Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A New Era and Justice.


Now, we have one of the most important times of the Biden Presidency. The GOP has obstructed the plan to pay debts from the Trump era. If the country defaults on Thursday, then the economy will definitely suffer, federal payments will not come to people, and other huge problems will occur like federal worker possibly being furloughed. The Democrats are divided among moderates and progressives. Progressives have remained consistent that funding our infrastructure is needed to help families and other human beings. Moderates have hypocritically said that where is the money, but they allowed billions of dollars to be sent to the richest Americans. You have to invest in infrastructure. The risk of the federal government shutting down on Thursday is very much real. There has to be action on the spending bill and the infrastructure bill too. The Build Back Better Bill is one of the most progressive legislation in the 21st century. It is a game changer with child care, universal pre-K, free community college, paid leave, Medicare expansion, and climate change action. It includes taxes on the rich and corporations.


Recently, on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, Barack Obama broke ground on the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago. It will be built in the Southside of Chicago. He spoke about rejecting divisiveness and wanting younger people to be inspiring to create meaningful social change. It is certainly a historical event. Barack Obama's legacy as President will be debated and analyzed for years and decades to come. What is true is that his Presidency has changed the entire world. The center will have an overall 200 ft. building with artifacts. It will have hiking trails, and other places where people can relax and enjoy themselves. Obama believes that the Center can invest in the community of the Southside of Chicago. The Southside of Chicago is known to the Chicago Renaissance that had legends like Gwendolyn Brooks. Also, we have to be aware that we should always fight gentrification, poverty, and other evils too in Chicago. We have a long to go.


R. Kelly has been found guilty on all charges in the racketeering and sex trafficking case. First, this is a victory of the victims of an evil male (not man). The victims courageously gave their testimonies in public. R. Kelly has wrote many songs, but his unspeakable acts of abuse against girls, boys, and women should always be known to the public. There is no excuse for R. Kelly's evils, and he should have accountability for his actions. Also, R. Kelly isn't the only person who should be in prison. Anyone that knew what was going on in his camp and did nothing to stop R. Kelly, anyone that took a blind eye in his camp, and anyone who collaborated with him in the abuse of human beings should be convicted too. They are just as guilty as R. Kelly is. Also, people like Wack 100 minimizing or defending R. Kelly should be ashamed of themselves. Wack 100 also victim shamed Aaliyah which makes me have no respect for him. This represents a new era and a lesson that the Golden Rule must be followed in anyone's daily conduct. God is not mocked, and what profits a man to gain the whole world but loses his soul. In life, you have to always treat people right. It is as simple as that.

General Mark Milley had his testimony to Congress about China, Afghanistan, and Trump. He gave his own defense of his actions during the last days of the Trump regime. Milley said that he told Chinese military leaders that America won't invade or attack China multiple times. Milley used safeguards against Trump, because Trump was out of control (in denying his defeat and using lies to go all the way to the Supreme Court to stop the results of the election to be made official). He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he told what took place to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House Chief of State Mark Meadows, and other people. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified before the Senate lawmakers too on Tuesday. They discussed about the evacuation of Afghanistan. The far right Republicans and neo-cons want a permanent occupation of Afghanistan which is extremist. The evacuation was rushed and could have been much better, but to assume that we should stay there forever is totally out of bounds. Afghanistan is a heterogeneous nation with tons of tribes, ethnic groups, and diverse interests. To improve a nation, you have know a nation's history and culture. Too many folks in the West didn't understand the complex nature of Afghan culture. The lie from the neo-cons and the neo-liberals is that if we believe in not being in Afghanistan militarily forever, then we advocate isolationalism and an America First foreign policy. That is not true, as we believe in international cooperation, international trade, and collaborations with nations. We just reject imperialism. 


After audits prove that Arizona and Georgia mostly voted for Biden, Trump still promoted the great lie that he or Trump won the 2020 election. There is no question that we face a democratic crisis in American society. The GOP hypocritically views Trump as a leader, but he does obscenely inappropriate acts without any accountability by the GOP. Trump recently spoke in Georgia to advance his election lies still. Federal legislation that strengthen voting rights must exist. The GOP members are afraid of the Trump base, and most of the GOP refuse to expose Trump for the fraud that he is. We have new voter suppression laws that target voters who predominately vote for Democrats. The Texas GOP leaders use gerrymandering in order to advance their own party of Republicans. In 2013, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act via the Shelby decision too. We have to be on the right side of history. 

By Timothy