Speical Report: The Michael Collins Piper vs. Eric Jon Phelps Debate
I knew this piece of information was so popular among the alternative media community, that I had to make a second edition with more accurate information. This is my offical opinion on this debate. This is classic material and it's historic. I'm covering all bases. I think that both men showed their opinions eloquently. I disagree with Michael Collins Piper on so many issues that it can pages to write. At least Piper is more tolerable than the shill Daryl Bradford Smith. Now, I can easily refute Piper on many angles. Let's go for his errors. He said that he hasn't investigated the Jesuits very much, but he's acting like the expert in refuting any Jesuit involvement in world, geo-political affairs. That's really ridiculous. ok, now Piper had a tough time defining what Zionism is. Zionism is the belief in establishing a homeland of Israel and promoting the interests of Israel. Zionism to me are divided into 2 groups. One are good, patriotic people who just want to live their own lives. The others are secularists and elitists (some of whom are Labor Zionists that Barry Chamish exposes) who are evil and want to control areas in corruption with global influence. The evil Masonic Jewish Zionists (famous ones are Ben Gurion and Weizzman who help create Israel) indeed aided and abetted Hitler and Stalin in carrying out the Holocaust. Ben Hecht's "Peridy" proved that they funded the Nazis. They were backed by the Fabian Socialist British Labor Party in the early 1900's. Today, Masonic Jewish Zionists include Peres, Sharon, and others. The Zionists always play a secondary, but significant role in world events. For example, the ADL was created by B'nai B'rith Lodge of Masonry. B'nai B'rith Lodge was created by the Gentile-run Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (as admitted by researcher Anton Chaitkan). Additionally, the Scottish Rite was created by Gentiles, not Zionists. Extra proof of subordination of Masonic Jewish Zionists to the Vatican was that Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center (Lubavitcher Kabbalist Jews) serving Jesuit Tulane, Loyola, and UNO Universities (that was written about by Brother Nicholas Rivera.
http://www.chabadneworleans.com/templates/articlecco.html?AID=221664 is a link mentioning the Chabad/Jesuit connection as well, so this isn't some lie). Another example is that the Mossad was helped to be invented and trained by Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen (one of Hitler's intelligence men). Gehlen is also an inventor of the CIA as admitted in an interview between Alex Jones and John Buchannan. Another example is that the neo-cons mostly are CFR members (as proven by Stan Monolieth) controlled by mostly Gentiles, not Jews or Zionists. Even when you look at the Iraq War, it has CFR and Jesuit fingerprints all over it. For example, Mark Brewer truthfully stated that Ahmed Chalabi (a CIA asset and one of the promoters of the Iraq War) was Jesuit trained. Even the Iraq Liberation Act was signed by ecumencial, DeMolay Freemason, and Jesuit trained Preisdent William Jefferson Clinton.
Many of the executors of the Iraq War have been connected to the Jesuits. For example, Donald Rumsfeld is Jesuit trained and James L. Jones is a Jesuit Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service alum. That school is a beachhead of military elites. George Casey Jr. is also a alum of the Walsh School. Gen. Peter Pace is a Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service Leadership Seminar 1992graduate. Pace is the Chairman of the Joint-Chiefs of Staff United States Marine. Another key player in the Iraq War is the Roman Catholic CFR member U.S. Army General John P. Abizaid. Therefore, the people forming most of foriegn policy of the Iraq War were members of the CFR, Bilderberg Group, people from the Jesuit controlled Walsh School, and other political arms, not 100% Zionists. Now, Michael Collins Piper says that the Vatican is at odds with the ADL because of abortion.
