Friday, June 16, 2006


Summer is coming soon. The temperature is getting warmer, while my struggle to find the real truth in the world hasn't cooled off. Many people even in the alternative media want bigotry, while I won't follow that route. I'm going to expose evil in every nation and not limit myself to expose evil solely in one nation. This is a new time for me. Now, all of us must step our information up and present more accurate truth. We must expose all evils, not just from a certain group. That is what I've been doing for years. Information keeps on flowing. Bird flu is still spreading in Romania and other places. People don't mention that Bilderberg members are promoting the Tamiflu drug to "fight" against the bird flu. Technology is progressing as well. Raw Story on June 14, 2006 talked about Google is trying to make a new "secret weapon" supercomputer. They hope to track billions of communications throughout the information superhighway. The article from Raw Story describes the computer as big as as big as two football fields.

Now, there is this Toronto "terror" situation. This was about in early June 2006, 17 alleged terror suspects was arrested frinside of Toronto, Canada. The media went into a frenzy calling these men as threatening to blow up many government locations in Toronto. The the media said that they wanted to attack the Library Tower in LA plus other places. Authorities claimed that captured ammonium nitrate proves that these 17 men are guilty, but the chemical weapons the media claimed that they possessed don't exist. In fact, according to The Globe and Mail on 6/3/06 [included in the link of], "...Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) attempted to sell them three tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer [3] and arrested them...." Afterwards, CSIS (or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) want more fundings. Racial tensions are rising in Canada with Mosques being attacked. Also, Armed tactical units of the police are patrol Toronto streets like police in NYC with AK-47s. What's wierder about this controversy is that the CBC News reported that alleged ringleader of the cell, Steven Vikash Chand, was a former Canadian soldier. This distracts from the real issues including the Bilderberg Group meeting held in Ottowa, Canada. Some good news is that more and more Canadians are standing up for liberty. Also, Steven Harper is a member of the Bilderberg Group and isn't really for gun rights. ROBERT BENZIE from the Toronto Star on June 12, 2006 talked about how Ontario wants to build more nuclear power plants.

I guess China is committing more activities in the world stage. IOL on June 12, 2006 discussed how China is using arms deals across many nations. China is selling weapons to to Sudan, Nepal and Burma. Many groups like an Amnesty International report said that this is causing more tensions among those 3 nations. The Amnesty International report said a UN investigation in August 2005 that China sent 200 trucks into Sudan. This is where the Darfur region is located where violence is occuring. China has also doing it in Burma and other locations. China's government aren't our allies since they promote forced abortion, population control, death vans, and other dehumanization tactics unto its own people. Patriotic Chinese people fighting for improvements in China are our real allies in this situation. The following is one of the best works that I've created indeed.

A Wide Variety of 21st Century Issues

Let's be real. Many people know the truth and the awareness is growing. I'm going to show what's real here. The media in America is mostly run by 5 big media conglomerates (which are GE, Time Warner, The Walt Disney Company, Viacom, and News Corporation). This consolidation is one of the reasons why the mainstream media are prevented from showing real issues to the masses. I guess those in power control what information gets out to the people. This really isn't being pro-Freedom of Speech that is mentioned in the First Amendment. Both Republicans and Democrats are funded by the same think tanks like Rockefellers, the Heritage foundation, Carengie, the Ford Foundation, and others. They are virtually identical in its leadership, except on some social issues. Just look at the 2004 election when both men were members of the elite Secret Society of the Skulls & Bones. Many Bonesmen are in the Bush administration. Each party (especially the Republicans) have been in league with big government and multinational corporations. Halliburton and Becthel have made great oil profits under the Republican administration. Nortel, Quest, Global Crossing, and other corporations have relationships with each other and are continuing in this globalization agenda (The Here in Reality Website) discussed this eloborately in a diagram).

