Friday, September 08, 2006

An End and A Beginning

Afghanistan and India experienced bombings recently. Still, I'm still fortified in maintaining my core views. Wild is one word to describe the occurences of this planet. Fear though doesn't enter into my mind. My only fear is fear of God. I believe that the administration and other folks are using fear to try to manipulate the people to sumbit to their agenda. It's larger than terrorism and wars. It's about societal changes as well. For over 100 years, Secret societies, occultists, socialists, communists, etc. wanted to shift society into a different direction. They wanted to erridicate the concepts of individualism and of Western culture to form a collective society and an one world. Even Gloria Steinem, one of the feminists of the 1960's was funded by the CIA according to Henry Makow (to ruin a lot of the traditional family structure and bash female homemaking, which is just as legitimate as women working). One tactic they use is controlled opposition and propaganda. Fabian (global) Socialist, Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous and the first Director-General of UNESCO. In his 1946 book, UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy wrote that propaganda is needed to get his agenda across. One example is that it doesn't take a genius to know that the leadership of the Democrats and Republicans are run by the same Jesuit/Masonic/CFR/TC/Knight of Malta/Bilberberg Group/Opus Dei/K of C network. It's interesting to note that Ned Lamont was the billionaire Thomas Lamont, chairman of J. P. Morgan. So, you have many of the Elites running things. Antony C. Sutton wrote how Communists and fascists movement were funded by the same people (i.e. the Internationalists in Europe and America). That's why the Cold War was staged. It's a fact that both the KGB and the OSS (which later evolved into the CIA) worked together in WWII. They evidently didn't stop colloborating according to the research of Anthony Sutton.

There are real health problems in America. Frankily, the pharmaceutical companies readily parade us with pill-only medicine. It's catchy, but real alternative medicine are suppressed from the majority of the people. This isn't too suprising since many of the heads of Big Pharma are high level Freemasons ("Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" is phrase used in Masonic ritual and it's also a phrase found in the Jesuit Order) and Knights of Malta. That's why the head of Dominos Pizza is Knight of Malta Thomas Monaghan, the ex-head of Walmart was 33° Freemason Sam Walton, and the head of Hardees is Knight of Malta Carl N. Karcher. Now, real poisons like aspartame, MSG, genetically modified foods, and flouride are in our water and food supplies, yet the government refuse to ban them totally in America. The media is continually showing vidoes of Osama bin Laden and the "hijackers." Well, Osama had CIA ties and even his CIA code name was Tim Osman. Governments funded him and even in the late 1990's, the US & UK funded al-Qaeda cells to attack the Serbs. CFR/Rhodes Scholar member Wesley Clark was one of the head military men involved in that affiar. The Serbs in late 1990's (cluster bombs were used by NATO) were butchered by US/NATO planes similar to the Hitler/Ustashi massacres of the 1940's. In essence, the videos (even if real) are tools to try to intimidate the 911 Truth Movement.

Note that the new September 2006 released Osama video shows Wail Alshehri and Hamza Alghamdi, yet news accounts believe that these men were alive. I'm not shocked by this, because
some of the videos of Osama bin Laden have been proven to be fake or exaggerated. There is a Masonic connection to the pro-Wahhabi Al-Qaeda Network. For example, Osama was taught by Mohammed Qutb (whose brother Sayyid was a follower of the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood). Al-Qaeda have recruited from the Muslim Brotherhood according to the Scarlet and the Beast webpage. The mainstream media refuse to talk about Professor Steven Jones' research in possible thermite explosives used in destroying the Twin Towers, Building Number 7, the wargames created that distracted NORAD from adequately intercepting the aircraft, and other real issues. There is no way "hijackers" (many of whom trained in government military facitilies plus a FBI informat lived with some of the "hijackers") could carry out every aspect of 9/11. The offical story is the biggest conspiracy myth of all time when you think about it. Marcia Kramer from CBS on September 8, 2006 reported on documents proving that the government (of the feds and local government officals) new of the toxic air, but still reopened Manhattan to the public.