Abortion is evil and murder, but the Vatican has been uniting with the ADL in ecumencialism. Many in the ADL accept the Talmud, but I don't since it's an unnecessary addition to the Torah, not for racial reasons. The Talmud was invented in ca. 500 A.D. by rabbis in Babylon. The ADL and the Vatican have been meeting in dialogue for decades, so there is no hardcore friction between both groups. There is even the Cardinal Bea Interfaith Award (supported by the ADL), which is the smoking gun refuting Piper's deception. If I were a Jew, I will never join the Vatican for its involvement in shedding tons of Jewish blood, ghettos, and discrimination spanning centuries. Now, Eric Jon Phelps is right that the Vatican has a covert and overt policy. One proof is that the Vatican II decrees wants religious freedom, but Vatican II never condemns the Council of Trent's proclamations calling those who disagree with Romanism as "anathema" or accursed (ie. damned to hell). Vatican II never condemned the Papal edicts supporting Inquistion or banned its false doctrines. Even in the issue of abortion, the almost majority Catholic Supreme Court never banned Roe v. Wade. Yes, 5 out of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Catholics like Samuel Alito, Justice Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and Clarence Thomas (who loves Thomas Aquinas). Mostly Roman Catholic US states never banned abortion. Many Vatican officals have done abortions like Priest Don Paulo. The Jesuit Robert F. Drinan supported abortion and gun control. Mary Ann Collins (an-ex Catholic) wrote that:
"...The Catholic Church has traditionally been a champion of the sanctity of life. However, some Catholic priests at a prestigious Catholic university are actively working to undermine the sanctity of human life, both theoretically and in practical ways. Georgetown University is run by Jesuit priests. It is the home of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, which is headed by a Jesuit priest. Some of its faculty members are also Jesuit priests.The Kennedy Institute of Ethics actively promotes abortion and euthanasia. It is also working to have "death" be redefined to include people in "irreversible" comas, so that doctors can get better quality organs for transplants. This is documented in the book, Culture of Death, by Wesley J. Smith (Encounter Books, 2000). The Introduction to the book is online.6..." (From http://www.unmaskingcatholicism.com/Chapter-14.shtml)The Kennedy Institute of Ethics trains doctors, nurses, lawyers, legislators, teachers, and hospital administrators. Every summer, it gives an Intensive Bioethics Course, which is attended by people from around the world. It has branches in Asia and Europe. According to the woman I spoke with, it has the most comprehensive library of bioethics literature in the world...."
Vatican II being infiltrated by Zionists is a big lie. Piper never cites any evidence in his debate with Eric Jon Phelps proving it. In truth, the Pope organized Vatican II. Also, many Jewish people are secular and Israel is very secular in certain circles. Piper is a hypocrite for saying that the Vatican hasn't banned abortion in America, yet secular people in Israel hasn't banned abortion in Israel (when Israel supposedly is ruling the world and many Orthodox Jews live in Israel). Also, you can make a case for Masonic involvement in Vatican II since according to Freemasonry Watch.org, Cardinal Annibale Bugnini was a Freemason and worked in Vatican II. It wasn't really an infiltration though.The truth is that Romanism was always corrupt from Constantine onward. They butchered not only Protestants and Baptists, but Muslims, Jews, Gypsies and others for centuries. The Inquisitionwas committed by many Catholics. The Bartholomew Massarce killed many Hugenonts. Catholicism before Vatican II readily used Babylonian ceremonies and rituals like the Goddess, confessionals, prayers to priests, transubtantiation, the mitre, the obelisk, and other things. This is proven by Alexander Hislop's book "The Two Babylons." Many Popes centuries ago were adulterers, pedophiles, and sexual deviants.
Piper's main error is denying any great influences of the Jesuits in world history. When you look at the facts, you can see that Piper is wrong on that issue. Ignatius Loyola invented the Jesuits and he was in sympathy with the Spanish Alumbadro (a Spanish Illuminati group in the 1500's. Yes, there were Illuminati groups all over the groups centuries before 1776). Adam Weishaupt invented the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 and he was a Jesuit priest. The highest Jesuits are called the Fourth Vow. Tons of resources and book point to the Vatican/Jesuit involvement in the death of Abraham Lincoln at April 15, 1865. For example, Roman Catholic John Surratt was involved in the assassination of Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth (the assassins) was not only a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, but he was accepted into the Roman Catholic Church by Archbishop Spaulding 3 weeks prior to the assassination according to Eric Jon Phelps. Surratt was acquitted in 1867 and was once enlisted in the Pope’s Zouavre army. The Jesuits honored Surratt a Salem High Requiem Mass. Many books back up my assertions. A new book with even more sources exposing the Jesuit link to Lincoln's assassination is called "The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hi-Jacking of the American Government and the Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln." The author of this book is named C.T. Wilcox. Even the United States withdraw diplomatic relations with the Vatican from 1867-1984. Therefore, it's not the Zionists being involved in Abe's death, despite what Piper says. WWII had Vatican/Jesuit fingerprints all over it. Hitler signed Concordant with Vatican Cardinal Pacelli in 1933 with the help of Knight of Malta Franz von Papen. Hitler was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church at all.
