Friday, January 27, 2006

Answering another person.

This is my response and his words are found at

M: "I’m one of the greatest debaters on the Net today. I’m the real deal." - Truthseeker24.

What an impressive self-proclomation! I'm WAY impressed. Go give Alex Jones another (profane word), because you are just another sheep. You simply follow a less popular shepard. The only people who give people like him credibility are other conspiracy theorists, so stop acting like (profane word) like that constitute a "fair and balanced" (thanks faux) source. Notice how none of those conspiracy theory books give you any credible sources? Most have none at all, and the ones that do usually are just from other conspiracy theorists. It's a big web of lies, and (profane word). Based on what I've read from you, you come off as a sort of militant libertarian type. Libertarians are just hardcore Republicans who let you smoke pot. They aren't fooling anyone. You also come off as a Tim McVeigh/ Ted Kaczynski type. Perhaps I'll turn over your info (including your yahoo group) to DHS, and by the time you are processed under the new Patriot Act provisions, you'll be getting your (profane word) shocked daily in a cage somewhere in the (profane word) Congo. Cheers, buddy.

Response: M, your response is very funny. Yeah, I do feel that I'm one of the best debaters on the Internet on certain issues. I get better and I tore people up in debates before. I'm only 22 years old and I refuted a person in a debate when I was 18 years old. Your hatred and sarcastic remarks don't intimidate me, because the truth is on our side. Millions of people worldwide accept our point of view, and we aren't going to give up and compromise. Our just intensions is to try to help the world. I'm not another sheep. Alex Jones is just one man. I don't agree with Alex Jones on everything, but he's right on a number of issues. I respect what he says that's accurate. Tons of people give many of his word credibility like air force people, politicians, scholars, PhD's, and not just people who believe in a conspiracy. In fact, conspiracies existed throughout human history, so believing in a conspiracy fact is not being an extremist at all. I accept conspiracy facts and not theories. I read conspiracy fact books and they give tons of sources like news articles, scientific formulas, real history, documents, images, expert analysis, and other forms of evaluations that make them have accuracy.

Hey pal, I'm always ready for this debate. It's not a web of lies. It's a historical fact that many American industrialists funded Hitler confirmed by author Anthony Sutton and other great writers. It's a fact that the United States government has been involved in corruption before and now. It's a fact that people have a right to expose evil and it's a fact that conspiracies exist. You need to open your eyes and not have some type of a flippant attitude. I'm really conservative on social issues and I'm libertarian on civil liberty issues like abhorring Big Brother, wanting civil liberties, etc. There's nothing wrong with that. I want my civil liberties, our guns, our rights, morality, and life preserved in this country. I'm not into the ideology of Tim McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski at all, so that's your further error. You're not fooling anyone, because real sources prove my conclusions and experts have backed my views up. It's a fact that the Iraq War have had problems and it violated the U.S. Constitution and it's a fact that gun confiscation and other errors existed in New Orleans in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath. I'm ready M. Many Neo Cons' books display falsehoods, lies, and propaganda.

This is only 1% of my total intelligence and intellect M. I have no fear, but God alone. It's also a fact that many organizations try to accept an one world economy, government, and religion which is the essence of the New World Order. There is even a plan to combine Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one community by 2010 [Even Lou Dobbs discussed this on CNN] by a task force and a CFR member talked about it. Your funny little threat of turning people over is hilarious and you need to wake up. Bill O'Reilly has been involved in deception and mistakes before that you also need to comprehend. I think you're jealous since we have no fear and we're fighting back against doubters and evil. The truth is still here and lies are finally exposed for what they are. We should be worried about this, but we must present rational evidence, no fear-mongering and continued determination to improvement mankind and the world for the praise and honor of Almighty God. Bye now.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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