STEM Part 1: Ancient History (from the Days of B.C. to 1600 A.D.)
I have written about liberal arts for many years, and I love to do that. I will continue to do this for years and decades into the future, Lord Willing. Yet, it is always vital to write about this issue, because this issue relates to modern society in a myriad of ways. How broadband is constructed, how new homes are formed, and how more technological advances are cultivated relate to this subject matter indeed. All over the world, STEM exists. It is found in how we utilize I Pads and smartphones (with settings, advance cameras and battery systems). It is also we gauge the weather and cook our foods. It represents how important science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are important in our lives. For thousands of years, humans have used STEM to not only invent objects or decipher natural laws. In a new generation, we live in a time where more young human beings should have the right to learn about space travel, building buildings, and growing the research into coding. Young people, older people, and the rest of the human family appreciate the glory of STEM. That glory is found in the weather people understanding shifting rain and snow patterns, the further innovations of the I-Phone, the video games that people enjoy, and the creation of architecture that has facilitated human lives for thousands of years. The beauty of STEM is that it is not static.
It constantly to evolve with the times of the globe. More schools from elementary schools to universities worldwide have incorporated STEM in their diverse curriculum. Exploration also is great apart of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The acronym of STEM was adopted by Rita Colwell and other science administrators in the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2001. However, the acronym STEM predates NSF and was used by a variety of educators including Charles E. Vela, the founder and director of the Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education (CAHSEE). In the early 1990s, CAHSEE started a summer program for talented under-represented students in the Washington, DC area called the STEM Institute. Seeing space and going into the oceans requires understanding of STEM. In our time, human beings should respect agriculture, manual labor, manufacturing, the liberal arts, construction, engineering, and other facets of human existence as these fields are inter-related to STEM completely.
Ancient STEM contributions
During the start of human history, the human race existed from Africa. The journey of humanity has been researched constantly to this very day. Stone tools were existence to cut objects and to eat foods back then. More than 100,000 years ago, modern human beings started to have clothing on. Modern humans spread quickly from Africa into Europe and Asia by ca. 60,000 years ago. Some humans traveled from Africa into Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, Oceania, and then into North America. By the Upper Paleolithic to Early Mesolithic Age, we see mines and shoes. This (or human travel from Asia to the Americas) took place by the climax of the most recent ice age. Tools already existed, and the Neolithic Revolution took place by ca. 10,000 B.C. Human beings used cereal crop cultivation and animal domestication existed in the Middle East. In ca. 4,000 B.C., people had plumbing at the Temple of Bel at Nippur, Babylonia. Plumbing including urban draining was found in the Indus Valley in ca. 2700 B.C. We know that the Sumerian civilian had potter wheels in vehicles. Ancient STEM devices were commonplace in the ancient world.
The Great Pyramid complex is one of the most stunning feats of STEM in human history. The complex shows the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menakaure. It is also associated with the Great Sphinx of Gaza. The Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Khafre are the largest pyramids built in ancient Egypt. They were popularized in Hellenistic times, when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is by far the oldest of the Ancient Wonders and the only one still in existence. The pyramids, according to researchers, was created by using techniques over time. They would use bedrock to have a stable foundation. Stones were moved. Thousands of workers had to go to the quarry in order for them move stones plus sculpture the stones. According to archaeologist Mark Lehner, the complex would took place to be built in 35-40 years. The Great Pyramid complex was built in ca. 2500 B.C. The pyramids of Giza and others are thought to have been constructed to house the remains of the deceased pharaohs who ruled over Ancient Egypt. A portion of the pharaoh's spirit called his ka was believed to remain with his corpse. Proper care of the remains was necessary in order for the "former Pharaoh to perform his new duties as king of the dead." It is theorized the pyramids not only served as a tomb for the pharaoh, but also as a storage pit for various items he would need in the afterlife. The people of Ancient Egypt believed that death on Earth was the start of a journey to the next world. The embalmed body of the King was entombed underneath or within the pyramid to protect it and allow his transformation and ascension to the afterlife (according to ancient Egyptian religious views). Some people believe that the pyramids relates to the Orion constellation, and some don't.
The Antikythera mechanism was one of the most developed ancient computers of world history. It has a large gear in it. It's found in Ancient Greece too. So far, it is the oldest example of an analogue computer. It is hand powered being an orrey. The ancients used it to predict astronomical positions and eclipses decades in advance. The device can track the 4 year cycle of athletic games which is similar to an Olympiad or the cycle of the ancient Olympic Games. It was found off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera in 1901.