The canon to Munich Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber was Wilhelm August Patin. Patin was a Dominican priest, S.S. officer, and Himmler’s cousin. SS General Baron Frederick von Eberstein admitted on questioning at Nuremberg that Archbishops Michael von Faulhaber and Brunswick were high ranking officers in Himmler’s S.S. Heinrich Himmler’s uncle was a Bavarian Catholic priest. Even Hitler admitted that he and his Nazis modeled themselves after the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit confessor Tacchi Venturi influenced Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini to outlaw Protestantism in Italy, deported Jews to Auschwitz, and gave military aid to Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud in 1932. The Jesuit/Nazi link is further exposed in Edmond Paris' book called "The Secret History of the Jesuits." Jewish people not only suffered from the Holocaust. Jewish people have been oppressed by porgoms and assaults today, especially in Europe.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_anti-Semitism is a link proving it. In fact, According to the 2005 U.S. State Department Report on Global Anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism in Europe has increased significantly in recent years. When you look at Vietnam, it was Vatican-supported dictators that slaughtered the Buddhists and contributed to the drug trade that crippled citizens in America. It wasn't a majority Zionist situation. Even Ngo Dinh Diem and some of his associates were Catholics. Avro Manhattan's book called "Vietnam, Why did we go?" talks about this subject rather conclusively. Master Mason LBJ, Roman Catholic and CFR member William C. Westmoreland, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Francis P. Matthews, many Bonesmen, and of course Cardinal Spellman [The Vietnam War was readily nicknamed "Spelly's War"] were active players in the Vietnam War. That's a historical fact. People talk about the Rothschilds, but the Rothschilds originally never had powerful wealth. The Roman Church controlled most of Europe during the 1700's.
Also, even today, Black Nobility families (plus other powerful bloodlines like the Guelphs, Ghibellines, GROSVENORS,and the Habsburgs ) and the Vatican put together are more wealthier and powerful than the Rothschilds. Even the author Saussy said that the Rothschilds are the Gaurdians of the Vatican treasures denoting subordination. It is even unknown to find out the total wealth of the Vatican. Back in the 1980's, Avro Manhattan wrote that the USA Catholic Church had about $500 million. This was in the 80's, so imagine how much wealth the Vatican has today. Not to mention that Piper omits about the superrich Black Nobility families in Europe that rival and superpass the Rothschilds political influence and monetary wealth. Piper says that the CFR is an extension of the Rothschilds, but this isn't totally true. The CFR was invented from the Round Table Group.
This had very little with the Rothschilds since some Rothschilds solely funded. The mover and shaker of the Round Table Group was Cecil Rhodes, who was a Freemason. Even when you look at the CFR inventors, a lot of them were Freemasons, not Zionist Jews like 33rd degree English Grand Lodge Mason “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Bernard Baruch, and Grand Orient Lodge Mason Paul Warburg plus Jacob Schiff. John Daniel's Scarlet and the Beast book wrote about that. It's interesting to note that in Milner's work called "Confession of Faith", he admitted that Rhodes wanted to:"...Rhodes envisages a group of the ablest and the best, bound together by common unselfish ideals of service to what seems to him the greatest cause in the world. There is no mention of material rewards. This is to be a kind of religious brotherhood like the Jesuits, 'a church for the extension of the British Empire..." The CFR today is not headed by the Rothschilds at all and many Catholics and Knights of Malta are members of the CFR today. In fact, according to Fritz Springmeier, the Pilgrim Society is stronger than the CFR and that isn't headed by Rothschilds at all. Piper doesn't show any evidence that any Rothschild control the CFR or the Pilgrim Society.
