Friday, January 27, 2006

Answering another ad-hominem attacker


Guest: Guest, that's the whole point. These people aren't christians either, they are a bunch of fringe wackos trying to start a resistance cult, and falsely claiming they are christian. It's a bunch of counterfeit phonies. Guest if you are not christian, then that means you are probably 100 times more christian than any of these people.

Response: This is typical of your continued ad-hominem attacks. First, many people here are Christians and some are not. Just because many Christians here aren't afraid of their faith and want to express that and exposed evil global corporations at the same time doesn't mean that they're in a cult. That's shows your continued lying again. You hate the truth that Mormonism once discriminated against black people and that Joseph Smith believed in strange beliefs. You hate the truth that Margaret Sanger is not only quotes as being in favor of eugenics, but Margaret Sanger went into a KKK meeting in 1926. You hate the truth the Bill of Rights list gun rights, right to protest, and other rights as highly important in the development of American society. I can go on and on. Yet, you don't want the truth, but to demonize specific Christians. YOu want Christians to be docile and go with the flow, but many aren't now.

Many Christians are expansive in their mind and will expose torture, the Iraq War, GM foods, Secret Societies, and a host of really important issues in the world. I don't consider John Conner a cult member or his Resistance Manifesto as a cult organization. He's a nice man who wants freedom in American society. Disagree with him on some issue, you may, but these ad-hominem attacks doesn't benefit anyone, whether Christian or non-CHrisitan alike. We should unite on the things we do agree on to make this a better word without unfair, false, and lying ad-hominem attacks. As for me, I'm not trying to form a Resistance cult. I'm trying to communicate with people, act in my community, speak the truth, and be indepedent in my own thinking. Many people here are counterfeith Christians like Copeland, Robertson, Rick Warren, and others. Unlike them, we expose many issues and the grave threat of globalization and the march for empire that the PNAC Neo-COns cited in their own Project for a New American Century Document. No one here in my mind is a wacko. Citing news article, reading literature from authors like Dr. Cathy Burns and Victor Thorn, and acting meekly isn't insanity at all. Cowardice in the face of evil is true wackiness. I'm not intimidate by you or anyone here. Unlike some people, I will defend on what I will say and I will debate to make my information know.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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