Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Notorious worthwile activities can still be achieved. The duites can include telling neighbors the truth or conveying the values of honor plus integrity. Hypocrites claim to proclaim themselves as "tolerant." The truth is that some secular humanists outline themselves as religiously tolerant, but exhort intolerance of conservative Christians. The reasons that cowardly Christians are loved by tons of humanists in society, while conservative Christians are intimidated into shutting up about their religious expression. If you think that I'm lying, check out how Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America, risked jail time for just Bible reading in PA or how Christians were risked of 47 years in prison for peacefully protesting in KS. Some extremists consider simple dissent in a peaceful manner as "hate" and must be prosecuted. As for the Rhode Island Republican primary, Senator Lincoln Chafee defeated mayor Steve Laffey 54%-46%. The election had the highest Republican turnout in Rhode Island history. What do I think about this? I view it as the establishment trying to get their man Chafee into office, while forsaking real conservative principles. DETROIT FREE PRESS from September 13, 2006 reported on a student (Ben Lewandowski) suspended for just wearing a T-Shirt mentioning "Remember 9/11." This was done in Lincoln Park High School. Schools officals claim it is part of their dress code to not have writings on their shirts, yet the ACLU said they will look into it for investigating possible constitutional violations. Even if it was a violation of a school dress code, that code needs to be changed since the shirt wasn't vile. The 911 Truth Movement have grown with a Toronto radio poll having 85% of Canadians believing that 9/11 was an inside job. Tons of NYPD heroes believe that 911 was an inside job as well. People aren't as stupid as some in the mainstream media present folks as. Individuals know.

The protests on ground zero days ago are great, because it shows the 911 Truth Movement isn't going away. In fact, more people are waking up. Even though I don't agree with Hugo Chavez (by him being quoted as wanting a new world order), even he believes that it isn't out of the ordinary to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. I've comptemplated more about the Jesuit connection to Freemasonry (an international organization with power from the courts, police, and all the way to the Congress). John Daniel's "The Grand Design" and Eric Jon Phelps conclusively substantiate this link. Professor Robison wrote of the Jesuits infiltrating British Freemasonry. William O. Peterson wrote that the 25 degrees of the Scottish Rite was created in the College of Jesuits at 1754 and the Gentile King Frederick II (the King of Prussia and the most powerful European Freemason in the late 1700's) protected the Jesuits (with a central role in the Nazi Third Reich) after their 1773 suprression by Pope Clement XIV in 1773. The following is an interesting look at real history that some in the "alternative media" refuse to this day to talk about or write.

Today, the highest levels of the Jesuits work in unison with the highest levels of Freemasonry. This is evident of the Jesuit-trained Freemasons' involvement in the French Revolution (1789-1799). The Masons' by the names of Voltaire (his friend was Poree. Freemason Ben Franklin initiated his Brother Mason Voltaire into the Lodge of Nine Sisters. Voltaire also sent for Jesuit Gaultier in his death bed) and Robspierre (trained by the Jesuits in the college of Louisiana Grand) are famous figures in that murderous Revolution. 33rd Degree Freemason General Douglas MacArthur was a known friend of Jesuit of the Fourth Vow Edmund A. Walsh. They were pictured together in 1948. Many of the high level Freemasons like Earl Warren on the Supreme Court made certain religious expression banned in the public along with passing Roe v. Wade in 1973. Today, the Supreme Court has 5 Roman Catholic (one of whom Samuel Alito is a member of the Knights of Columbus) and CFR members like Ruth Ginsberg. The "war on terror" is even basically contrived. The West created all modern Middle Eastern nations after WWI. The Knights of Malta/Masonic agencies of CIA plus MI6 funded pro-Wahhabi Osama bin Laden to fight in other nations. Pro-neo con PNAC writers (many of them are Council on Foreign Relations folks like Cheney, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, and others) in their literature endorsed invading Iraq to enhance the stategic interest of America. Zbingiew Brzezinki (in his book "The Grand Chessboard") described a goal of using war as a means to control the political policies of Central Asia and the Middle East.

Domestically, we have free speech zones, abortion is still occuring rapidly (while More than 82%of the women interviewed for a Pro-life British magazine regreted their abortions), mandatory biometrics for some citizens, the American Union, population control endorsements (when according to The Population Research Institute, the average population growth of Americans is about 0.9% annually), flouride, aspartame, war problems (like British troops committing terrorist attacks against Iraqi civilians), defense contractors having no bid contracts, and other scourges (evils) persist. Unlike some, I don't blame Skulls and Bonesman George W. Bush (though Bush is accountable for his mistakes) for every problem in America. We must bear much responsibility in not speaking our minds enough in the past to prevent globalization (and the new world order goals endorsed by the CFR-dominated White House plus the Anglo-American political elite). Ed Oswald from BetaNews on September 13, 2006 wrote about how RFID chips are expanding into Walmart stores (about a quarter of Walmart's 3,900-plus stores). Big Brother is growing and growing I guess. The political paridigm is gone, because real conservatives, real libertarians, and real liberals today are agreeing on more and more issues.

Rumors are among us that Hillary Clinton might run for President. Hillary then and now is still a devisive figure inside of the American political world. Her Jesuit-trained Georgetown husband is one famous globalist involved with the Global Iniatative, a darling of the U.N., and is a Rhodes Scholar. AP on September 12 2006 reported on profesor defending BYU Professor Steven Jones' right of free speech. I do believe that free speech has nothing to do with terrorism. That is what the First Amendment gives people the right to do. People have a right to believe that the Twin Towers blew up by explosives if they want to. From Operation Ajax (a coup against the elected leader of Iran in 1953) to the Nero fire incident, governments have either created or exploitated terrorism as an excuse to control citizenry and promote their own agenda.

Jonathan Watts from the London Guardian on September 13, 2006 made known of the Chinese leadership meeting in London. Human rights groups are right to point out the suppression of many human rights inside of China (like forced abortion, population control, and forced displacements out of private property). Severe prison sentences are being forced unto people for minor crimes. For example, Activist Chen Guangcheng, who is blind, was jailed for four years for inciting a crowd to disrupt traffic. On August 15, the outspoken lawyer Gao Zhisheng, a civil rights figurehead, was arrested. Zhisheng was given no charges publiclly and he hasn't been heard from since. AP on September 13, 2006 quoted an Airforce chief saying that testing microwave devices on mobs before on the battle is an OK thing to do. His name is Secretary Michael Wynne. These devices are non-lethal weapns that can disable the nervous system of humans leaving them with possible physical problems. Awakenings are apart of living. I'm awaken even more about history and present realities to assist in my development of my future life.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

kmolhusen said...

crazy stuff! check out my blog.