Piper tells about the so-called "Zionist" control of the media. I knew Piper would talk about the media. I found the following from various websites and Wikipedia.com. I'm not afraid to confront this issue. I'm going to do it. The truth is that most of the media is run by people in the CFR, Bilderberg Group, heads of corporations, and mostly Gentiles not Jews. Gaylon Ross wrote about the CFR's influence in the media, industry, etc. I will agree that a large portion of Jewish people are in the media. That's a fact that can't be ignored. No sane man denies that. I've looked the media power structure. When you see who owns the media, you will look at 5 big, major comglomerates that control most of the media in America. They are GE, Time Warner, The Walt Disney Company, Viacom, and News Corporation. GE is headed by Jeff Immelt. Gentile Mark Welch once ran GE. Note that he isn't Jewish along with Welch. See one of the biggest (if not the biggest) media company on Earth is AOL/TimeWarner. The head of that isn't a Jew, but Jack Parsons. The head of News Corporation is an Austrailian Billionare by the name of Rupert Murdoch (some say he's half-Jewish because people write that his mother is named Elizabeth Greene). Not only is Rupert Murdoch a Roman Catholic, but a member of the Papal Knight of St. Gregory. Murdoch owns FOX News. Anti-Semites talk about Eisner in the Disney co., but George J. Mitchell is the real Chairman of the Disney company. Sumner Redstone is the Executive Chairman & Founder of Viacom. Redstone is Jewish, but Tom Freston, President & CEO of Viacom isn't. So, by this simple analysis, our of these big media companies on Earth are headed by all Gentiles (with at least 1 Gentile parent) except 1.
Let's go further. The CEO/Chairman of AT&T is Edward Whitacre, Jr., who is a Gentile, not Jewish. Gentile George Randolph Hearst Jr. owns the Hearst Corporation. In fact, Jesuit (he's from Fordham) trained Roman Catholic Victor F. Ganzi, is president and chief executive officer of the Hearst Corporation. The large Bertelsmann AG company is run by Germans. Vivendi is another powerful media company and its CEO and Chairman is Jean-Bernard Lévy, who is Jewish. Gentile
Bob Wright, who serves as vice chairman of General Electric, is Chairman and CEO of NBC Universal. Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Roman Catholic billionare Warren Buffet, and others who are very powerful in the media, yet they aren't Jewish people at all. Gentile Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Gustavo Cisneros is a billionare, media magnate, and a member of the Pilgrim Society. Cisneros is the CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies [very prominent in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands], which has large stakes in companies like Univision, AOL Latin America, DirecTV Latin America, and a score of other media companies. The media readily supports the CFR promoted Roadmap to Peace and the creation of a Palestinian state in a peaceful manner (while abhoring Hamas). Roman Catholic and 1001 Club member Emilio Azcárraga Milmo Jr. is a Mexican media mogul. The media has supported Israel and supported the Palestinians back and forth for decades. That destroys Piper's argument of a Jewish/Zionist control of the media. Also, Piper's opinion that the Vatican has no influence in the media is shown to be a lie. The truth is here.
Piper seems to lack history of Zionism. He says that Zionism spans over a thousand years. Give me a break. The truth is that the Vatican owns most of Europe's wealth during the Middle Age, while the Sabbeatean movement wasn't as potent as the Vatican. That is the smoking gun refuting his expose only Zionism canard. Now, all of the modern Secret Societies are from the Gentile Mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt. So, it's still a Gentile orientated sitution. The Kabbala itself was from Jewish people who were apostates that got it from Babylon and Egypt during their Diaspora. Also, one of his biggest omissions is about the Muslim radical groups in geo-politics. The Nazis readily supported the anti-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood. John Loftus wrote about this fact. Many Muslim radical worked with the Nazis like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini. Many folks like Mark Brewer and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross wrote about this.
Ross wrote in his article "The Peculiar Alliance" that new August Kreis, the new head of Aryan Nations, call al-Qaeda freedom fighters. It's even before now. Many Muslims support the Vatican strongly today. Piper is highly emotional about the JFK assassination, which occured in November 22, 1963. Eric is right that JFK was going against the Vatican's wish. John F. Kennedy supported easing tensions in the Cold War (which Anthony Sutton proved that both sides were funded by Wall Street), send 1000 troops from Vietnam, opposed the Catholic dictator (and Spellman's ally) Diem, and he was trying to destroy the CIA into a thousand pieces. JFK also supported birth control and supported gun rights (he wrote a letter praising the NRA), which the Vatican abhored as well. Many of the folks in the cover up of JFK's death were Knights of Malta and Roman Catholics. One was Cartha DeLoach (Assistant Director, FBI, and FBI liaison to the Warren Commission). DeLoach supported the Warren Commission's results. Lee Iacocca is another Knight of Malta. Iacocca was the Director of the Dearborn Division of Ford Motor Company, who “took care of” the presidential limousine evidence. Piper doesn't go into depth into the Masonic aspects of the JFK assassination as well. Many Masons were in the Warren Commission (like Gerald Ford & Earl Warren). We can't forget that the Jesuits have a connection with Freemasonry also. Michael Collins Piper talks about James Angleton constantly, but he wasn't just a member of a security desk to Israel. Angleton was also a member of the Knights of Malta and part of the Vatican desk. The Central Intelligence Agency is definitely related to the Vatican. Oswald's cousin was Eugene Murret. Eugene was preparing for the Jesuit preisthood at Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL at 1963. Edward Jay Epstein's book called "Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald" on 1978 proves it. I don't deny a Mossad connection to JFK (because JFK opposed Isreal building nuclear weapons), but these are facts that Michael Collins Piper refuses to talk about:
*It was the US that changed the limo route of the car that JFK rode in.