I've been thinking about the ADL for a while now. Here's the truth. They were invented by the B'nai B'rith Lodge of Freemasonry. According to the research of the Patriot William Cooper and Anton Chaitkan, the B'nai B'rith Lodge had many members who were pro-Confederate. Simon Wolf was in B'nai B'rith and was arrested for being accused of spying for the Confederacy. Some of the ancestors of B'nai B'rith Lodge founding members were linked to the International Slave trade (according to William Cooper). Now, the B'nai B'rith Lodge (formed in the 1843) is suborndiate under the Scottish Rite Freemasonry (whose famous head in the 1700's was King Frederick of Germany who protected the Jesuits after they were suppressed in 1773) according to Anton Chaitkan. Many of the ADL's policies are legitimate in fighting anti-Semitism. Yet, today Abe Foxman is its leader. To this day, Abe Foxman has demonized unfairly conservative Christians, unfairly linked people as anti-Semites, etc. The B'nai B'rith and ADL denounced anti-Hitler protests by Jewish people until 1939 according to John Covici. This was also found in the book "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin" on Chapter 2."

The ADL is nothing more than a controlled group. It's like there are evil people everywhere. Also, there are evil Muslim oppressing blacks in Sudan (in Darfur it's Muslims killing Muslim. It used to be Muslims killing Christians plus amnist black people) and Maurtania (blacks are forced into slavery into that country by racist Arabic people), so I'm not being a hypocrite here. I have always exposed radical Muslims before. Many strong, patriotic Jewish people have opposed the ADL like Aaron Zelman of JFPO. Since Foxman hates private citizenship of firearms, I guess what does he think about the courageous Jewish people defending themselves with guns against the Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising during World War Two. The ADL has turned into a far left outfit (by never exposing the genocide of abortion, etc.) Even Rabbi Daniel Lapin criticized Foxman.

We don't really have many real heroes today like General Patton and Russian General Vlasov who wanted to end the reign of dictator Stalin (trained by Jesuits at the Orthodox [Byzantine Rite] seminary at Tiflis, Soviet Georgia). Unfortunately, we extremely distractions from the Corporate-run "popular culture" like Rosie O'Donnell on ABC's the View or Paris Hitlon's arrest. Paris Hitlon is from the Hilton hotel family empire. Knight of Malta, W. Barron Hilton, was the owner of the Hotel chain during the 1960's. Paris Hiton is an adherent of the occult-inspired, anti-Torah Kabbala (promoted by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike). Similar to Gnosticism, Kabbala is a belief in rituals and finding codes to seek "perfection." Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor, Demi Moore, Mick Jagger, Jeff Goldblum, Ivana Trump, and Roseanne Barr are followers of the Kabbala. This is one of the keys to many occult organizations or groups from AA, the OTO (Mariano Rampolla {Cardinal Security to State to Pope Leo XIII} and Aliester Crowley were in it), was also OTO like Aleister Crowley.Rosicrucianism, Scientology (they believe that 76 million years ago an evil Creator God formed the Earth as a "prison planet" or MEST {matter, energy, space, and time} L. Ron Hubbard {the founder of Scientology} taught the dehumanizing lie that the human body was just like meat), and all the way to Gnosticism (a belief in hating the Creator God and loving solely the spiritual entities in the Universe).

Freemasonry believes that they worship the "Grand Architect of the Universe" and the light. Yet, Christians are not even allowed to pray in the Lodges. Terrorism being inside jobs is nothing new. Back in the 1950's, the CIA and British Intelligence overthrew the leader of Iran. The Madrid Bombing in 2004 had the plotters having links to Spanish security services (as reported by the London Times on June 21, 2004) and being informats for Spanish intelligence agencies. In the London bombing, the supposed mastermind was an informat for MI5 according to scholar John Loftus. I thought none of this stuff would happen in our generation, but I was wrong. Now, companies are proposing concentration camps from REX 84 to the 1980's to 2006 when $385 million dollar contract has been awared (by the government) to Halliburton to build detention camps as shown by Also, the drugs (Afghanistan is having a record level of opium flowing in that country), oil, and war connection are inescapable.

Giving up is not the way to go. I'm still here. It's the end of the my writings for this week on my blog. It's just the beginning for me to expose and oppose the agenda of one world government and the new world order. I will do that for decades to come. You can do your own research and never trust me 100%. There are real threats to us like NSA warrantless spying, RFID chips, the American Union, staged terrorist attacks, violations of Posse Comitatus, religious liberty threats, private property thefts, neo-conservativism, the United Nations, and the lust for a war against Iran.
There is religious apostates. Many Protestants and Baptists have been infiltrated by the Jesuits and the Freemasons (i.e. thousands of Freemasons are in the Southern Baptist church as well speak). Many of TV Christians like John Hagge, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn (a blatant false prophet) endorse Bush, yet fail to recognize his error-filled policies.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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