working group that will help review the applications. Her family never received true economic compensation for her cells. Henrietta Lacks passed away in October 4, 1951. She lived for 31 years as she was born in 1920. Her legacy is eternal.
RIP Sister Henrietta Lacks.

By Timothy