*It was the US that executed the Vietnam War and recieved tons of drugs.
*It was the US (done by IT&T, whom Knight of Malta Francis D. Flanagan was one of the VIPs of IT&T. Martin Lee's article entitled "Where are the Knights of Malta?" admits to this) made telephone calls in Washington D.C. dead at 12:30 pm. in the afternoon.
*It was the US that controlled the Secret Service agents.
*IT was the US that covered up vital information about the JFK assassination (many of the men who promoted the status quo in the assassination were Knight of Malta William F. Buckley Jr., SMOM and Bonesman Henry Luce, Knight of Malta Cartha DeLoach, and others)
*It was the US that messed up the autopsy.
*It was the US that allowed Oswald to go to Russia and sent him back.
*It was the US that failed to protect the President.
*It was the US through a Bonesman and many high level Freemasons plus others that made up the Warren Commission.
In fact, William Donovan, one of the founders of the CIA recieved the Catholic Lateran Medal. William also recieved the Vatican Order of St. Sylvester award for intelligence work. During the 1980's, Reagan and Pope John Paul II worked together even using the CIA to stop the influence of Communism in Poland. That's historical fact, so Piper don't tell me that the Vatican has no mightly political involvement in world affairs. Time Magazine showing this entitled "HOly Alliance." Reagan supported the Vatican, was a honorary 33rd degree Freemason, and he gave the Vatican diplomatic relations in January 10, 1984. The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Grand Rapids homepage admitted that some of the degrees of the Scottish Rite was formed in 1754 at the College of the Jesuits of Clermont. The site also admitted that Chevalier de Bonneville established the Chapter of Clermont. Many writers have talked about the Masonic link to 11/22/1963 like Kennedy being shot near a Masonic Temple, Dealay Plaza looking like a pyramid, and Dealey being named after a real Freemason. The late great patriot William Cooper wrote about this. It's obvious that Freemasonry isn't controlled by Israel. The strongest Lodges are in the United Kingdom. Freemasonry existed before modern Zionism came about in the 1800's. Now, I read Piper's book called "Final Judgment." Some of the information is good and the rest of it is borderline anti-Semitism. He tried to sympathize not only with booze selling racist Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy, but traitor Jesuit trained Bill Clinton. In truth, Clinton sold China high tech American devices, he allowed the feds to kill those in Waco (in April 19, 1993), he lied under oath, and some believe that he had connections with the cocaine trade in Mena, Arkansas. He's a traitor. Not to mentioned that William Jefferson Clinton was trained in Jesuit Georgetown University and talked with Jesuit Otto Hentz.
I guess he's saying that, because Piper is a leftist. Also, he used a shill tactic by questioning Eric by saying you use "Zionist sources." When I look at his book, he admits using pro-Israel sources in "Final Judgment." Piper in the book even gives some praise to Barry Chamish, a supporter of the existence of Israel. Can you say a H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. He's a hypocrite. Piper also talks about Lobbies. I don't agree with any dual loyalty or corruption in any lobby whether the ACLU, AIPAC, or whatever. The truth though is that many more lobbies exist not just AIPAC or "Zionist" related lobbies. According to the Center for Public Integrity investigation (an article written by M. Asif Ismail), the pharmaceutical and health products industry is Washington's biggest spending lobby. Now, AIPAC is under investigation, so AIPAC's power isn't reaching more heights. Israel was formed by European and American interests, not by Jewish people alone. Also, the headquarters of most Secret societies and big corporations aren't in Israel, but in Europe & America. He also talked about the Mob.