On May 17, 1902 it was identified as containing a gear by archaeologist Valerios Stais. The device, housed in the remains of a 34 cm × 18 cm × 9 cm (13.4 in × 7.1 in × 3.5 in) wooden box, was found as one lump, later separated into three main fragments which are now divided into 82 separate fragments after conservation efforts. Four of these fragments contain gears, while inscriptions are found on many others. The largest gear is approximately 13 centimetres (5.1 in) in diameter and originally had 223 teeth. In 2008, a team led by Mike Edmunds and Tony Freeth at Cardiff University used modern computer x-ray tomography and high resolution surface scanning to image inside fragments of the crust-encased mechanism and read the faintest inscriptions that once covered the outer casing of the machine. This suggests it had 37 meshing bronze gears enabling it to follow the movements of the Moon and the Sun through the zodiac, to predict eclipses and to model the irregular orbit of the Moon, where the Moon's velocity is higher in its perigee than in its apogee. This motion was studied in the 2nd century BC by astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes, and it is speculated that he may have been consulted in the machine's construction. There is speculation that a portion of the mechanism is missing and it also calculated the positions of the five classical planets. The complexity of this clock has never been seen until the mechanical astronomical clocks in Europe during the 1300's. All known fragments of the Antikythera mechanism are now kept at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. There are a number of artistic reconstructions and replicas to demonstrate how it may have looked and worked.
Early Schools of STEM
Woodblock printing was invented during the Han Dynasty China at sometime before 220 AD. This made China become the world's first print culture. Water turbine in the Roman Empire in modern-day Tunisia was created by the 300's A.D. Ancient inventors like Archimedes and Ctesibius were prominent in the ancient world. There was the physician Galen who practiced eye and brain surgery 2,000 years ahead of his time. Heron of Alexandria created automatic doors and coin operated machines. There was ancient robotics like the automata of ancient China, the Hellenistic engineers Heron and Philon. By the 5th century, A.D., there is the invention of numerical zero in Ancient India. The concept of zero as a number, and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India. In India, practical calculations are carried out using zero, which is treated like any other number by at least the time of Aryabhata, even in case of division.
There was the inventions of the Kurdish engineer Al-Jazari. He lived in Iraq and Turkey. His designs included automated water-lifting mechanisms, water based clocks, and other geared mechanisms. By 1286, modern eyeglasses was invented in Italy. One scholar who was involved in STEM Fields and inventions plus art was Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci was a polymath which means that he studied a vast diversity of subjects like art, engineering, science, botany, mathematics, etc. He was a Renaissance painter, scientist, engineer, sculptor, architect, theorist, and draughtsman. His notebooks shown his artistic and other intellectual skills in full display. He was educated by the renowned Italian painter and sculptor Andrea Del Verrocchio. As one of the greatest painters in human history, his artwork is well known. He knew of the future as many of his writing described flying machines, armored fighting vehicles, concentrated solar power, and an adding machine. This was more than 5 centuries before these machines are commonplace in our 21st century world. Studying anatomy (involving the creation of drawing detailing the human brain, the skulls, and various organs of the human body) was his other huge contribution too. His aerial screw drawing from ca. 1489 (looking like a helicopter) was certainly ahead of it time (from Codex Atlanticus). Leonardo da Vinci was always a great engineer.
In terms of STEM, the 1439 creation of the printing press changed the game. It was created by the German Johannes Gutenberg. It used screw presses. By the 1950's, Gerardus Mercator created the Mercator Projection map that was crated in 1569.
Basic STEM Terminology
In the world of STEM, there are tons of words and phrases that lovers of STEM know about. STEM deals with using research, creativity, and analysis in order to make sense of the physical world. Also, STEM is so common in our daily lives, that it can be simple as turning on a light switch. Also, it does deal with complex procedures like creating rockets to send human beings into space. In our time, more people of every background have increase their interests in STEM related careers and STEM topics in order to express their gifts found within their human souls. Now, here are some words that describe basic STEM terminology that are widespread in our Universe:
1. Engineer: These human beings use mathematics, physics, and other subjects in order to design and build machines or structures. From the ancient times to the 2020's, engineers are among many leaders of STEM research.
2. Critical Thinking: This is the mental process of acquiring information and evaluation it to reach a logical conclusion.
3. Distance Learning: This is about the delivery of instruction via multimedia computers, satellite or teleconferencing with the teacher is in one place and the students in another. Zoom is a common program that allows for distance learning with sharing parts, video cameras, and audio devices.
4. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): HOTS is a set of cognitive skills beyond the basic acquisiton and memorization of facts. This broad terms including items like: critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, and reasoning.
5. Computer Science: This is a branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures.
6. Fulcrum: The pivot about which a lever turns
7. Hydraulics: The study of the mechanics of fluids.
8. Qualitative:It helps to distinguish attributes.
9. Quantitative: It is about the expression of the amount that can be measured.
10. Abutment: It is a masonry support the touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge.
11. Caisson: It is a large watertight chamber used for construction under water.
12. Cantilever: It is a projecting horizontal beam fixed at one end only.
An Introduction to Coding
Coding deals with using computers to create designs, games, videos, and other parts found in the computer screen. It is an attribute used by the younger people and older people. It is very popular in the computing world. Coding helps to form computer programming all of the time. Tasks are done too. To do coding is to follow algorithms, and use source as well. Many proficient programming requires skills in subjects like the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic. Programming has existed for thousands of years like the music sequencer created by the Persian Banu Musa brothers, who described an automated mechanical flute player in the Book of Ingenious Devices. In 1206, the Arabic engineer Al-Jazari formed a programmable drum machines where a musical mechanical automation would play different rhythms and drum patterns, via pegs and cams. Modern programming have indent styles, comments, decomposition, and naming conventions.