Many Democrats like John Kerry and Howard Dean claim to be on the cutting edge, but many prominent Democrats agreed with the pro-police state measures that the Republicans passed like the National ID Act (which will take effect in 2008), the Patriot Act, Bush's amensty open borders agenda, and the support of the Iraq War. What's worse is that some have called for a Global ID card. ED JOHNSON of the Associated Press on Jan 14, 2005 mentioned that ex-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge want an new international standard in biometrics. One Democrat who is sincere but is wrong on some issues is Prince Hall Freemason Charles Rangel. Rangel wants to have a mandatory service draft for those 18-42. That isn't freedom, but involuntary servitude. Many Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans in causing massive crises in this country. Some Republicans and Democrats though are sincere and are trying to make a difference like Ron Paul.

William Jefferson Clinton did things that were against the Constitution as well. He allowed the feds to kill innocent people in Waco, Texas. Today, George W. Bush passed laws that accelerated the bashing of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The Patriot Act wasn't even read by all of the members of Congress. We have this "war on terror" now when the White House planned to invade Afghanistan and Iraq before the events of September 11th, 2001. One easy fact proving this is the folks in the Project for a New American Century Think Tank (or PNAC, which was made up of mostly Council on Foreign Relations members) who wanted wars if necessary in the Middle East. Famous PNAC members include Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld. It blatantly calls for a "new Pearl Harbor" event to get their war for empire agenda going forward.

Big Brother is galore in the world. It's a proven fact now that the NSA wiretapes phone calls, internet, emails, etc. without a warrant globally. DARPA is big Big Brother arm and it stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA has eight program offices, all of which report to DARPA director Dr. Anthony J. Tether. It isn't suprising of Big Brother going all of the place, because the DARPA program help invent the Internet that we see today. The NSA now runs the TIA/Matrix program with a DNA database. There are GPS systems in our cell phones and calls, but the government says this is for protecting us and for "fighting terrorism." Digital Angel in 2006 is one of the leaders of providing bicohips for not only humans, but animals like dogs. The BBC on June 8, 2006 talked about how the UK DNA database is shared overseas. In fact, other nations have made 519 requests for details from the database since 2004. Even US Air Force Documents in this link of describing how the military wants microchips and believes that the public could accept microchips by 2025.

The new technology and Big Brother system have progressed grealty even in the span of 6 years. A new net centric military computer exists now. This new system is called the Global Information Grid or GIG. It's even more powerful than Digital Angel. It makes Digital Angel look like a Sega 8-Bit. It's mainly a military system, but it's 100% integrated with Homeland Security. The NSA Website has information on how GIG is operating and managing information for the Department of Defense (DoD). This is normal for many government infrastructed have converged and this is a concentration of power that Patriots have opposed for centuries. Also, It's the merging of Military and the Government, which is one sign of a dictatorship. The National Initiative is in nanotechnology (or building objects at the size of atoms in a molecular scale). The possibility of self assembling machines and synthetic biological creations can be a reality. The media isn't talking about it or the government documents describing it. NBIC (or the nanoscience, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science) relates to the nanoscience agenda. The Total Information Awareness system was another Pentagon Big Brother program that Congress killed according to Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU's Technology and Liberty Program. The Matrix was another evil Big Brother program that was dismalted.

NASA and DARPA are trying to make real strong AI. The seach engine Google converged with NASA on Sept. 28th, 2005 for bio info nano convergence and massively distruuted computing. This was reported by the BBC (from Thursday on September 29, 2005 at 29 05:33 GMT) with the article entitled "Google and Nasa in space venture." Bush even said in his 2006 State of the Union speech that "This funding will support the work of America's most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing." NASA says that their powerful supercomputers will be online in 2010 (reported by Dawn S. Onley of the GCN Staff). DARPA says that their 20+ super computing/congitive computer AI programs will be online by 2012.,10801,104911,00.html is a link conforming this information. It seems like the federal government wants to be omnipotent, omipresent, and Ominiscient. In reality, God is only those things not man or Satan. That's why Satan and sinful man want to use these technologies not only to control man, but to in a sick way to mock and battle against God. Transhumanism is the belief that man must be made better. Jodie Sinnema from CanWest News Service from Edmonton Journal on June 11, 2006 talked about how some in Alberta are promoting mircrochips on humans. The articles shows the physcians across the country want biochips in their body. Some of the pro-biochip crowd want a collective society or a hive mind. The real agenda behind of this biochip agenda is about controlling people, even sacrificing some people's privacy and freedoms, to achieve globalization and a Big Brother society.