The Mob was invented in the 1800's not by Zionists, but Roman Catholic Silicians. Piper is right that Meyer Lanksy is a powerful figure in the Mafia. He's omitted that Luciano and others were powerful figures as well and most Mafia chieftians were Italians not Jewish at all. There are many other Mafia members of different ethnic groups. In fact, David G. Guyatt wrote an article called "The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican's Intelligence Apparatus" proving the Vatican connection with the CIA and the Mafia. In fact during WWII, the Vatican used its Ratlines to send Nazi war criminals into America and other places. Also, the OSS (which evolved into the CIA) created Operation Underworld to fight against the Axis using the Mafia man Luciano. The Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Malta are Secret Orders as well. Rick Sanctorum, Patrick Buchannan are in the SMOM headed by Bertie, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth (head of the Order of the Garter and head of the Order of St. John).
Again, Other Elitists groups are Le Cerle, 1001 Club, the Pilgrim Society, etc. are very prominent and powerful, but very few people know about them. I assure you that the Pilgrim Society isn't run the by Rothschilds and Piper can't make one link to the 1001 Club, Le Cerle, and the Pilgrim Society to the Rothschilds 100%. Many members of the Pilgrim Society include Lord Acton, Queen Elizabeth (a Windsor and a major stockholder in Rio Tinto and other large corporations), Prince Philip (a Freemason, the Duke of Edinburgh, a Knight of the Order of the Garter, a Knight of the Order of the Thistle, Grand Master and First or Principal Knight of the Order of the British Empire, and was a prince of Greece and Denmark until he married. Patron or President of 814 organizations according to Joël van der Reijden),
So, that ruins his Rothschilds rule the world opinion. I'm not even discussing other occult organizations that have little to nothing to do with Zionism like Skulls and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the OTO, the Rosicrucians, and others. To say that the Vatican/Jesuits have little power is laughable when you look at the facts. At the death of John Paul II, tons of world leaders were in his funeral. The Catholic Church has over 1.1 billion members, while there are under 20 million Jewish people worldwide. Also, the Catholic Church own and has stock in many corporations not to mention that the Vatican's total wealth is unknown. The Vatican owns tons of priceless artifacts and documents in its headquarters that many people don't have access to. The Vatican is increasing in the Third World, while decreasing in the West, because the West isn't having massive growth in spirituality or population. A lot of people in the West don't care about religion. Also, the Roman Catholic Church is at the forefront of the ecumencial movement.
They've invented it from Vatican II. Many preachers like 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller and Billy Graham support the Vatican and ecumencialism. That's a historical fact outlined in Dr. Cathy Burns' book called "Billy Graham and Friends." Piper says that his friend Ted Pike (who believes in the all Askhenazi Jewish people not being real Hebrews lie. The truth is that Askhenazi tribes were in the Rhine valley in the 200's A.D. before the Khazars came into Europe) believes that Jerusalem is Babylon. That is a lie since the book of Revelation says that Babylon has 7 hills and Jerusalem doesn't have 7 main hills at all. Jerusalem is called spiritual "Sodom" in the book of Revelation for its corruption in the reign of the Antichrist. The only city that I know off that was created at 7 main hills (or mountain) is the city of Rome. Mystery Babylon by the early church was always a code name for Rome, because of the persecutions of early Christians by Roman emperors.
Also, Israel does have a right to be nation for the reason of a permanent presence in the land for over 2,000 years (Hebrews lived in Israel during the time of the Romans, Byznatinum, early Islamic Empire, the Ottomans, and during the British reign) and the British Mandate supporting a homeland. Arabic people worked with the Jewish people in Israel, North Africa, and Spain peacefully during the Middle Ages. During that time, many Arabic people developed calligraphy, improved upon mathematics, and other spheres of cultural development. What more evidence can I prove of not only a permanent Jewish presence, but a peaceful co-existence between Jews and Arab? Well, in 638 A.D., caliph Omar was welcomed by Jewish people. In 1187 A.D.., Jews actively participated with Salah-ud-Din Al'Ayyub (Saladin) against the Crusaders in the conquest of Jerusalem. Caliph Salahuddin al-Ayyub (Saladin), knew the Jews and kindly invited them to settle in Jerusalem. Also, the Sephardic Jewish community in Spain and the Arabic community worked together greatly in the Middle Ages as well. 1.1 million Jewish people were murdered by Titus and the Romans, but all of the Hebrews still weren't destroyed. Even the term "Palestine" was created by the Romans to get rid of any Jewish historical reference. It was supported by the bigot Hadrian. Obviously, I don't agree with Islam. http://www.imninalu.net/myths-pals.htm is a link proving my views further.
