Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Gracious and Steadfast

Truth will always overshadow fiction. I'm still here. When criticism comes my way, I'm not dismayed. Rational thought with legitimate evidence can refute people's distorted views. Iran is another thorny issue for American society. Seymour Hersh claimed that the Bush administration had a contingency plan to use nuclear weapons in Iran. George W. Bush denies any rush to war and he said that diplomacy is his primary strategy for now. Although, the Bush administration hasn't ruled out any military action. It's interesting to note that World Tribune carried an article describing a CFR meeting, a group that has clout not only in political world but in US foreign policy, in which the inevitability of military strikes was openly discussed. The mostly Council on Foreign Relations PNAC neo-cons yearn for wars (if necessary) to forcibly change the Middle East region into "democracies." I oppose that, because nations must change their ways on their own. Also, war must only be for the legitimate protection of America. The President of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) said that they've successfully enriched uranium. Russian Foreign Ministry’s information department, Andrei Krivtsov, disagrees with Iran's development of enriched uranium. Secretary of State Conodoleezza Rice said that The UN Security Council must send more presurre unto Iran to allow Iran to change course. Events keep on going. Life continues to change involving human beings. Tons of Americans already realize that George W. Bush made mistakes like the signing of the W199I document, which blocked attempts by the FBI and the Justice Department from investigating suspect terrorists. This is just one smoking gun making the offical story on 9/11 as a complete lie. Also, Bush signed the New Freedom Iniatative that wants all public schools to test all students in America for mental disorders and then use prescriptions if necessary.

It extends beyond one man though. Congress haven't issued a real solution to solve the flood of illegal immigration, despite the commotion and protests from La Raza (many extremists during protestors held signs about taking over America. The Plan of San Diego itself is a racist murder plan. The mainstream media never shown this at all. Many of these people are funded by the Ford Foundation), protestors, and the Minutemen (Patriotic people who are against open borders). Some multinational corporations not only support cheap labor and amnesty.

They and many elites want the creation of
a Pan American Union. Not all Hispanic Americans support amnesty and illegal immigrations, so no one ought to embrace racism about this issue. I know many strong Hispanics who are fighting against evil in this country. CNN Lou Dobbs is patriotic by talking about immigration in a forceful manner and he's courageous. I look at his show and he promotes the stabilization and improvement of middle class Americans. Moral problems continue to plague mankind. Numerous celebrities and famous folks do legitimate charity work in this country plus across the world. On the other hand, people like George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron, and others in the Hollywood crowd activitely promote profanity, unnecessary violence and abortion.

I hate abortion vehemently like any Pro-Lifer, because abortion is not only never mentioned in the Constitution. It also murders and shed the innocent blood of unborn babies. Some positive news is that many of these liberals are trying to wake up like Keana Reeves. These people aren't my cup of tea ideologically, but at least some of them are trying to wake up. Well, I must be strong to fight for real liberty and against criminals in our government. My mind must be indepedent and this why I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. News about the transgenic agenda are coming up. Mos News on April 11, 2006 reported on how there are the first Goat Kids With Human Genes Born in Belarus. The scientists must still confirm if they are transgenic. Kristin Collins from The (Raleigh) News & Observer on April 10 2006 talked about how the federal government plans on tracking all livestock by 2009. Supporters of this new policy believe it is intended to stop diseases among these animals.

I live in a nation divided. Screaming and yelling is the common response when tons of people discuss about debate about politics. "Preachers" and "televangelists" like Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, T. D. Jakes, and Rick Warren refuse to outline real issues. While they continue in their lives, I'm going to discuss about the bloodshed in Iraq, U.S. citizens being gropped in airports across the nation, the dangers of aspartame, National IDs, vaccinations, the Federal Reserve Bank, abortion, and tons of other subjects. Some of these individuals have interesting connections. Jerry Falwell Yoked with Sun Myung Moon and allowed Moon to send him money (Robert Parry wrote that Moon sent Falwell $3.5 million to bail out Liberty University), but Moon claims not only to be the Messiah but Falwell endorsed the false prophet Benny Hinn. Also, people like Angelina Jolie may praise the United Nations. As for me, I'm going to expose its mistakes from Rwanda along with United Nations' attempt to control our national parks (through the October 18, 2000 Desertification Treaty). The U.N. is a staunce promoter of evil population control programs as well. Neo-Cons and deluded liberals aren't my cup of tea then. A sense of nationalism is needed to improve not only our country, but maintain authentic principles that reside in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. In the future, new technologies will emerge, but my mind is fixed on going into better heights without immorality being supported.

Oil is still a big issue. Right now oil has increased to almost $69 dollars a barrel. This occured at the time as tensions between Iran mount. Chris Flood and Peter Garnham writing for the Financial Times on April 10, 2006 talk about geo-political tensions making oil problems. Now, let's becareful about the Peak Oil agenda. Not only do a memo exist of oil companies saying that artifical scarcity is done to increase their profits. OPEC is apart of this as well and even increased oil production in 2005. New discoveries of oil have existed and new oil referines are suppressed in America. Some of the people who endorse Peak Oil (not all) also support depopulation. Since the Elite (i.e. Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, and the CFR) support Peak Oil, it's a elite-sponsored agenda. I recently found this out. Public Library of Science Medicine written an essay (recorded in the London Times on April 11, 2006 by Mark Henderson) talked about how phamacetical companies invent diseases. They do this to recieve tons of profits.

They exaggerate real illness to for the same purpose as well. The article goes on to mention that ADHD, female sexual dysfunction, and “restless legs syndrome” are promoted, so money can come into the companies. It's confirmed that the CIA sent cocaine and other drugs into America. So, it isn't suprising that drug companies are doing this drug fear mongering to try to decieve people. It extends into the FDA's promotion of flouride, aspartame, and other toxins. Even Tradeau is right about how the FDA and the government instigate non-effective medicine, yet real treatments and cures aren't shown very much into the mainstream media.

The White House is sunk into lower popularity. It shows by the recent booing of Vice President Dick Cheney as he threw a baseball for the Washington Nationals. I've heard just recently that A Brigham Young University physicist Stephen Jones believes that thermite explosive devices [along with sulfur] caused the Twin Towers' infrastructure to collapse. He gathered a lot of information to make his views known as well. WINGTV is 100% right that we must not be paranoid and fearful about these things. I'm fighting to win.
Alex Jones is right that we must fight against the New World Order. David Stewart is right about talking about the evils of human trafficking and the problems in the Third World. Gary and Lisa Ruby are right about talking about the threat of euthanasia and showing true information about the murder of Terri Schiavo, who was an innocent woman.

We have to have joy and live out our lives to the fullest. I'm going to live my life to the fullest, yet expose evil. We do know that the Bilderberg Group is angry and trying to target people in the American Patriot Movement. Very credible journalist Daniel Estulin have talked about this. I differently oppose the agenda of the Bilderberg Group. Therefore, we are making progress here. Military people, police, and other regular citizens agree with me and are disagreeing with what is happening now. I'm gracious for the truth and steadfast to not only defend my beliefs but educate the masses on reality.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Dedicated to Family, Friends, and all Real Patriots in the World

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