Monday, September 11, 2006

911 Truth Five Years Later


4-Ton Girders: Blowing in the Wind?

4-ton girders were found as much as 600 feet from the base of the North Tower of the World Trade Center after its collapse. This raises obvious questions. How fast must they have been ejected from the collapsing building to land that far away? What forces were at work to give such massive structures high horizontal velocities? If anything besides gravity was at work, pandora's box is opened up.
> 60 Minutes: White House Officials Changed EPA Reports after 9/11
> Cheney: Govt did "helluva job" since Sept 11
> Bin Laden Trail 'Stone Cold'
> Annals of Liberation: The Noble Fruits of 9/11
> ABC Partisan Wars & 9/11 Myth Maintenance
> 9/11 In Numbers
> 9/11 Truth Events Across The Country
> NIST's World Trade Center FAQ
> 'Hijack-proof' airliner will fly itself out of danger
> 7/7 Mind The Gap
> 9-11 Conspiracy Theorists Gather in N.Y.
> On eve of anniversary, Bush claims secret CIA jails stopped second 9/11
> Don't dismiss 9-11 conspiracies
> Conspiracy theories about 9/11 alive and well in U.S.
> The plot thickens
> The enduring conspiracy factor
> French Newspaper Liberation Covers the 9-11 Truth Movement
> Readers' thoughts on 9-11 'conspiracies'
> The Disbelievers
> VOTE: Do you believe any 9/11 conspiracy theories that indicate the U.S. government was involved?
> 9-11 Truth Alex Jones on the Unanswered Questions
> Full house as leading 9-11 conspiracy theorist has his say

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