I support Israel's right to exist, but I don't support the evil acts of the Mossad (i.e. spying, terror, etc.) neither evil done by the government of Israel. I also don't support no persecution of Arabic people. I also oppose the Muslim persecution of Christians in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other locations globally. I realize that most Muslims aren't involved in terrorism, but I do disagree with Islam.Piper's opinion that the Knights of Malta don't have too much is a lie when you look at the evidence. The Knights of Malta came from the Middle Ages, not from the Zionists at all. The Knights of Malta are the enforces of Vatican Policy who are under the Pope's authority. Look at history: Knight of Malta (or SMOM) J. Peter Grace was key figure in Operation Paperclip, SMOM Rick Santorum is a well known Pennsylvanian US Senator, and SMOM Alexander Haig, Jr. worked for the Nixon White House and has connections with the COSCO company. Frank C. Carlucci (also a CFR member) heads the Carlyle Group and is a member of the Knights of Malta.
The Carlyle Group have many links with Saudi royal billionares. The head of Dominos Pizza is Thomas S. Monaghan, who is a Knight of Malta. I just found out that Lord Guthrie is not only a Knight of Malta, but a director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons today (mentioned in the site of http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/index.html). He supported the Iraq War.Other Jesuits facts the Michael Collins Piper and WINGTV omits is that Joseph Stalin was Jesuit-trained, as was his friend Catholic Cardinal Agagianian, at the Jesuit Seminary in Tiflis, [Soviet] Georgia. Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was advised by Jesuit priest Armando Llorente. Many Jesuits control a lot of university training some of the most influential people in power like Geoge J. Tenet, Martin Sheen, and others. It's hilarious that Piper criticized Phelps for sources, but Piper's book used sources from biased individuals who harbor hatred for Israel. Also, it doesn't matter if the source is biased. It matters if the source is accurate. I use sources from people that I don't agree, but you have to use if it's accurate. He doesn't even talk about Opus or the power of the Knights of Columbus.
The Vatican being not popular in the media is a lame argument by WINGTV and Michael Collins Piper. The truth is that media praises John Paul II in specials on CNN and FOX news. They praised Benedict XVI being the new Pope. Benedict is quoted as wanting a new world order. Right now, there is little explosure of the pedophile priest scandal except in certain times. Rudy Guiliani recieved a honorary degree from the Jesuit Loyola University in Maryland. Also, the Vatican is readily powerful in many groups promoting its agenda in the media. I've list many Vatican kingpins in the media as well. Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger are imtimidately involved in today's world and they are all Roman Catholics. I do my homework.
To those in DavidIckeforum:
2tuff, I look at your comments from Davidickeforum. I witness one person who calls himself "stormholloway" (who denies the Jesuit link to world events) saying what about the time before 1500. I heard the same comments from a person in Davidickeforum called "TruSouljah." stormholloway, it isn't foolishness. It's just your distortion in citing no historical evidence to rebut us. Also, stormholloway, no one denies that historical events existed before 1500 as well. The truth is that world power isn't necessarily stationary in one location or disposition permanetly. Just because Babylon and Egypt were the ancient world powers, doesn't mean it will stay that way. The truth is that through thousands of years, empires change and shift and it just shift into the Vatican during the early Middle Ages. Frankily, it was the Roman Catholic Knights Templars that were the world's international bankers of Europe. Many of them were murdered and went into Scotland and other locations by the 1300's. It was the Roman Catholic Knight Hospitallers who are the origin of the modern Knights of Malta and Knights of the St. John of Jerusalem. It was the Roman Catholic stonemasons that lead to the invention of modern Freemasonry in 1717.
It was Roman Catholics in Europe who left Roman Catholicism to influence modern Rosicuricanism. Even the real Priory de Sion were were originally Catholic monks in 1100 according to Mary Ann Collins (an ex-Catholic). The mythical Priory de Sion is the one protrayed in Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" book (the book claimed that Leonardo Da Vinci and Newton were members, which is false. Watch unto Prayer ministries accepts Dan Brown's view the Newton was a Priory de Sion). Plantard admitted that he made up the 20th century Priory de Sion. I've noticed that Dan Brown doesn't talk about the real history of Freemasonry, yet alone the real facts behind the Jesuit invention of the Bavarian Illuminati in May 1, 1776 (Bavaria is a stronghold of Jesuit influence and proof is the Jesuit-run Ingolstadt University).