There are many places to help people understand and create codes like Codecademy, free Code Camp, Coursera, edX, Codewars, Code Conquest, GA Dash, Khan Academy, MIT Open Courseware, The Odin Project, Udacity, ColoLearn, etc. One simple example of a code is found in drawing circles with the code of JavaScript and ProcessingJS. One code (in forming a simple circle) starts in that format is ellipse (212, 206, 283, 318);. The circle is drawn using the ellispe command. Ellipse is typed in the editor. It's followed by a semicolon. The first number controls how far the eclipse is from the left side of the canvas. The 2nd number goes up and down on the canvas, the third number makes the ellipse wider, and the fourth number changes the height. So, the first two numbers control the position of the ellipse, and the second 2 control the size of the ellipse. These numbers of the parameters of the ellipse command or function. It has 4 parameters. The first parameter is X. The second parameter is Y. Y controls the direction that goes down. It starts at 0 to 400. The third shows width and the fifth shows height. To make a mouth you can use ellipse (212, 250, 100, 73); . To make eyes, you can use ellipse (150, 150, 30, 30); . To make the other eye is make ellipse (278, 150, 30, 30); . There are tons of unique coding activities too.
Basic Tools of Engineering and Construction
Involving construction, one of the popular aspects of construction is the home. Housing represents a real issue in our world, as homelessness remains a huge problem in our world. Homes have existed throughout human history. Before any home is built, zoning laws and plans from architects are established. Lawyers are common to make sure that the location of a home is legally acquired, whether the buyers did all the proper procedures in buying the home, and other matters. Many homeowners have to take classes on housing before purchasing a home too. Many people have to get lawyers to pay for contracts and other fees before acquiring any home. There are civil site plans, architectural drawings and specification. This makes up of the document set needed to build a new home. Architects know about the precise descriptions of the materials necessary in construction. People from diverse trades are experts in constructing a home too. The planning stage comes when the architect creates the plan. The plan is approved by the client and any regulatory authority. After the site cleared, the foundations are created. Construction workers create trenches for connections to services like sewerage, water, and electricity. If the house is wooden framed, a framework is constructed to support the boards, siding, and roof. If the house is of brick construction, then courses of bricks are laid to construct the walls. Floors, beams and internal walls are constructed as the building develops, with plumbing and wiring for water and electricity being installed as appropriate. Once the main structure is complete, internal fitting with lights and other fitments are done. Workers later do decorate the home and furnished it with furniture, cupboards, carpets, curtains and other fittings. Homeowners always inspect the house to make sure that everything is functioning properly. Not to mention that housing warranties and documents with insurance have helped homeowners for generations. Some people join homeowning organizations to develop protections for their resources.
To quickly outline how homes are built, here are facts about a summary on how engineers and construction human beings build a house. The first step was the preparation of the construction site and pouring the foundation. People have to apply and get permits to make that a reality. Before a shovel is in the ground, the local government must approve the design and provide permits for everything like zoning and grading. There must be permits for septic systems, home construction, electrical work, and plumbing. Once the permits are gotten, the physical construction can start. A construction crew clear out trees, debris, and other things to prepare to create the house. A hole is dug if a full basement would exist in the house. The foundational walls are formed and poured. Sometimes footings are drug, formed, and poured. The area between them is leveled and filled with utility runs like plumbing drains and electrical chases, and then the slab is poured. Construction crew levels the site. Also, people put up wooden forms for the temporary foundation. Footings are installed too. Then, the slab is poured with concrete. Then, the area must have a cure. There is no activity temporarily on the site. Once the concrete is cured, the crew uses a waterproofing membrane to the foundation walls, installs drains, sewer, and water taps, and any plumbing that needs to go into the first floor slab or basement floor. There is the backfills excavated dirt into the hole around the foundation wall.
The city inspector inspects the foundation components to make sure that everything is up to code and installed properly. The inspection may be repeated. The 2nd major step in building a house is the complete rough framing. This is when floor systems, walls, roof system are completed. People use sheathing applied to exterior walls covered with protective wrap. The floor systems, walls, and roof system are part of the skeleton of the house. People use plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing to the exterior walls and roof plus windows (including the exterior doors) are installed. The sheathing is then covered with a protective barrier called a house wrap. This will stop liquid water from infiltrating the structure while allowing water vapor to escape. This action reduces the chances of mold and wood rot. The third major part of building a home is the complete rough plumbing actions and electrical HVAC (that means that pipes, wires, sewer lines, vents, water supply lines, bathbubs, shower units, ductwork for HVAC system, and HVAC vent pipes are installed). The shell is done, then siding and roofing can be installed. During this time, the electrical and plumbing contractors start running pipes and wires in the interior walls, ceilings, and floors. Workers use the ductwork to have heating, ventilation, and air conditioning or a furnace. HVAC vent pipes are found in the roofs, insulation is installed in the floors, walls, and ceiling. Once the roofing goes on, the house is dried in. An electrician then installs receptacles for outlets, lights, switches, and run wires form the breaker panel to each receptacle.s Wiring for telephones, cable TV, and music systems is part of this work too. Usually, cable TV or any satellite TV is installed after the whole house is finished. HVAC ducts and plumbings are usually installed before wiring, because it's easier to run wires around pipes and ducts than vice versa.
