Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The California Recall Results.



The breaking news is that Governor Newsom survived the recall election, and he will remain governor of California. There are many factors that caused his victory. One was that Newsom promoted virus mandates that appealed to the voters of most of California. Also, many people rejected Larry Elder's extreme policies like eliminating the minimum wage and believing in the lie of massive election fraud during 2020. California is a much more liberal state than it was during the 1980's and the 1990's. So, it would be difficult for a far right pro-Trump Republican to win that state. Back in 2003, the recall election caused actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to win the gubernatorial election. Elder implied that he may run again for Governor in California. Later, we will have the Governor's race in my homestate of Virginia and the 2022 elections. Time will tell what will happen. People should take no chances, because anything can happen during any election. The events of 2016 document that fact to be true. We have to continue to be about our work to stand up for our rights and liberties. We have a long way to go, but truth is our on side.


We have Newsom who is a Democrat. Also, we know about Larry Elder lost from the Republican side. Larry Elder is not only a Trump supporter, which is bad enough. Also, Elder is known for making sexist and self hating comments about black people for years. Elder is overt with his extremism. Now, the voters in California decided the fate of that state. I have been to California before in 2019. It has some of the gorgeous architecture and scenery in the world. I met many of the people in the state too. The most important thing is that progressive values are more important to maintain than Trumpism. Trumpism dominates the GOP as promoting election fraud lies, xenophobia, and overt hatred of refugees are all part of mainstream GOP dogma. Diversity is a blessing, because diversity increases human innovation and builds up society in a greater level. That is why a true society doesn't discriminate based upon race or background. It grants opportunities and human rights for all without exception.

D.C. police arrested a man with a machete and swastikas on his truck. The hate right wing rally is coming on Saturday on the U.S. Capitol. This person was caught. George W. Bush is wrong on many issues. We know that Bush is wrong to advance the Iraq War and sign the USA Patriot Act. He was right to compare MAGA rioters to 9/11 terrorists. Both groups of extremists harbor prejudice and bigotry. Both desire violence to advance an extreme form of theocratic nationalism that harms freedoms. They desire democracy to be abolished. Also, we should never sugarcoat the bad legacy of the Bush administration. Recently, Bush, Rice, and other neo-cons have been on the airwaves to defend the policies found in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. The truth is that both wars including massive violations to the U.S. Constitution and international law like torture (this torture included human beings being beat, electrocuted, drowned with water, and other graphic details found in Abu Ghraib, etc.), kidnapping, illegal warrantless spying, and launching wars of aggression that have killed well over 1 million human beings. Therefore, we won't be silent about real history.

In Berlin, there are about 20,000 people protesting against unaffordable rents. Many people, who demonstrated, said "Housing for all!" in various slogans. The rally was from Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column. Action Alliance against Displacement and Rent Madness organized the protest. Social and welfare organizations took part. People came from other cities like Hamburg, Ludwigshafen, and other places. That is why people want a rent cap, stopping publicly owned housing into private property, and ending evictions. This is an international problem as locations globally have their rents increased massively. Many real estate speculators have made tons of money, but some families have difficulty in many cases to find affordable housing. People in Berlin protested the German Supreme Court banning the rent cap.

She is one of the greatest singers of our time. Her voice is always incredible. She has sang classic ballads, acted in many movies, and performed massively. Recently, she finished the biopic on the life story of Aretha Franklin named Respect. Aretha Franklin was an icon being one of the top 5 greatest singers of all of human history. She is Sister Jennifer Hudson, and it's her Birthday today. She is now 40 years old. She won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Daytime Emmy Award, and 2 Grammy Awards. She was born and raised in Chicago. The Baptist church in Englewood was a place where she sang a lot. She attended Dunbar Vocational High School where she graduated in 1999. Her inspiration comes from Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Patti Labelle, and Mariah Carey. She was in American Idol for the third season. She was on the show in 2004. Her being on the movie of Dreamgirls changed her life forever. She starred with Beyonce Knowles Carter, Anika Noni Rose, Jamie Foxx, and Eddie Murphy. Dreamgirls is about an all-woman group (based loosely on The Supremes) who go into stardom facing huge challenges along with overcoming them. She was in the movie The Secret Life of Bees too, She played Winnie Mandela in a biopic called Winnie Mandela. She made more hits like Spotlight, Walk It Out, Remember Me, and other musical songs. From the soundtrack of Respect to her activism to fight gun violence, Jennifer Hudson is the icon of our time.  I wish Sister Jennifer Hudson more blessings.
By Timothy