I wanted to mention this also because I'm fully aware of the comments of some people in the Davidickeforum. Note that this simple response destroyed Piper's views. Piper and WINGTV, I guess it's a new era for me. You have to bring it now. Don't say that biased source crap since all researchers used sources that we don't agree with 100% all of the time. I tear Piper apart in a debate and mention all of these points. Eric is a meek man. I also talk with a deep voice. The lies and half-truths are finally exposed. Forget the Passion of Christ with its porn queen as actresses, with its unscriptural scenes, and with its deception unto many Christians. The Jesuit priest Fulco was involved in translating the script of the Passion into many languages like Hebrew and Aramaic. Fulco later translated the script back into English subtitles. Forget all of the fake religious nonesense. I embrace real religion not the book "Christkillers." The logo of Icon Publications has an All Seeing Eye of Horus, which is the pagan sun god of the Egyptian Mysteries. WINGTV man, did you think that me, 2tuff, Alexandra, Daryl Eberhart, moosedog, Mark Brewer, norvousordo, and othe crew were going to play dead. We're not playing dead. Piper didn't even talk about the Vatican connection to the illegal immigration issue. The media mostly is supporting illegal immigration and this refutes Piper's lie that the media is 100% hostile to the Vatican's agenda. The Catholic Church in the Southwest are mostly in support of illegal immigration at LA, San Diego, etc.
Times don't get me down. I have faith and hope that in the end, everything will be a OK. From time to time, I need a recharge. This is normal for all human beings need sufficient rest to prepare for continuing our lives. There is no need to be too elaborate about the massive errors in the so-called "war on terror." It was the West that funded the dictatorships of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban. In 2003, America invaded the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq. Collin Powell should of shown more accucary at February 5, 2003. The reason is during that date, he claimed that Ansar al-Islam (by satellite photographs) had a chemical factory in NE Iraq. The truth is that it was just a backery. Powell's dossier was actually an over decade old thesis by a graduate student. The Downing Street memo from the United Kingdom used hyped intelligence to justify a war that wasn't declared by Congress. Donald Rumsfeld kept on saying that Iraq was a direct threat to America. It was part of this "war on terror," which is false. Oil is apart of the NeoCons' agenda, because Halliburton, Bechtel, and others are having contracts to recieve oil profits. Also, oil is one of the tools to increase the power of the military, industrial complex. The Haditha massacre apparently is about marines killing 24 Iraqi civilians for vengeances. I believe a trial must be done to show all of the facts, but it's apparent that the Marines did something wrong. Of course, all people in the military aren't war criminals.
With all of the problems in the world, faith and hope are still fixed in my mind. To expect something that's non-existant now, then to recieve it later is one of the joys of mankind. Presently, one good thing is occuring. That is as a response of this immigration controversy, more blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and other ethnic groups are standing up for our borders. Yet, they are opposing illegal immigration. The image above and below proves that point. Jerome R. Corsi wrote about the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) plan of creating a North American Union by 2010, which is even worse than NAFTA. The 2005 CFR showing it is entitled "Building a North American Community." According to Jerome, the plan wants to merge the economic and political structures between Mexico, the United States, and Canada. This is against all of the nations' national sovereignity. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta wrote that there are almost 1 million sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants from from January 1999 through April 2006.
These words are not the final words that I will type. These words are not the final words that I may say. Although, from day to day, I will pursue the truth and make it manifest in speech and writing. As for me, I'm exposing all evil and deceptive groups like the Jesuits, British royals, CFR, ADL, evil Masonic Jewish Zionists, evil Muslim extremists, Trilaterial Commission, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Le Cerle, etc. Negative things about life will never cause my soul and spirit to sink into self pity and a lower disposition. They give me pure inspiration to learn more. It also force me to expose the common perils facing us like the evils of depleted uranium plus the mixing of human and animal embryos (in hybrids). Let's fight for truth!!!!!!!! I will fight against the New World Order.
Dedicated to My Friends, Family, Allies, the Unborn Slaughtered by Abortion, the Children yet to be born, and Robert Howard (who in my opinion created the best conspiracy fact based website of all time called
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
June 1, 2006