Inspectors inspect rough framing, plumbing, and electrical including mechanical systems to make sure that they comply with building codes. By this time, dryall or plasterboard is delivered to the building site. The fourth major part of housing construction deals with insulation. The insulation can be fiberglass, cellulose, foam mineral wool, concrete blocks, insulation concrete forms, spray foam, structural insulated panels, and foam board or ridged foam. Insulation helps to improve a home's energy efficiency. Insulation can be found in the walls, attics, floors, crawl spaces, basements, etc. The fifth procedure is the complete dryall and inferior fixtures being made as the start exterior finished. Drywall is hung and tape. Texturing is completed. Primary coat of paint is applies. Exterior finishes like Brick, stucco, stone, etc. are installed. The drywall is hung and taped, so the seams between the boards aren't visible. The 6th part of house building deals with the interior trim being done. Later, people install exterior walkways and a driveway. Doors, window wills, and decorative trim are installed. Cabinets, vanities, fireplace amenities, and the final coat of paint are installed. Many builders wait until the end of the project before pouring the driveway, because heavy equipment like a drywall delivery truck can damage concrete. The final procedures are hard surface flooring are installed, couplets are created, exterior grading is done, mechanical trims are created, and bathroom fixtures are installed. Mirrors, shower doors, flooring (i.e. the carpet is finished) are put in place. Next, exterior landscaping comes about. Flooring can be ceramic tile, vinyl, and wood, etc. The electrical panel is completed with light fixtures, outlets, and switches. HVAC equipment comes to the house. Sinks, toilets, and faucets are in place. Workers have a final cleanup of the house. Trees, shrubs, and grass are planted including other exterior landscaping being completed. The building code officials established a final inspection, and they issue a certificate of occupancy. If any defects are found during the inspection, a follow up inspection may exist to ensure that everything has been corrected. The builder (or a real estate provider) will walk a homeowner into the home to tell you about the features of the homes, the responsibilities of owning it, and other parts of the home. Homes are inspected all of the time during the construction. Talking to the builder is important, and housing organizations are there to help any homeowner to have a great experience in owning any home. Housing insurance and other housing protections are key for any new homeowner to protect his or her property.
The cost of building a house varies by country widely. According to data from the National Association of Realtors, the median cost of buying an existing single-family house in the United States is $274,600, whereas the average cost to build is $296,652. Several different factors can impact the cost of building a house, including the size of the dwelling, and the availability of resources, the slope of the land, the quality of the fixtures and fittings, and the difficulty in finding construction and building materials talent. Some of the typical expenses involved in a site cost can be connections to services such as water, sewer, electricity, and gas; fences; retaining walls; site clearance (trees, roots, bushes); site survey; soil tests. Any home must adhere to building codes. These regulations help construction workers and the homeowners alike. These rules set standards on which materials are used, how they can be used, and things like fire alarm systems in homes. Building codes are generally intended to be applied by architects, engineers, interior designers, constructors and regulators but are also used for various purposes by safety inspectors, environmental scientists, real estate developers, subcontractors, manufacturers of building products and materials, insurance companies, facility managers, tenants, and others. Codes regulate the design and construction of structures where adopted into law. Back decades ago, modern housing codes were formed after earthquakes, floods, and fires like the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904. Building codes deal with parking, wall assemblies, floors, flammable substances, requirements for weather resistance, fire codes, etc.
For thousands of years, human beings have always been in awe of STEM fields. From turning on lights to building complex machines that travel all over the Universe, STEM fields are a permanent reflection of the power of inquiry. For the course of time, humans have used formulas, inventions, and other items of research to define theories, to build institutions, and to help humanity reach their highest potentials in existence. I want to recognize 2 legendary human beings involving STEM named Benjamin Banneker and Mae Jemison. Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) was not only a free African American almanac author. He was a surveyor, a landowner, and a farmer. He had extensive understanding of mathematics and engineering. Largely self-taught, he was a genius. He worked with Major Andrew Ellicot in a survey that contributed to the creation of Washington, D.C. His father was a free African American man named Robert (who was a freed slave from Guinea who died in 1759). His mother was named Mary Banneky. By the time he was 21, Benjamin Banneker created a wooden clock that stuck on the hour. He lived in Baltimore for years. Banneker was an expert in astronomy too. He used almanacs to predict eclipses and planetary conjunctions. He also had journals that dealt with his dreams and astronomical observations. Banneker wrote a letter to condemn Thomas Jefferson's owning slaves, and Banneker promoted equality in opposition to the notorious evil of slavery. A statue of Benjamin Banneker exists in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of African American History and Culture found at Washington, D.C.
