Monday, September 18, 2006

Eric on Hollow Earth theory

Dear Brethren and Friends,

I have removed the information relating to the "Hollow Earth Theory." It was not intended that the reader should equate my post with the occult, Nazi/Jesuit, Jesuit New Age, Jesuit Theosophical, "Hollow Earth Theory" recently called to my attention by a few critics and friends. If I have brought you, dear reader, to this conclusion, I truly and humbly apologize.

As per this link, I do believe that the earth has a hollow section within it as Revelation 9:1-10 indicates. The "locusts" to be loosed upon the earth have physical, tangible bodies that can be seen with the naked eye unlike invisible disembodied spirits, known also as "demons." If the previous four Trumpet Judgments involved physical, visible means of destroying life on the earth and in the sea, then the Fifth Trumpet Judgment must employ the same physical, visible means of hurting men for five months---supernatural, visible, physical locusts! Therefore, since two solids cannot occupy the same space at the same time, there must be a physical cavern in the earth, called "the abyss" or "the bottomless pit," that has been housing not only evil, disembodied sprits, but also physical, evil creatures yet to be used by God during the coming Great Tribulation as a means of physical punishment of those men who "have not the seal of God on their foreheads."

Therefore I must presently reject the popularized "Hollow Earth Theory." In further reading the views of its proponents on line, the entrances of "the Hollow Earth" are claimed to be at the North and South poles. This has no foundation in the Word of God whatsoever. Even though the earth is not solid, to physically access its interior is not possible as I presently understand the Bible and verifiable science. Therefore to avoid all and any connection with occult, Nazi/Jesuit, Jesuit Theosophical, Jesuit New Age theories having no basis in Scripture or in true empirical science, I have withdrawn this potientially misleading information. This was not my intent and I repent of "the evil appearance" of this deed.

Again, I apologize and thank those of you for challenging me in bringing this mistake to my attention.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

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