"Singularity" is what the transhumanists plus futurists call their possible Artifical intelligence on Earth. Singularity is even talked about in Is this similar to the characterestics of the Antichrist? Seems so to me. This is similar to the "Terminator" movie scenario where human life is debased for the sake of the embrace of new technologies. Many of these concepts are in the New Agers' and Transhumanists' occult esoteric religious beliefs. Many of the New Agers want Eden II, heaven on Earth, etc. They want a "Transformation of consicousness." The New Agers believe that man must evolve into a higher being to reach divinity. This is just a fraction of the information. There are federal ITS (or intelligent transportation programs). Peter Bowes from the BBC on June 7, 2006 wrote how Los Angeles now is showing Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This is done by the LAPD to pinpoint victims and try to stop crime. AI or artifical intelligence can done by using silicon, biological (humanized rat brain neurons, and nano processors. They want a beast brain. Neural implants is about a holographic mental imagery making a false reality offering drug like experiences.

I though Bush went too far already with him promoting NAFTA and the American Union. As many of us comprehend, NAFTA didn't radical help Mexico's economy. It put it into worser straits being one of the reasons why illegal immigration is such a problem for Americans. Now, Jerome R. Corsi from Human Events on June 14, 2006 wrote about how Bush is secretly planning a NAFTA Super Highway. Corsi writes that Bush wants to create a highway that is 4 football fields wide and from from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minnesota. Corsi. According to Jerome, Bush wants this, so trucks from Mexico sending cheap Far East foods can be more effectively transponded across the borders. They want to constructe this new NAFTA Superhighway during next year. This is so strange that you can't make this up. It's unbelievable and wierd at the same time. It's one more proposed system that against our civil liberties and national sovereignity.

Abortion is still evil and wrong. Abortion is the dehumanization of the unborn. Abortion is a deceptive tactic of depopulation. Abortion is a murderous act done by cowardly doctors. Abortion is one of the most important issues of all human history. Abortion is condemned by people from all ideologies. I will say this until the day I die. I will not back down when babies are their heads and body parts torn into pieces. Abortion is illegal for its murders without due process of law. No where in the Constitution supports this. One of the founders of the modern abortion movement Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood), went into a KKK rally in 1926 at New Jersey and said pro-eugenics quotes. Sanger wrote in his Pivot of Civilization on Chap 4 that "Eugenics seems to me to be valuable in its critical and diagnostic aspects, in emphasizing the danger of irresponsible and uncontrolled fertility of the 'unfit'...establishing a progressive unbalance in human society and lowering the birth-rate among the 'fit." The Pro-choice crowd can never defeat the truth whether it be from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, or Hillary Clinton.

Steven Ertelt (a Editor) wrote on June 14, 2006 that "... British MP (Laurence Robertson) says he's concerned that the National Health Service, the government's taxpayer funded health care program, spent more than £39 million illegally performing abortions.." The Houston Chronicle reported on people wanting designer babies of a certain sex, which is part of eugenics. This is going on today. Doctors called this "preimplantation genetic diagnosis." The sickening acts of scientists is beyond humans. James Randerson from the London Guardian on June 15, 2006 wrote about how scientists created a new species of a South American butterfly called Heliconius.