Sister Mae Jemison is 64 years old, and she is an icon of the STEM fields and of our culture in general. For years and decades, she has encouraged black people, women,and other people of color to pursue STEM and space exploration. She is the first African American woman to travel in space in world history. As an engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut, her legacy is set in stone. Decatur, Alabama is the place of her birth. Later, she was raised in Chicago. She was a fan of Star Trek and the actress Nichelle Nichols' portrayal of Lieutenant Uhura. Her parents and teachers encourage her to pursue a career revolving around science. Mae Jemison studied ballet, jazz, and modern dance. She graduated from Chicago's Morgan Park High School in 1979. She was at Stanford University when she was 16. She graduated from Stanford in 1977 with a B.S. in chemical engineering and a B.A. degree in African American studies. She attended Cornell Medical School and helped people overseas form Africa, Cuba, to Thailand. She always loved dance, was on the Peace Corps, and did many great things to save lives. She was in space in 1992. Today, Mae Jemison has her own Foundation called the Dorothy Jemison Foundation. For years, she was a professor environmental studies at Dartmouth College. She is a member of many groups. To this very day, Mae Jemison is an advocate for black people, women, and other minorities to join STEM field related careers. From the ground on Earth to the area of space, Mae Jemison (who want people to recognize the grassroots people on the ground who made space exploration possible) has constructively outlined her gifts and contributions to world society. I have mentioned summaries of 2 amazing heroes of the past and the present in order to make the point that everyone of every color have that right to dream and fulfill their own aspirations legitimately. Another great form of advice for those who desire STEM related careers is to get legitimate certifications and licenses in order to be the best at what you do. We are in this together, and we are part of the community desiring the dream of justice for all.
The 2021 Tokyo Olympics
Today, the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics is over. The Summer Olympics transpiring at Japan in 2020 has been a long time coming. It was previously cancelled in 2020 because of the pandemic. Yet, the athletic competitive mentality still remained among the myriad of sports performers. The pandemic is still spreading, and the initial ceremony was completely finished. The human being who lighted the flame was the young tennis player Naomi Osaka. Osaka is one of the greatest tennis players of her generation. Naomi has been brave to publicly discuss her mental health issues when dealing with public media conferences. She has Haitian and Japanese heritages. Also, some athletes couldn't join the Olympics because of catching the virus. Other athletes couldn't be a part of it because of, in my opinion, excessive rules in dealing with certain things like Sha'Carri Richardson, who admitted her errors. Richardson has been sincere in her words involving the marijuana issue. Yet, after that, Sha'Cari liked a post disrespecting black Jamaican women track and field winners, and Sha'Cari disrespected the black American legend Allyson Felix. She is wrong for that, and she needs to apologize to the Jamaican athletes and Allyson Felix completely. At the end of the day, you have to critique Sha'Cari Richardson on her mistakes (as there are no excuses for her errors), so her mentors can stir her into the right direction. I believe in compassion, but I reject xenophobia and any form of bigotry. We certainly desire that Sha'Cari Richardson to experience growth and existing in a more blessed life. Also, Gwen Berry courageously protested against racial injustice similar to the 1968 Olympic fisted protest done by Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The IOC has been strident in their anti-activism policies, which I absolutely disagree with. The drones (during the opening Tokyo Olympic ceremony) making a design of the world's continents, the music, and the process of nations were certainly significant. I'm a black American, so the American team certainly came in ready to compete at the highest level. The events of swimming, track and field, basketball, tennis, soccer, baseball, golf, volleyball, and other sports have caused the world to see that despite our differences, we love the strength of human camaraderie. The sport of skateboarding is now the first sport of its kind having Olympic representation, and that is certainly great news.
The Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony of the 2020 Olympics Games was historic on July 23, 2021. It was formally opened by Emperor Naruhito. The Olympic Charter mandated that the proceedings had to have formal and ceremonial opening including welcoming speeches, the hoisting of the flags, the parade of athletes, and the mention of the host nation's culture including its history. The vast majority of the event was pre-recorded. There were some live segments expressed on television too. This ceremony is the 125th anniversary of the 1896 Summer Olympics at Athens, Greece (which was the inaugural edition of the modern Olympic Games). The theme of the Olympic Ceremonies is Moving Forward, referencing the global COVID-19 pandemic. There was the opening ceremony theme being the Tokyo 2020 slogan United by Emotion, which the organizers intend to "reaffirm the role of sport and the value of the Olympic Games." To this day, we are still fighting the pandemic virus which has caused many innocent human beings to lose their lives. Before the event started, there was a flight made by the Blue Impulse. This was the aerobatics squadron of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force. It marked the 57th anniversary of the 1964 Games in Tokyo. Later, doves were flown. There was video montage of the journey to allow the 2020 Games to come to Tokyo.
The first performance of the ceremony, designed "[showcase] Japan’s forte in digital art and projection mapping technology," featured a digital graphics projection on the stadium floor. At the center of which nurse and boxer Arisa Tsubata (who won a national championship only two years after taking the sport, however was unable to participate as an athlete after a qualifying match was cancelled) jogged on a treadmill, then was joined by performers on an exercise cycle, rowing maching, running in place. Other performers abstract danced, and colored ball of light were projected, "symbolizing the athletes’ plight in training during the pandemic for this event." The ceremony opened with dancers wearing white outfits connected by red strings, meant to "portray the inner workings of the body and heart." Many Japanese people honored the Japanese national flag. The Olympics rings were revealed. They represents the continents (being Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania) of the world involved in the Olympics. Greatness, athleticism, and courage aren't limited by a single continent. You always find a remnant of heroes in all of the continents of the world literally. Then, the Parade of Nations existed where team delegations from every nation involved existed. The Refugee Olympic Team, composed of refugees from several countries, was the second nation to enter, after Greece. For the first time ever in the opening ceremony, the countries that will host the next two Olympic Games, France (in 2024) and the United States (in 2028), marched immediately before the host nation Japan entered. A countdown from '21' referencing the postponement of games played, showing athletes overcoming the challenges of the past year. At 0, 694 fireworks then are then set off.
