Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bush is no a conservative Christian


How much longer will Christians excuse President Bush's blatantly anti-Christian policies and personal behavior? Is the 'R' representing his political persuasion reason enough for Christians to cast a blind eye? The fact of the matter is that Bush's policies are virtually identical to that of his predecessor, and yet Bush is showered with praise while Clinton is continually demonized. Such an observation leads me to believe that it is not Bush's neo-conservative agenda nor exemplary leadership, but solely his public profession of faith which has gained him the admiration of the religious-right.

The irony in this situation is that Clinton likewise portrayed himself as Christian; nevertheless, he was despised by most fundamental Bible-thumpers. So why does Bush come across as more believable? Again, I ask, is it the mere fact that he is Republican?

Bush obviously wears his religion on his sleeve for public consumption, but I was never comfortable with that being the sole reason for Bush's overwhelming acceptance among fellow Christians. Now, after years of earnest prayer and research, I have come to the conclusion that George W. Bush is indeed a religious man - broadly Christian - yet twisted and macabre in ways most people are unaware. In other words, what the Christian community as a whole fails to understand is that Bush's version of Christianity is far from what is deemed "fundamental."

President Bush, like his father and grand-father before him, is an elitist. He is part of a cabal of individuals whom believe that they posess secret knowledge which has been passed down since the time of King Solomon. They believe that they are the "enlightened ones," and that Christ has entrusted them with ushering-in the prophesied millenium; the thousand years of world peace. They believe that it is they, through Christ, whom will ultimately save mankind and rule over the entire earth; a.k.a. "New World Order."

Bush and the neocons are deceived - such beliefs are occultic and will probably prove to be the catalist for Armagedon. Nevertheless, persuading Christians of this fact can prove difficult. Yet by continually shedding light upon Bush's un-christian and un-conservative works, our brothers and sisters are slowly beginning to awake.

If you are a constitutional conservative or a fundamental christian, and you find yourself sceptical of the information alledged thus far, I ask that you suspend your preconceived notions about Bush, disregard his 'conservative' and 'compassionate' rhetoric, and focus solely upon his deeds as outlined in this site. It was our Savior Himself who stated that we shall know them by their fruits.

As a pretext to investing your valuable time sifting through the vast information archived herein, I ask that you ponder the following. If you disagree with my assertions, then there is certainly no need to waste any more of your time. On the other hand, if you find yourself in agreement, either in whole or in part, then I encourage you to take a prolonged look at the considerable works of the man who now occupies the most power office in the land.

During his inauguration, George W. Bush placed his left hand upon the Holy Bible and took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, yet since his swearing-in, the Constitution has been violated in almost every conceivable manner. From FREE-SPEECH ZONES to WARRANTLESS SEARCHES to TORTURING DETAINEES, Bush has systematically dismantled the very document that he swore an oath before God to protect.

President Bush's Department of Homeland Security is the biggest federal power grab since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This trojan-horse poses a greater threat to our personal liberties than standing armys. Centralizing military and law enforcement power into the executive branch is the very definition of a Police State!
Bush claims that the war in Iraq is necessary to prevent further terrorism, nevertheless our borders remain wide-open. Furthermore, while there remain many unanswered questions regarding September 11th as well as the subsequent absense of WMDs in Iraq, Bush consistently objects to any independent investigation. We are simply supposed to believe that our intelligent agencies were inept, but Bush has fixed them.
Perhaps Saddam Hussein did use chemical weapons against his own people, but the U.S. government did likewise when it gassed women and children at their church in Waco, Texas. In that abhorent instance, the military was illegally utilized in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. A different administration - yes, but President Bush never held the previous administration responsible; and now Bush publically admits that he would support the dismantling of the Posse Comitatus Act.
President Bush is the biggest spender in the history of the republic - not just on military expenditures, but likewise on social programs. SOCIALISM is unbiblical - God's word commands us to "Love thy neighbor as yourself," which nullifies favoritism and/or discrimination. Socialism boils down to government's forcible extraction of assets from earners for the purpose of redistribution among non-earners (or to whom-ever government officials feel can be persuaded to return the favor via the ballot-box). It should be apparent that "Compassionate conservatism" is simply a neoconservative buzz-word for their brand of socialism. True compassion is defined as the free-exercise of giving; either of one's time, knowledge, or resources. Monies paid under duress - even for a lofty purpose - is not compassion; it is theft. It matters not that it is by decree of government nor by will of the majority, stealing is always a violation of God's Law!

While Bush has verbally taken a moral stand on homosexuality and abortion, he has stacked his cabinet with pro-abortionists and homosexual activists. Bush signed into law a bill which gives federal death benefits to same sex partners, and a DC appropriations bill that allows same sex benefits. Bush has never asked Congress to stop funding for Planned Parenthood, but he did send $15 billion of American taxpayer money to the United Nations for HIV/AIDS programs in Africa - so Planned Parenthood can push its sinister agenda on those people too.

President Reagan withdrew from the anti-American UNESCO organization, basically a global school board which supports the diabolical Earth Charter. President Bush approves of UNESCO; thus, while our children are neither free to read from the Bible nor mention the name of Christ in school, they are led to worship Mother Earth under the guise of education. The Earth Charter is housed in an Ark of Hope which makes its way around the country. Any true Christian should be able to see the blasphemous implications.

Would a Christian pass laws to further erode parents' God-given rights to educate their own children? Bush did just that with his "No Child Left Behind Bill" which mandates further government intrusion into the very institution (government schools) used to enforce the homosexual agenda upon our children. The Republican Party used to run on the platform of dismantling the unconstitutional Department of Education; however, we now have a Republican president pumping billions of additional dollars into this ungodly system!

President Bush, his father, and his grandfather are "Bonesmen" - members of the macabre Skull and Bones secret society. The group meets in building known as The Tomb, and part of the initiation process involves lying naked in a coffin and reveal sexual exploits. The Bush's are also members of the elite Bohemian Grove where they attend annual pagan rituals before the great "Owl" which admittedly includes mock human sacrifice!

In all honesty, none of our recent presidential administrations have come close to living up to God's standard. But Bush is the one in office now, and he has taken us to a new low. This site is dedicated to the honest revelation of President Bush's religious beliefs and political policies. This is NOT a Bush-bashing site - there are no personal attacks - it merely presents Bush's true record which is neither conservative, christian, nor compassionate. Nevertheless, if you are in favor of big-government, big-business, open borders, and globalism, then consider this a pro-Bush site.

Please understand that opposing Bush and the neo-conservative agenda does not make you a liberal Democrat! Likewise, this site does contain articles written by liberal Democrats whose bias is easily identified within their diatribe. These articles are included solely because I deem there to be factual content behind the spin, not because I am in agreement with their ideology. But this site also contains articles penned by my fellow constitutional christians who likewise see Bush for what he is - in spite of being a Republican.

This website has been created to be both a resource in awakening my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as a cyber-refuge for knowledgable Christians to communicate and build each other up via the chat-room and forum. Your comments are appreciated.

May we all continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior!

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