Torture is evil and it's still going on worldwide. It's about harming a human being for no legitimate reason. Torture has occured by the American government (not all American people) for centuries. In Abu Ghraib, there was real torture with assault, using object to sodomize people, rape, electric devices, and other evil tactics. Credible researchers agree that torture will never bring accurate information, because people will tell you anything to just escape the punishment. There has been controversy about whether torture exists in Guantanamo Bay. Bill O'Reilly been there and claims that none exist. This is the same guy who wants those in Gitmo to be executed, yet he says that he's against the death penalty. He's a faux conservative and not a real freedom fighter by showing spin and refusing to discuss real issues about 9/11, the new world order (said by many world figures I might add), and the Neo-conservative agenda. The truth is that torture has occured in Iraq and Camp X-Ray. The London Mirror on March 12, 2004 described JAMAL al-Harith's abuse. He said he was kicked and punched by military officials. A PBS documentary showed General Rick Baccus quitting Guantamano Bay (on October 2002, which was reported by the United Press International on October 19, 2005) over him refusing to torture people. The BBC on June 11, 2006 talked about how people committed suicide in Guamtanamo Bay. John Yoo, which is a White House official, talked about how he endorsed torturing little children. I tear Bill O'Reilly apart in a debate about torture and Iraq.

The 9/11 Truth Movement Info

The bad news is still the majority of Americans aren't waking up about the events on 9/11. The good news is that more people across America and the world are waking up and opposing the offical story. I see it all of the time and even some in the mainstream media have talked about it. The September 11th attacks is one of the most terrible events in our generation and century. There was a 9/11 Conference in Chicago. People executed their First Amendment rights and protested in Downtown Chicago. Speakers came and spoke at the Convention Center. We have more and more information about what occured. There is a Bush/Bin Laden connection spanning for many decades. Bin Laden's cousin Sheikh Salim in 1979 was business partner of George W. Bush in the Bush family's Arbusto Oil Company."The Bush-bin Laden Connection" is an article written BY ANDREW WHEAT from the Texas Observer (in 11/9/2001) which proved the Arbusto Oil company reality. W199I is a document that Bush allowed to prevent the FBI to investigated suspected terrorism. Many of the hijackers were trained in government military bases. By Michael Isikoff from NEWSWEEK (on the week of September 16th) wrote an article entitled “The Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers” telling how an FBI informat lived with the hijackers. In fact, Lt. Colonel Steve Bulter said that he was force to train Mohammed Atta at the Defense Language School in the 1900's (inside Monterey, California). The government were warned plenty of times of a terrorist attacks against America. The connections run so deep that the Judicial Watch have wrote about it. During 9/11, various wargames were done by the Air Force. This prevented NORAD to have the Standard Operating Procedure to response to the 4 aircraft whose transponders weren't working. This is strange because Maj. Douglas Martin said that NORAD had at least 67 scrambles from September 2000 to June 2001. NORAD stood down.

Building Number Seven is one of the smoking guns of the events. No plane hit it, yet it fell in a symmetrical fashion. No object hit Building #7 and its fires were small in tiny windows. It was the farthest building from the complex. Fires began to come only at 3:00 pm. Photographic evidence prove demolition since the central interior collapsed first before all other perimeter sides collapsed. That made a lower radius of the debris to fall. It was 47 stories tall and Larry Silverstein, the owner of Building Number 7, said he "pulled" the building. To Pull it is a common engineering phrase to destroy skyscrapers. The Building housed Major Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management. Plus, Building 7 had CIA offices, a FEMA location, etc. Larry Silverstein had a record insurance policy and received $3 billion after 9/11. Therefore, Larry Silverstein is one person involved in the cover-up of 9/11. There is still the issue of Flight 93. Witnesses said that they seen a vertical fall of Flight 93, which is one sign of a shoot down of aircraft.

The dam of conformity to the offical story of 9/11 is over. More people than ever are learning the truth about 9/11. It's our responsibility now to go out and protest, help people, and do our part to improve the conditions of our nations. We must believe in God for this isn't just a political battle. It's a spiritual battle between good and evil. The criminals who did terroristic acts seem not to be 100% sucessful in covering up their crimes. The reason is that time and time again, the truth always prevails. People aren't as stupid as the global elite think they are. That's why I know tons of ordinary people (some in my area) who realize that the offical story of 9/11 is a complete lie. 9/11 was an inside job.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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