For the first time, each team had the option to allow two flag bearers, one male and one female, in an effort to promote gender equality. As Russia had been banned to partake in sporting events by the World Anti-Doping Agency, Russian athletes marched under the ROC designation and flag. The United States of America expressed their large delegation too. According to the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), Team USA has 613 members this year of 2021. Of them, 193 are returning Olympians.
The cauldron was designed by Canadian-Japanese designer Oki Sato, who attended Waseda University, the same university as Yoshinori Sakai, the cauldron-lighter in 1964. The steps to reach the cauldron, symbolizing Mount Fuji, were "designed to evoke the image of a blooming flower." The music featured in the cauldron lighting included Boléro by Maurice Ravel, "Rise of the Planet 9" from Dr. Copellius, composed by Isao Tomita, followed by the fireworks featuring the music of Takashi Yoshimatsu's Symphony No. 2 "At terra."
The flame was brought into the stadium at the end of the torch relay by wrestler Saori Yoshida and judoka Tadahiro Nomura. It was carried by a trio of Japanese baseball greats (Shigeo Nagashima, Sadaharu Oh, and Hideki "Godzilla" Matsui), a doctor and a nurse, paralympian Wakako Tsuchida, and a group of students from Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures who were born shortly before the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. Finally Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka carried it up the steps to light the Olympic cauldron. The flame was lit by Naomi Osaka. Naomi Osaka is one of the greatest tennis players of this generation who admitted her mental health issues courageously in public. She competed in the Olympics. Also, Naomi Osaka has pledged to give resources to the victims of the recent 2021 Haitian Earthquake at came about in August of 2021. Naomi Osaka is a great role model.
The Early Days
The Olympics had many events going onward. On July 21, 2021 (on Wednesday), there were the first matches in the group stage of the women's tournament involving soccer. This day saw the group stage event of softball being played too. By July 22, the first matches of the group stage of the Men's tournament of soccer was played. The 2nd day of group stages of softball was played as well. On Friday, events like archery, rowing, and the opening ceremony took place at Japan National Stadium (on July 23, 2021). By Saturday of July 24, 2021, many awards came for numerous events like archery, cycling, judo, shooting, taekwondo, and weightlifting. Lee Kiefer won fencing for women's foil on July 25. For gymnastics, America won silver for Women's artistic team all-around (that includes Simone Biles too). The American Sunisa Lee won gold in gymnastics events. Carissa Moore won gold for women's surfing on July 27, 2021. Lydia Jacoby won women's 100m breaststroke in swimming. On July 2021, Women's 3X3 basketball gold winners are Stefanie Dolson, Allisha Gray, Kelsey Plum, and Jackie Young (from America). Russia won silver, and China won bronze. One the same day, Katie Ledecky won gold from America, Erica Sullivan from America won silver, and Sarah Kohler from Germany won bronze. On July 29, 2021, the American Sunisa Lee won gymnastics women's artistic individual all-around being gold, Rebecca Andrade won silver from Brazil, and Angeina Melnikova won bronze being from Russia. On July 29, 2021 Caeleb Dressel from America won gold from Men's 100m frestyle in swimming.
On Saturday of July 31, 2021, there was the historic victory for 3 black Jamaican women in the women's 100m. Elaine Thompson Herah won gold, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won silver, and Shericka Jackson won bronze. All 3 women are from Jamaica. Elaine Thompson Herah set up her legacy as the new generation's track and field legend. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce is already this generation's top 5 greatest sprinters of our time already. Shericka Jackson is developing her career greatly as well. Daniel Stahl of Sweden won men's discus throw for gold, Sweden's Simon Pettersson won silver, and Lukas Weißhaidinger from Austria won bronze. For the mixed 4X400m relay, Poland won gold, the Dominican Republican won silver, and America won bronze. For the mixed relay of the triathlon, Great Britain won gold, America won silver, and France won bronze. Involving weightlifting, China won gold at 81kg with Lu Xiaojun, Dominican Republic's Zacarias Bonnat won silver, and Italy's Antonio Pizzolato won bronze. On August 1, 2021, Marcell Jacobs of Italy won gold in the 100m, Fed Kerley of America won silver, and Andre De Grasse from Canada won bronze. For the women's triple jump, Gon Lijiao won gold, Raven Saunders of America won silver, and Valerie Adams from New Zealand won bronze. For swimming (in the men's 4 X 100m medley relay), America won gold, Great Britain won silver, and Italy won bronze.
Historic Wins
On Sunday of August 1, 2021, there were many results that took place in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. For the 100m men's race, Marcell Jacobs of Italy won gold, Fred Kerley of the United States won silver, and Andre De Grasse won bronze being from Canada. In the men's high jump, Mutaz Essa Barshim of Qatar and Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy share gold medals. Maksim Nedasekau from Belarus won bronze. For the women's shot put, China's Cong Lijiao won gold, Raven Saunders from America won silver, and Valerie Adams from New Zealand from bronze. On Monday on August 2, 2021, the winners of the women's 100m hurdles are Jasmine Camacho-Queen from Puerto Rico (winning gold), Kendra Harrison from America (winning silver), and Megan Tapper from Jamaica (winning bronze).
There are tons of Olympic news in Early August of 2021. We know that Simone Biles won bronze in the balance beam competition involving gymnastics. This comes after Simone Biles admitted her mental health issues to the public. It certainly takes bravery to describe emotional issues that the whole world knows. Biles remains the greatest gymnast in human history. For the 200 meters women race, Jamaica's Elaine Thompson adds to her legend by having the 2nd fastest time in 200m history with 21.53. She won gold. Elaine Thompson adds to her legend as the second Jamaican to won back to back 200m races in the Olympics (the first was Veronica Campbell-Brown). Namibia's Christine Mboma won silver, and the American Gabby Thomas won bronze with a time of 21.87. That 200m race was one with many of the greatest talented 200m track women runners of all time. Gabby Thomas is a living legend. As for the 400m hurdles for women, Sydney McLaughlin won gold with a new world record. Her time is 51.46 second. Silver was given to Dalilah Muhammad with a time of 51.58 seconds. Muhammad survived the pandemic virus and injury. Bronze was given to Femke Bol with a time of 52.03 seconds. The race had American Anna Cockrell in it too. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have included some of the most talented athletes of all time indeed. Gwen Berry of America raised her fist in the air to defend free speech and promote solidarity with the oppressed.
Belarusian sprinter Kristina Timanovskaya defected to Poland, because she criticized the dictator of Belarus. She lives in asylum after Belarusian team officials pulling her from the women's 200 meter sprint after she criticized the sport authorities on social media. Belgium's Nafissatou Thiam became the 2nd athlete ever to win back to back women's heptathlon titles after having the gold medal on Thursday. Thiam joins the American Jackie Joyner-Kersee to win 2 heptathlon titles at the Games with Joyner-Kersee winning in 1988 and 1992. Also, the American Katie Nageotte won the women's pole vault in gold. Silver was won by Russia's Anzhelika Sidorova. Great Britain's Holly Bradshaw won bronze.
There are many Olympic news now in early August of 2021. For the 200m Finals for men in the Olympics. De Grasse from Canada won gold. K. Bednarek from America won silver, and Lyles from America won bronze. After all of these years, the Afro-Canadian Andre De Grasse finally got his dream to win gold fulfilled. He ran the race of his life. For the 4 X 100 m relay for women race, Jamaica won gold, America won silver, and Great Britain won bronze. The Jamaican relay team had Briana Williams, Elaine Thompson-Herah, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, and Shericka Jackson. The American relay team had Javianne Oliver, Teahna Daniels, Jenna Prandini, and Gabreille Thomas. The Great Britain relay team had Asha Philip, Imani Lansiquot, Dina Asher-Smith, and Daryll Neita. For the 400m race, Shaunae Miller-Uibo from the Bahamas won gold, Jamaica's Stephanie Ann McPherson won silver, and America's Allyson Felix won bronze. Tamyra Mensah-Stock is the First Black Woman To Win Olympic Gold in Wrestling. She was born in Chicago on October 11, 1992. She grew up in Houston, Texas.
On Friday night of August 6, 2021, the USA men's basketball team won gold. This is their 4th straight gold medal. In the era of more international style of play being very commonplace, the American defeated France by 5 points. The leader of the American team is Kevin Durant. Durant has his 3rd Olympic gold medal, and he led the team in scoring and 3 point shooting. Weeks ago, many people questioned whether the American would win a gold medal, but they proved the doubts wrong again. The American team has shown offensive skills and defense. They blocked the shots of players from many teams like France, Australia, etc. Popovich was the coach of the team. Jayson Tatum, Damian Lillard, Bam Adebayo, June Holiday, Draymond Green, and other players were on the USA men's basketball team too.
History is meant to be made all of the time. Allyson Felix made history on this year of 2021. She has her gold medal in the 4 X 400m relay. It was a product of her own dream. Allyson Felix survived so much to reach that gold. Now, she is the most decorated American track and field athlete in Olympic history with 11 medals. Felix recently had a daughter, she stood up for maternal leave, and she has rejected corporate exploitation. Her teammates winning the gold are Sydney McLaughlin, Dalilah Muhammad, and Athing Mu. They won the race in 3 minutes and 16.85 seconds. Poland won silver, and Jamaica won bronze. Allyson Felix is at peace as she has stated in the aftermath of the relay race. The men in the 4 X 400m relay race won gold too from America. Their names are: Michael Cherry, Michael Norman, Bryce Deadmon, Rai Benjamin, Trevor Stewart, Randolph Ross, and Vernon Norwood. Congratulations to the winners, including Allyson Felix. Felix has spoken out in public in favor of maternity leave, of equal rights, and respect given to pregnant women (especially black pregnant women and other pregnant women of color). Allyson Felix loves her husband and her daughter. That is always a blessing.
A Finale to Remember
The end of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is over. This Olympics in Tokyo is unlike any Olympics in my lifetime. You have new futuristic sports coming about like skateboarding. Also, you have historic firsts like the first Indian winning a gold medal. Not to mention that America has the most gold medals and the most overall medals in any nation during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics too. America proved once again that it can rise to the occasion like any other nation on Earth. The Olympics almost didn't exist, but it transpired in the midst of the horrendous pandemic. The American women volleyball team (with people like Foluke Akrinradewo, Jordan Thompson, Jordan Larson, etc.) won their first gold medal ever against Brazil. The American volleyball started to cry being emotional after their victory. The USA women's basketball team won gold too on August of 2021. They defeated Japan. Their team had the leaders of Sue Bird, Diana Taurasi, Britney Griner, Breanna Stewart, A'ja Wilson, Jewell Lloyd, Skylar Diggins-Smith, and other people who wanted to win. Diana Taurasi said that she wants to play for the Olympics at Paris in 2024. Japan won silver and France won bronze. The USA's women Olympic basketball has won gold for the 7th straight time since 1996. The WNBA has reached into new heights since the 1990's. 2022 will be the 25th year anniversary of the start of the WNBA too. The Tokyo Olympics have many athletics showing political stances against injustice and oppression too. America had 39 gold medals, 41 silver, and 33 bronze making a total of 113 medals in 28 different sports. After the Paralympic Games in Tokyo (from August to September of 2021), there will be the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing (in 2022), and the new Summer Olympic games in Paris by 2024. Times is going fast indeed. 2021 is almost over. I remember 1996 just like yesterday. Paris awaits.
The Conclusion
The last ceremonies of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo had many celebrations. They also made known that the next 2024 Olympics would be in Paris. It was a very historic Olympics. New events were introduced (during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics) like 3X3 basketball, freestyle BMX, and mixed gender team events like the return of madison cycling for men (and the introduction of the same event for women). New IOC policies also allowed the host organizing committee to add new sports to the Olympic program for just one Olympic Game. The disciplines added by the Japanese Olympic Committee were baseball and softball, karate, sport climbing, surfing, and skateboarding, the last four of which made their Olympic debuts. The United States of America topped the medal count by having the most total golds in 39 medals and the total medals being 113. America won 41 silver and 33 bronze. American athletes were very talented like other athletes in the world. China finished second by both respects (38 and 88).
Host nation Japan finished third, setting a record for the most gold medals and total medals ever won by their delegation at an Olympic Games with 27 and 58. Great Britain finished fourth, with a total of 22 gold and 65 medals, becoming the first nation at the Summer Olympics to increase or equal their total medals won in the two Games subsequent to hosting them. The Russian delegation competing as the ROC finished fifth with 20 gold medals and third in the overall medal count, with 71 medals. Bermuda, the Philippines, and Qatar won their first-ever Olympic gold medals. Burkina Faso, San Marino, and Turkmenistan won their first-ever Olympic medals.
The 2020 Summer Paralymics took place in Tokyo. It lasted from August 24, 2021 to September 5, 2021. They were the 16th Summer Paralympic Games as organized by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). 162 nations participated in the games including the Refugee Paralympic Team and the Russian Paralympic Committee. The games had 4,403 athletes and 539 events in 22 sports. The Games were the second Summer Paralympics hosted by Tokyo since 1964, and the third Paralympics held in Japan overall since the 1998 Winter Paralympics in Nagano. The Games featured 539 medal events in 22 sports, with badminton and taekwondo both making their Paralympic debut to replace football 7-a-side and sailing. China topped the medal table for the fifth consecutive Paralympics, with 96 golds and 207 total medals. Great Britain finished second for the ninth time, with 41 golds and 124 total medals. The United States finished third, with 37 golds, their best finish since the 2008 games, and 104 total medals. The Russian Paralympic Committee finished fourth, with a total of 36 golds and 118 total medals, putting them in third place when ranked by total medals. Many volunteers helped the athletes constantly. The flames from each of the flame lighting festivals hosted in each prefecture were brought together in Tokyo on August 21, 2021 where the Paralympic Flame was officially lit. The last four days of the torch relay started in Tokyo. The locations in which the torch relay goes through were similar to the 2020 Summer Olympics torch relay. Badminton and taekwondo made their Paralympic debut in Tokyo, while classifications were added or realigned in other sports; canoe, shooting, table tennis, track cycling, and wheelchair fencing saw increases in the number of medal events held, while there were reductions in athletics and swimming. Many of the athletes in the 2020 Paralympic Games are Uganda's Ritah Asiimwe, Ellie Simmonds, Jardiel Vieira Soares, and other human beings.
*The 2020 Tokyo Olympics reminds us that working together matters. We should not forsake our core convictions of integrity, justice, and honor. We should realize that if we want the world to be better, then we have the responsibility in doing our parts in making it better. That's real talk.
By Timothy